Monte Carlo simulation of a trend towards achieving terabyte level L1 cache memory. See below for gigabyte level L1 cache memory.
import numpy as np
import statistics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Onri prefers using rcParams to increase the quality of all plots to be higher than the default settings.
# This only needs to be done once at beginning of every Jupyter Notebook.
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
# --- Simulation Parameters ---
# Mean and std dev for the doubling interval (in years):
# We'll clamp doubling times to [0.5, 10] years as a sanity check
# Optional: define a small probability of "breakthrough" or "stall"
# that modifies the doubling time distribution. We'll keep it off for now
def random_doubling_time():
Returns a random doubling time drawn from a truncated normal distribution.
Could incorporate special 'breakthrough' or 'stall' events.
while True:
time = np.random.normal(MEAN_DOUBLING_TIME, STD_DOUBLING_TIME)
# Clamp to a reasonable range
if time > MIN_DOUBLING and time < MAX_DOUBLING:
# Optionally incorporate random breakthroughs or stalls
# if np.random.rand() < BREAKTHROUGH_CHANCE:
# time *= 0.5 # Halve the time needed for a doubling
# if np.random.rand() < STALL_CHANCE:
# time *= 2.0 # Double the time needed for a doubling
return time
def simulate_one_run():
Sums random doubling intervals until we reach the required number of doublings.
Returns the total time in years.
total_time = 0.0
doublings_done = 0
# Keep adding doubling intervals until we hit DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED
while doublings_done < DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED:
total_time += random_doubling_time()
doublings_done += 1
return total_time
# --- Monte Carlo Simulation ---
results = [simulate_one_run() for _ in range(NUM_SIMULATIONS)]
# Analyze results
mean_years = statistics.mean(results)
median_years = statistics.median(results)
min_years = min(results)
max_years = max(results)
# Let's imagine we start counting from 2025
start_year = 2025
mean_finish_year = start_year + mean_years
median_finish_year = start_year + median_years
# Print out some summary statistics
print(f"Simulation runs: {NUM_SIMULATIONS}")
print(f"Required Doublings to 1TB from 64KB: {DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED}")
print(f"Mean Years to Achieve: {mean_years:.1f}")
print(f"Median Years to Achieve: {median_years:.1f}")
print(f"Min/Max Years to Achieve: {min_years:.1f}/{max_years:.1f}")
print(f"Mean Finish Year (starting 2025): ~{mean_finish_year:.0f}")
print(f"Median Finish Year (starting 2025): ~{median_finish_year:.0f}")
# Plot the distribution
plt.hist(results, bins=50, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black')
plt.title("Distribution of Years Required to Reach 1TB L1 (Monte Carlo)")
plt.xlabel("Years to Achieve (from 2025)")
Simulation runs: 10000 Required Doublings to 1TB from 64KB: 24 Mean Years to Achieve: 60.2 Median Years to Achieve: 60.2 Min/Max Years to Achieve: 47.3/74.3 Mean Finish Year (starting 2025): ~2085 Median Finish Year (starting 2025): ~2085
import pandas as pd
# References supporting the exponential growth in cache memory capacity
references_data = [
"Reference": "Hennessy & Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach",
"Year": 2017,
"Note": "Discussion on exponential trends in cache and memory scaling."
"Reference": "International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)",
"Year": 2015,
"Note": "Predictions of semiconductor technology scaling, including cache memory sizes."
"Reference": "Samuel K. Moore, IEEE Spectrum: 'Chipmakers Push SRAM Density for Next-Gen Caches'",
"Year": 2022,
"Note": "Recent advancements and breakthroughs in SRAM cache density."
"Reference": "T. Naffziger, IEEE ISSCC Keynote: 'Future of Processor Scaling'",
"Year": 2023,
"Note": "Insights into future scaling of processor caches reaching gigabyte and terabyte scales."
"Reference": "AMD Technical Roadmap Presentation",
"Year": 2024,
"Note": "Projected exponential growth in processor caches to multi-gigabyte and eventually terabyte levels."
# Creating a DataFrame to neatly display the references
df_references = pd.DataFrame(references_data)
Reference | Year | Note | |
0 | Hennessy & Patterson, Computer Architecture: A... | 2017 | Discussion on exponential trends in cache and ... |
1 | International Technology Roadmap for Semicondu... | 2015 | Predictions of semiconductor technology scalin... |
2 | Samuel K. Moore, IEEE Spectrum: 'Chipmakers Pu... | 2022 | Recent advancements and breakthroughs in SRAM ... |
3 | T. Naffziger, IEEE ISSCC Keynote: 'Future of P... | 2023 | Insights into future scaling of processor cach... |
4 | AMD Technical Roadmap Presentation | 2024 | Projected exponential growth in processor cach... |
Below is a Lowess fitting curve applied to the data
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess
# Sort results in ascending order
sorted_results = np.sort(results)
# Create an x-axis from 0 to NUM_SIMULATIONS-1
x = np.arange(NUM_SIMULATIONS)
# Apply LOWESS for a smoothed regression-like curve
# frac determines the fraction of data used when estimating each y-value
# A smaller frac means less smoothing; larger frac means more smoothing.
smoothed = lowess(sorted_results, x, frac=0.05)
# smoothed is an array of shape (NUM_SIMULATIONS, 2) => [[x_i, y_i_smoothed], ...]
x_smooth = smoothed[:, 0]
y_smooth = smoothed[:, 1]
# Plot the original sorted data (thin line or scatter)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, sorted_results, label='Sorted Monte Carlo Results', alpha=0.3)
# Plot the smoothed LOWESS curve
plt.plot(x_smooth, y_smooth, color='red', linewidth=2.0, label='LOWESS Smoothed Curve')
plt.title("Monte Carlo Distribution of Years to Reach 1TB L1 + Smoothed Fit")
plt.xlabel("Simulation Index (sorted by years)")
plt.ylabel("Years to Achieve (Ascending)")
Below is a moving average fitting curve applied to the data
window_size = 200
rolling_means = np.convolve(sorted_results, np.ones(window_size)/window_size, mode='valid')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(sorted_results, alpha=0.3, label='Sorted Results')
plt.plot(np.arange(window_size//2, window_size//2+len(rolling_means)),
label=f'{window_size}-Sample Moving Avg')
plt.title("Monte Carlo Distribution of Years to Reach 1TB L1 + Rolling Mean")
plt.xlabel("Simulation Index (sorted by years)")
plt.ylabel("Years to Achieve (Ascending)")
Monte Carlo simulation of a trend towards achieving gigabyte level L1 cache memory.
import numpy as np
import statistics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# For LOWESS smoothing
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess
# --- Simulation Parameters ---
NUM_SIMULATIONS = 10_000 # Number of Monte Carlo runs
DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED = 14 # ~14 doublings to go from 64 KB to 1 GB
MEAN_DOUBLING_TIME = 2.5 # Mean years per density doubling
STD_DOUBLING_TIME = 0.75 # Std dev for years per doubling
MIN_DOUBLING = 0.5 # Minimum clamped years per doubling
MAX_DOUBLING = 10.0 # Maximum clamped years per doubling
def random_doubling_time():
Returns a random doubling time drawn from a truncated normal distribution.
while True:
time = np.random.normal(MEAN_DOUBLING_TIME, STD_DOUBLING_TIME)
return time
def simulate_one_run():
Accumulates random doubling intervals until we reach DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED.
Returns the total years needed for that single simulation run.
total_time = 0.0
doublings_done = 0
while doublings_done < DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED:
total_time += random_doubling_time()
doublings_done += 1
return total_time
# --- Monte Carlo Simulation ---
results = [simulate_one_run() for _ in range(NUM_SIMULATIONS)]
# Compute basic statistics
mean_years = statistics.mean(results)
median_years = statistics.median(results)
min_years = min(results)
max_years = max(results)
print(f"Monte Carlo Runs: {NUM_SIMULATIONS}")
print(f"Doublings Required (64 KB -> 1 GB): {DOUBLINGS_REQUIRED}")
print(f"Mean Years to Achieve: {mean_years:.2f}")
print(f"Median Years to Achieve: {median_years:.2f}")
print(f"Min/Max Years: {min_years:.2f} / {max_years:.2f}")
# --- Data Visualization ---
# 1) Histogram of the raw distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.hist(results, bins=50, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black')
plt.title("Distribution of Years to Reach 1GB L1 (Monte Carlo)")
plt.xlabel("Years to Achieve (from 2025)")
plt.axvline(mean_years, color='red', linestyle='--', label=f"Mean = {mean_years:.2f}")
plt.axvline(median_years, color='green', linestyle='--', label=f"Median = {median_years:.2f}")
# 2) LOWESS "Moving Average" Regression-Like Curve
# Sort results (ascending)
sorted_results = np.sort(results)
x = np.arange(NUM_SIMULATIONS)
# Apply LOWESS smoothing; 'frac' controls the smoothing window
smoothed = lowess(sorted_results, x, frac=0.05)
x_smooth = smoothed[:, 0]
y_smooth = smoothed[:, 1]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, sorted_results, label='Sorted Results', alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(x_smooth, y_smooth, color='red', linewidth=2.0, label='LOWESS Smoothed Curve')
plt.title("Monte Carlo Results (Sorted) with LOWESS Smoothing")
plt.xlabel("Simulation Index (Sorted by Years)")
plt.ylabel("Years to Achieve (Ascending)")
Monte Carlo Runs: 10000 Doublings Required (64 KB -> 1 GB): 14 Mean Years to Achieve: 35.10 Median Years to Achieve: 35.11 Min/Max Years: 24.24 / 45.70