This is a simple app to help anyone learn Spanish. It is a simple flash card app that shows a Spanish word and the user has to guess the English translation.
module for the UI and the pandas
module for the csv database.Below is the snapshot of the app
from tkinter import *
import pandas
import random
# Set the background color for the flashcards
# Initialize the current flashcard and the list of flashcards to learn
current_flashcard = {}
flashcards_to_learn = {}
# Load the flashcards from a CSV file
flashcard_data = pandas.read_csv("data/words_to_learn.csv")
flashcards_to_learn = flashcard_data.to_dict(orient="records")
# Function to display the next flashcard
def display_next_flashcard():
global current_flashcard, flip_timer
current_flashcard = random.choice(flashcards_to_learn)
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_title, text="Spanish", fill="black")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_word, text=current_flashcard["Spanish"], fill="black")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_background, image=flashcard_front_img)
flip_timer = window.after(3000, func=flip_flashcard)
# Function to flip the flashcard to the English side
def flip_flashcard():
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_title, text="English", fill="white")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_word, text=current_flashcard["English"], fill="white")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_background, image=flashcard_back_img)
# Function to flip the flashcard back to the Spanish side
def reverse_flashcard():
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_title, text="Spanish", fill="black")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_word, text=current_flashcard["Spanish"], fill="black")
canvas.itemconfig(flashcard_background, image=flashcard_front_img)
# Function to mark the current flashcard as known and remove it from the list of flashcards to learn
def mark_flashcard_as_known():
flashcard_data = pandas.DataFrame(flashcards_to_learn)
flashcard_data.to_csv("data/words_to_learn.csv", index=False)
# Create the main window
window = Tk()
window.title("My Flashcards")
window.config(padx=50, pady=50, bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR)
# Set a timer to automatically flip the flashcard after 3 seconds
flip_timer = window.after(3000, func=flip_flashcard)
# Create the canvas to display the flashcards
canvas = Canvas(width=800, height=526)
flashcard_front_img = PhotoImage(file="images/card_front.png")
flashcard_back_img = PhotoImage(file="images/card_back.png")
flashcard_background = canvas.create_image(400, 263, image=flashcard_front_img)
flashcard_title = canvas.create_text(400, 150, text="", font=("Ariel", 40, "italic"))
flashcard_word = canvas.create_text(400, 263, text="", font=("Ariel", 60, "bold"))
canvas.config(bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)
# Create the buttons to control the flashcards
wrong_image = PhotoImage(file="images/wrong.png")
unknown_flashcard_button = Button(image=wrong_image, highlightthickness=0, command=display_next_flashcard)
unknown_flashcard_button.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=20, pady=20)
right_image = PhotoImage(file="images/right.png")
known_flashcard_button = Button(image=right_image, highlightthickness=0, command=mark_flashcard_as_known)
known_flashcard_button.grid(row=1, column=1)
flip_image = PhotoImage(file="images/spanish.png")
flip_flashcard_button = Button(image=flip_image, highlightthickness=0, command=reverse_flashcard)
flip_flashcard_button.grid(row=2, column=0)
reverse_image = PhotoImage(file="images/english.png")
reverse_flashcard_button = Button(image=reverse_image, highlightthickness=0, command=flip_flashcard)
reverse_flashcard_button.grid(row=2, column=1)
# Start the application by displaying the first flashcard
# Start the main event loop for the application
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