Module¶Render figure object produced by the nowcast.figures.fvcom.second_narrows_current
Provides data for visual testing to confirm that refactoring has not adversely changed figure for web page.
Set-up and function call replicates as nearly as possible what is done in the nowcast.workers.make_plots
Notebooks like this should be developed in a
Nowcast Figures Development Environment
so that all of the necessary dependency packages are installed.
The development has to be done on a workstation that has the Vancouver Harbour & Fraser River FVCOM model results /opp/
parition mounted.
import io
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import subprocess
import arrow
import xarray
import yaml
from nowcast.figures import website_theme
from nowcast.figures.fvcom.publish import second_narrows_current
%matplotlib inline
The bits of config/nowcast.yaml
that are required:
config = '''
vhfr fvcom runs:
stations dataset filename:
results archive:
nowcast x2: /opp/fvcom/nowcast-x2/
forecast x2: /opp/fvcom/forecast-x2/
nowcast r12: /opp/fvcom/nowcast-r12/
config = yaml.safe_load(io.StringIO(config))
The bits that the make_plots
worker must provide:
Rename FVCOM dataset layer and leval variables because xarray
won't accept
variables and coordinates that have the same name.
def _rename_fvcom_vars(fvcom_dataset_path):
cmd = (
f'ncrename -O -v siglay,sigma_layer -v siglev,sigma_level '
f'{fvcom_dataset_path} /tmp/{}')
Figure¶run_date = arrow.get('2019-05-16')
model_config = "x2"
run_type = 'nowcast'
ddmmmyy = run_date.format('DDMMMYY').lower()
fvcom_stns_datasets = {}
if run_type == 'nowcast':
model_configs = ("x2", "r12") if model_config == "r12" else ("x2",)
for mdl_cfg in model_configs:
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename'][mdl_cfg]
results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive'][f"{run_type} {mdl_cfg}"], ddmmmyy
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = results_dir / fvcom_stns_dataset_filename
fvcom_stns_datasets[mdl_cfg] = xarray.open_dataset(f'/tmp/{}')
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename']["x2"]
nowcast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['nowcast x2'], ddmmmyy
nowcast_dataset_path = (nowcast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
forecast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['forecast x2'], ddmmmyy
forecast_dataset_path = (forecast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = Path("/tmp", fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
cmd = (
f'ncrcat -O {nowcast_dataset_path} {forecast_dataset_path} '
f'-o {fvcom_stns_dataset_path}'
fvcom_stns_datasets[model_config] = xarray.open_dataset(f'/tmp/{}')
obs_dataset = xarray.open_dataset(
%%timeit -n1 -r1
from importlib import reload
fig = second_narrows_current.make_figure(
'2nd Narrows', fvcom_stns_datasets, obs_dataset
/media/doug/warehouse/conda_envs/nowcast-fig-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/plotting/ FutureWarning: Using an implicitly registered datetime converter for a matplotlib plotting method. The converter was registered by pandas on import. Future versions of pandas will require you to explicitly register matplotlib converters. To register the converters: >>> from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters >>> register_matplotlib_converters() warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
1.35 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
Figure¶run_date = arrow.get('2019-05-11')
model_config = "r12"
run_type = 'nowcast'
ddmmmyy = run_date.format('DDMMMYY').lower()
fvcom_stns_datasets = {}
if run_type == 'nowcast':
model_configs = ("x2", "r12") if model_config == "r12" else ("x2",)
for mdl_cfg in model_configs:
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename'][mdl_cfg]
results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive'][f"{run_type} {mdl_cfg}"], ddmmmyy
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = results_dir / fvcom_stns_dataset_filename
fvcom_stns_datasets[mdl_cfg] = xarray.open_dataset(f'/tmp/{}')
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename']["x2"]
nowcast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['nowcast x2'], ddmmmyy
nowcast_dataset_path = (nowcast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
forecast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['forecast x2'], ddmmmyy
forecast_dataset_path = (forecast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = Path("/tmp", fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
cmd = (
f'ncrcat -O {nowcast_dataset_path} {forecast_dataset_path} '
f'-o {fvcom_stns_dataset_path}'
fvcom_stns_datasets[model_config] = xarray.open_dataset(f'/tmp/{}')
obs_dataset = xarray.open_dataset(
%%timeit -n1 -r1
from importlib import reload
fig = second_narrows_current.make_figure(
'2nd Narrows', fvcom_stns_datasets, obs_dataset
354 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
Figure¶run_date = arrow.get('2019-05-16')
model_config = "x2"
run_type = 'forecast'
ddmmmyy = run_date.format('DDMMMYY').lower()
fvcom_stns_datasets = {}
if run_type == 'nowcast':
model_configs = ("x2", "r12") if model_config == "r12" else ("x2",)
for mdl_cfg in model_configs:
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename'][mdl_cfg]
results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive'][f"{run_type} {mdl_cfg}"], ddmmmyy
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = results_dir / fvcom_stns_dataset_filename
fvcom_stns_datasets[mdl_cfg] = xarray.open_dataset(f'/tmp/{}')
fvcom_stns_dataset_filename = config['vhfr fvcom runs']['stations dataset filename']["x2"]
nowcast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['nowcast x2'], ddmmmyy
nowcast_dataset_path = (nowcast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
forecast_results_dir = Path(
config['vhfr fvcom runs']['results archive']['forecast x2'], ddmmmyy
forecast_dataset_path = (forecast_results_dir/fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
fvcom_stns_dataset_path = Path("/tmp", fvcom_stns_dataset_filename)
cmd = (
f'ncrcat -O {nowcast_dataset_path} {forecast_dataset_path} '
f'-o {fvcom_stns_dataset_path}'
fvcom_stns_datasets[model_config] = xarray.open_dataset(fvcom_stns_dataset_path)
obs_dataset = xarray.open_dataset(
%%timeit -n1 -r1
from importlib import reload
fig = second_narrows_current.make_figure(
'2nd Narrows', fvcom_stns_datasets, obs_dataset
296 ms ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)