import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, places, nc_tools, geo_tools
from importlib import reload
%matplotlib inline
grid = nc.Dataset('/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
bathy = grid.variables['Bathymetry'][:]
nav_lon = grid.variables['nav_lon'][:]
nav_lat = grid.variables['nav_lat'][:]
S3_lat = 49 + 7.5/60.
S3_lon = - (123 + 33.5/60.)
def nearest_search(nav_lon, nav_lat, stn_lon, stn_lat):
Search the nearest grid point for a given station
method: cKDTree (scipy.spatial.cKDTree)
input: latitude and longitude as degrees
------- Yingkai Sha <>
stn_indx, stn_indy = nearest_search(nav_lon, nav_lat,
stn_lon, stn_lat)
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree # <-- The only function uses cKDTree
# Create KDTree
grids_list = list(zip(nav_lon.ravel(), nav_lat.ravel()))
point_list = list(zip(stn_lon, stn_lat))
domainTree = cKDTree(grids_list)
# Nearest search
_, index_flat = domainTree.query(point_list)
stn_indx, stn_indy = np.unravel_index(index_flat, np.shape(nav_lon))
return stn_indx, stn_indy
index_x, index_y = nearest_search(nav_lon, nav_lat, [S3_lon], [S3_lat])
669 ms ± 5.39 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
index_x, index_y = nearest_search(nav_lon, nav_lat, [S3_lon], [S3_lat])
print (index_x, index_y)
[450] [258]
index_geo_x, index_geo_y = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(S3_lon, S3_lat, nav_lon, nav_lat)
2.35 ms ± 66.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
index_geo_x, index_geo_y = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(S3_lon, S3_lat, nav_lon, nav_lat)
print(index_geo_x, index_geo_y)
450 258
index_geo_x, index_geo_y = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(-(123+21/60.), (49+5/60.), nav_lon, nav_lat)
print(index_geo_x, index_geo_y)
427 283
For a single point, find_closest_model_point is 300x faster than nearest_search
S3 was added to
def background_map():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Blues')
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(bathy, cmap=cmap, vmax=1000.)
return ax
water_places = ['Central node', 'Delta BBL node', 'Delta DDL node', 'East node','Sandheads', \
'Halibut Bank', 'Sentry Shoal', 'S3']
ax = background_map()
for countpoint, place in enumerate(water_places):
point = places.PLACES[place]['NEMO grid ji']
if countpoint < 7:
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], 'o', label=place)
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], 's', label=place)
loc='upper right',
bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 0.82, 0.9, .102),
data = np.loadtxt('/ocean/ssahu/MEOPAR/salishseasprint/debby_stations.txt')
ax = background_map()
debby_x = np.empty(data.shape[0])
debby_y = np.empty_like(debby_x)
for i, datum in enumerate(data):
debby_y[i], debby_x[i] = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(datum[7], datum[6], nav_lon, nav_lat)
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f20728c6198>]
vector_data_file = '/ocean/sallen/allen/research/MEOPAR/vector_stations.txt'
data = np.loadtxt(vector_data_file, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4))
ax = background_map()
vector_x = np.empty(data.shape[0])
vector_y = np.empty_like(vector_x)
for i, datum in enumerate(data):
vector_y[i], vector_x[i] = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(
-(datum[2] + datum[3] / 60.), datum[0] + datum[1] / 60., nav_lon,
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, '+')
# and save the lines for identifying the stations later
f = open(vector_data_file)
vectorlines = f.readlines()
biology = nc.Dataset('/ocean/ssahu/MEOPAR/salishseasprint/')
d_stn_x = biology.variables['stn_x'][:]
d_stn_y = biology.variables['stn_y'][:]
bio_non_norm = biology.variables['bio_non_norm'][:]
ax = background_map()
for cluster in range(1, 8):
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], 'o', label=cluster)
for cluster in range(8, 10):
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], 'x', label=cluster)
loc='upper right',
bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 0.82, 0.9, .102),
cluster = 1
imin = 150; imax=350; jmin=100; jmax=300
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], '*')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster));
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0], 'x', markersize=15)
cluster_1 = {'NEMO grid ji': (241, 212)}
ax.plot(cluster_1['NEMO grid ji'][1], cluster_1['NEMO grid ji'][0] , 'xm')
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax));
cluster_1['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_1['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_1['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_1['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_1['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_1['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (241, 212), 'lon lat': (48.214740753173828, -123.09858703613281), 'Vector Stn': '64'}
cluster = 2
imin = 200; imax=400; jmin=50; jmax=300
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], '*')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster));
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0], 'x', markersize=15)
cluster_2 = {'NEMO grid ji': (294, 127)}
ax.plot(cluster_2['NEMO grid ji'][1], cluster_2['NEMO grid ji'][0] , 'xm', markersize=15)
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax));
cluster_2['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_2['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_2['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_2['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_2['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_2['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (294, 127), 'lon lat': (48.260612487792969, -123.71742248535156), 'Vector Stn': '69'}
cluster = 3
imin = 0; imax=450; jmin=100; jmax=350
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], '*')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster));
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_'+str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0], 'x', markersize=15)
cluster_3 = {'NEMO grid ji': (376, 291)}
ax.plot(cluster_3['NEMO grid ji'][1], cluster_3['NEMO grid ji'][0] , 'xm', markersize=15)
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax));
cluster_3['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_3['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_3['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_3['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_3['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_3['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (376, 291), 'lon lat': (48.899330139160156, -123.13800048828125), 'Vector Stn': '45'}
cluster = 4
imin = 0
imax = 897
jmin = 0
jmax = 397
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster],
#ax.plot(d_stn_x, d_stn_y, '.')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
cluster_4 = {'NEMO grid ji': (282, 305)}
cluster_4['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_4['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax))
(0, 897)
cluster_4['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_4['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_4['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_4['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_4['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_4['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (282, 305), 'lon lat': (48.554798126220703, -122.74989318847656), 'Vector Stn': '53'}
cluster = 5
imin = 200
imax = 400
jmin = 200
jmax = 350
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster],
ax.plot(d_stn_x, d_stn_y, '.')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
cluster_5 = {'NEMO grid ji': (344, 271)}
cluster_5['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_5['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax))
(200, 400)
cluster_5['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_5['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_5['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_5['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_5['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_5['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (344, 271), 'lon lat': (48.735176086425781, -123.13486480712891), 'Vector Stn': '57'}
cluster = 6
imin = 175
imax = 450
jmin = 0
jmax = 310
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster],
d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], '*')
#ax.plot(d_stn_x, d_stn_y, '.')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
cluster_6 = {'NEMO grid ji': (320, 68)}
cluster_6['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_6['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax));
cluster_6['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_6['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_6['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_6['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_6['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_6['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (320, 68), 'lon lat': (48.248786926269531, -124.11007690429688), 'Vector Stn': '73'}
cluster = 7
imin = 0
imax = 650
jmin = 100
jmax = 360
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster],
#ax.plot(d_stn_x, d_stn_y, '.')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(places.PLACES['S3']['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['S3']['NEMO grid ji'][0], 'gs')
cluster_7 = {'NEMO grid ji': (504, 246)}
cluster_7['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_7['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax));
cluster_7['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_7['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_7['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_7['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_7['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_7['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (504, 246), 'lon lat': (49.316856384277344, -123.80063629150391), 'Vector Stn': '27'}
cluster = 8
imin = 200
imax = 800
jmin = 0
jmax = 350
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster], d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster],
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
cluster_8 = {'NEMO grid ji': (646, 168)}
cluster_8['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_8['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax))
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Sentry Shoal']['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Sentry Shoal']['NEMO grid ji'][0], 'ys');
cluster_8['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_8['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_8['NEMO grid ji']])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(vector_x, vector_y)):
if x == cluster_8['NEMO grid ji'][1] and y == cluster_8['NEMO grid ji'][0]:
cluster_8['Vector Stn'] = vectorlines[i].split(' ', 1)[0]
{'NEMO grid ji': (646, 168), 'lon lat': (49.725547790527344, -124.67886352539062), 'Vector Stn': '12'}
cluster = 9
imin = 0
imax = 897
jmin = 0
jmax = 397
ax = background_map()
ax.plot(d_stn_x[bio_non_norm == cluster],
d_stn_y[bio_non_norm == cluster], '*')
ax.set_title('Cluster No' + str(cluster))
ax.plot(places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][1],
places.PLACES['Cluster_' + str(cluster)]['NEMO grid ji'][0],
cluster_9 = {'NEMO grid ji': (423, 300)}
cluster_9['NEMO grid ji'][1],
cluster_9['NEMO grid ji'][0],
ax.plot(debby_x, debby_y, 'gx')
ax.plot(vector_x, vector_y, 'b+', markersize=10)
ax.set_xlim((jmin, jmax))
ax.set_ylim((imin, imax))
(0, 897)
cluster_9['lon lat'] = (nav_lat[cluster_9['NEMO grid ji']],
nav_lon[cluster_9['NEMO grid ji']])
{'NEMO grid ji': (423, 300), 'lon lat': (49.101184844970703, -123.24888610839844)}
water_places = ['Central node', 'Delta BBL node', 'Delta DDL node', 'East node','Sandheads', \
'Halibut Bank', 'Sentry Shoal', 'S3']
clusters = [cluster_1, cluster_2,
cluster_3, cluster_4, cluster_5, cluster_6, cluster_7, cluster_8, cluster_9]
ax = background_map()
for countpoint, place in enumerate(water_places):
point = places.PLACES[place]['NEMO grid ji']
if countpoint < 7:
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], 'o', label=place)
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], 's', label=place)
for countpoint, place in enumerate(clusters):
point = place['NEMO grid ji']
if countpoint < 7:
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], 'v', label='Cluster '+str(countpoint+1))
ax.plot(point[1], point[0], '^', label='Cluster '+str(countpoint+1))
ax.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 0.82, 0.9, .102), ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., numpoints=1);
print (cluster_9)
{'NEMO grid ji': (423, 300), 'lon lat': (49.101184844970703, -123.24888610839844)}