Originally Contributed by: Clayton Barrows
PowerSimulations.jl supports the construction and solution of optimal power system
scheduling problems (Operations Problems). Operations problems form the fundamental
building blocks for sequential simulations.
This example shows how to specify and customize a the mathematics that will be applied to the data with
an ProblemTemplate
, build and execute an DecisionModel
, and access the results.
using SIIPExamples
using PowerSystems
using PowerSimulations
const PSI = PowerSimulations
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder
using HiGHS # solver
This data depends upon the RTS-GMLC dataset. Let's
use PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl to download and build a System
sys = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys")
¶You can create an empty template with:
template_uc = ProblemTemplate()
Now, you can add a DeviceModel
for each device type to create an assignment between PowerSystems device types
and the subtypes of AbstractDeviceFormulation
. PowerSimulations has a variety of different
subtypes that can be applied to different PowerSystems device types,
each dispatching to different methods for populating optimization problem objectives, variables,
and constraints.
Here is an example of relatively standard branch formulations. Other formulations allow for selective enforcement of transmission limits and greater control on transformer settings.
set_device_model!(template_uc, Line, StaticBranch)
set_device_model!(template_uc, Transformer2W, StaticBranch)
set_device_model!(template_uc, TapTransformer, StaticBranch)
Here we define template entries for all devices that inject or withdraw power on the
network. For each device type, we can define a distinct AbstractDeviceFormulation
. In
this case, we're defining a basic unit commitment model for thermal generators,
curtailable renewable generators, and fixed dispatch (net-load reduction) formulations
for HydroDispatch
and RenewableFix
set_device_model!(template_uc, ThermalStandard, ThermalStandardUnitCommitment)
set_device_model!(template_uc, RenewableDispatch, RenewableFullDispatch)
set_device_model!(template_uc, PowerLoad, StaticPowerLoad)
set_device_model!(template_uc, HydroDispatch, FixedOutput)
set_device_model!(template_uc, HydroEnergyReservoir, HydroDispatchRunOfRiver)
set_device_model!(template_uc, RenewableFix, FixedOutput)
We have two VariableReserve
types, parameterized by their direction. So, similar to
creating DeviceModel
s, we can create ServiceModel
s. The primary difference being
that DeviceModel
objects define how constraints get created, while ServiceModel
define how constraints get modified.
set_service_model!(template_uc, VariableReserve{ReserveUp}, RangeReserve)
set_service_model!(template_uc, VariableReserve{ReserveDown}, RangeReserve)
Finally, we can define the transmission network specification that we'd like to model. For simplicity, we'll choose a copper plate formulation. But there are dozens of specifications available through an integration with PowerModels.jl. Note that many formulations will require appropriate data and may be computationally intractable
set_network_model!(template_uc, NetworkModel(CopperPlatePowerModel))
¶Now that we have a System
and an ProblemTemplate
, we can put the two together
to create an DecisionModel
that we solve.
It's most convenient to define an optimizer instance upfront and pass it into the
constructor. For this example, we can use the free HiGHS solver with a
relatively relaxed MIP gap (ratioGap
) setting to improve speed.
solver = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "mip_rel_gap" => 0.5)
¶The construction of an DecisionModel
essentially applies an ProblemTemplate
to System
data to create a JuMP model.
problem = DecisionModel(template_uc, sys; optimizer = solver, horizon = 24)
build!(problem, output_dir = mktempdir())
The principal component of the DecisionModel
is the JuMP model. For small problems,
you can inspect it by simply printing it to the screen:
For anything of reasonable size, that will be unmanageable. But you can print to a file:
f = open("testmodel.txt","w"); print(f,PSI.get_jump_model(problem)); close(f)
In addition to the JuMP model, an DecisionModel
keeps track of a bunch of metadata
about the problem and some references to pretty names for constraints and variables.
All of these details are contained within the optimization_container
PowerSimulations collects the DecisionModel
results into a struct:
res = ProblemResults(problem);
The optimizer summary is included
The solution value data frames for variables, parameters, auxillary variables, duals and
expressions can be accessed using the read_
Or, you can read a single parameter values for parameters that exist in the results.
read_parameter(res, "ActivePowerTimeSeriesParameter__RenewableDispatch")
Take a look at the examples in the plotting folder.
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