This page illustrates regularized B0 3D field map estimation
from multi-echo, multi-coil MRI images
using the Julia package
In this case,
we assume we do not have access to coil sensitivity maps.
Instead of using those maps for coil combination,
we will use a phase contrast-based approach.
Packages needed here.
using MRIFieldmaps: b0map, phasecontrast
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt; jim(:prompt, true)
using Random: seed!
using Unitful: s, ms, Hz
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
When estimating B0 field maps from multi-coil data, the images first can be coil-combined in a way that preserves image phase. Ideally, one has access to coil sensitivity maps that can be used for the coil combination. However, coil sensitivity maps are not always available (e.g., for B0 shimming). One way of coil combining the images without coil sensitivity maps is to pretend all the coils are uniformly sensitive across the object (i.e., assume the sensitivity maps are uniformly equal to 1). Alternatively, one can effectively use the multi-coil images themselves to glean information about the coil sensitivies and coil combine the images using a phase contrast-based approach.
We now review the B0 mapping procedure so that we can then understand how the choice of coil combination scheme influences the estimated field map. For the case we are considering, where coil combination is done as a preprocessing step, the regularized, iterative B0 mapping procedure seeks to minimize $$ \Psi(\mathbf{\omega}) = \Phi(\mathbf{\omega}) + \frac{\beta}{2} \|\mathbf{C} \mathbf{\omega}\|_2^2, $$ where $\mathbf{\omega}$ is the field map, $\Phi(\mathbf{\omega})$ computes the data fit term, $\mathbf{C}$ is a finite difference operator to encourage spatial smoothness of the field map, and $\beta$ is a regularization parameter. The data fit term is given by $$ \Phi(\mathbf{\omega}) = \sum_{j = 1}^{N_{\mathrm{v}}} \sum_{m, n = 1}^{N_{\mathrm{e}}} \phi_{mnj}(\omega_j), $$ where $N_{\mathrm{v}}$ is the number of image voxels, $N_{\mathrm{e}}$ is the number of echoes, and $$ \phi_{mnj}(\omega_j) = |r_{mnj}| [1 - \cos(\angle r_{mnj} + \omega_j (t_m - t_n))]. $$ Here, $t_m - t_n$ represents the echo time difference between the $m$th and $n$th echoes, and $$ r_{mnj} = \frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{e}}} z_{mj}^{*} z_{nj}, $$ where $z_{nj}$ is the (coil-combined) image value for echo $n$ at voxel $j$, and $(\cdot)^{*}$ denotes complex conjugate.
We now consider what $z_{nj}$ looks like for the coil combination schemes discussed.
The example that follows shows a simulated experiment where a B0 field map is estimated without knowledge of the coil sensitivies. This example examines B0 maps estimated when using both coil combination approaches and compares them to the case where coil sensitivity information is known. This example also compares the above regularized, iteratively estimated B0 maps to one obtained using a (non-iterative) phase contrast B0 mapping approach.
Create a function for generating Gaussian-shaped, pure-real sensitivity maps.
function sensitivity_map(nx, ny, cx, cy, σ)
s = [exp(-((x - cx)^2 + (y - cy)^2) / σ^2) for x in 1:nx, y in 1:ny]
return complex.(s ./ maximum(s))
Specify the parameters for the sensitivity maps and then generate the maps.
nx = ny = 64
σ = 60
centers = [
(nx ÷ 2, -100),
(nx ÷ 2, 100 + ny + 1),
(-100, ny ÷ 2),
(100 + nx + 1, ny ÷ 2),
smap = cat([sensitivity_map(nx, ny, cx, cy, σ) for (cx, cy) in centers]...; dims = 3)
jim(smap; title = "Sensitivity maps")
Create a disk-shaped object with uniform intensity (M0) throughout.
radius = 25
obj = [(x - nx÷2)^2 + (y - ny÷2)^2 < radius^2 for x in 1:nx, y in 1:ny]
mask = obj .> 0 # Mask indicating object support
jim(obj; title = "Object")
Create a linearly (spatially) varying field map.
ftrue = repeat(range(-50, 50, nx), 1, ny) * Hz
ftrue[nx÷2,ny÷2] = 50Hz # Add Kronecker impulse for visualizing regularization-induced blur
ftrue .*= mask # Mask out background voxels for better visualization
clim = (-60, 60) .* Hz # Use common colorbar limits for all field map plots
jim(ftrue; title = "True field map", clim)
Specify parameters for the simulated multi-echo, multi-coil data.
TE = (4.0ms, 6.3ms)
T2 = 40ms
σ_noise = 0.005; # Noise standard deviation
Make a function for creating the simulated data for a given echo time.
function make_data(TE)
data = @. smap * obj * exp(-TE / T2) * cispi(2TE * ftrue) # Noiseless
@. data += complex(σ_noise * randn(), σ_noise * randn()) # Add complex Gaussian noise
return data
Create the simulated data.
ydata = cat(make_data.(TE)...; dims = 4)
jim(ydata; title = "Simulated data", ncol = 4)
Now that we have the simulated data, we can estimate B0 from the data using the different approaches.
First, create a function for computing the RMSE of the estimated B0 maps and another function for displaying the B0 maps.
frmsd = (f1, f2) -> 1Hz * round(sqrt(sum(abs2, (f1 - f2)[mask]) / count(mask))/1Hz; digits = 1)
frmse = f -> frmsd(f, ftrue)
plotb0 = f -> jim(f; title = "RMSE = $(frmse(f))", clim);
Also specify the strength of the regularization parameter,
as well as the type of preconditioner to use.
(Note that the default preconditioner used by b0map
(precon = :ichol
does not produce good results in this example.)
l2b = -26 # Regularization parameter is β = 2^l2b
precon = :diag;
fcoil = b0map(ydata, TE; smap, l2b, precon)[1] .* mask
funiform = b0map(ydata, TE; smap = ones(eltype(smap), size(smap)), l2b, precon)[1] .* mask
fpc_iterative = b0map(ydata, TE; smap = nothing, l2b, precon)[1] .* mask
fpc = phasecontrast(ydata, TE) .* mask
annotate = (col, row, title; fontsize = 12) -> begin
x = nx ÷ 2 + nx * (col - 1)
y = 4 + ny * (row - 1)
return (x, y, (title, fontsize))
annotation = [
annotate(1, 1, "ftrue"),
annotate(2, 1, "fcoil"),
annotate(3, 1, "funiform"),
annotate(2, 2, "fpc_iterative"),
annotate(3, 2, "fpc"),
fzero = zeros(eltype(ftrue), size(ftrue))
fmaps = [ftrue;;; fcoil;;; funiform;;; fzero;;; fpc_iterative;;; fpc]
jim(fmaps; clim, annotation, ncol = 3)
Display the RMSE of each field map.
"Method" "RMSE";
:fcoil frmse(fcoil);
:funiform frmse(funiform);
:fpc_iterative frmse(fpc_iterative);
:fpc frmse(fpc);
Compute the root mean square difference between the iterative B0 mapping approach that used the phase contrast-based coil combination method and the conventional phase contrast B0 map.
println("RMSD = ", frmsd(fpc_iterative, fpc))
In this example, the iterative B0-mapping method that used the phase contrast-based coil combination method performed just as well (in terms of RMSE) as the approach that used coil-sensitivity information for coil combination. The iterative approach that did coil combination assuming uniform coil sensitivities did slightly worse, and the non-iterative phase contrast approach had the worst RMSE. However, in this example, all the approaches performed fairly well; perhaps a different data set would result in more dramatic differences.
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