Originally Contributed by: Clayton Barrows
This is a basic simulation example using the TAMU Cases.
using SIIPExamples
pkgpath = dirname(dirname(pathof(SIIPExamples)))
using Dates
using PowerSystems
using PowerSimulations
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder
For this simple example, we can use the HiGHS solver with a relatively relaxed tolerance.
using HiGHS # mip solver
solver = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "mip_rel_gap" => 0.5)
from TAMU data¶We have included some of the TAMU cases (with truncated time series info) in the PowerSystemCaseBuilder testing, so we can just use that.
sys = build_system(PSYTestSystems, "tamu_ACTIVSg2000_sys")
transform_single_time_series!(sys, 24, Dates.Hour(24));
note that the TAMU data doesn't contain startup and shutdown costs, or minimum up/down time limits, so a UC problem merely respects minmum generation levels.
sim_folder = mkpath(joinpath(pkgpath, "TAMU-sim"))
models = SimulationModels(
decision_models = [
DecisionModel(template_unit_commitment(), sys, name = "UC", optimizer = solver),
sim = Simulation(
name = "TAMU-test",
steps = 3,
models = models,
sequence = SimulationSequence(
models = models,
ini_cond_chronology = InterProblemChronology(),
simulation_folder = sim_folder,
sim_results = SimulationResults(sim);
uc_results = get_problem_results(sim_results, "UC")
read_realized_variable(uc_results, "OnVariable__ThermalStandard")
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