# Generates authentication token
# Asks for your Earthdata username and password for first time, if netrc does not exists.
urs = 'urs.earthdata.nasa.gov' # Earthdata URL endpoint for authentication
prompts = ['Enter NASA Earthdata Login Username: ',
'Enter NASA Earthdata Login Password: ']
# Determine the OS (Windows machines usually use an '_netrc' file)
netrc_name = "_netrc" if system()=="Windows" else ".netrc"
# Determine if netrc file exists, and if so, if it includes NASA Earthdata Login Credentials
netrcDir = os.path.expanduser(f"~/{netrc_name}")
# Below, create a netrc file and prompt user for NASA Earthdata Login Username and Password
except FileNotFoundError:
homeDir = os.path.expanduser("~")
Popen('touch {0}{2} | echo machine {1} >> {0}{2}'.format(homeDir + os.sep, urs, netrc_name), shell=True)
Popen('echo login {} >> {}{}'.format(getpass(prompt=prompts[0]), homeDir + os.sep, netrc_name), shell=True)
Popen('echo \'password {} \'>> {}{}'.format(getpass(prompt=prompts[1]), homeDir + os.sep, netrc_name), shell=True)
# Set restrictive permissions
Popen('chmod 0600 {0}{1}'.format(homeDir + os.sep, netrc_name), shell=True)
# Determine OS and edit netrc file if it exists but is not set up for NASA Earthdata Login
except TypeError:
homeDir = os.path.expanduser("~")
Popen('echo machine {1} >> {0}{2}'.format(homeDir + os.sep, urs, netrc_name), shell=True)
Popen('echo login {} >> {}{}'.format(getpass(prompt=prompts[0]), homeDir + os.sep, netrc_name), shell=True)
Popen('echo \'password {} \'>> {}{}'.format(getpass(prompt=prompts[1]), homeDir + os.sep, netrc_name), shell=True)