A generalist algorithm for cell and nucleus segmentation.
*Cellpose code: Carsen Stringer & Marius Pachitariu*
Github Repo: https://github.com/MouseLand/cellpose
The notebook is for processing 2D images using the Cellpose package on Google Colab using the GPU. It processes images within the folder specified by the user. It will generate a folder called Masks which will contain the label images generated by Cellpose.
The user can fine-tune and preview the parameters on one image before running it on all images within the folder. The user-specified channel will be used on all images for segmentation.
This notebook was inspired by the ZeroCostDL4Mic notebook series. It was also adapted from colab notebook by Matteo Carandini hosted on the Cellpose github page.
I have only tested it on jpg and tiff files. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
v0.2 update:
*Author of this notebook: Pradeep Rajasekhar*
*Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia*
#@markdown ##Step 1: Run this cell to connect your Google Drive to colab
#@markdown * Click on the URL.
#@markdown * Sign in your Google Account.
#@markdown You will either have to:
#@markdown * copy the authorisation code and enter it into box below OR
#@markdown * in the new google colab, you can just click "Allow" and it should connect.
#@markdown * Click on "Folder" icon on the Left, press the refresh button. Your Google Drive folder should now be available here as "gdrive".
# mount user's Google Drive to Google Colab.
from google.colab import drive
The above step allows this colab notebook to access your images from google drive. Now, you need the path of your folder containing the images. On the left of your notebook you will see a file icon:
Click on the icon and it will give you:
Your Google drive is under "gdrive". Click on the triangle icon on left of gdrive and it will be a dropdown view of your whole drive. Navigate to the folder containing your images. Once you are there, click on the three dots on the right of the folder and select "Copy Path"
Copy and paste this path under the Input_Directory location below
#@markdown ##Step 2: Click Play to Install Cellpose
#@markdown * After cellpose installation, the runtime will restart a warning that it has **crashed**, which is fine. This is essential to configure the environment.
#@markdown * On occasion, you may not be able to see the folders on the left panel. Just refresh your browser webpage and it should appear.
#!pip install git+https://www.github.com/mouseland/cellpose.git #to install development version
!pip install cellpose
!pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
#Fix opencv error: ImportError: cannot import name '_registerMatType' from 'cv2.cv2'
!pip install "opencv-python-headless<4.3"
exit(0) #Restart Runtime to use newly installed numpy
#or may get the error: ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject
#@markdown ##Step 3: Click Play to configure Cellpose, dependencies and check GPU access
#@markdown *Models will be downloaded when running for the first time*
#disabled installation and import of mxnet as pytorch is the default neural net
import numpy as np
import time, os, sys, random
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import skimage.io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import shutil
#from tifffile import imread, imsave
print ("Downloading Models")
from cellpose import models,core
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
#Check if colab notebook instance has GPU access
if core.use_gpu()==False:
#Warnings from the ZeroCost StarDist notebook
print(BOLD+UNDERLINE+'You do not have GPU access.'+END)
print('Did you change your runtime ?')
print('If the runtime setting is correct then Google did not allocate a GPU for your session')
print('Expect slow performance. To access GPU try reconnecting later')
print(BOLD+UNDERLINE+"You have access to the GPU."+END+"\nDetails are:")
print("Libraries imported and configured")
#@markdown ###Step 4: Enter Directory path containing the images:
#@markdown ##### Existing Masks directory will be deleted. (Does not read images in subfolders)
Input_Directory = "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/test_imgs" #@param {type:"string"}
input_dir = os.path.join(Input_Directory, "") #adds separator to the end regardless if path has it or not
#@markdown ###Optional: Enter image extension here to read only files/images of specified extension (.tif,.jpg..):
#@markdown ###### Leave empty if not specifying anything
image_format = "tif" #@param {type:"string"}
##@markdown ###Tick if image is RGB:
#RGB= False #@param {type:"boolean"}
save_dir = input_dir+"Masks/"
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
print("Existing Mask Directory found. Deleting it.")
#@markdown ##### Save Directory will be created in the input path under Masks
##@markdown ###Advanced Parameters
#Use_Default_Advanced_Parameters = True #@param {type:"boolean"}
# r=root, d=directories, f = files
for r, d, f in os.walk(input_dir):
for fil in f:
if (image_format):
if fil.endswith(image_format):
files.append(os.path.join(r, fil))
files.append(os.path.join(r, fil))
break #only read the root directory; can change this to include levels
print("Number of images loaded: %d." %(len(files)))
print("Cannot read image files. Check if folder has images")
print("Number of images loaded: %d." %(len(files)))
#@markdown ###Step 5: Read and Load all the images
#@markdown #####A random image will be shown as an example with each channel separated. If it is a single channel image, only the one channel will be shown
#imgs = [imread(f) for f in files]
imgs=[] #store all images
#Read images
for f in files:
n_dim=len(im.shape) #shape of image
dim=im.shape #dimensions of image
channel=min(dim) #channel will be dimension with min value usually
#if no of dim is 3 and channel is first index, swap channel to last index
if n_dim==3 and channel_position==0:
#print("Shape changed")
nimg = len(imgs)
print("No of images loaded are: ", nimg)
print("Example Image:")
random_idx = random.choice(range(len(imgs)))
print(file_name+" has "+str(n_dim)+" dimensions/s")
if n_dim==3:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, channel_image,figsize=(12,5))
print("Image: %s" %(file_name))
for channel in range(channel_image):
axs[channel].set_title('Channel '+str(channel+1),size=5)
elif n_dim==2:
print("One Channel")
print("Channel number invalid or dimensions wrong. Image shape is: "+str(x.shape))
#updated the models
Model_Choice = "Cytoplasm2" #@param ["Cytoplasm","Cytoplasm2", "Cytoplasm2_Omnipose", "Bacteria_Omnipose", "Nuclei"]
print("Using model ",model_choice)
#@markdown If the image has only one channel, leave it as 0
Channel_for_segmentation="0" #@param[0,1,2,3]
# @markdown ###If you choose cytoplasm, tick if you have a nuclear channel
Use_nuclear_channel= False #@param {type:"boolean"}
Nuclear_channel="3" #@param[1,2,3]
# @markdown ###If cells are elongated or have branches, tick this. It will use omnipose
omni= False #@param {type:"boolean"}
#@markdown ### Diameter of cell (pixels):
#@markdown #### Enter 0 if you don't know and cellpose will estimate it automatically. You can define this later as well.
Diameter = 0#@param {type:"number"}
# define CHANNELS to run segementation on
# grayscale=0, R=1, G=2, B=3
# channels = [cytoplasm, nucleus]
# if NUCLEUS channel does not exist, set the second channel to 0
# channels = [0,0]
# IF ALL YOUR IMAGES ARE THE SAME TYPE, you can give a list with 2 elements
# channels = [0,0] # IF YOU HAVE GRAYSCALE
# channels = [2,3] # IF YOU HAVE G=cytoplasm and B=nucleus
# channels = [2,1] # IF YOU HAVE G=cytoplasm and R=nucleus
if model_choice=="Cytoplasm":
elif model_choice=="Cytoplasm2":
elif model_choice=="Cytoplasm2_Omnipose":
elif model_choice=="Bacteria_Omnipose":
diameter = 0
elif model_choice=="Nuclei":
# channels = [cytoplasm, nucleus]
if model_choice not in "Nucleus":
if Use_nuclear_channel:
else: #nucleus
# model_type='cyto' or model_type='nuclei'
model = models.Cellpose(gpu=use_GPU, model_type=model_type, omni = omni)
# define CHANNELS to run segementation on
# grayscale=0, R=1, G=2, B=3
# channels = [cytoplasm, nucleus]
# if NUCLEUS channel does not exist, set the second channel to 0
# channels = [0,0]
# IF ALL YOUR IMAGES ARE THE SAME TYPE, you can give a list with 2 elements
# channels = [0,0] # IF YOU HAVE GRAYSCALE
# channels = [2,3] # IF YOU HAVE G=cytoplasm and B=nucleus
# channels = [2,1] # IF YOU HAVE G=cytoplasm and R=nucleus
# or if you have different types of channels in each image
#channels = [[2,3], [0,0], [0,0]]
# if diameter is set to None, the size of the cells is estimated on a per image basis
# you can set the average cell `diameter` in pixels yourself (recommended)
# diameter can be a list or a single number for all images
if diameter is 0:
diameter = None
print("Diameter is set to None. The size of the cells will be estimated on a per image basis")
The cell below gives you an opportunity to test different parameters and figure out the right combination that gives your output of interest
The *Flow_threshold parameter* is the maximum allowed error of the flows for each mask. The default is 0.4.
Increase this threshold if cellpose is not returning as many masks as you’d expect
Decrease this threshold if cellpose is returning too many ill-shaped masks.
The *Cell Probability Threshold* determines proability that a detected object is a cell. The default is 0.0.
Decrease this threshold if cellpose is not returning as many masks as you’d expect or if masks are too small
Increase this threshold if cellpose is returning too many masks esp from dull/dim areas.
If you do not know diameter of the cells OR if cells are of varying diameters, enter 0 in the Diameter box and cellpose will automatically estimate the diameter
For more information on the parameters: https://cellpose.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
Image_Number = 1#@param {type:"number"}
Image_Number-=1 #indexing starts at zero
Diameter = 0#@param {type:"number"}
#Flow_Threshold=0.4#@param {type:"number"}
Flow_Threshold = 0.3 #@param {type:"slider", min:0.1, max:1.1, step:0.1}
#Cell_Probability_Threshold=-5#@param {type:"number"}
#Using slider to restrict values
Cell_Probability_Threshold=-1 #@param {type:"slider", min:-6, max:6, step:1}
if diameter is 0:
diameter = None
if Image_Number is -1:
#print("Image_Number is set to zero, opening first image.")
image = imgs[Image_Number]
except IndexError as i:
print("Image number does not exist",i)
print("Actual no of images in folder: ",len(imgs))
print("Image: %s" %(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(files[Image_Number]))[0]))
import cv2
masks, flows, styles, diams = model.eval(img1, diameter=diameter, flow_threshold=flow_threshold,cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, channels=channels)
from cellpose import plot
maski = masks
flowi = flows[0]
#convert to 8-bit if not so it can display properly in the graph
if img1.dtype!='uint8':
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24,8))
plot.show_segmentation(fig, img1, maski, flowi, channels=channels)
The values defined above will be used for segmentation.
The masks will be saved automatically.
Saving the flow image/s are optional. Tick if you want to save them.
#@markdown ### **Step 8. Run Cellpose on folder of images**
#@markdown ###Tick if you want to save the flow image/s:
Save_Flow= False #@param {type:"boolean"}
#@markdown ##### *Flow image will be resized when saved
print("Running segmentation on channel %s" %(segment_channel))
print("Using the model: ",model_choice)
if diameter is None:
print("Diameter will be estimated from the image/s")
print(f"Cellpose will use a diameter of {diameter}")
print(f"Using a flow threshold of: {flow_threshold} and a cell probability threshold of: {cellprob_threshold}")
#if too many images, it will lead to memory error.
#will evaluate on a per image basis
#masks, flows, styles, diams = model.eval(imgs, diameter=diameter, flow_threshold=flow_threshold,cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, channels=channels)
#save images in folder with the diameter value used in cellpose
print("Segmentation Done. Saving Masks and flows now")
print("Save Directory is: ",save_dir)
if (not os.path.exists(save_dir)):
if save_flow:
print("Saving Flow")
print("Save Directory for flows is: ",flows_save_dir)
if (not os.path.exists(flows_save_dir)):
for img_idx, img in enumerate(imgs):
print("\nSegmenting: ",file_name)
mask, flow, style, diam = model.eval(img, diameter=diameter, flow_threshold=flow_threshold,cellprob_threshold=cellprob_threshold, channels=channels)
#save images in folder with the diameter value used in cellpose
print("Segmentation complete . Saving Masks and flows")
#Output name for masks
#Save mask as 16-bit in case this has to be used for detecting than 255 objects
#Save flow as 8-bit
skimage.io.imsave(mask_output_name,mask, check_contrast=False)
if save_flow:
#Output name for flows
#Save as 8-bit
skimage.io.imsave(flow_output_name,flow_image, check_contrast=False)
#Save parameters used in Cellpose
outFile=open(parameters_file, "w")
outFile.write("CELLPOSE PARAMETERS\n")
outFile.write("Model: "+model_choice+"\n")
if diameter == 0:
diameter = "Automatically estimated by cellpose"
outFile.write("Omni Flag: "+str(omni)+"\n")
outFile.write("Diameter: "+str(diameter)+"\n")
outFile.write("Flow Threshold: "+str(flow_threshold)+"\n")
outFile.write("Cell probability Threshold: "+str(cellprob_threshold)+"\n")
print("\nSegmentation complete and files saved")
The masks will be saved as a 16-bit label image, where each cell/ROI is a different colour or label. If you are using ImageJ/FIJI and want to convert this to ROIs for the ROI Manager, there are a few options to convert into ROIs:
SCF plugin (Update site: https://sites.imagej.net/SCF-MPI-CBG/). After installing the plugin, go to SCF-> Segmentation -> LabelMap to ROI Manager (2D). This should generate the ROIs in ROI Manager
Another really nice plugin: LabelsToROIs. It has some nice features to adjust the size of the ROIs and generate measurements
If you want to save the files so as to view it in the Cellpose GUI, you can save it as an *_seg.npy files in colab that you can download and open in the GUI.
The file/s will be saved in the Input_Directory
#@markdown ### **Run this cell to save output of the model as an npy file**
from cellpose import io
#save output of model eval to be loaded in GUI
io.masks_flows_to_seg(imgs, masks, flows, diams, files, channels)
Thanks to Lior Pytowski from University of Oxford for testing this notebook out and giving some really good suggestions