This Jupyter notebook is part of a collection of notebooks in the bachelors module Signals and Systems, Communications Engineering, Universität Rostock. Please direct questions and suggestions to
The phase and group delay characterize the phase and delay properties of an linear time-invariant (LTI) system. Both quantify the frequency dependent delay that is imprinted on a signal when passing through a system. In many applications the delay introduced by a system should be as small as possible or within reasonable limits.
For an LTI system with transfer function $H(e^{j \Omega})$ the phase delay in samples is defined as follows
\begin{equation} t_p(\Omega) = - \frac{\varphi(e^{j \Omega})}{\Omega} \end{equation}where $\varphi(e^{j \Omega}) = \arg \{ H(e^{j \Omega}) \}$ denotes the phase of the transfer function. The phase delay quantifies the delay of a single harmonic exponential signal $e^{j \Omega k}$ with normalized frequency $\Omega$ when passing through the system. The negative sign in the definition of the phase delay results in a positive phase delay $t_p(\Omega) > 0$ when a signal is delayed by a system. Note, the phase delay may not be defined for $\Omega = 0$.
Example - Phase delay of second-order recursive system
The phase delay $t_p(\Omega)$ for the before introduced second-order recursive LTI system with transfer function
\begin{equation} H(z) = \frac{1}{1 - z^{-1} + \frac{1}{2} z^{-2}} \end{equation}is computed. First the transfer function is defined
import sympy as sym
%matplotlib inline
z = sym.symbols('z', complex=True)
W = sym.symbols('Omega', real=True)
H = 1 / (1 - z**(-1) + sym.Rational(1, 2)*z**(-2))
Now the phase delay $t_p(\Omega)$ is computed and plotted for illustration
phi = sym.arg(H.subs(z, sym.exp(sym.I*W)))
tp = -phi/W
sym.plot(tp, (W, -sym.pi, sym.pi), xlabel='$\Omega$', ylabel='$t_p(\Omega)$ in samples')
<sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x116750d68>
The group delay is defined as the derivative of the phase with respect to the normalized frequency
\begin{equation} t_g(\Omega) = - \frac{\mathrm{d} \varphi(e^{j \Omega})}{\mathrm{d} \Omega} \end{equation}given in samples.
The group delay quantifies the delay the amplitude envelope of a group of exponential signals observes when passing through a system. The negative sign in above definition results in a positive group delay for a system imposing a delay onto the input signal. Note that the phase $\varphi(e^{j \Omega})$ is in general only unique for $- \pi < \varphi(e^{j \Omega}) \leq \pi$. If the phase exceeds this range it is wrapped back. For meaningful results it is required to unwrap the phase before computing the group delay.
Example - Phase delay of second-order recursive system
The group delay $t_g(\Omega)$ of above second-order recursive system is computed and plotted
tg = - sym.diff(phi, W)
sym.plot(tg, (W, -sym.pi, sym.pi), xlabel='$\Omega$', ylabel='$t_g(\Omega)$ in samples')
<sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x1167c3e80>
The notebooks are provided as Open Educational Resource. Feel free to use the notebooks for your own educational purposes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, the code of the IPython examples under the MIT license. Please attribute the work as follows: Lecture Notes on Signals and Systems by Sascha Spors.