A notebook to test the calculation of the buuoyancy frequency as implemented in froude.py.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import froude
import os
import numpy as np
import datetime
%matplotlib inline
Load some data to experiment with
path = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/2Ddomain/3.6'
directory = 'base_aug'
file_part = 'SalishSea_1d_20030819_20030927_{}.nc'
dT = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(path,directory,file_part.format('grid_T')))
sal = dT.variables['vosaline'][:]
sal = np.ma.masked_values(sal,0)
deps = dT.variables['deptht'][:]
temp = dT.variables['votemper'][:]
temp = np.ma.masked_values(temp,0)
ssh = dT.variables['sossheig'][:]
n2 = dT.variables['buoy_n2'][:]
n2 = np.ma.masked_values(n2,0)
times = dT.variables['time_counter'][:]
time_origin = datetime.datetime.strptime(dT.variables['time_counter'].time_origin, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
dU = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(path,directory,file_part.format('grid_U')))
U = dU.variables['vozocrtx'][:]
U = np.ma.masked_values(U,0)
dW = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(path,directory,file_part.format('grid_W')))
avt = dW.variables['vert_eddy_diff'][:]
avt = np.ma.masked_values(avt,0)
avm = dW.variables['vert_eddy_visc'][:]
avm = np.ma.masked_values(avm,0)
diss = dW.variables['dissipation'][:]
diss = np.ma.masked_values(diss,0)
Load the mesh_mask file for scale factors
mesh = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/2Ddomain/grid/mesh_mask.nc')
e3w = mesh.variables['e3w'][0,:,:,:] # NEMO uses e3w.
rho = froude.calculate_density(temp, sal)
Calculate buoyancy frequency with froude module
<module 'froude' from 'froude.pyc'>
n2_f = froude.calculate_buoyancy_frequency(temp, sal, e3w, 1)
n2_f = np.ma.masked_values(n2_f,0)
Plot n2_f to see that it makes sense.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(8,5,figsize=(20,10))
for t, ax in zip (np.arange(times.shape[0]), axs.flat):
ax.pcolor(np.arange(n2_f.shape[-1]),deps,n2_f[t,:,yslice,:],vmin=-0.01,vmax = 0.01)
Compare with NEMO's buoyancy frequency.
diff = n2-n2_f;
print np.ma.max(diff)
print np.ma.min(diff)
print np.ma.mean(diff)
0.0637975778828 -0.0582721825923 -9.82715828842e-05
ind = np.unravel_index(np.ma.argmax(diff), diff.shape)
(0, 4, 4, 1098)
for t in np.arange(times.shape[0]):
max = np.ma.max(diff[t,...])
ind = np.unravel_index(np.ma.argmax(diff[t,...]), diff[t,:,:,:].shape)
print t, ind, max
0 (4, 4, 1098) 0.0637975778828 1 (4, 4, 1098) 0.0608109813299 2 (4, 3, 1098) 0.0397740351603 3 (4, 6, 1098) 0.0209874000337 4 (5, 4, 1098) 0.00988855767693 5 (5, 3, 1098) 0.00900880743467 6 (5, 2, 1098) 0.00978058835956 7 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0110632234048 8 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0124031425429 9 (9, 6, 1098) 0.012225554126 10 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0116716421533 11 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0125277705359 12 (9, 2, 1098) 0.0118110675493 13 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0117886870289 14 (9, 3, 1098) 0.0107564743981 15 (5, 7, 1098) 0.0112179594198 16 (5, 3, 1098) 0.0144991979914 17 (9, 3, 1098) 0.00875587577357 18 (9, 3, 1098) 0.0106275686009 19 (9, 4, 1098) 0.012333180511 20 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0118250392402 21 (9, 4, 1098) 0.0129439677513 22 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0125979529458 23 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0126424818841 24 (9, 3, 1098) 0.0113636432119 25 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0125236500263 26 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0125499353037 27 (9, 2, 1098) 0.0117528877319 28 (9, 4, 1098) 0.011401231538 29 (9, 5, 1098) 0.0112679367465 30 (9, 5, 1098) 0.0102891201313 31 (9, 2, 1098) 0.0100897596802 32 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0113250296708 33 (9, 7, 1098) 0.0126732391574 34 (9, 6, 1098) 0.0116363472431 35 (9, 5, 1098) 0.0126982071884 36 (5, 4, 1098) 0.011294103198 37 (9, 5, 1098) 0.0124413324398 38 (9, 3, 1098) 0.0122079726973 39 (4, 2, 1098) 0.0138501868888
I think the major differences have to do with the vertical stretching of the grid due to vvl. This is largest at the right side of the domain. I'm not particularly interated in the buoyany frequency in that location, so can I neglec this? Probably.
What do the differences look like elsewhere?
fig, axs = plt.subplots(8,5,figsize=(20,10))
for t, ax in zip (np.arange(times.shape[0]), axs.flat):
ax.pcolor(diff[t,:,yslice,:],vmin=-0.01,vmax = 0.01)
How do these differences affect my Froude number calculations?
n2_f_slice= n2_f[:,:,yslice,:]
rho_slice = rho[:,:,yslice,:]
u_slice = U[:,:,yslice,:]
n2_slice= n2[:,:,yslice,:]
Fr_mys, cs, uvgs, dates = froude.froude_time_series(n2_f_slice,rho_slice,u_slice,
deps,depsU,times, time_origin)
Fr_NEMO, cs, uvgs, dates = froude.froude_time_series(n2_slice,rho_slice,u_slice,
deps,depsU,times, time_origin)
/home/nsoontie/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.py:3900: UserWarning: Warning: converting a masked element to nan. warnings.warn("Warning: converting a masked element to nan.")
xmin = 300; xmax=700
fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(10,5),sharex=True)
ax.plot(dates,Fr_mys, label = 'with my N2')
ax.plot(dates,Fr_NEMO, label = 'with NEMOs n2')
ax.set_ylabel('Froude number')
ax.set_title('Average Froude number in region xind = {} -{}'.format(xmin,xmax))
ax.set_title('Difference, mine-NEMO')
Differences are so small that I'm not going to worry about it. I'm interested in Froude numbers around 1. Calculating buoyancy frequency my own way doens't affect the results to the precision I need. But in the future, I should output n2 as part of the simulation.