Line Modeling simulation with PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl
Originally Contributed by: Rodrigo Henriquez and José Daniel Lara
This tutorial will introduce an example of considering dynamic lines in PowerSimulationsDynamics
Note that this tutorial is for PowerSimulationsDynamics
This tutorial presents a simulation of a three-bus system, with an infinite bus (represented as a voltage source behind an impedance) at bus 1, a one d- one q- machine on bus 2 and an inverter of 19 states, as a virtual synchronous machine at bus 3. The perturbation will be the trip of two of the three circuits (triplicating its resistance and impedance) of the line that connects bus 1 and bus 3. This case also consider a dynamic line model for connection between buses 2 and 3. We will compare it against a system without dynamic lines.
In addition, note that PowerSimulationsDynamics
will convert ConstantPower loads to RLC
loads for transient simulations.
It is recommended to check Tutorial 1: OMIB
first, since that includes more details and
explanations on all definitions and functions.
using SIIPExamples
using PowerSimulationsDynamics
PSID = PowerSimulationsDynamics
using PowerSystems
using Sundials
using Plots
file_dir = joinpath(
threebus_sys = System(joinpath(file_dir, "threebus_sys.json"));
[ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=threebus_sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_badwgT ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51
In addition, we will create a new copy of the system on which we will simulate the same case, but will consider dynamic lines:
threebus_sys_dyn = deepcopy(threebus_sys);
[ Info: Serialized time series data to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_Yyg8fo/sys_time_series_storage.h5. [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_Yyg8fo/sys.json [ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_pcGhle ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51
First, we construct the perturbation, by properly computing the new Ybus on the system:
#Make a copy of the original system
sys2 = deepcopy(threebus_sys)
#Triplicates the impedance of the line named "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1"
fault_branches = get_components(ACBranch, sys2)
for br in fault_branches
if get_name(br) == "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1"
br.r = 3 * br.r
br.x = 3 * br.x
b_new = (from = br.b.from / 3, to = / 3)
br.b = b_new
#Obtain the new Ybus
Ybus_fault = Ybus(sys2).data
#Define Fault: Change of YBus
Ybus_change = NetworkSwitch(
1.0, #change at t = 1.0
Ybus_fault, #New YBus
[ Info: Serialized time series data to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_ysPB7F/sys_time_series_storage.h5. [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_ysPB7F/sys.json [ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_jpa4aB ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 [ Info: The System has no islands
Now, we construct the simulation:
#Time span of our simulation
tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
#Define Simulation
sim = PSID.Simulation(
pwd(), #folder to output results
threebus_sys, #system
tspan, #time span
Ybus_change, #Type of perturbation
[ Info: Serialized time series data to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_iedbqG/sys_time_series_storage.h5. [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_iedbqG/sys.json [ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_eleSqi ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51
We can obtain the initial conditions as:
#Will print the initial states. It also give the symbols used to describe those states.
#Will export a dictionary with the initial condition values to explore
x0_init = PSID.get_initial_conditions(sim)
Voltage Variables ==================== BUS 1 ==================== Vm 1.02 θ -0.0 ==================== BUS 2 ==================== Vm 1.0142 θ -0.0247 ==================== BUS 3 ==================== Vm 1.0059 θ 0.05 ==================== ==================== Differential States generator-103-1 ==================== ω_oc 1.0 θ_oc 0.4573 q_oc -0.4453 ξd_ic 0.0013 ξq_ic 0.0004 γd_ic 0.0615 γq_ic -0.0138 ϕd_ic 0.8765 ϕq_ic -0.1978 vd_pll 0.8986 vq_pll -0.0 ε_pll -0.0 θ_pll 0.2354 ir_cnv 0.7462 ii_cnv 0.757 vr_filter 0.8738 vi_filter 0.2095 ir_filter 0.7617 ii_filter 0.6923 ==================== Differential States generator-102-1 ==================== eq_p 0.6478 ed_p 0.6672 δ 0.9386 ω 1.0 Vf 1.0781 Vr1 0.0333 Vr2 -0.1941 Vm 1.0142 ====================
Dict{String,Any} with 6 entries: "generator-102-1" => Dict(:Vf=>1.07808,:Vr2=>-0.194055,:ed_p=>0.667241,:ω=>1.… "V_R" => Dict(102=>1.01389,103=>1.00464,101=>1.02) "Vm" => Dict(102=>1.0142,103=>1.0059,101=>1.02) "θ" => Dict(102=>-0.0247452,103=>0.0500046,101=>-8.28357e-14) "V_I" => Dict(102=>-0.0250941,103=>0.0502787,101=>-8.44924e-14) "generator-103-1" => Dict(:vi_filter=>0.209533,:γd_ic=>0.0615061,:vq_pll=>-6.…
#Run the simulation
sim, #simulation structure
IDA(), #Sundials DAE Solver
dtmax = 0.02, #Maximum step size
series2 = get_voltagemag_series(sim, 102)
zoom = [
(series2[1][ix], series2[2][ix]) for
(ix, s) in enumerate(series2[1]) if (s > 0.90 && s < 1.6)
An important aspect to consider is that DynamicLines must not be considered in the computation of the Ybus. First we construct the Dynamic Line, by finding the Line named "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3", and then adding it to the system.
get component return the Branch on threebus_sys_dyn named "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3"
dyn_branch = DynamicBranch(get_component(Branch, threebus_sys_dyn, "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3"))
BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 (DynamicBranch): branch: BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 (Line) n_states: 2 states: [:Il_R, :Il_I] internal: InfrastructureSystems.InfrastructureSystemsInternal
Adding a dynamic line will inmediately remove the static line from the system.
add_component!(threebus_sys_dyn, dyn_branch)
┌ Warning: struct DynamicBranch does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51
Similarly, we construct the Ybus fault by creating a copy of the original system, but removing the Line "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3" to avoid considering it in the Ybus:
#Make a copy of the original system
sys3 = deepcopy(threebus_sys);
#Remove Line "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3"
remove_component!(Line, sys3, "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3")
#Triplicates the impedance of the line named "BUS 1-BUS 2-i_1"
fault_branches2 = get_components(Line, sys3)
for br in fault_branches2
if get_name(br) == "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1"
br.r = 3 * br.r
br.x = 3 * br.x
b_new = (from = br.b.from / 3, to = / 3)
br.b = b_new
#Obtain the new Ybus
Ybus_fault_dyn = Ybus(sys3).data
#Define Fault: Change of YBus
Ybus_change_dyn = PowerSimulationsDynamics.NetworkSwitch(
1.0, #change at t = 1.0
Ybus_fault_dyn, #New YBus
[ Info: Serialized time series data to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_SiaZCb/sys_time_series_storage.h5. [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_SiaZCb/sys.json [ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_Zqnn86 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 [ Info: The System has no islands
PowerSimulationsDynamics.NetworkSwitch(1.0, [1, 1] = 0.91954-10.9011im [2, 1] = -0.689655+8.27586im [3, 1] = -0.229885+2.75862im [1, 2] = -0.689655+8.27586im [2, 2] = 0.689655-8.17586im [1, 3] = -0.229885+2.75862im [3, 3] = 0.229885-2.72529im)
Now, we construct the simulation:
Time span of our simulation
tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
(0.0, 30.0)
Define Simulation
sim_dyn = PSID.Simulation(
pwd(), #folder to output results
threebus_sys_dyn, #system
tspan, #time span
Ybus_change_dyn, #Type of perturbation
[ Info: Serialized time series data to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_W32Xlz/sys_time_series_storage.h5. [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_W32Xlz/sys.json [ Info: Loaded time series from storage file existing=sys_time_series_storage.h5 new=/var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_6NCG07 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 250.0 MW for BUS 1-BUS 2-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 47.0, max = 52.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/4kGrw/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicBranch does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicGenerator does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51 ┌ Warning: struct DynamicInverter does not exist in validation configuration file, validation skipped └ @ InfrastructureSystems ~/.julia/packages/InfrastructureSystems/v75Hd/src/validation.jl:51
Run the simulation
sim_dyn, #simulation structure
IDA(), #Sundials DAE Solver
dtmax = 0.02, #Maximum step size
We can obtain the initial conditions as:
#Will print the initial states. It also give the symbols used to describe those states.
#Will export a dictionary with the initial condition values to explore
x0_init_dyn = PSID.get_initial_conditions(sim_dyn)
Voltage Variables ==================== BUS 1 ==================== Vm 1.02 θ -0.0 ==================== BUS 2 ==================== Vm 1.0142 θ -0.0247 ==================== BUS 3 ==================== Vm 1.0059 θ 0.05 ==================== ==================== Differential States generator-102-1 ==================== eq_p 0.6478 ed_p 0.6672 δ 0.9386 ω 1.0 Vf 1.0781 Vr1 0.0333 Vr2 -0.1941 Vm 1.0142 ==================== Differential States generator-103-1 ==================== ω_oc 1.0 θ_oc 0.4573 q_oc -0.4453 ξd_ic 0.0013 ξq_ic 0.0004 γd_ic 0.0615 γq_ic -0.0138 ϕd_ic 0.8765 ϕq_ic -0.1978 vd_pll 0.8986 vq_pll 0.0 ε_pll -0.0 θ_pll 0.2354 ir_cnv 0.7462 ii_cnv 0.757 vr_filter 0.8738 vi_filter 0.2095 ir_filter 0.7617 ii_filter 0.6923 ==================== ==================== Line Current States ==================== Line BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3 Il_R -0.08348 Il_I -0.01213 ====================
Dict{String,Any} with 7 entries: "generator-102-1" => Dict(:Vf=>1.07808,:Vr2=>-0.194055,:ed_p=>0.667241,:… "V_R" => Dict(102=>1.01389,103=>1.00464,101=>1.02) "Vm" => Dict(102=>1.0142,103=>1.0059,101=>1.02) "θ" => Dict(102=>-0.0247452,103=>0.0500046,101=>-8.28357e-… "V_I" => Dict(102=>-0.0250941,103=>0.0502787,101=>-8.44924e-… "generator-103-1" => Dict(:vi_filter=>0.209533,:γd_ic=>0.0615061,:vq_pll… "Line BUS 2-BUS 3-i_3" => Dict(:Il_I=>-0.0121293,:Il_R=>-0.083478)
series2_dyn = get_voltagemag_series(sim_dyn, 102)
zoom_dyn = [
(series2_dyn[1][ix], series2_dyn[2][ix]) for
(ix, s) in enumerate(series2_dyn[1]) if (s > 0.90 && s < 1.6)
We can observe the effect of Dynamic Lines
Plots.plot(series2_dyn, label = "V_gen_dyn")
Plots.plot!(series2, label = "V_gen_st", xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Voltage [pu]")
that looks quite similar. The differences can be observed in the zoom plot:
Plots.plot(zoom_dyn, label = "V_gen_dyn")
Plots.plot!(zoom, label = "V_gen_st", xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Voltage [pu]")
This notebook was generated using Literate.jl.