For 6h run from spin-up restart on 21Apr with all forcing and evd=3.
Tests were run on orcinus
and jasper
from __future__ import division
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
def plot_runtimes(system, data, ax1_ylim=None, ax2_ylim=None):
seconds = np.array(
[timedelta(minutes=int(v.split(':')[0]), seconds=int(v.split(':')[1])).total_seconds()
for v in data.values()])
cpus = np.array(
[int(k.split('x')[0]) * int(k.split('x')[1])
for k in data.keys()])
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 4))
ax1.plot(seconds, 'o')
if ax1_ylim is not None:
ax1.set_ylabel('Runtime [s]')
ax1.set_xlabel('MPI Decomposition [CPUs]')
ax2.plot(seconds*cpus/3600, 'o')
if ax2_ylim is not None:
ax2.set_ylabel('Total CPU Time [hr]')
ax2.set_xlabel('Number of CPUs')
ax2.set_xticklabels(['{num}\n{shape}'.format(num=p, shape=s) for p, s in zip(cpus, data.keys())])
fig_title = fig.suptitle('{system} MPI Decomposition Runtimes'.format(system=system))
return ax1.get_ylim(), ax2.get_ylim()
orcinus_data = OrderedDict([
('6x14', '21:36'),
('7x16', '17:46'),
('8x18', '11:27'),
('9x20', '9:21'),
('10x22', '8:20'),
('11x25', '7:19'),
('12x27', '5:55'),
('13x29', '6:34'),
('14x32', '5:30'),
('15x34', '4:48'),
('16x36', '4:30'),
jasper_data = OrderedDict([
('6x14', '19:34'),
('7x16', '14:16'),
('8x18', '12:40'),
('9x20', '9:08'),
('10x22', '8:06'),
('11x25', '6:05'),
('12x27', '6:04'),
('13x29', '5:25'),
('14x32', '4:42'),
('15x34', '14:31'),
('16x36', '21:40'),
ax1_ylim, ax2_ylim = plot_runtimes('Orcinus', orcinus_data)
ax1_ylim, ax2_ylim = plot_runtimes('Jasper', jasper_data, ax1_ylim, ax2_ylim)
Jasper total CPU time is >44 hr for 15x34 and 16x36 runs.
that makes efficient use of all CPUs
that makes efficient user of all CPUS, but it is only marginally less efficient than 12x27
Conclusion Use 12x27 decomposition on orcinus and jasper.
For 1 model-day nowcast runs between 4-Dec-2014 and 15-Dec-2014.
Times are for NEMO run itself; results gathering and deflation adds 0:14 to 0:15 to the runs.
westcloud_data = OrderedDict([
('4x8', '175:00'),
('4x10', '146:00'),
('5x11', '118:00'),
('6x13', '88:00'),
('7x16', '73:00'),
('8x18', '78:00'),
('9x20', '62:00'),
('10x23', '50:24'),
('11x24', '49:00'),
ax1_ylim, ax2_ylim = plot_runtimes('West.Cloud', westcloud_data)