import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
#from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from import loadmat
import cmocean
import datetime as dt
import datetime
import warnings
from cartopy import crs, feature
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, places
#import LambertConformalTicks as lct
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 11
/home/ksuchy/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyproj/ UserWarning: pyproj unable to set database path. _pyproj_global_context_initialize()
data = xr.open_dataset('')
data.salinity.sel(time='2019-06-01 00:30:00').sel(depth=0,method='nearest').values
#salinity = data.salinity.sel(time='2019-06-01', depth=0, method='nearest').values
array([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], ..., [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], dtype=float32)
def plot_annotations(ax, m, annotations, zorder=None):
# Plot Locations
for annotation_label, annotation in annotations.items():
ax.text(*annotation['text'], annotation_label, transform=ax.transAxes,
fontsize=annotation['font']+1, rotation=annotation['rotate'], zorder=zorder)
if annotation['marker'] is not None:
x, y = m(*annotation['marker'])
ax.plot(x, y, 'ko', markersize=8, markerfacecolor=annotation['color'], zorder=zorder)
if annotation['arrow'] is not None:
ax.arrow(*annotation['arrow'], head_width=0.01, fc='k', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=zorder)
def plot_basemap(ax, w_map, color='Burlywood', lons=None, lats=None, loc=None, offset=[None, None], fill=True, zorder=[0, 1, 2]):
# Define map window
lon_0 = (w_map[1] - w_map[0]) / 2 + w_map[0]
lat_0 = (w_map[3] - w_map[2]) / 2 + w_map[2]
# Make projection
m = Basemap(projection='lcc', resolution='h',
lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0,
llcrnrlon=w_map[0], urcrnrlon=w_map[1],
llcrnrlat=w_map[2], urcrnrlat=w_map[3], ax=ax)
# Default lon/lat intervals
if lons is None:
lons = np.arange(*np.floor([w_map[0], w_map[1] + 1]))
if lats is None:
lats = np.arange(*np.floor([w_map[2], w_map[3] + 1]))
# Labels
if loc == 1:
labels = [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]]
elif loc == 2:
labels = [[0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]
elif loc == 3:
labels = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0]]
elif loc == 4:
labels = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]]
labels = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0]]
# Add features and labels
if fill:
m.fillcontinents(color=color, zorder=zorder[0])
m.drawmeridians(lons, labels=labels[0], color='k', yoffset=offset[1], zorder=zorder[2])
m.drawparallels(lats, labels=labels[1], color='k', xoffset=offset[0], zorder=zorder[2])
return m
date = datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 1) # Creating datetime object works properly
2019-06-01 00:00:00
# Increase font size
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
# Load grid and mask files
grid = xr.open_dataset('/data/bmoorema/MEOPAR/grid/', mask_and_scale=False)
mask = xr.open_dataset('/data/bmoorema/MEOPAR/grid/')
#data= xr.open_dataset('/results/SalishSea/month-avg.201905/')
data = xr.open_dataset('')
salinity = data.salinity.sel(time='2019-06-01 00:30:00').sel(depth=0,method='nearest').values
temp = data.temperature.sel(time='2019-06-01 00:30:00').sel(depth=0,method='nearest').values
# Add Thalweg
thalweg_pts = np.loadtxt('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/tools/bathymetry/thalweg_working.txt', delimiter=' ', dtype=int)
thlons=[navlon[jj,ii] for (jj,ii) in thalweg_pts]
thlats=[navlat[jj,ii] for (jj,ii) in thalweg_pts]
# Make plot area
xlim, ylim = [-126.5, -121.2], [46.8, 51.2]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 10), subplot_kw={'projection': crs.Mercator(np.mean(xlim), *ylim)})
ax.set_extent(xlim + ylim)
# Draw coastline
ax.add_feature(feature.GSHHSFeature('full', edgecolor='k', facecolor='darkgrey'))
## Overlay bathymetry
c = ax.contourf(
grid.nav_lon, grid.nav_lat, grid.Bathymetry, levels=np.arange(0, 451, 50),, extend='max', transform=crs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2,
# Overlay domain landmask and coastline
for attr, color in zip(['contourf', 'contour'], ['lightgrey', 'k']):
getattr(ax, attr)(
grid.nav_lon, grid.nav_lat, mask.tmask[0, 0, ...],
levels=[-0.01, 0.01], colors=color, transform=crs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2,
## Draw box around domain
lons, lats = [], []
corners = (0, 0), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0)
for i in corners: lons.append(grid.nav_lon[i]), lats.append(grid.nav_lat[i])
ax.plot(lons, lats, 'k-', transform=crs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2)
# Add gridlines
xlocs, ylocs = [np.arange(np.floor(l[0]), np.ceil(l[1])+1) for l in [xlim, ylim]]
gl = ax.gridlines(linestyle=":", color='k', draw_labels=True, xlocs=xlocs, ylocs=ylocs)
gl.xformatter, gl.yformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
gl.xlabels_top, gl.ylabels_right = False, False
# Add annotations
ax.text(0.15, 0.1, 'Pacific\nOcean', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.79, 0.18, 'Puget\nSound', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.34, 0.30, 'Juan de Fuca Strait', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=-15,color='w',weight='bold')
ax.text(0.25, 0.56, 'Strait of Georgia', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=-30, color='w',weight='bold')
#ax.text(0.03, 0.77, 'Johnstone', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=-20)
#ax.text(0.17, 0.70, 'Strait', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=-65)
#ax.text(0.04, 0.75, 'Johnstone\nStrait', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=0)
#ax.text(0.45, 0.38, 'Haro\nStrait', transform=ax.transAxes) #original from Ben's code
#ax.text(0.17, 0.6, 'Baynes\nSound', transform=ax.transAxes)
#ax.text(0.32, 0.85, 'Discovery\nIslands', transform=ax.transAxes)
#ax.text(0.36, 0.7, 'Texada\nIsland', transform=ax.transAxes)
#ax.text(0.72, 0.55, 'Fraser\nRiver', transform=ax.transAxes)
#ax.arrow(0.55, 0.39, 0.04, 0, head_width=0.020, edgecolor='m', facecolor='m', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=10)
#ax.arrow(0.4, 0.69, 0, -0.03, head_width=0.015, edgecolor='r', facecolor='r', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=10)
#ax.arrow(0.33, 0.84, -0.03, -0.04, head_width=0.015, edgecolor='r', facecolor='r', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=10)
# Colorbar
cax = fig.add_axes([0.16, 0.06, 0.7, 0.015])
fig.colorbar(c, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', label='Depth [m]')
# Plot Thalweg
p=ax.plot(thlons,thlats,'r-', transform=crs.PlateCarree(), linewidth=1)
# Plot Box around Central SoG
# Add rectangles
#locs = [((0.54, 0.52), 0.05, 0.075)]
#for loc, label in zip(locs, ['Central SoG']):
# ax.add_patch(Rectangle(*loc, color='w', linewidth=2, fill=False, transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=10,angle=0))
# ax.text(loc[0][0] + 0.02, loc[0][1] + loc[2] - shift, label, transform=ax.transAxes, fontdict={'weight': 'bold'})
CSoGlons, CSoGlats = [], []
CSoGcorners = (450,250), (450, 300), (500,300), (500,250), (450,250) #250, 450
for i in CSoGcorners: CSoGlons.append(grid.nav_lon[i]), CSoGlats.append(grid.nav_lat[i])
ax.plot(CSoGlons, CSoGlats, 'w-', linewidth=3, transform=crs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2)
# Plot salinity and add colorbar
#colorbar options = 'RdBu_r',
#c = ax.contourf(
# grid.nav_lon, grid.nav_lat, temp, levels=range(9, 25, 1),
# cmap='RdBu_r', extend='max', transform=crs.PlateCarree(),
#cax = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7])
#fig.colorbar(c, cax=cax, label='Temperature (degrees C)', ticks=range(0, 31, 5))
# Save figure
#plt.savefig('MapofSalishSea_withBathy.png', bbox_inches='tight',dpi=1000,transparent=False)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1140c8f580>]
Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #95 to GeoJSON: Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes. Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #95 to GeoJSON: Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes. Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #491 to GeoJSON: Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes. Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #491 to GeoJSON: Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes.