A code to look at the data from the crashed run. What is going wrong! Looks at currents, bathymetry, and sea surface height around the crashed time step.
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as NC
import numpy as np
# Load the data. Path name can be changed to look at different data.
f = NC.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/storm-surges/tide_fix/nov2009/all_forcing_crash/output.abort.nc','r');
#fU2 = NC.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/viscosity/nu40_crash/SalishSea_4h_20020915_20020921_grid_U.nc','r');
grid = NC.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea.nc','r')
bathy = grid.variables['Bathymetry'][:,:]
#Print some info about the variables.
for dim in f.dimensions.values():
print dim
<type 'netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'x', size = 398 <type 'netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'y', size = 898 <type 'netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'deptht', size = 40 <type 'netCDF4.Dimension'> (unlimited): name = 'time_counter', size = 1
[u'nav_lon', u'nav_lat', u'deptht', u'time_counter', u'vosaline', u'votemper', u'sossheig', u'vozocrtx', u'vomecrty', u'vovecrtz', u'sowaflup', u'sohefldo', u'soshfldo', u'soicecov', u'sozotaux', u'sometauy']
for var in f.variables.values():
print var
<type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 nav_lon(y, x) standard_name: longitude units: degrees_east valid_min: -126.4 valid_max: -121.318 long_name: Longitude nav_model: Default grid unlimited dimensions: current shape = (898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 nav_lat(y, x) standard_name: latitude units: degrees_north valid_min: 46.8597 valid_max: 51.1048 long_name: Latitude nav_model: Default grid unlimited dimensions: current shape = (898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 deptht(deptht) axis: Z standard_name: model_level_number units: m positive: down valid_min: 0.5 valid_max: 441.466 title: deptht long_name: Vertical T levels unlimited dimensions: current shape = (40,) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float64 time_counter(time_counter) axis: T standard_name: time units: seconds since 2009-11-14 22:13:10 calendar: gregorian title: Time long_name: Time axis time_origin: 2009-NOV-14 22:13:10 unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1,) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 vosaline(time_counter, deptht, y, x) units: PSU standard_name: Salinity _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Salinity online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter deptht nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 40, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 votemper(time_counter, deptht, y, x) units: C standard_name: Temperature _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Temperature online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter deptht nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 40, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 sossheig(time_counter, y, x) units: m standard_name: Sea Surface Height _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Sea Surface Height online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 vozocrtx(time_counter, deptht, y, x) units: m/s standard_name: Zonal Current _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Zonal Current online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter deptht nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 40, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 vomecrty(time_counter, deptht, y, x) units: m/s standard_name: Meridional Current _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Meridional Current online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter deptht nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 40, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 vovecrtz(time_counter, deptht, y, x) units: m/s standard_name: Vertical Velocity _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Vertical Velocity online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter deptht nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 40, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 sowaflup(time_counter, y, x) units: Kg/m2/S standard_name: Net Upward Water Flux _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Net Upward Water Flux online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 sohefldo(time_counter, y, x) units: W/m2 standard_name: Net Downward Heat Flux _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Net Downward Heat Flux online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 soshfldo(time_counter, y, x) units: W/m2 standard_name: Shortwave Radiation _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Shortwave Radiation online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 soicecov(time_counter, y, x) units: [0,1] standard_name: Ice fraction _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Ice fraction online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 sozotaux(time_counter, y, x) units: N/m2 standard_name: Zonal Wind Stress _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Zonal Wind Stress online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off <type 'netCDF4.Variable'> float32 sometauy(time_counter, y, x) units: N/m2 standard_name: Meridional Wind Stress _FillValue: 9.96921e+36 long_name: Meridional Wind Stress online_operation: inst(x) interval_operation: 10.0 interval_write: 10.0 coordinates: time_counter nav_lat nav_lon unlimited dimensions: time_counter current shape = (1, 898, 398) filling off
u_vel = f.variables['vozocrtx'] #u currents
v_vel=f.variables['vomecrty'] # v currents
#bathy lat lon
b_lat = grid.variables['nav_lat']
b_lon = grid.variables['nav_lon']
#quick plot of the u field
ibad=220; jbad=184
cmin=-2; cmax=2;
#print time
print tnow
#plot U
print U.min()
print U.max()
mu =U == 0
U= np.ma.array(U,mask=mu)
#pylab.plot(ibad-1,jbad-1,marker='o') #marker for unstable point in the ocean.output file
#plot V
mu =V == 0
V= np.ma.array(V,mask=mu)
pylab.plot(ibad-1,jbad-1,marker='o') #marker for unstable point in the ocean.output file
print u_vel[0,3,jbad-1,ibad-1]
print v_vel[0,3,jbad-1,ibad-1]
0.0743055555556 -5.2533 25.6648 25.6648 0.0
#Vertical velocity
cmin=-0.005; cmax=0.005
print W.min()
print W.max()
mu =W == 0
W= np.ma.array(W,mask=mu)
print w_vel[0,3,jbad-1,ibad-1]
-0.00915483 0.0180596 6.05582e-09
# load the bathymetry to look for shallow depths in this region.
cmin=0; cmax=5;
mu =bathy == 0
bathy= np.ma.array(bathy,mask=mu)
pylab.plot(ibad-1,jbad-1,marker='o') #marker for unstable point in the ocean.output file
[200, 250, 150, 220]
# look at sea surface height
mu =ssh == 0
ssh= np.ma.array(ssh,mask=mu)
pylab.plot(ibad-1,jbad-1,marker='o') #marker for unstable point in the ocean.output file
print ssh.min()
print ssh.max()
print bathy[jbad-1,ibad-1]
print ssh[0,jbad-1,ibad-1]
-4.66426 1.90734 4.0 -3.2886
ssh is pretty negative here
# look at salinity
mu =sal == 0
sal= np.ma.array(sal,mask=mu)
pylab.plot(ibad-1,jbad-1,marker='o') #marker for unstable point in the ocean.output file
print sal[0,3,jbad-1,ibad-1]