Notebook %This notebook demonstrates the use of the workpackage template, replace with your own. \documentclass[english]{workpackage}[1996/06/02] % input the common preamble content (required by the ipnb2latex converter) \input{header.tex} % then follows the rest of the preamble to be placed before the begin document % this preamble content is special to the documentclass you defined above. \WPproject{Computational Radiometry} % project name \WPequipment{} % equipment name \WPsubject{09b Staring Staring Array Sensors} % main heading \WPconclusions{} \WPclassification{} \WPdocauthor{CJ Willers} \WPcurrentpackdate{\today} \WPcurrentpacknumber{} % work package number \WPdocnumber{} % this doc number hosts all the work packages \WPprevpackdate{} % work package which this one supersedes \WPprevpacknumber{} % work package which this one supersedes \WPsuperpackdate{} % work package which comes after this one \WPsuperpacknumber{} % work package which comes after this one \WPdocontractdetails{false} \WPcontractname{} % contract name \WPorderno{} % contract order number \WPmilestonenumber{} % contract milestone number \WPmilestonetitle{} % contract milestone title \WPcontractline{} % contract milestone line number \WPdocECPnumber{} % ecp\ecr number \WPdistribution{} % this is entered just before the end{document} \newcommand{\atendofdoc}{ \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \bibliography{bibliography.bib} } %and finally the document begin. \begin{document} \WPlayout
References for this material \cite{Mooney1989,Perry1993,Holst1995,Janesick2007,Black2014} %1. JM Mooney, **, *Responsivity nonuniformity limited performance of infrared staring cameras*, Optical Engineering, Vol 28, SPIE, 1989. %2. D Perry, **, *Linear theory of nonuniformity correction in infrared staring sensors*, Optical %Engineering, Vol 32, SPIE, 1993. %3. GC Holst, *Electro-Optical Imaging System Performance*, JCD publishing, 1995. %4. JR Janesick, *Photon Transfer*, SPIE, 2007. %5. WT Black, *In Situ Calibration of Nonuniformity in Infrared Staring and Modulated Systems*, University of Arizona, 2014,
\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Material & $e_d$& $c_a$ &$D_{X}$ &$T_X$ &$E_\textrm{gap0}$ & $A$ & $B$\\ \hline Silicon (visual) & 2 & \num{4.31e+05} &\num{5.00e-06} &300 &1.166 & \num{5.50e-4} &636\\ InGaAs x=0.45 1.7 um & 1 & \num{2.82e+08} &\num{8.53e-05} &300 &0.700 &\num{5.40e-4} & 1076\\ HgCdTe x=0.304 MWIR & 2 & \num{2.78e+04} &\num{2.00e-06} &80 &0.235 &\num{3.00e-4} &500\\ HgCdTe x=0.225 LWIR & 1 & \num{9.25e+04} &\num{1.00e-01} &80 &0.131 &\num{3.00e-4} &200\\ \hline & - &K$^{-3/2}$&A/m$^2$ &K &eV & - & -\\ \hline \end{tabular}