Originally Contributed by: Clayton Barrows
PowerSystems.jl supports serializing/deserializing data with JSON. This notebook
provides an example of how to write and read a System
to/from disk.
Let's use a dataset from the tabular data parsing example
using SIIPExamples
pkgpath = dirname(dirname(pathof(SIIPExamples)))
include(joinpath(pkgpath, "test", "2_PowerSystems_examples", "02_parse_matpower.jl"))
[ Info: extending matpower format with data: areas 1x3 [ Info: extending matpower format with data: gen_name 7x4 [ Info: extending matpower format by appending matrix "gen_name" in to "gen" [ Info: reversing the orientation of branch 6 (4, 3) to be consistent with other parallel branches [ Info: the voltage setpoint on generator 4 does not match the value at bus 4 [ Info: the voltage setpoint on generator 1 does not match the value at bus 1 [ Info: the voltage setpoint on generator 5 does not match the value at bus 10 [ Info: the voltage setpoint on generator 2 does not match the value at bus 1 [ Info: the voltage setpoint on generator 3 does not match the value at bus 3 [ Info: removing 1 cost terms from generator 4: [4000.0, 0.0] [ Info: removing 1 cost terms from generator 1: [1400.0, 0.0] [ Info: removing 1 cost terms from generator 5: [1000.0, 0.0] [ Info: removing 1 cost terms from generator 2: [1500.0, 0.0] [ Info: removing 3 cost terms from generator 6: Float64[] [ Info: removing 3 cost terms from generator 7: Float64[] [ Info: removing 1 cost terms from generator 3: [3000.0, 0.0] ┌ Info: Constructing System from Power Models │ data["name"] = "nesta_case5_pjm" └ data["source_type"] = "matpower" [ Info: Reading bus data [ Info: Reading generator data [ Info: Reading branch data ┌ Warning: Rate 1200.0 MW for bus2-bus3-i_4 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus1-bus2-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus1-bus4-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus4-bus5-i_7 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 1000.0 MW for bus1-bus5-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 [ Info: Reading branch data [ Info: Reading DC Line data [ Info: Reading storage data
Base Power: 100.0
Num components: 30
9 rows × 3 columns
ConcreteType | SuperTypes | Count | |
String | String | Int64 | |
1 | Arc | Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 6 |
2 | Area | AggregationTopology <: Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 1 |
3 | Bus | Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
4 | Line | ACBranch <: Branch <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
5 | LoadZone | AggregationTopology <: Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 1 |
6 | PhaseShiftingTransformer | ACBranch <: Branch <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 2 |
7 | PowerLoad | StaticLoad <: ElectricLoad <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 3 |
8 | RenewableDispatch | RenewableGen <: Generator <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 2 |
9 | ThermalStandard | ThermalGen <: Generator <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
Components with time series data: 0
Total StaticTimeSeries: 0
Total Forecasts: 0
Resolution: 0 seconds
folder = mktempdir()
path = joinpath(folder, "system.json")
println("Serializing to $path")
to_json(sys, path)
filesize(path) / (1024 * 1024) #MiB
Serializing to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_00x81t/system.json [ Info: Serialized System to /var/folders/27/2jr8c7gn4j72fvrg4qt81zrw8w_711/T/jl_00x81t/system.json
¶sys2 = System(path)
┌ Warning: Rate 1000.0 MW for bus1-bus5-i_3 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus1-bus4-i_2 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus1-bus2-i_1 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 200.0 MW for bus4-bus5-i_7 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148 ┌ Warning: Rate 1200.0 MW for bus2-bus3-i_4 is larger than the max expected in the range of (min = 134.0, max = 145.0). └ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/61h6O/src/utils/IO/branchdata_checks.jl:148
Base Power: 100.0
Num components: 30
9 rows × 3 columns
ConcreteType | SuperTypes | Count | |
String | String | Int64 | |
1 | Arc | Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 6 |
2 | Area | AggregationTopology <: Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 1 |
3 | Bus | Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
4 | Line | ACBranch <: Branch <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
5 | LoadZone | AggregationTopology <: Topology <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 1 |
6 | PhaseShiftingTransformer | ACBranch <: Branch <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 2 |
7 | PowerLoad | StaticLoad <: ElectricLoad <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 3 |
8 | RenewableDispatch | RenewableGen <: Generator <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 2 |
9 | ThermalStandard | ThermalGen <: Generator <: StaticInjection <: Device <: Component <: InfrastructureSystemsComponent <: InfrastructureSystemsType <: Any | 5 |
Components with time series data: 0
Total StaticTimeSeries: 0
Total Forecasts: 0
Resolution: 0 seconds
This notebook was generated using Literate.jl.