# Copyright 2013-2016 The Salish Sea NEMO Project and
# The University of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Functions for working with geographical data and model results.
'Functions for working with geographical data and model results.\n'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from salishsea_tools import tidetools
import netCDF4 as nc
import pdb
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
%matplotlib inline
def distance_along_curve(lons, lats):
"""Calculate cumulative distance in km between points in lons, lats
:arg lons: 1D array of longitude points.
:type lons: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg lats: 1D array of latitude points.
:type lats: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: Cummulative point-by-point distance along track in km.
:rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
dist = np.cumsum(haversine(lons[1:], lats[1:], lons[:-1], lats[:-1]))
return np.insert(dist, 0, 0)
def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
"""Calculate the great-circle distance in kilometers between two points
on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes.
Reference: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
:arg lon1: Longitude of point 1.
:type lon1: float or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg lat1: Latitude of point 1.
:type lat1: float or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg lon2: Longitude of point 2.
:type lon2: float or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg lat2: Latitude of point 2.
:type lat2: float or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: Great-circle distance between two points in km
:rtype: float or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
a = np.sin(dlat/2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2)**2
c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
km = 6367 * c
return km
def _spiral_search_for_closest_water_point(
j, i, land_mask, lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats
# Searches in a spiral pattern around grid element (j,i)
# for the closest water point to the the coordinate (lat,lon)
jmax, imax = land_mask.shape
# Limit on size of grid search
max_search_dist = int(model_lats.shape[1]/4)
closest_point = None
j_s, i_s = j, i # starting points is j, i
dj, di = 0, -1
# move j_s, i_s in a square spiral centred at j, i
while (i_s-i) <= max_search_dist:
if any([(j_s-j) == (i_s-i),
((j_s-j) < 0 and (j_s-j) == -(i_s-i)),
((j_s-j) > 0 and (j_s-j) == 1-(i_s-i))]):
# Hit the corner of the spiral- change direction
dj, di = -di, dj
i_s, j_s = i_s+di, j_s+dj # Take a step to next square
if all([i_s >= 0,
i_s < imax, j_s >= 0,
j_s < jmax,
not land_mask[j_s, i_s]]
# Found a water point, how close is it?
actual_dist = haversine(
lon, lat, model_lons[j_s, i_s], model_lats[j_s, i_s])
if closest_point is None:
min_dist = actual_dist
closest_point = (j_s, i_s)
elif actual_dist < min_dist:
# Keep record of closest point
min_dist = actual_dist
closest_point = (j_s, i_s)
# Assumes grids are square- reduces search radius to only
# check grids that could potentially be closer than this
grid_dist = int(((i_s-i)**2 + (j_s-j)**2)**0.5)
if (grid_dist + 1) < max_search_dist:
# Reduce stopping distance for spiral-
# just need to check that no points closer than this one
max_search_dist = grid_dist + 1
if closest_point is not None:
return closest_point
raise ValueError('lat/lon on land and no nearby water point found')
def find_closest_model_point(
lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats, grid='NEMO', land_mask=None,
'NEMO': {'tol_lon': 0.0104, 'tol_lat': 0.00388},
'GEM2.5': {'tol_lon': 0.016, 'tol_lat': 0.011},
"""Returns the grid coordinates of the closest model point
to a specified lon/lat. If land_mask is provided, returns the closest
water point.
.. code-block:: python
j, i = find_closest_model_point(
where bathy, model_lons and model_lats are returned from
j is the y-index(latitude), i is the x-index(longitude)
:arg float lon: longitude to find closest grid point to
:arg float lat: latitude to find closest grid point to
:arg model_lons: specified model longitude grid
:type model_lons: :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg model_lats: specified model latitude grid
:type model_lats: :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg grid: specify which default lon/lat tolerances
:type grid: string
:arg land_mask: describes which grid coordinates are land
:type land_mask: numpy array
:arg tols: stored default tols for different grid types
:type tols: dict
:returns: yind, xind
if grid not in tols:
raise KeyError('The provided grid type is not in tols.\
Use another grid type or add your grid type to tols.')
# Search for a grid point with longitude and latitude within
# tolerance of measured location
j_list, i_list = np.where(
(np.logical_and(model_lons > lon - tols[grid]['tol_lon'],
model_lons < lon + tols[grid]['tol_lon'])),
(np.logical_and(model_lats > lat - tols[grid]['tol_lat'],
model_lats < lat + tols[grid]['tol_lat']))
if len(j_list) == 0:
raise ValueError(
'No model point found. tol_lon/tol_lat too small or '
'lon/lat outside of domain.')
j, i = map(np.asscalar, (j_list, i_list))
except ValueError:
# Several points within tolerance
# Calculate distances for all and choose the closest
test_lons = [model_lons[j_list[n], i_list[n]] for n in range(len(j_list))]
test_lats = [model_lats[j_list[n], i_list[n]] for n in range(len(j_list))]
dists = haversine(
np.array([lon] * i_list.size), np.array([lat] * j_list.size),
test_lons, model_lats[j_list, i_list])
n = dists.argmin()
j, i = map(np.asscalar, (j_list[n], i_list[n]))
# If point is on land and land mask is provided
# try to find closest water point
if land_mask is None or not land_mask[j, i]:
return j, i
return _spiral_search_for_closest_water_point(
j, i, land_mask, lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
'lat/lon on land and no nearby water point found')
def find_model_point(lon, lat, X, Y, tol_lon=0.016, tol_lat=0.011):
"""Finds a model grid point close to a specified latitude and longitude.
Should be used for non-NEMO grids like the atmospheric forcing grid.
:arg lon: The longitude we are trying to match.
:type lon: float
:arg lat: The latitude we are trying to match.
:type lat: float
:arg X: The model longitude grid.
:type X: numpy array
:arg Y: The model latitude grid.
:type Y: numpy array
:arg tol_lon: tolerance on grid spacing for longitude
:type tol_lon: float
:arg tol_lat: tolerance on grid spacing for latitude
:type tol_lat: float
:returns: j-index and i-index of the closest model grid point.
# Search for a grid point with longitude or latitude within
# tolerance of measured location
j, i = np.where(
(np.logical_and(X > lon - tol_lon, X < lon + tol_lon)),
(np.logical_and(Y > lat - tol_lat, Y < lat + tol_lat))))
if j.size > 1 or i.size > 1:
raise ValueError(
'Multiple model points found. tol_lon/tol_lat too big.'
elif not j or not i:
raise ValueError(
'No model point found. tol_lon/tol_lat too small or '
'lon/lat outside of domain.'
return j, i
def find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, X, Y, bathy, lon_tol=0.0052,
lat_tol=0.00189, allow_land=False):
"""Returns the grid co-ordinates of the closest non-land model point
to a specified lon/lat.
e.g. yind, xind = find_closest_model_point(-125.5,49.2,X,Y,bathy)
where bathy, X and Y are returned from get_bathy_data(grid).
yind is the y-index(latitude), xind is the x-index(longitude)
:arg lon: specified longitude
:type lon: float
:arg lat: specified latitude
:type lat: float
:arg X: specified model longitude
:type X: numpy array
:arg Y: specified model latitude
:type Y: numpy array
:arg bathy: model bathymetry
:type bathy: numpy array
:arg lon_tol: tolerance value for seaching in longitude
:type lon_tol: float
:arg lat_tol: tolerance value for searching in latitude
:type lat_tol: float
:arg allow_land: whether code should return a land point or closest
water point
:type allow_land: boolean
:returns: yind, xind
# Tolerance for searching for grid points
# (default is approx. distances between adjacent grid points)
tol1 = lon_tol # lon
tol2 = lat_tol # lat
# Search for a grid point with lon/lat within tolerance of
# measured location
x1, y1 = np.where(
(np.logical_and(X > lon-tol1, X < lon+tol1)),
(np.logical_and(Y > lat-tol2, Y < lat+tol2))))
# check size of arrays so we don't go out of bounds in our search
xmax, ymax = bathy.shape
if np.size(x1) != 0:
x1 = x1[0]
y1 = y1[0]
# What if more than one point is returned from this search?
# Just take the first one...
# If x1,y1 is masked, search 3x3 grid around.
# If all those points are masked, search 4x4 grid around, etc.
for ii in np.arange(1, 100):
if bathy.mask[x1, y1] and not allow_land:
for i in np.arange(max(0, x1-ii), min(xmax, x1+ii+1)):
for j in np.arange(max(0, y1-ii), min(ymax, y1+ii+1)):
if not bathy.mask[i, j]:
if not bathy.mask[i, j]:
if not bathy.mask[i, j]:
i = x1
j = y1
i = []
j = []
return i, j
grid_B = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea2.nc')
bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid_B)
#### print(find_closest_model_point(-124, 48, model_lons = X, model_lats = Y, grid = 'Test', tols = {"Test":{'tol_lat':0.002658843994140625, 'tol_lon':0.0009403228759765625}}, land_mask = bathy.mask))
lon, lat = -124.5, 48.538
#closest_point = find_model_point(lon, lat, X, Y, tol_lon = 0.0052, tol_lat = 0.00189)
closest_point = find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, model_lons = X, model_lats = Y, grid = 'NEMO', land_mask = bathy.mask)
r1 = max(0, closest_point[0] - 5)
r2 = min(897, closest_point[0] + 5)
c1 = max(0, closest_point[1] - 5)
c2 = min(397, closest_point[1] + 5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,15))
#plt.pcolormesh(X[r1:r2,c1:c2],Y[r1:r2,c1:c2], (bathy.mask).astype('int')[r1:r2,c1:c2])
#plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, (bathy.mask).astype('int'))
plt.scatter([X[closest_point]], [Y[closest_point]], c = "c" , s =40)
#plt.scatter([X[109,143]], [Y[109,143]], c = "c" , s =40)
plt.scatter(X[r1:r2,c1:c2],Y[r1:r2,c1:c2], np.invert(bathy.mask)[r1:r2,c1:c2])
plt.scatter([lon], [lat], c = "r" , s =80)
(403, 46)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f6a49d2bd68>
lon, lat = -123.4085, 46.91
tol_lon, tol_lat = 0.0052, 0.00189
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,15))
plt.scatter(X[6:12,6:12],Y[6:12,6:12], s =3 )
#plt.scatter([lon], [lat], c = "w" , s =80)
#plt.scatter([X[tuple(reversed(closest_point))]], [Y[tuple(reversed(closest_point))]], c = "c" , s =40)
#plt.scatter([X[109,143]], [Y[109,143]], c = "c" , s =40)
plt.plot([lon + tol_lon, lon + tol_lon, lon - tol_lon, lon - tol_lon,lon + tol_lon],
[lat - tol_lat, lat + tol_lat, lat + tol_lat, lat - tol_lat,lat - tol_lat])
plt.scatter([lon],[lat], s= 14, color = 'r')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f6a49d00898>
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(15,15))
r1,r2,c1,c2 = 0,200,0,200
plt.pcolormesh(X[r1:r2,c1:c2],Y[r1:r2,c1:c2], (bathy.mask).astype('int')[r1:r2,c1:c2])
plt.scatter([X[20,40]], [Y[20,40]], c = "w" , s =80)
lat = 47.5
lon = -123.7
model_lons = X
model_lats = Y
grid = 'NEMO'
tols={'NEMO': {'tol_lon':0.0104, 'tol_lat':0.00388}}
i_list, j_list = np.where(
(np.logical_and(model_lons > lon - tols[grid]['tol_lon'], model_lons < lon + tols[grid]['tol_lon'])),
(np.logical_and(model_lats > lat - tols[grid]['tol_lat'], model_lats < lat + tols[grid]['tol_lat']))))
plt.scatter([X[20,40]], [Y[20,40]], c = "w" , s =80)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f6a49c759e8>
atmos_grid = xr.open_dataset('https://salishsea.eos.ubc.ca/erddap/griddap/ubcSSaAtmosphereGridV1')
nemo_lon_lat = [-123.7665023803711,49.30873107910156]
atmos_ji = find_closest_model_point(
nemo_lon_lat[0], nemo_lon_lat[1],
atmos_grid.longitude.values - 360, atmos_grid.latitude.values,
grid = "GEM2.5")
(array([148]), array([139]))
model_lons = X
model_lats = Y
'NEMO': {'tol_lon': 0.0104, 'tol_lat': 0.00388},
'GEM2.5': {'tol_lon': 0.016, 'tol_lat': 0.011},
grid = 'NEMO'
land_mask = bathy.mask
j_list, i_list = np.where(
(np.logical_and(model_lons > lon - tols[grid]['tol_lon'], model_lons < lon + tols[grid]['tol_lon'])),
(np.logical_and(model_lats > lat - tols[grid]['tol_lat'], model_lats < lat + tols[grid]['tol_lat']))))
if len(j_list) == 0:
raise ValueError(
'No model point found. tol_lon/tol_lat too small or '
'lon/lat outside of domain.')
j, i = map(np.asscalar, (j_list, i_list))
except ValueError:
# Several points within tolerance
# Calculate distances for all and choose the closest
dists = haversine(
np.array([lon] * i_list.size), np.array([lat] * j_list.size),
model_lons[j_list, i_list], model_lats[j_list, i_list])
n = dists.argmin()
i, j = map(np.asscalar, (i_list[n], j_list[n]))