This notebook describes the process of extracting a timeseries of SalishSeaCast Nowcast and HRDPS results for analysis.
from salishsea_tools import grid_tools, timeseries_tools
import xarray as xr
import pickle
flattens the HRDPS records downloaded from ERDDAP to 2-D (time and space)
def reshape_GEM(data, grid, mask):
"""Flattens GEM HRDPS wind to 2-D (time-space) and removes land points
# Initialize storage
data_flat = {'raw': {'grid': {}}}
# Build GEM coordinates
mask_flt, coords, ngrid, ngrid_water = timeseries_tools.reshape_coords_GEM(
grid, mask,
# Reshape, flatten, and trim
data_flat['raw']['grid']['u'] = timeseries_tools.reshape_to_ts(
data.u_wind.values, mask_flt.astype(bool), ngrid, ngrid_water,
data_flat['raw']['grid']['v'] = timeseries_tools.reshape_to_ts(
data.v_wind.values, mask_flt.astype(bool), ngrid, ngrid_water,
# Assign parameters to output dict
data_flat['mask'] = mask_flt
data_flat['coords'] = coords
data_flat['ngrid'] = ngrid
data_flat['ngrid_water'] = ngrid_water
return data_flat
is a wrapper for timeseries_tools.load_NEMO_timeseries
that loads and flattens Nowcast results to 2-D (time and space).
Note For optimization purposes, timeseries_tools.load_NEMO_timeseries
slices along a single dimension by definition. If 3-D (x, y, depth) or 1-D are desired, consider xarray.open_mfdataset
or ERRDAP. If averages along a dimension are desired, consider modifying timeseries_tools.load_NEMO_timeseries
def iterate_NEMO_timeseries(timerange, variables, mask, dims, indices):
"""Wrapper for timeseries_tools.load_NEMO_timeseries that loads and flattens
Nowcast results to 2-D (time-space) and removes land points
# Intialize empty dict
results = {}
# Loop through results slices
for var in variables: # --- Loop through variables
for dim, index in zip(dims, indices): # --- Loop through slices
# Populate dict fields
results[var] = {}
results[var][dim] = {}
results[var][dim][index] = {}
# Determine filenames and unstaggering from variable names
dim_in, unstagger = dim, None
if var is 'vozocrtx':
file = 'U'
if dim is 'depth':
dim_in, unstagger = 'depthu', 'x'
elif var is 'vomecrty':
file = 'V'
if dim is 'depth':
dim_in, unstagger = 'depthv', 'y'
file = 'T'
if dim is 'depth':
dim_in = 'deptht'
# Determine spacing from variable names and slicing
if (var is 'vozocrtx' or var is 'vomecrty') and dim is 'depth':
spacing = 5
spacing = 1
# Construct Filename List
filenames = timeseries_tools.make_filename_list(
timerange, file, model='nowcast-green', resolution='h'
# Load Results
data, coords = timeseries_tools.load_NEMO_timeseries(
filenames, mask, var, dim_in, index=index,
spacing=spacing, shape='flat', unstagger_dim=unstagger,
# Export results as dict
results[var][dim][index]['data'] = data
results[var][dim][index]['coords'] = coords
# Export timerange
results[var][dim][index]['coords']['timerange'] = timerange
return results
First specify a timerange
# Timerange
timerange = ['2017 Jan 1 00:00', '2017 Jan 31 23:00']
Next load the grid and mask files
# Load mask and grid
grid_NEMO = xr.open_dataset('/data/bmoorema/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
grid_GEM = xr.open_dataset('/results/forcing/atmospheric/GEM2.5/operational/')
mask_NEMO = xr.open_dataset('/data/bmoorema/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
# Build GEM mask
mask_GEM = grid_tools.build_GEM_mask(grid_GEM, grid_NEMO, mask_NEMO.tmask.isel(t=0, z=0))
Building GEM mask 100% (68096 of 68096) |###################################|Time: 0:03:59
Next load the GEM record from ERDDAP and flatten with reshape_GEM
# Load GEM record
GEM_in = xr.open_dataset('')
GEM = reshape_GEM(GEM_in.sel(time=slice(*timerange)), grid_GEM, mask_GEM)
Next load flatten the Nowcast record for each requested variable and slice. Save to a pickle
# Loop through requests
dims = ['depth', 'depth', 'y', 'y', 'y']
indices = [0, 20, 450, 520, 680]
variables = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']
Nowcast = iterate_NEMO_timeseries(timerange, variables, mask_NEMO, dims, indices)
# Save output
with open('/ocean/bmoorema/research/MEOPAR/analysis-ben/data/NowcastJan2017', 'wb') as fid:
pickle.dump(Nowcast, fid)
Loading votemper, deptht=0 100% (31 of 31) |################################|Time: 0:00:42 Loading votemper, deptht=20 100% (31 of 31) |###############################|Time: 0:00:40 Loading votemper, y=450 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:39 Loading votemper, y=520 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:39 Loading votemper, y=680 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:37 Loading vosaline, deptht=0 100% (31 of 31) |################################|Time: 0:00:43 Loading vosaline, deptht=20 100% (31 of 31) |###############################|Time: 0:00:40 Loading vosaline, y=450 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:41 Loading vosaline, y=520 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:40 Loading vosaline, y=680 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:36 Loading vozocrtx, depthu=0 100% (31 of 31) |################################|Time: 0:01:18 Loading vozocrtx, depthu=20 100% (31 of 31) |###############################|Time: 0:01:18 Loading vozocrtx, y=450 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:38 Loading vozocrtx, y=520 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:40 Loading vozocrtx, y=680 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:34 Loading vomecrty, depthv=0 100% (31 of 31) |################################|Time: 0:01:19 Loading vomecrty, depthv=20 100% (31 of 31) |###############################|Time: 0:01:18 Loading vomecrty, y=450 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:39 Loading vomecrty, y=520 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:38 Loading vomecrty, y=680 100% (31 of 31) |###################################|Time: 0:00:35
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-27-f4cf96dab7a2> in <module>() 7 # Save output 8 with open('/ocean/bmoorema/research/MEOPAR/analysis-ben/data/NowcastJan2017', 'w') as fid: ----> 9 pickle.dump(Nowcast, fid) TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes