This notebook attempts to use a plane-fit approach for finding the nearest grid point. Eg, we have a function for each grid index as functions of lon, lat. The results are approximate! But they help restrict significantly the followup searching.
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
from salishsea_tools.geo_tools import find_closest_model_point
import scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
with nc.Dataset('/home/mdunphy/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/') as nbl:
#with nc.Dataset('/home/mdunphy/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/') as nbl:
glamt = nbl.variables['glamt'][0,...]
gphit = nbl.variables['gphit'][0,...]
ONES, X, Y = np.ones(glamt.size), glamt.flatten(), gphit.flatten()
idx = np.indices(glamt.shape)
datai = idx[1,...].flatten()
dataj = idx[0,...].flatten()
def getC(X,Y,data,order):
if order == 1:
# best-fit linear plane
A = np.c_[ONES,
X, Y]
elif order == 2:
# best-fit quadratic curve
A = np.c_[ONES,
X, Y,
X**2, X*Y, Y**2]
elif order == 3:
# best-fit cubic curve
A = np.c_[ONES,
X, Y,
X**2, X*Y, Y**2,
X**3, X*X*Y, X*Y*Y, Y**3]
elif order == 4:
# best-fit quartic curve
A = np.c_[ONES,
X, Y,
X**2, X*Y, Y**2,
X**3, X*X*Y, X*Y*Y, Y**3,
X**4, X*X*X*Y, X*X*Y*Y, X*Y*Y*Y, Y**4]
elif order == 5:
# best-fit quintic curve
A = np.c_[ONES,
X, Y,
X**2, X*Y, Y**2,
X**3, X*X*Y, X*Y*Y, Y**3,
X**4, X*X*X*Y, X*X*Y*Y, X*Y*Y*Y, Y**4,
X**5, X*X*X*X*Y, X*X*X*Y*Y, X*X*Y*Y*Y, X*Y*Y*Y*Y, Y**5]
C,_,_,_ = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, data) # coefficients
return C
def useC(X,Y,C):
if C.size >= 3:
R = C[0] + C[1]*X + C[2]*Y
if C.size >= 6:
R += C[3]*X**2 + C[4]*X*Y + C[5]*Y**2
if C.size >= 10:
R += C[6]*X**3 + C[7]*X*X*Y + C[8]*X*Y*Y + C[9]*Y**3
if C.size >= 15:
R += C[10]*X**4 + C[11]*X*X*X*Y + C[12]*X*X*Y*Y + C[13]*X*Y*Y*Y + C[14]*Y**4
if C.size >= 21:
R += C[15]*X**5 + C[16]*X*X*X*X*Y + C[17]*X*X*X*Y*Y + C[18]*X*X*Y*Y*Y + C[19]*X*Y*Y*Y*Y + C[20]*Y**5
return R
# Pick one
order = 2
Ci = getC(X,Y,datai,order)
Cj = getC(X,Y,dataj,order)
print("Ci", Ci)
print("Cj", Cj)
Ci [ 1.26921890e+04 1.59279223e+02 1.39650621e+02 3.21769836e-01 1.37597009e+00 1.58488524e+00] Cj [ -1.26067300e+04 6.53817493e+00 1.76514195e+02 4.90478919e-01 9.06976896e-01 1.33030515e+00]
ei = np.max(datai-useC(X,Y,Ci))
ej = np.max(dataj-useC(X,Y,Cj))
print("Max error in i: ", ei, ", suggest search box: +/- ", np.ceil(ei)+1)
print("Max error in j: ", ej, ", suggest search box: +/- ", np.ceil(ej)+1)
Max error in i: 2.55633160165 , suggest search box: +/- 4.0 Max error in j: 17.7487100078 , suggest search box: +/- 19.0
plt.figure(figsize=(9,4)); plt.clf();
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.plot(X,datai-useC(X,Y,Ci),'.')
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.plot(Y,dataj-useC(X,Y,Cj),'.')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6896bc3048>]