Below is the snapshot of the game.
# define Food
from turtle import Turtle
import random
class Food(Turtle):
The Food class represents the food in the snake game. It inherits from the Turtle class.
def __init__(self):
Initialize a new Food object. The food is represented as a green circle.
self.shapesize(stretch_len=0.5, stretch_wid=0.5)
def refresh(self):
Move the food to a new random location within the game boundaries.
random_x = random.randint(-280, 280)
random_y = random.randint(-280, 280)
self.goto(random_x, random_y)
# define scoreboard
from turtle import Turtle
ALIGNMENT = "center"
FONT = ("Courier", 24, "normal")
class Scoreboard(Turtle):
The Scoreboard class represents the scoreboard in the snake game. It inherits from the Turtle class.
def __init__(self):
Initialize a new Scoreboard object. The scoreboard starts with a score of 0 and is displayed at the top of the screen.
self.score = 0
self.goto(0, 270)
def update_scoreboard(self):
Update the display of the scoreboard to show the current score.
self.write(f"Current Score: {self.score}", align=ALIGNMENT, font=FONT)
def game_over(self, message):
Display a "GAME OVER" message at the center of the screen.
self.goto(0, 0)
self.write("GAME OVER!" + f" You {message}", align=ALIGNMENT, font=FONT)
def increase_score(self):
Increase the score by 1 and update the scoreboard to reflect the new score.
self.score += 1
## snake properties
from turtle import Turtle
STARTING_POSITIONS = [(0, 0), (-20, 0), (-40, 0)]
UP = 90
DOWN = 270
LEFT = 180
def reset_game():
Reset the game by creating new instances of Snake, Food, and Scoreboard.
snake = Snake()
food = Food()
scoreboard = Scoreboard()
return snake, food, scoreboard
class Snake:
The Snake class represents the snake in the snake game.
def __init__(self):
Initialize a new Snake object. The snake starts with a few segments and a head.
self.segments = []
self.head = self.segments[0]
def create_snake(self):
Create the initial snake at the starting positions.
for position in STARTING_POSITIONS:
def add_segment(self, position):
Add a new segment to the snake at the given position.
new_segment = Turtle("square")
def extend(self):
Extend the snake by adding a new segment at the position of the last segment.
def move(self):
Move the snake forward by moving each segment to the position of the previous segment.
for seg_num in range(len(self.segments) - 1, 0, -1):
new_x = self.segments[seg_num - 1].xcor()
new_y = self.segments[seg_num - 1].ycor()
self.segments[seg_num].goto(new_x, new_y)
def up(self):
Change the heading of the snake's head to up, unless it's currently heading down.
if self.head.heading() != DOWN:
def down(self):
Change the heading of the snake's head to down, unless it's currently heading up.
if self.head.heading() != UP:
def left(self):
Change the heading of the snake's head to left, unless it's currently heading right.
if self.head.heading() != RIGHT:
def right(self):
Change the heading of the snake's head to right, unless it's currently heading left.
if self.head.heading() != LEFT:
def reset(self):
Reset the snake by creating new instances of Snake, Food, and Scoreboard.
# for seg in self.segments:
# seg.goto(1000, 1000)
snake, food, scoreboard = reset_game()
return snake, food, scoreboard
## run game
from turtle import Screen
import time
# Set up the screen for the game
screen = Screen()
screen.setup(width=600, height=600) # Set the screen size to 600x600
screen.bgcolor("black") # Set the background color to black
screen.title("Snake Game") # Set the title of the screen to "Snake Game"
screen.tracer(0) # Turn off the screen updates
# Create the snake, food, and scoreboard
snake = Snake()
food = Food()
scoreboard = Scoreboard()
# Listen for key presses
screen.onkey(snake.up, "Up") # Move the snake up when the "Up" key is pressed
screen.onkey(snake.down, "Down") # Move the snake down when the "Down" key is pressed
screen.onkey(snake.left, "Left") # Move the snake left when the "Left" key is pressed
screen.onkey(snake.right, "Right") # Move the snake right when the "Right" key is pressed
# Pause for 2 seconds before starting the game
# Start the game
game_is_on = True
while game_is_on:
screen.update() # Update the screen
time.sleep(0.1) # Pause for 0.1 seconds
snake.move() # Move the snake
# Detect collision with food
if snake.head.distance(food) < 15:
food.refresh() # Move the food to a new location
snake.extend() # Extend the snake
scoreboard.increase_score() # Increase the score
# Detect collision with wall
if snake.head.xcor() > 280 or snake.head.xcor() < -280 or snake.head.ycor() > 280 or snake.head.ycor() < -280:
game_is_on = False # End the game
print("hit wall")
scoreboard.game_over(message='Hit wall') # Display the game over message
# Detect collision with tail
for segment in snake.segments:
if segment == snake.head:
pass # Ignore the head segment
elif snake.head.distance(segment) < 1:
game_is_on = False # End the game
print("hit tail")
scoreboard.game_over(message='Hit self') # Display the game over message
# Restart game with enter key
if game_is_on == False:
print("press enter to restart")
screen.onkey(snake.reset, "Return") # Reset the game when the "Return" key is pressed
# Exit the game when the screen is clicked
hit wall press enter to restart