import xarray as xr
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import pickle
import os
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, geo_tools
import arrow
import copy
import math
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
mycmap = copy.copy(cm.oxy)
lonSI1 = -123.58
lonSI2 = -123.44
latSI1 = 48.5
latSI2 = 48.695
dfo_ctd2018 = pd.read_csv('/ocean/atall/MOAD/ObsModel/202111/ObsModel_202111_ctd_from_dfo_20180101_20181231.csv')
df_obsFeb = dfo_ctd2018[dfo_ctd2018['dtUTC'].between('2018-02-01', '2018-02-10') & dfo_ctd2018['Lon'].between(lonSI1, lonSI2) & dfo_ctd2018['Lat'].between(latSI1, latSI2) ]
Unnamed: 0 | cid | Lon | Lat | dtUTC | Z | SA | CT | Oxygen_Dissolved | name | ... | i | mod_nitrate | mod_silicon | mod_ammonium | mod_diatoms | mod_flagellates | mod_vosaline | mod_votemper | mod_dissolved_oxygen | k | |
486 | 486 | 48.0 | -123.51317 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 2.0 | 28.138622 | 8.259494 | 246.50766 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.087065 | 46.630917 | 1.053656 | 0.392367 | 0.245159 | 27.434219 | 7.654021 | 235.326660 | 1 |
487 | 487 | 48.0 | -123.51317 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 2.9 | 28.610652 | 8.309667 | 237.12965 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.869104 | 46.645359 | 0.965537 | 0.356864 | 0.218078 | 28.287169 | 7.871275 | 232.109299 | 2 |
488 | 488 | 48.0 | -123.51317 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 4.0 | 29.009721 | 8.354363 | 229.53793 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.966646 | 46.646954 | 0.954844 | 0.352471 | 0.215080 | 28.400658 | 7.894593 | 231.421570 | 3 |
489 | 489 | 48.0 | -123.51317 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 5.0 | 29.251136 | 8.504245 | 223.73251 | NaN | ... | 206 | 24.233208 | 46.626675 | 0.923841 | 0.327271 | 0.207130 | 28.730965 | 7.964489 | 229.454773 | 4 |
490 | 490 | 48.0 | -123.51317 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 6.0 | 29.461901 | 8.560527 | 217.92706 | NaN | ... | 206 | 24.310789 | 46.627945 | 0.913591 | 0.325181 | 0.205251 | 28.831722 | 7.979596 | 229.075058 | 5 |
5 rows × 22 columns
(355, 206)
df_gridFeb = xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/02feb18/')
df_chemFeb = xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/02feb18/')
sal_Feb = df_gridFeb.vosaline.sel(time_counter='2018-02-02 23:30:00', y=355, x=206)
oxy_Feb = df_chemFeb.dissolved_oxygen.sel(time_counter='2018-02-02 23:30:00', y=355, x=206)
df_obsApr = dfo_ctd2018[dfo_ctd2018['dtUTC'].between('2018-04-07', '2018-04-08') & dfo_ctd2018['Lon'].between(lonSI1, lonSI2) & dfo_ctd2018['Lat'].between(latSI1, latSI2) ]
Unnamed: 0 | cid | Lon | Lat | dtUTC | Z | SA | CT | Oxygen_Dissolved | name | ... | i | mod_nitrate | mod_silicon | mod_ammonium | mod_diatoms | mod_flagellates | mod_vosaline | mod_votemper | mod_dissolved_oxygen | k | |
26244 | 26244 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.65333 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 1.9 | 28.715804 | 8.862192 | 474.25930 | NaN | ... | 206 | 4.004545 | 5.164987 | 0.767086 | 6.633062 | 0.313434 | 28.007221 | 9.034862 | 377.055359 | 1 |
26245 | 26245 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.65333 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 3.0 | 29.047950 | 8.696910 | 446.57187 | NaN | ... | 206 | 5.501622 | 8.587341 | 1.021819 | 6.562703 | 0.278218 | 28.303654 | 8.589983 | 363.564728 | 2 |
26246 | 26246 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.65333 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 4.0 | 29.449535 | 8.491014 | 372.44095 | NaN | ... | 206 | 8.494486 | 14.594169 | 1.458904 | 5.194815 | 0.231523 | 28.570398 | 8.555515 | 338.951019 | 3 |
26247 | 26247 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.65333 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 5.0 | 29.582327 | 8.478401 | 348.77260 | NaN | ... | 206 | 11.534586 | 20.621023 | 1.888078 | 3.758048 | 0.195796 | 28.744909 | 8.422237 | 313.467926 | 4 |
26248 | 26248 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.65333 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 6.0 | 29.661259 | 8.594588 | 347.87946 | NaN | ... | 206 | 13.480537 | 24.570307 | 2.150691 | 2.730075 | 0.174301 | 28.861557 | 8.366032 | 297.602234 | 5 |
5 rows × 22 columns
(355, 206)
df_gridApr = xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/07apr18/')
df_chemApr = xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/07apr18/')
oxy_Apr = df_chemApr.dissolved_oxygen.sel(time_counter='2018-04-07 1:30:00', y=355, x=206)
sal_Apr = df_gridApr.vosaline.sel(time_counter='2018-04-07 1:30:00', y=355, x=206)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (8, 5))
ax[0].set_ylim([-180, 0])
ax[0].set_xlim([25, 32])
ax[1].set_ylim([-180, 0])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f914f30b850>
df_obsTS = dfo_ctd2018[dfo_ctd2018['dtUTC'].between('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31') & dfo_ctd2018['Lon'].between(-123.515, -123.5100) & dfo_ctd2018['Lat'].between(48.6500, 48.655) ]
Unnamed: 0 | cid | Lon | Lat | dtUTC | Z | SA | CT | Oxygen_Dissolved | name | ... | i | mod_nitrate | mod_silicon | mod_ammonium | mod_diatoms | mod_flagellates | mod_vosaline | mod_votemper | mod_dissolved_oxygen | k | |
486 | 486 | 48.0 | -123.513170 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 2.0 | 28.138622 | 8.259494 | 246.507660 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.087065 | 46.630917 | 1.053656 | 0.392367 | 0.245159 | 27.434219 | 7.654021 | 235.326660 | 1 |
487 | 487 | 48.0 | -123.513170 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 2.9 | 28.610652 | 8.309667 | 237.129650 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.869104 | 46.645359 | 0.965537 | 0.356864 | 0.218078 | 28.287169 | 7.871275 | 232.109299 | 2 |
488 | 488 | 48.0 | -123.513170 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 4.0 | 29.009721 | 8.354363 | 229.537930 | NaN | ... | 206 | 23.966646 | 46.646954 | 0.954844 | 0.352471 | 0.215080 | 28.400658 | 7.894593 | 231.421570 | 3 |
489 | 489 | 48.0 | -123.513170 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 5.0 | 29.251136 | 8.504245 | 223.732510 | NaN | ... | 206 | 24.233208 | 46.626675 | 0.923841 | 0.327271 | 0.207130 | 28.730965 | 7.964489 | 229.454773 | 4 |
490 | 490 | 48.0 | -123.513170 | 48.654667 | 2018-02-02 23:17:00 | 6.0 | 29.461901 | 8.560527 | 217.927060 | NaN | ... | 206 | 24.310789 | 46.627945 | 0.913591 | 0.325181 | 0.205251 | 28.831722 | 7.979596 | 229.075058 | 5 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
26412 | 26412 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.653330 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 168.5 | 31.488180 | 9.644277 | 6.698578 | NaN | ... | 206 | 27.262276 | 62.458321 | 0.963907 | 0.044374 | 0.011711 | 30.518335 | 9.155709 | 164.998230 | 29 |
26413 | 26413 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.653330 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 169.5 | 31.488803 | 9.644056 | 6.698578 | NaN | ... | 206 | 27.262276 | 62.458321 | 0.963907 | 0.044374 | 0.011711 | 30.518335 | 9.155709 | 164.998230 | 29 |
26414 | 26414 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.653330 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 170.5 | 31.489826 | 9.643727 | 6.698578 | NaN | ... | 206 | 27.262276 | 62.458321 | 0.963907 | 0.044374 | 0.011711 | 30.518335 | 9.155709 | 164.998230 | 29 |
26415 | 26415 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.653330 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 171.5 | 31.491152 | 9.643393 | 6.698578 | NaN | ... | 206 | 27.262276 | 62.458321 | 0.963907 | 0.044374 | 0.011711 | 30.518335 | 9.155709 | 164.998230 | 29 |
26416 | 26416 | 372.0 | -123.510666 | 48.653330 | 2018-04-07 01:41:00 | 172.2 | 31.491467 | 9.643209 | 7.145150 | NaN | ... | 206 | 27.262276 | 62.458321 | 0.963907 | 0.044374 | 0.011711 | 30.518335 | 9.155709 | 164.998230 | 29 |
274 rows × 22 columns
grid = xr.open_dataset('/ocean/atall/MOAD/grid/')
with xr.open_dataset('/ocean/atall/MOAD/analysis-abdoul/notebooks/bathy/') as mesh:
tmask = mesh.tmask
mbathy = mesh.mbathy
long = mesh.nav_lon
latg = mesh.nav_lat
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (y: 898, x: 398, z: 40, t: 1) Dimensions without coordinates: y, x, z, t Data variables: (12/44) nav_lon (y, x) float32 ... nav_lat (y, x) float32 ... nav_lev (z) float32 ... time_counter (t) float64 ... tmask (t, z, y, x) int8 ... umask (t, z, y, x) int8 ... ... ... gdepv (t, z, y, x) float32 ... gdepw_0 (t, z, y, x) float32 ... gdept_1d (t, z) float64 ... gdepw_1d (t, z) float64 ... e3t_1d (t, z) float64 ... e3w_1d (t, z) float64 ... Attributes: file_name: TimeStamp: 31/10/2023 18:41:52 -0400
with xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/01jan18/') as data_chem:
oxy_ = data_chem['dissolved_oxygen']
with xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/01jan18/') as data_biol:
no3_ = data_biol['nitrate']
don_ = data_biol['dissolved_organic_nitrogen']
pon_ = data_biol['particulate_organic_nitrogen']
dia_ = data_biol['diatoms']
fla_ = data_biol['flagellates']
with xr.open_dataset('/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/01jan18/') as data_grid:
temp_ = data_grid['votemper']
salt_ = data_grid['vosaline']
tmask2_oxy = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_oxy = tmask2_oxy.rename({"z": "deptht"})
tmask2_no3 = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_no3 = tmask2_no3.rename({"z": "deptht"})
tmask2_dia = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_dia = tmask2_dia.rename({"z": "deptht"})
tmask2_fla = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_fla = tmask2_fla.rename({"z": "deptht"})
tmask2_temp = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_temp = tmask2_temp.rename({"z": "deptht"})
tmask2_salt = tmask.assign_coords(z=("z",
tmask2_salt = tmask2_salt.rename({"z": "deptht"})
#jstart, jend, istart, iend = (330, 365, 180, 250)
jstart, jend, istart, iend = (354, 356, 205, 207)
# Constant and data rang
jstart, jend, istart, iend = (354, 356, 205, 207)
syear = 2018
eyear = 2018
smonth = 1
emonth = 9
startdate = arrow.get(syear, smonth, 1)
enddate = arrow.get(eyear, emonth, 30)
print (startdate, enddate)
2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 2018-09-30T00:00:00+00:00
first = True
for ii, day in enumerate(arrow.Arrow.range('day', startdate, enddate)):
year = day.year
yr2 = day.strftime("%y")
month = day.month
Month = day.strftime("%b").lower()
day =
# set up filename to follow NEMO conventions
filename_grid = f'/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/{day:02}{Month}{yr2}/SalishSea_1d_{year}{month:02}{day:02}_{year}{month:02}{day:02}'
with xr.open_dataset(filename_grid) as ds_grid:
sal = ds_grid['vosaline'][0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend].where(tmask2_salt[0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend] == 1)
tem = ds_grid['votemper'][0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend].where(tmask2_salt[0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend] == 1)
if first:
first = False
sal_ts = sal
tem_ts = tem
sal_ts = xr.concat([sal_ts, sal], dim='time_counter')
tem_ts = xr.concat([tem_ts, tem], dim='time_counter')
first = True
for ii, day in enumerate(arrow.Arrow.range('day', startdate, enddate)):
year = day.year
yr2 = day.strftime("%y")
month = day.month
Month = day.strftime("%b").lower()
day =
# set up filename to follow NEMO conventions
filename_chem = f'/data/atall/MEOPAR/SalishSeaCast/results/202111b/{day:02}{Month}{yr2}/SalishSea_1d_{year}{month:02}{day:02}_{year}{month:02}{day:02}'
with xr.open_dataset(filename_chem) as ds_chem:
oxy = ds_chem['dissolved_oxygen'][0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend].where(tmask2_oxy[0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend] == 1)
dic = ds_chem['dissolved_inorganic_carbon'][0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend].where(tmask2_oxy[0, :, jstart:jend, istart:iend] == 1)
if first:
first = False
oxy_ts = oxy
dic_ts = dic
oxy_ts = xr.concat([oxy_ts, oxy], dim='time_counter')
dic_ts = xr.concat([dic_ts, dic], dim='time_counter')
(273, 40, 2, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(14, 6))
oxy_ts[:,:,1,1].plot(ax=ax[0,1], y="deptht", yincrease=False, cmap='gist_rainbow_r', vmin=60, vmax=300, ylim=(200, 0), xlim=(startdate, enddate));
dic_ts[:,:,1,1].plot(ax=ax[1,1], y="deptht", yincrease=False, cmap='gist_rainbow_r', vmin=1700, vmax=2200, ylim=(200, 0), xlim=(startdate, enddate));
sal_ts[:,:,1,1].plot(ax=ax[0,0], y="deptht", yincrease=False, cmap='gist_rainbow_r', vmin=27.5, vmax=31.5, ylim=(200, 0), xlim=(startdate, enddate));
tem_ts[:,:,1,1].plot(ax=ax[1,0], y="deptht", yincrease=False, cmap='gist_rainbow_r', vmin=7, vmax=15, ylim=(200, 0), xlim=(startdate, enddate));