The HVT package is a collection of R functions to facilitate building
preserving maps for rich multivariate data analysis, see
Figure 1
as an example of a 3D torus map generated from the
package. Tending towards a big data preponderance, a large number of
rows. A collection of R functions for this typical workflow is organized
Data Compression: Vector quantization (VQ), HVQ (hierarchical vector quantization) using means or medians. This step compresses the rows (long data frame) using a compression objective.
Data Projection: Dimension projection of the compressed cells to 1D,2D or Interactive surface plot with the Sammons Non-linear Algorithm. This step creates topology preserving map (also called embeddings) coordinates into the desired output dimension.
Tessellation: Create cells required for object visualization using the Voronoi Tessellation method, package includes heatmap plots for hierarchical Voronoi tessellations (HVT). This step enables data insights, visualization, and interaction with the topology preserving map useful for semi-supervised tasks.
Scoring: Scoring new data sets or test data and recording their assignment using the map objects from the above steps, in a sequence of maps if required.
Temporal Analysis and Visualization: Collection of functions that analyzes time series data for its underlying patterns, calculation of transitioning probabilities and the visualizations for the flow of data over time.
Dynamic Forecasting: Simulate future states of dynamic systems using Monte Carlo simulations of Markov Chain (MSM), enabling ex-ante predictions for time-series data.
What’s New?
This notebook introduces a new feature msm
in HVT
package, which stands for Monte Carlo Simulations of Markov
Chain, a feature designed for Dynamic Forecasting of
time series data.
This method relies on a transition probability matrix to forecast n states ahead in time series data. This notebook includes ex-post and ex-ante forecasting and provides a step-by-step walkthrough from data preparation to forecast generation.
It also examines challenges encountered during forecasting due to transition probability issues in certain states, proposes solutions to address these challenges, and assesses prediction accuracy using relevant metrics.
This chunk verifies the installation of all the necessary packages to successfully run this vignette, if not, the code will install those packages and attach to the session environment.
list.of.packages <- c("dplyr", "tidyr","patchwork", "feather","ggplot2","kableExtra",
"plotly","tibble","purrr", "gganimate", "DT","readr", "NbClust","HVT")
new.packages <-list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new.packages))
install.packages(new.packages, dependencies = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, repos='')
invisible(lapply(list.of.packages, library, character.only = TRUE))
Below is the function for more dynamic drop down display in the datatables.
Let’s start with importing the dataset. The below code reads and displays the dataset.
entire_dataset <- read.csv("./sample_dataset/macro_eco_data_2024.csv")
entire_dataset <- entire_dataset %>% mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ round(., 4)))
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(entire_dataset))
datatable(entire_dataset,options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX = TRUE, lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu), rownames = FALSE)
This dataset includes a collection of key economic and financial indicators. These indicators are essential for monitoring macroeconomic performance, analyzing market trends, and assessing financial stability. The dataset includes the following indicators, which have been renamed for ease of use:
CPI_U_All_Items_Less_Food_Energy as CPI_Food - The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food & Energy represents the aggregate prices paid by urban consumers for a standard basket of goods excluding food and energy costs.
Coincident_Index as COIN - The Composite Index of Coincident Indicators consolidates economic indicators like employment, industrial production, retail sales and personal income into a unified measure.
Copper_ETF as Copper_ETF - Copper ETF offers investors exposure to copper price movements through various means such as futures contracts, mining company stocks, and physical copper assets.
Risk_Premium as Risk_Premium - A risk premium is the investment return an asset is expected to yield more than the risk-free rate of return. It’s calculated by dividing the effective yield of high-yield bonds by the yield of a 10-year Treasury note yield to quantify the compensation for bearing additional risk.
SnP500_ETF as SnP500_ETF - The S&P 500 ETF mirrors the S&P 500 index consolidating the performance of 500 prominent U.S. company’s stocks
Spot_Oil_Price_West_Texas_Intermediate as Spot_Oil - The Spot Oil Price: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) indicator represents the current market price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil.
US_Dollar_Index as USD_Index - US Dollar Index is a real-time price index provided by Intercontinental Exchange(ICE) Futures representing the value of the US dollar against a basket of major global currencies.
Unemployment_Rate as Unemp_Rate - The Unemployment rate is the percentage of unemployed individuals among the total labor force.
10_Year_Treasury_Note_Yield as Y10_Note - 10-Year Treasury Note Yield is the interest rate at which the United States government borrows money through 10-year Treasury securities.
Yield_Curve as Yield_Curve - The yield curve illustrates the relationship between bond yields and their respective maturities. It’s calculated as the ratio of the yields of 10-year and 2-year U.S. Treasury bonds.
This dataset supports scenario analysis and predicting future trends by leveraging relationships between economic and financial indicators. It aids in market strategy, risk management, and macroeconomic forecasting. The data ranges from January 1997 to December 2024.
Before proceeding, it is crucial to examine the structure of the dataset. This involves verifying the data types of the columns and resolving any inconsistencies. Make sure all data types are accurate and suitable for the intended functions.
## 'data.frame': 336 obs. of 11 variables:
## $ t : chr "1997/01" "1997/02" "1997/03" "1997/04" ...
## $ CPI_Food : num 168 168 168 169 169 ...
## $ COIN : num 73 73.6 73.8 74 74.2 74.6 75 75.3 75.7 76 ...
## $ Copper_ETF : num 1.06 1.14 1.15 1.12 1.19 ...
## $ Risk_Premium: num 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.4 1.39 ...
## $ SnP500_ETF : num 786 791 757 801 848 ...
## $ Spot_Oil : num 25.2 22.2 21 19.7 20.8 ...
## $ USD_Index : num 93 94.9 94.7 97.2 94.8 ...
## $ Unemp_Rate : num 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.1 4.9 5 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.7 ...
## $ Y10_Note : num 6.58 6.42 6.69 6.89 6.71 6.49 6.22 6.3 6.21 6.03 ...
## $ Yield_Curve : num 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.07 ...
Since the time column is in ‘Character’ format, we are changing it to ‘datetime’ (POSIXct) format.
We transform the data to compute the 12-month rate of change, which standardizes the features and brings them to a comparable scale, simplifying the analysis of their relative changes. Log differencing reduces variability and removes trends, stabilizing the data for more accurate forecasting.
The Rate of change is calculated as follows:
\[ \text{Rate of Change} = \log(\text{Current Value}) - \log(\text{12-Month Lag Value}) \]
features_data <- entire_dataset %>% select(-t) %>% colnames()
entire_dataset[features_data] <- lapply(entire_dataset[features_data], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
invisible(lapply(features_data, function(col) {
entire_dataset[[col]] <<- entire_dataset[[col]] %>% log()
entire_dataset[[col]] <<- c(rep(NA, 12), round(diff(entire_dataset[[col]], 12),4))}))
entire_dataset <- entire_dataset %>% na.omit() %>% data.frame()
rownames(entire_dataset) <- NULL
After the log difference of 12 datapoints (months), the dataset ranges from January 1998 to December 2024. Below is the table displaying the transformed dataset.
entire_dataset$t <- as.character(entire_dataset$t)
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(entire_dataset))
datatable(entire_dataset,options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX = TRUE,lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu,columnDefs = list(list(width = '150px', targets = 0))),
class = "nowrap display",rownames = FALSE)
The ultimate goal of this notebook is to dynamically forecast the HVT states in both ex-post and ex-ante scenarios. To structure the analysis, we will define the timelines based on the main topics of interest:
Constructing HVT Model: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Scoring Data Points Using HVT Model: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Dynamic Forecasting
For the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), we will create a statistic table and series of plots to visualize the dataset’s distribution, trends, and relationships. These plots provide insights into the data structure, enabling a better understanding of the underlying patterns and correlations.
Dataset used for EDA: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
For creating tabsets, follow this markdown syntax;
## Main Heading {.tabset}
### Tab 1
- Content for Tab 1.
### Tab 2
- Content for Tab 2.
## Next Section
recession_periods <- list(c("2001-03-01", "2001-11-01"),c("2007-12-01", "2009-06-01"),c("2020-02-01", "2020-04-01"))
recession_periods <- lapply(recession_periods, function(x) as.POSIXct(x))
edaPlots(entire_dataset, time_column = "t", output_type = "timeseries", grey_bars = recession_periods)
The dataset is prepped and ready for constructing the HVT model, which is the first and most prominent step. Model Training involves applying Hierarchical Vector Quantization (HVQ) to iteratively compress and project data into a hierarchy of cells. The process uses a quantization error threshold to determine the number of cells and levels in the hierarchy. The compressed data is then projected onto a 2D space, and the resulting tessellation provides a visual representation of the data distribution, enabling insights into the underlying patterns and relationships.
We use the trainHVT
function to compress the dataset,
and timestamp feature is not needed for this process.
Input Parameters
hvt.results <- trainHVT(
n_cells = 76,
depth = 1,
quant.err = 0.25,
normalize = TRUE,
distance_metric = "L1_Norm",
error_metric = "max",
quant_method = "kmeans",
dim_reduction_method = "sammon")
segmentLevel | noOfCells | noOfCellsBelowQuantizationError | percentOfCellsBelowQuantizationErrorThreshold | parameters |
1 | 76 | 61 | 0.8 | n_cells: 76 quant.err: 0.25 distance_metric: L1_Norm error_metric: max quant_method: kmeans |
The value of
is crucial
for evaluating the model’s performance and the quality of the
compression. It is recommended to construct a model where atleast 80% of
the cells fall below the quantization error threshold.
The value 0.8, indicates that 80% compression has been achieved, hence the model is valid.
For the visual stability and aesthetic check, we will plot and compare our current model with tessellations from 3 cells above and below our current cell count of 76. This comparison helps ensure the model’s structural integrity across a similar range of cells and allows for the identification of any significant sudden structural changes.
Although some tessellations are slightly crowded in the center, we can identify the cells 1 and 2 on the left and the cells 73 to 79 on the right in all plots. This alignment ensures no significant flips or structural disruptions, confirming that we can proceed confidently with 76 cells.
Below are the heatmaps for the trained HVT model, including those for ‘n’ (the number of records in a cell) and each feature.
The centroid of a cell is the average value of all the data points within that cell in the multidimensional space. Below is the table displaying the centroids of all 76 cells of the trained HVT Model. In this table, n represents the number of records contained within each cell.
col_names <- c("Cell.ID","n" ,features_data)
data <- hvt.results[[3]][["summary"]] %>% select(col_names) %>% arrange(Cell.ID) %>% round(2)
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(data))
datatable(data, options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE,lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu),
rownames = FALSE )
A Z-score plot visualizes how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean. The plot helps to identify outliers and assess the distribution of data. Here, we are plotting the Z-scores with a confidence interval of +1.65 and -1.65.
Let’s look at the signature and parameters of the
- A data frame of cell id and
- A numeric vector of
cell id range for which the plot should be displayed. Default is NULL,
which plots all the cells.
- A numeric value to
indicate the size of the bars in the plot. Default is 2.
- A numeric vector
of confidence interval values for the reference lines in the plot.
Default is c(-1.65, 1.65).
Below are the Z-score plots of all features in the dataset for cells 1 to 76.
Once the model is constructed, the next key step is scoring the data points using the trained HVT model. Scoring involves assigning each data point to a specific cell based on the trained model. This process helps map data points to their correct hierarchical cell without the need for forecasting.
The scoring is performed on the Dataset (1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01). This is crucial for time series analysis and forecasting, as it provides the data of cells over time.
scoring <- scoreHVT(entire_dataset,hvt.results,analysis.plots = TRUE,names.column = entire_dataset[,1])
scoring$scoredPredictedData$t <- format(entire_dataset$t, "%Y-%m-%d")
scoring$scoredPredictedData <- scoring$scoredPredictedData %>% dplyr::select(c(t, everything()))
Below is the table displaying scored data.
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(scoring$scoredPredictedData))
datatable(scoring$scoredPredictedData,options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX = TRUE,lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu,
columnDefs = list(list(width = '150px', targets = 0))),class = "nowrap display",rownames = FALSE)
These are the brief explanation of all the features in the above table.
Segment Level: The tier or depth of a segment in the hierarchical structure.
Segment Parent: The ID of the larger segment that this segment is part of in the level above.
Segment Child: The IDs of smaller segments that are contained within this segment in the level below.
n: The number of entities/data points from the uploaded dataset that are present inside that Segment child.
Cell.ID: The ID of the child which is the result of sorted 1D Sammon’s.
Quant.Error: The quantization error of that cell.
centroidRadius: The maximum quantization error values as radius for anomalies.
diff: The difference between centroidRadius and Quant.Error.
anomalyFlag: The binary value that says the cell is an anomaly or not. (if the Quant.Error is greater than mad.threshold then it is = 1 (anomaly) else = 0 (not an anomaly))
Below is the plotly of scored data. On Hovering over the plot, the Cell.ID, Number of observations of a cell & the timestamps of those observations are displayed.
Now that scoring is complete, we have a time series of state
transitions, that captures the progression of states over time, enabling
the analysis of transitions and patterns for the forecasting process. We
will prepare this dataset by combining the t
column with the scored dataset.
Dataset used for Temporal Analysis: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
temporal_data <-scoring$scoredPredictedData %>% select(t,Cell.ID)
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(temporal_data))
datatable(temporal_data,rownames = FALSE,options=list(lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu))
In this section, we will visualize the transitions of states of the dataset over time from 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01.
Let’s calculate the transition probability of
using the
function with
Dataset for Transition Probability Matrix: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
prob_trans_matx <- getTransitionProbability(df = temporal_data,cellid_column = "Cell.ID",time_column = "t", type = "with_self_state")
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(prob_trans_matx))
datatable(prob_trans_matx,rownames = FALSE,options =list(lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu))
Below are brief explanations of the features in the transition probability matrix.
Current_State: The cell in which the datapoint resides at a given time (t).
Next_State: The cell to which the datapoint moves at the next time unit (t+1).
Relative_Frequency: The number of times that the
datapoint moves from that Current_State
to that
Transition_Probability: The probability calculated from
the Relative_Frequency
. Individual
divided by the total of
for a particular
Cumulative_Probability: The sum of the
for all the Next_State
for a particular Current_State
Flowmaps visualize the flow of data between states over time including and excluding self states to identify patterns and trends. The animations provide a dynamic representation of the data flow, enabling a comprehensive understanding of state transitions and their evolution over time.
The Self State Flowmap including self-state transitions, is represented by the circle size around each cell, where larger sizes indicate a stronger likelihood of staying in the same cell.
The Non-Self State Flowmap, excluding self-state transitions, is represented by arrow sizes, where larger arrows indicate higher probabilities of transitioning to the next state, with arrow directions showing the target cell.
The Time-based Animation, including self-state transitions, is represented by a red point moving through cells over time, with blinks indicating the duration of staying in the same cell, as shown in the plot’s sub-header.
The State-based Animation, excluding self-transitions, shows an arrow moving between cells, with its length indicating transition probabilities. The animation highlights movement between states over time.
Now that temporal analysis is complete, we have a clear understanding
of the data pattern over time. In this section, we will focus on the
next key process: Dynamic Forecasting of the states for the
ex-post period using the new function msm
— Monte
Carlo Simulations of the Markov Chain.
How MSM works?
This function uses a transition probability matrix with cumulative probabilities summing to 1. Given the initial state, a random number is generated from a uniform distribution of 0 to 1, and the next state is chosen based on where the random number is less than or equal to the cumulative probability. This next state becomes the new current state, and the process continues to simulate states throughout the given t+n period.
MSM Function Parameters Explanation
- A dataframe, with
columns of Cell.ID and the timestamp.
- A Character vector
to indicate the type of forecasting. It can be ex-post
- A
Dataframe of transition probabilities of all states from the
- An integer,
indicating the state at t0.
- An integer,
indicating the number of ahead periods for ex-ante forecasting. Default
value is 10.
- An integer
indicating the number of simulations to be performed. Default value is
- A nested list
containing the results from the trainHVT function. This parameter is
used to retrieve the HVQ-compressed centroid points for feature forecast
- A nested list of
the results from the scoreHVT
function. This parameter is
used to retrieve the centroid coordinates for feature forecast plots
& Clustering analysis.
- A DataFrame of the
raw dataset for the ex-post forecasting period, used for plotting the
Actual line in forecasting plots and calculating residuals for MAE. It
is applicable only for ‘Ex-Post’.
- A DataFrame of the
entire raw dataset, used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of
all features for scaling up the predicted values.
- A
Logical flag to handle the state transition problems and proceed with
Clustering analysis. Default value is FALSE.
- An integer to specify the
number of clusters for the clustering algorithm. Default value is
- An integer to
specify the number of nearest neighbors to be selected for the
clustering algorithm. Default value is 1. If a number larger than the
total states within a cluster is provided, the number of nearest
neighbors will default to the total number of states in that cluster.
For instance, if a cluster has 5 states including the ‘problematic
state’ and ‘n_nearest_neighbor’ is set to 7, the number of nearest
neighbors will only be 4.
- A Logical flag to
display the simulation lines in plots. Default value is TRUE.
- A Character to
indicate which central tendency measure should be selected for
calculating residuals for studentized residual plot. Only ‘mean’,
‘median’ or ‘mode’ is allowed. Default value is ‘median’.
Function Outputs
The function returns a list containing the following elements:
Ex-Post Plots: These plots compare actual states and predicted
states, as well as actual raw values and predicted centroid-scaled
values for each feature. The predicted states from the simulations are
translated to respective feature centroids from the
trainHVT (HVQ compression)
and scaled to the raw dataset
values by multiplying them by the standard deviation of the raw feature
and adding the mean of the raw feature. The x-axis represents the time
period, and the y-axis represents the states (in states plot) and
Centroid-feature values. The studentized residuals plot displays
standardized prediction errors (calculated by dividing the raw residuals
(actual - predicted mae_metric) by their standard deviation) with blue
dashed lines at ±1σ and a black dashed line at 0 to show control limits,
helping identify where predictions significantly deviate from actual
Ex-Ante Plots: Similar to the Ex-Post plots, but without the actual data, showing only the predicted states. The x-axis represents the time period, and the y-axis represents the states (in states plot) and Centroid-feature values. Residual plots are not applicable since there are no actual values available.
is TRUE,
the function returns a Dendrogram plot, a Cluster Heatmap for the given
, and a table of problematic states with their nearest
neighbors.Let’s proceed with the Ex-Post Dynamic Forecasting using the
Ex-Post Period:
Transition Probability Matrix: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Initial timestamp: 2022-12-01
Initial state: 74
Ex-Post Forecast: 2023-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Residuals: Actual - Predicted Median.
NOTE: We have selected Median
as the metric for
calculating residuals throughout this notebook.
ex_post <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-post",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = temporal_data$Cell.ID[temporal_data$t == "2022-12-01"],
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
actual_data = expost_forecasting,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = FALSE)
Let’s run the Ex-Post simulation with show_simulation
set to TRUE
to see the simulation lines in the plots.
ex_post <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-post",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = temporal_data$Cell.ID[temporal_data$t == "2022-12-01"],
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
actual_data = expost_forecasting,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = TRUE)
Below are the MAE (Mean Absolute Deviation) values for each feature and state. It is calculated as the absolute difference between the actual and predicted median, providing insights into the model’s accuracy and performance.
mae_values_centroid <- sapply(ex_post[["plots"]][[1]], function(x) x[["mae"]])
mae_value_states <- ex_post[["plots"]][[2]][["mae"]]
mean_mae <- round(mean(mae_values_centroid),4)
mae_values <- c(mae_value_states,mae_values_centroid,mean_mae)
mae_values <- c(mae_value_states,mae_values_centroid,mean_mae)
plot_labels <- c(
"States","CPI_Food", "COIN", "Copper_ETF", "Risk_Premium", "SnP500_ETF", "Spot_Oil", "USD_Index", "Unemp_Rate", "Y10_Note", "Yield_Curve", "Mean of Variables' MAE")
data_1 <- data.frame(Plot = plot_labels,MAE = mae_values)
datatable(data_1, rownames = FALSE, options = list(pageLength = 12))
Now that Ex-Post is done, we now proceed with Ex-Ante Forecasting. In
this section, we will predict the future states of the dataset using the
- Monte Carlo Simulations of the Markov Chain. This
process involves forecasting the states for the Ex-Ante period, enabling
the identification of potential trends and patterns.
Ex-Ante Period:
Transition Probability Matrix: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Initial timestamp: 2024-12-01
Initial state: 56
Ex-Ante Forecast: t+12 (2025-01-01 to 2025-12-01)
ex_ante_period <- seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct("2025-01-01"),to = as.POSIXct("2025-12-01"),by = "1 month")
ex_ante_period <- as.POSIXct(format(ex_ante_period, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "")
ex_ante <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-ante",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = tail(temporal_data$Cell.ID, 1),
n_ahead_ante = ex_ante_period,
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation= FALSE)
The forecast seems unusual, showing some flat line and irregular pattern. We’ll re-run it with the simulation lines visible to figure out what might be causing the issue.
ex_ante <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-ante",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = tail(temporal_data$Cell.ID, 1),
n_ahead_ante = ex_ante_period,
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = TRUE)
From the above plots, we can see that the simulations are stuck between two states (43 & 56) across all 500 iterations. Let’s analyze the transition probability table of states 43 & 56, to understand the issue.
From the above table, we can see that the states 43 & 56 are transitioning only to each other, which is why the simulations are in a zig-zag pattern. As a result, the central tendency measures (median and mode) are identical, with no variability. This is an undesired outcome, as it indicates a lack of variation in the simulation except two states. This scenario represents an edge case that requires attention. Below is an explanation of why this occurred, what it signifies, and how it can be addressed.
There are certain edge cases that may cause simulations as a straight line (stuck in a single state) or a zig-zag pattern (only between two states - back and forth) without any variability or exploring other states. We are naming this scenario as State Transition Problem and below are the cases that may lead to this issue.
Case 1: Absence Transitions: This occurs when a state lacks any outgoing transitions to other states or itself. Once the simulation reaches such a state, it becomes stuck because there is no path forward, effectively halting the simulation in the same state.
Case 2: Self-State Only Transitions: In this case, a state transitions exclusively to itself. When the simulation reaches such a state, it remains trapped in this state, unable to explore other states, causing stagnation.
Case 3: Cyclic Transitions: This refers to a situation where states transition back and forth between each other in a closed loop. While the simulation remains active, it is constrained within the cycle, preventing the exploration of states outside the cycle.
We refer to the states that lead to any of these issues as problematic states. We are addressing the same solution approach for all the above three cases.
To resolve the State Transition Problem, we will conduct a clustering analysis. This involves grouping all states into n clusters by organizing states based on their proximity in the 2D space. This process will help identify nearby states to which a problematic state can potentially transition to. By enabling transitions to new states, this approach prevents the simulation from remaining stuck in a single state.
Below is the approach used to address the state transition problem:
The clustering process uses the clustHVT
function from
the HVT package, which performs Agglomerative Nesting (AGNES)
Hierarchical Clustering with the ward.D2
method. This
method groups the 2D coordinates of cell centroids from the HVT map into
clusters. This function offers visualizations such as a
dendrogram and a Cluster Heatmap, to aid in the interpretation of the
clustering results. For more information on clustHVT
When a problematic state is encountered, we look for alternative
states within its cluster. Using Euclidean distance
, we
identify n closest states (n is user-defined, defaults to 1). These
nearest neighbors serve as potential next states for the simulation,
enabling it to progress naturally.
The n
nearest neighbors are ranked by their distance,
and each neighbor’s selection weight is calculated by taking the inverse
of its distance (with closer states receiving higher probabilities).
These weights are then normalized by dividing each by the sum of all
inverse distances. Cumulative probabilities are then computed, and a
random number generator is used to select the next state based on this
weighted voting scheme, where the closer neighbors (with higher weights)
have a greater influence on the selection.
This approach ensures the simulation can progress naturally. It prevents the system from getting stuck in problematic state patterns. The probability-weighted selection maintains realistic state transitions based on spatial proximity, enhancing the simulation’s accuracy and reliability.
Let’s consider the Ex-Ante Forecasting scenario to demonstrate the clustering analysis and address the State Transition Problem. In this case, the scenario encounters Case-3: Cyclic Transitions.
Below is the data table of the 2D Sammon’s points of the HVT map centroids. This is the data used for clustering analysis.
centroid_data <- scoring$centroidData
hclust_data <- centroid_data[,1:3]
dynamic_length_menu <- calculate_dynamic_length_menu(nrow(hclust_data))
datatable(hclust_data,rownames = FALSE, options=list(lengthMenu = dynamic_length_menu))
Let’s execute the simulation using the msm
function with
the handle_problematic_states
parameter set to
, enabling the identification of problematic states and
performing clustering analysis. To achieve more detailed and stable
clusters, we will set k
to 6. Additionally, we will set
to 3, so that 3 nearest neighbors are
considered for each problematic state. This will help address the issues
by enabling transitions to appropriate neighboring states based on the
clustering results.
ex_ante_period <- seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct("2025-01-01"),to = as.POSIXct("2025-12-01"),by = "1 month")
ex_ante_period <- as.POSIXct(format(ex_ante_period, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "")
ex_ante <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-ante",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = tail(temporal_data$Cell.ID, 1),
n_ahead_ante = ex_ante_period,
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
handle_problematic_states = TRUE,
k=6, n_nearest_neighbor = 3,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = FALSE)
problematic_state | nearest_neighbor |
43 | 44,39,48 |
56 | 55,50,49 |
According to the summary from the ‘msm’ function, the state 43 is a problematic state and its 3 nearest neighbors are 44,39 & 48 and the state 56 is a problematic state and its 3 nearest neighbors are 55,50 & 49. Below is the cluster dendrogram.
The dendrogram clearly shows that states 43, 44, 39, and 48 belong to the same cluster, which is the second-to-last cluster outlined with a dark blue border. Similarly, states 56, 55, 50, and 49 are part of a cluster of the same type. This is further confirmed in the heatmap below, where the group of states 43, 44, 39, and 48 and the group 56, 55, 50, and 49 (highlighted with white borders) are positioned one below the other near the center of the plot, within the same dark blue-colored cluster.
Now when we look at the simulation below, we can see that there are no more Zig-Zag pattern in the simulations. The simulation is now exploring other states and not stuck between two states.
Let’s run the Ex-Ante simulation with show_simulation
set to TRUE
to see the simulation lines in the plots.
ex_ante <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-ante",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = tail(temporal_data$Cell.ID, 1),
n_ahead_ante = ex_ante_period,
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
handle_problematic_states = TRUE,
k=6, n_nearest_neighbor = 3,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = TRUE)
Having completed the Ex-Ante Forecasting by addressing the problematic states, we now revisit the Ex-Post Forecasting with adjustments to handle these states and evaluate any improvements in the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) across all variables.
In this section, we rerun the Ex-Post Forecasting using the same
parameters as before but enable the
parameter by setting it to
. This activates the identification of problematic
states and incorporates clustering analysis to address them. The goal is
to determine whether this adjustment enhances the accuracy of the
Ex-Post Period:
Transition Probability Matrix: 1998-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Initial timestamp: 2022-12-01
Initial state: 74
Ex-Post Forecast: 2023-01-01 to 2024-12-01
Residuals: Actual - Predicted Median
ex_post <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-post",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = temporal_data$Cell.ID[temporal_data$t == "2022-12-01"],
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
actual_data = expost_forecasting,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
handle_problematic_states = TRUE,
k = 6, n_nearest_neighbor = 3,
mae_metric = "median",
show_simulation = FALSE)
problematic_state | nearest_neighbor |
43 | 44,39,48 |
56 | 55,50,49 |
Let’s run the Ex-Post simulation with show_simulation
set to TRUE
to see the simulation lines in the plots.
ex_post <- msm(state_time_data = temporal_data,
forecast_type = "ex-post",
transition_probability_matrix = prob_trans_matx,
initial_state = temporal_data$Cell.ID[temporal_data$t == "2022-12-01"],
num_simulations = 500,
scoreHVT_results = scoring,
trainHVT_results = hvt.results,
actual_data = expost_forecasting,
raw_dataset = entire_dataset,
handle_problematic_states = TRUE,
mae_metric = "median",
k = 6, n_nearest_neighbor = 3)
Below are the MAE (Mean Absolute Deviation) values for each feature and state after handling the State Transition Problems. Here we are comparing the MAE values before and after handling the State Transition Problems.
mae_values_centroid <- sapply(ex_post[["plots"]][[1]], function(x) x[["mae"]])
mae_value_states <- ex_post[["plots"]][[2]][["mae"]]
mean_mae <- round(mean(mae_values_centroid),4)
mae_values <- c(mae_value_states,mae_values_centroid,mean_mae)
plot_labels <- c(
"States","CPI_Food", "COIN", "Copper_ETF", "Risk_Premium", "SnP500_ETF", "Spot_Oil", "USD_Index", "Unemp_Rate", "Y10_Note", "Yield_Curve", "Mean of Variables' MAE")
mae_before <- data_1$MAE
data_2 <- data.frame(Plot = plot_labels, `MAE_post_fix` = mae_values, `MAE_no_fix` = mae_before)
datatable(data_2, rownames = FALSE, options = list(pageLength = 12))
Out of 10 variables, 7 variables showed improved MAE after addressing the state transition issue in Ex-Post Forecasting. The Mean MAE improved significantly from 0.1823 to 0.1188, demonstrating that clustering analysis and handling problematic states effectively enhanced forecasting accuracy.
This notebook demonstrated the application of the HVT package for dynamic macroeconomic time series forecasting, encompassing data preprocessing, HVT model construction, hierarchical visualization, scoring, and forecasting using Monte Carlo Simulations of Markov Chains (MSM).
Efficient Data Compression and
The HVT model achieved an 80% compression ratio while retaining critical
data structures, enabling the creation of intuitive and interpretable
visualizations that captured macroeconomic patterns
Challenges in Forecasting:
The forecasting process encountered common issues such as self-state
stagnation, absence of transitions, and cyclic state patterns. These
problems hindered accurate state evolution, leading to unrealistic or
static predictions.
Effective Resolutions:
Clustering analysis using hierarchical methods effectively resolved
these challenges. By identifying problematic states and leveraging
nearest-neighbor transitions within clusters, the model avoided
stagnation and enabled smooth state transitions. This approach
significantly reduced the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) from
0.1823 to 0.1188, highlighting the
improved forecasting accuracy.
The HVT package, with its use of msm
techniques, has
shown to be a useful tool for addressing forecasting challenges and
analyzing trends. Adjusting the parameters further could help improve
clustering strategies and explore additional applications to enhance
performance and forecasting accuracy.