Testing gsw python for TEOS-10 compatibility
TEOS-10 - http://www.teos-10.org/
gsw python - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gsw
import gsw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import scipy.io
import datetime
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, teos_tools
from nowcast import analyze
%matplotlib inline
# Load gsw Matlab demo file
f = scipy.io.loadmat('/data/nsoontie/GSW/library/gsw_data_v3_0.mat')
demo = f['gsw_demo_data']
# grab data - subsampled like in matlab demo. Why is creating a list of indices so hard?
ind_sub = np.arange(28,48,4)
ind_sub = [i for i in ind_sub]
indices = [0,21]
for i in ind_sub:
p = np.array([demo['p'][0][0][i,0] for i in indices])
t = np.array([demo['t'][0][0][i,0] for i in indices])
SP = np.array([demo['SP'][0][0][i,0] for i in indices])
long = demo['long'][0][0][0,0]
lat = demo['lat'][0][0][0,0]
#copied from Matlab gsw_demo output
SA_Mat = np.array([ 34.7392, 34.4652, 34.7738, 34.8435, 34.8637, 34.8739, 34.8776,] )
SA_py = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP,p, long, lat)
array([ 34.73922653, 34.46519542, 34.7738161 , 34.84347021, 34.86368827, 34.87389077, 34.87760285])
(np.abs(SA_py-SA_Mat) < 1e-4).all()
Yes, up to the accuracy I copied from Matalb results, the answers are the same.
#copied from output of gsw_demo
CT_Mat = np.array([ 19.5130, 3.5588, 1.8157, 1.3434, 1.1583, 1.0518, 1.0073, ] )
CT_py = gsw.CT_from_t(SA_py, t, p)
array([ 19.51302027, 3.55877109, 1.81571146, 1.34340125, 1.15831711, 1.05175362, 1.0073248 ])
(np.abs(CT_py - CT_Mat) < 1e-4).all()
Again, up to accuracy copied from matlab, the results are the same.
#copied from output of gsw_demo
rho_Mat = np.array([ 1024.5709, 1031.9377, 1037.0031, 1041.6695, 1046.1799, 1050.5915, 1054.9014, ] )
rho_py = gsw.rho(SA_py, CT_py, p)
array([ 1024.57149173, 1031.93720792, 1037.00233755, 1041.6688784 , 1046.17966141, 1050.59166961, 1054.90183236])
(np.abs(rho_py-rho_Mat) < 1e-4).all()
array([ 0.00059173, -0.00049208, -0.00076245, -0.0006216 , -0.00023859, 0.00016961, 0.00043236])
Ok, I'm starting to get some differences here. They are pretty small (< 1e-3).
From TEOS-10 primer:
$CT = \frac{h_0}{c_p^0}$
where $h_0$ is the potential enthalpy and $c_p^0$ is a scale factor that makes potential temperature and conservative temperature numerically similar for typical seawater (practical salinty =35 psu, in-situ temperature = 0 deg C). Potential enthalpy is a measure of heat content.
The primer says that the difference between potential temperature and conservative temperature can be high (like 1 deg C) when salinity is low and temperature is high. So, I think that applies to the Strait of Georgia.
def compare_calculations(fnames, j, i, col, mesh_mask, gridB, axs):
# Loading
SP, times = analyze.combine_files(fnames, 'vosaline', np.arange(0,40), j, i )
PT, times = analyze.combine_files(fnames, 'votemper', np.arange(0,40), j, i )
SP = SP.mean(axis=0) #practical salinity
PT = PT.mean(axis=0) #potential temperature
d = mesh_mask.variables['gdept'][0,:,j,i] #depth
tmask = mesh_mask.variables['tmask'][0,:,j,i]
lon = gridB.variables['nav_lon'][j,i]
lat = gridB.variables['nav_lat'][j,i]
# caclulate gsw variables
p = gsw.p_from_z(-d,lat) # pressure
SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP,p,lon, lat) #calculate absoluate salinity with gsw
Sref = teos_tools.psu_teos(SP) # calculated reference salinity with teos_tools
CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA,PT)*tmask # calculate conservative temp using gsw
CT_from_Sref = gsw.CT_from_pt(Sref, PT)*tmask # calculate conservative temperature from Sref
# set up comparisons
diffs = [PT - CT, Sref - SA, CT_from_Sref - CT]
titles = ['Model Pot. temp - \n gsw Cons. temp',
'Ref. salinity - \n gsw absolute salinity',
'Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - \n gsw Cons. temp']
xlabels = ['Temp C', 'Salinity [g/kg]', 'Temp C']
# plotting
for ax, diff, title, xlabel in zip(axs[0:3], diffs, titles, xlabels):
plot_diff(ax, diff, d, tmask,col, title,xlabel )
ax.plot(i,j,'o', c=col)
def plot_diff(ax, difference, depth, tmask, col, title, xlabel):
ax.plot(np.ma.array(difference, mask=1-tmask), depth, c = col)
ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]')
for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
print('{} --- max diff: {}'.format(title.replace('\n', ''), np.abs(difference).max()))
to = datetime.datetime(2016,6,17)
tf = datetime.datetime(2016,8,17)
fnames = analyze.get_filenames(to, tf, '1d', 'grid_T', '/results/SalishSea/nowcast/')
b = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea2.nc')
mesh = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc')
# Model potential - gsw conservative temperature
iss = [300, 280, 260]
jss = [450, 400, 450]
cols = ['b','r','g']
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(15,5))
for j,i,col in zip(jss, iss, cols):
print ('color: {}'.format(col))
compare_calculations(fnames, j, i, col, mesh, b, axs)
print ('--------------------------------------------------')
color: b
/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/tools/SalishSeaNowcast/nowcast/analyze.py:170: FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison if kss == 'None':
Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.5766911511544031 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.005304500074011287 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 9.379352142246944e-05 -------------------------------------------------- color: r Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.44017595159473544 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.004785012257716659 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 8.692335176796462e-05 -------------------------------------------------- color: g Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.34506356879045796 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.00863725568810736 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.0001531677141315413 --------------------------------------------------
# Model potential - gsw conservative temperature
iss = [20, 50, 75]
jss = [400, 370, 350]
cols = ['b','r','g']
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(15,5))
for j,i,col in zip(jss, iss, cols):
print ('color: {}'.format(col))
compare_calculations(fnames, j, i, col, mesh, b, axs)
print ('--------------------------------------------------')
color: b
/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/tools/SalishSeaNowcast/nowcast/analyze.py:170: FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison if kss == 'None':
Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.08106197365938073 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.007581382302326745 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.00010909172036299708 -------------------------------------------------- color: r Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.07859283906558012 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.006444467627410688 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 9.334706586017205e-05 -------------------------------------------------- color: g Model Pot. temp - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 0.0756420093625163 Ref. salinity - gsw absolute salinity --- max diff: 0.005340388187647704 Cons. temp calculated with Ref. Salinity - gsw Cons. temp --- max diff: 7.85492384265396e-05 --------------------------------------------------