This notebook attempts to replicate the following paper with the PPMI dataset:
import livingpark_utils
utils = livingpark_utils.LivingParkUtils("agosta-etal")
random_seed = 1
Installing notebook dependencies (see log in install.log)... This notebook was run on 2022-07-21 15:38:37 UTC +0000
required_files = [
"Demographics.csv", # SEX
"Socio-Economics.csv", # EDUCYRS
"PD_Diagnosis_History.csv", # Disease duration
"REM_Sleep_Behavior_Disorder_Questionnaire.csv", # STROKE
Download skipped: No missing files!
# H&Y scores
# TODO: move this to livingpark_utils
import os.path as op
file_path = op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "MDS_UPDRS_Part_III_clean.csv")
if not op.exists(file_path):
!(cd {utils.study_files_dir} && python -m wget " medication and ON-OFF status.ipynb") # use requests to improve portability
npath = op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "PPMI medication and ON-OFF status.ipynb")
%run "{npath}"
print(f"File {file_path} is now available")
# TODO: move this to livingpark_utils
import os.path as op
file_path = op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "MRI_info.csv")
if not op.exists(file_path):
!(cd {utils.study_files_dir} && python -m wget " metadata.ipynb") # use requests to improve portability
npath = op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "MRI metadata.ipynb")
%run "{npath}"
print(f"File {file_path} is now available")
File /home/glatard/code/livingpark/agosta-etal/inputs/study_files/MDS_UPDRS_Part_III_clean.csv is now available File /home/glatard/code/livingpark/agosta-etal/inputs/study_files/MRI_info.csv is now available
We obtain the following group sizes:
# H&Y during OFF time
# Exclusion criteria: Patients were excluded if they had:
# (a) parkin, leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), and glu-
# cocerebrosidase (GBA) gene mutations; OK
# (b) cerebrovascular
# disorders, traumatic brain injury history, or intracranial
# mass; only stroke found in
# (c) other major neurological and medical diseases;
# (d) dementia: OK
# DARTEL: 8-mm full width
# at half maximum (FWHM) Gaussian filter
import pandas as pd
updrs3 = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "MDS_UPDRS_Part_III_clean.csv"))[
# Genetics
genetics = pd.read_csv(
op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "iu_genetic_consensus_20220310.csv")
# Cognitive Categorization
cog_cat = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "Cognitive_Categorization.csv"))[
# Diagnosis
diag = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "Primary_Clinical_Diagnosis.csv"))[
mri = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "MRI_info.csv"))[
["Subject ID", "Visit code", "Description", "Age"]
mri.rename(columns={"Subject ID": "PATNO", "Visit code": "EVENT_ID"}, inplace=True)
# Demographics
demographics = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "Demographics.csv"))[
["PATNO", "SEX"]
# Soci-economics
socio_eco = pd.read_csv(op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "Socio-Economics.csv"))[
# Disease duration
disease_dur = utils.disease_duration()
# MoCA
moca = pd.read_csv(
op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "Montreal_Cognitive_Assessment__MoCA_.csv")
moca["MMSETOT"] = moca["MCATOT"].apply(utils.moca2mmse)
# Stroke
rem = pd.read_csv(
op.join(utils.study_files_dir, "REM_Sleep_Behavior_Disorder_Questionnaire.csv")
Download skipped: No missing files!
# Remove genetics data that should be excluded according to PPMI doc
genetics_clean = genetics[
& (
genetics["NOTES"].str.contains("exclude GBA")
| genetics["NOTES"].str.contains("exclude LRRK2")
# Inclusion / exclusion criteria
subjects = (
(updrs3["PDSTATE"] == "OFF") & (updrs3["NHY"].notna()) & (updrs3["NHY"] != "UR")
] # H&Y score is available and was obtained during OFF time
genetics_clean[ # No pathogenic GBA or LRRK2 variant present (Note: on-going email thread with Madeleine)
(genetics_clean["GBA_PATHVAR"] == 0)
& (genetics_clean["LRRK2_PATHVAR"] == 0)
cog_cat[cog_cat["COGSTATE"] != 3], how="inner", on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"]
) # No dementia
(diag["PRIMDIAG"].isin([1, 17])) & (diag["OTHNEURO"].isna())
], # Primary diagnosis is Idiopathic PD or healthy control
on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"],
.merge(mri, how="inner", on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"])
.merge(demographics, how="left", on="PATNO")
.merge(socio_eco, how="left", on="PATNO")
.merge(disease_dur, how="left", on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"])
.merge(moca, how="left", on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"])
.merge(rem, how="inner", on=["PATNO", "EVENT_ID"])
pds = subjects[
(subjects["PRIMDIAG"] == 1) & (subjects["STROKE"] == 0)
] # Include only idiopathic PD with no history of stroke
controls = subjects[
(subjects["PRIMDIAG"] == 17) & (subjects["NHY"] == "0") & (subjects["STROKE"] == 0)
] # Exclude controls with H&Y > 0 and history of stroke
subjects = pd.concat([pds, controls])
print(f"Number of controls: {len(pd.unique(controls['PATNO']))}")
print(f"Number of PD subjects: {len(pd.unique(pds['PATNO']))}")
print(f"Number of PD subject visits by H&Y score:")
pds.groupby(["NHY"], dropna=False).count()[["PATNO"]]
Number of controls: 46 Number of PD subjects: 125 Number of PD subject visits by H&Y score:
NHY | |
1 | 157 |
2 | 537 |
3 | 34 |
4 | 6 |
Matching sex balance as much as possible.
sample_size = {
0: {"total": 42, "women": 17},
1: {"total": 17, "women": 7},
2: {"total": 46, "women": 15},
3: {"total": 14, "women": 7},
4: {"total": 12, "women": 5},
samples = {}
subjects_ = subjects.copy() # copy subjects DF to leave it intact
for x in sorted(
sample_size, reverse=True
): # sampling patients in descending H&Y score order as there are less patients with high H&Y scores
print(f"Selecting {sample_size[x]} visits of unique patients with H&Y={x}")
# Sample visits with H&Y=x and make sure they belong to different patients
hy = (
subjects_[subjects_["NHY"] == str(x)]
.sample(1, random_state=random_seed)
# Sample subjects in hy
if len(hy) < sample_size[x]["total"]:
f'Warning: found only {len(hy)} visits of unique patients with H&Y={x} while {sample_size[x]["total"]} were required. '
+ "Including them all regardless of sex balance."
samples[x] = hy
# We have enough subjects. Trying to match sex balance
hy_women = hy[hy["SEX"] == 0]
required_women = sample_size[x]["women"]
hy_men = hy[hy["SEX"] == 1]
required_men = sample_size[x]["total"] - required_women
if len(hy_women) < required_women: # We don't have enough women
f"Warning: found only {len(hy_women)} women with H&Y={x} while {required_women} were required: including them all"
# We have enough men since we have enough subjects
required_men += required_women - len(hy_women)
required_women = len(hy_women)
if len(hy_men) < required_men:
# We don't have enough men
f"Warning: found only {len(hy_men)} men with H&Y={x} while {required_men} were required: including them all"
# We have enough women since we have enough subjects
required_women += required_men - len(hy_men)
required_men = len(hy_men)
samples[x] = pd.concat(
hy_women.sample(required_women, random_state=random_seed),
hy_men.sample(required_men, random_state=random_seed),
# Remove sampled patients from subjects_
subjects_ = subjects_[~(subjects_["PATNO"].isin(samples[x]["PATNO"]))]
Selecting {'total': 12, 'women': 5} visits of unique patients with H&Y=4 Warning: found only 2 visits of unique patients with H&Y=4 while 12 were required. Including them all regardless of sex balance. Selecting {'total': 14, 'women': 7} visits of unique patients with H&Y=3 Warning: found only 9 visits of unique patients with H&Y=3 while 14 were required. Including them all regardless of sex balance. Selecting {'total': 46, 'women': 15} visits of unique patients with H&Y=2 Selecting {'total': 17, 'women': 7} visits of unique patients with H&Y=1 Selecting {'total': 42, 'women': 17} visits of unique patients with H&Y=0 Warning: found only 14 women with H&Y=0 while 17 were required: including them all
cohort = pd.concat([samples[x] for x in samples])
def num_stats(column_name, skip_healthy=False):
def round_(x):
if str(x) == "nan":
return float("nan")
return round(x)
a = [
f'{round_(cohort[cohort["NHY"]==str(x)][column_name].mean())} '
+ f'+/- {round_(cohort[cohort["NHY"]==str(x)][column_name].std())} '
+ f'({round_(cohort[cohort["NHY"]==str(x)][column_name].min())}-'
+ f'{round_(cohort[cohort["NHY"]==str(x)][column_name].max())})'
for x in range(5)
if skip_healthy:
a[0] = "—"
return a
cohort_stats = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Healthy controls"] + [f"HY {x}" for x in range(1, 5)]
cohort_stats.loc["Number"] = [len(cohort[cohort["NHY"] == str(x)]) for x in range(5)]
cohort_stats.loc["Women / men "] = [
f'{len(cohort[(cohort["NHY"]==str(x)) & (cohort["SEX"]==0)])} / {len(cohort[(cohort["NHY"]==str(x)) & (cohort["SEX"]==1)])}'
for x in range(5)
cohort_stats.loc["Age (years)"] = num_stats("Age")
cohort_stats.loc["Education (years)"] = num_stats("EDUCYRS")
cohort_stats.loc["Disease duration (years)"] = num_stats("PDXDUR", skip_healthy=True)
cohort_stats.loc["UPDRS III"] = num_stats("NP3TOT", skip_healthy=True)
cohort_stats.loc["MMSE"] = num_stats("MMSETOT")
Healthy controls | HY 1 | HY 2 | HY 3 | HY 4 | |
Number | 42 | 17 | 46 | 9 | 2 |
Women / men | 14 / 28 | 7 / 10 | 15 / 31 | 4 / 5 | 1 / 1 |
Age (years) | 61 +/- 12 (33-83) | 62 +/- 10 (40-79) | 63 +/- 10 (42-78) | 69 +/- 8 (55-80) | 69 +/- 6 (64-73) |
Education (years) | 16 +/- 3 (12-24) | 14 +/- 3 (8-20) | 15 +/- 3 (9-22) | 14 +/- 3 (8-18) | 20 +/- nan (20-20) |
Disease duration (years) | — | 4 +/- 3 (0-10) | 4 +/- 3 (0-10) | 4 +/- 2 (0-7) | 2 +/- 2 (1-4) |
UPDRS III | — | 14 +/- 5 (6-22) | 26 +/- 10 (9-51) | 40 +/- 9 (29-56) | nan +/- nan (nan-nan) |
MMSE | 30 +/- 1 (28-30) | 29 +/- 1 (26-30) | 29 +/- 2 (22-30) | 28 +/- 2 (26-30) | 29 +/- 0 (29-29) |
Structural MRI analysis in the original paper is a straightforward VBM analysis implemented with SPM using the DARTEL toolbox. To replicate it, we mostly followed the excellent tutorial on VBM in SPM available at
Let's first check if the Nifti image files associated with the subjects and visits selected in our cohort are available in cache:
We will now download the missing image files and move them to the data cache:
# utils.download_missing_nifti_files(cohort, link_in_outputs=True)