Hemos definido el problema de búsqueda de caminos en un laberinto como encontrar un camino entre dos nodos cualesquiera del grafo, en caso de existir ese camino.
Este no es un problema nuevo para la computación, de hecho el algoritmo que le da solución y que lleva el nombre de su inventor, fue descubierto en 1956.
El algoritmo de dijkstra es un algoritmo que determijna camino más corto, dado un vértice origen, hacia el resto de los vértices en un grafo con pesos.
La idea es partir del nodo de origen y explorar recusivamente los caminos mínimos al resto de nodos, guardando y actualizando la información de forma continua en memoria.
ALGORITMO Dijkstra(Grafo G, Nodo origen)
INICIALIZAR distancia[nodos de G] a infinito
INICIALIZAR visto[nodos de G] a falso
DISTANCIA[origen] = 0
MIENTRAS existan nodos no vistos HACER
nodo_actual = nodo no visto con menor valor en DISTANCIA
visto[nodo_actual] = verdadero
PARA CADA vecino DE nodo_actual HACER
SI visto[vecino] es falso ENTONCES
distancia_tentativa = DISTANCIA[nodo_actual] + peso(nodo_actual, vecino)
SI distancia_tentativa < DISTANCIA[vecino] ENTONCES
DISTANCIA[vecino] = distancia_tentativa
from heapq import heappush, heappop # colas de prioridad
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from maze import Maze
def dijkstra(grafo, start):
distancias = {}
caminos = {}
padres = {}
vistos = set()
queue = []
for n in grafo.nodes:
distancias[n] = float('inf')
padres[n] = None
caminos[n] = []
distancias[start] = 0
caminos[start] = [start]
heappush(queue, (distancias[start], start))
while queue:
dist_actual, nodo_actual = heappop(queue)
if dist_actual > distancias[nodo_actual]:
for ady in list(grafo.neighbors(nodo_actual)):
if ady not in vistos:
nueva_dist = distancias[nodo_actual] + grafo[nodo_actual][ady].get('weight', 1)
if nueva_dist < distancias[ady]:
distancias[ady] = nueva_dist
padres[ady] = nodo_actual
caminos[ady] = caminos[nodo_actual] + [ady]
heappush(queue, (distancias[ady], ady))
return distancias, caminos
distancias, caminos = dijkstra(m.grid,m.start)
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 6), (6, 6), (7, 6), (7, 7), (7, 8), (8, 8), (9, 8), (9, 9)]
from pyvis.network import Network
def dijkstra_animado_con_pyvis(G):
start, end = G.start, G.end
visitados = set()
distancias = {nodo: float('inf') for nodo in G.grid.nodes()}
distancias[start] = 0
cola = [(0, start)]
while cola:
_, nodo_actual = heappop(cola)
if nodo_actual in visitados:
visualizar_grafo_con_pyvis(G.grid, visitados, start, end, f"resources/frames/dijkstra_{len(visitados)}.html")
if nodo_actual == end:
for vecino in G.grid.neighbors(nodo_actual):
nueva_dist = distancias[nodo_actual] + 1 # Asumiendo un peso de 1 para cada arista
if nueva_dist < distancias[vecino]:
distancias[vecino] = nueva_dist
heappush(cola, (nueva_dist, vecino))
def visualizar_grafo_con_pyvis(G, visitados, start, end, filename):
nt = Network(notebook=True, width="100%", height="700px",cdn_resources="local")
for node in G.nodes:
x, y = node
nt.add_node(str(node), title=str(node), x=x*100, y=-y*100, color="lightgray" if node not in visitados else "skyblue", fixed=True)
for edge in G.edges:
nt.add_edge(str(edge[0]), str(edge[1]))
nt.get_node(str(start))["color"] = "green"
nt.get_node(str(end))["color"] = "red"
# Ejecutar la animación de Dijkstra
Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_1.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_2.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_3.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_4.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_5.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_6.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_7.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_8.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_9.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_10.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_11.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_12.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_13.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_14.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_15.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_16.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_17.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_18.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_19.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_20.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_21.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_22.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_23.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_24.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_25.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_26.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_27.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_28.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_29.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_30.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_31.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_32.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_33.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_34.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_35.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_36.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_37.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_38.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_39.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_40.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_41.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_42.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_43.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_44.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_45.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_46.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_47.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_48.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_49.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_50.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_51.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_52.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_53.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_54.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_55.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_56.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_57.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_58.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_59.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_60.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_61.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_62.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_63.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_64.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_65.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_66.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_67.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_68.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_69.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_70.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_71.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_72.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_73.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_74.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_75.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_76.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_77.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_78.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_79.html Warning: When cdn_resources is 'local' jupyter notebook has issues displaying graphics on chrome/safari. Use cdn_resources='in_line' or cdn_resources='remote' if you have issues viewing graphics in a notebook. resources/frames/dijkstra_80.html
¿Cómo visualizar la animación? Después de ejecutar el comando anterior, se habran creado archivos html dentro de frames. Ahora tenemos ejecutar html_to_images.js para renderizar el javascript, realizar una captura de pantalla de cada html, y convertirlo todo después a vídeo.
cd resources/
node html_to_images.js
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i 'temp_images/capture_dijkstra_*.png' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
from IPython.display import Video
# Función heurística para el algoritmo A*
def manhattan(s,e):
dmin = min(abs(s[0]-e[0]), abs(s[1]-e[1]))
dmax = max(abs(s[0]-e[0]), abs(s[1]-e[1]))
return dmin + (dmax-dmin)