This notebook is used to develop routines for building the time-dependent scale factors and depths in NEMO with variable volume (vvl).
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, grid_tools
%matplotlib inline
The vertical grid spacing in NEMO with variable volume is time-dependent. NEMO dsitributes the expanssion/compression of the water column equally across all water cells according the this formula:
$e3t_t = e3t_0(1 + \eta / H) $
where $e3t_t$ is the time dependent vertical grid spacing, $\eta$ is the sea surface height and $H$ is the water column depth. $e3t_0$ is the initial vertical grid spacing which is stored in the mesh mask file. It is the grid spacing if the sea surface heigh were zero. Also, $H = \sum_{k=0}^{jpk} e3t_0 *tmask$ where tmask is the mask on the T-grid and $jpk$ is the last grid cell.
The grid spacing on the w grid also follow this simple formula, as well as the depths.
$e3w_t = e3w_0(1 + \eta / H) $
$gdept_t = gdept_0(1 + \eta / H) $
$gdepw_t = gdepw_0(1 + \eta / H) $
Where $e3w$ means vertical grid spacing on W grid, $gdept$ means depth levels on T grid and $gdepw$ means depth levels on W grid. the underscore 0 indicates initial values from mesh mask file and underscore t means time-dependent. Note that in this formulation gdepw_t(k=0) = 0 always, so these depths can be thtough of as a pressure. To find the depths relative to $\eta=0$ you just need to subtract the sea surface height. See this notebook:
The U/V grids are slighlty more complicated and will be considered later. Basically, the ssh has to be interpolated onto the U/V grids.
mesh_mask = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
grid = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
bathy = grid.variables['Bathymetry'][:]
# Sample file for testing calculations
fT = nc.Dataset('/results/SalishSea/nowcast/01apr15/')
ssh = fT.variables['sossheig']
tmask = mesh_mask.variables['tmask'][:]
e3t_0 = mesh_mask.variables['e3t'][:]
gdept_0 = mesh_mask.variables['gdept'][:]
gdepw_0 = mesh_mask.variables['gdepw'][:]
e3w_0 = mesh_mask.variables['e3w'][:]
def calculate_H(e3t0, tmask):
"""Calculate the initial water column thickness (H).
:arg e3t0: initial vertical scale factors on T-grid.
Dimensions: (depth, y, x).
:type e3t0: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg tmask: T-grid mask. Dimensions: (depth, y, x)
:type tmask: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: the initial water column thickness. Dimensions: (y, x)
H = np.sum(e3t0*tmask, axis=0)
return H
% timeit H = calculate_H(e3t_0[0,...], tmask[0,...])
10 loops, best of 3: 38.9 ms per loop
Plot $H$.
H = grid_tools.calculate_H(e3t_0[0,...], tmask[0,...])
plt.title('Water column thickness')
(898, 398)
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f23aedcba90>
def calculate_adjustment_factor(H, ssh):
"""Calculate the time-dependent adjustment factor for variable volume in
NEMO. adj = (1+ssh/H) and e3t_t = e3t_0*adj
:arg H: Water column thicnkess. Dimension: (y, x)
:type H: :py:class:`numpy.array`
:arg ssh: the model sea surface height. Dimensions: (time, y, x)
:type ssh: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: the adjustment factor with dimensions (time, y, x)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
one_over_H = 1 / H
one_over_H = np.nan_to_num(one_over_H)
adj = (1 + ssh * one_over_H)
return adj
% timeit adj = calculate_adjustment_factor(H, ssh)
1 loop, best of 3: 111 ms per loop
adj = grid_tools.calculate_adjustment_factor(H, ssh)
(24, 898, 398)
Adjustment factor should be >1 when ssh >0. Quickly visualize.
plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Adjustment factor')
mesh=plt.pcolormesh(ssh[t,:,:], vmin=-1,vmax=1,cmap='bwr')
cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
cbar.set_label('ssh [m]')
ax.set_title('sea surface height')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f23ae631d68>
# Check adjustment factor is >=1 where ssh >=0.
(adj[inds] >=1).all()
# Check adjustment factor is <1 where ssh <0.
(adj[inds] <1).all()
# Check adj <=1 is false when ssh >=0
(adj[inds] <=1).all()
# Check adj >=1 is false when ssh <0
(adj[inds] >=1).all()
def calculate_time_dependent_grid(
""" Calculate the time dependent vertical grids and scale factors for
variable volume in NEMO.
:arg e3t0: initial vertical scale factors on T-grid.
Dimensions: (depth, y, x).
:type e3t0: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg tmask: T-grid mask. Dimensions: (depth, y, x)
:type tmask: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg ssh: the model sea surface height. Dimensions: (time, y, x)
:type ssh: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
:arg input_vars: A dictionary of the initial grids/scale factors to be
translated into time_dependent. Example keys can be
'e3t_0', 'gdept_0', 'e3w_0', 'gdepw_0'. A dictionary with
correspinding time-dependent grids is returned, where the
keys are now 'e3t_t', 'gdept_t', 'e3w_0', 'gdepw_0'.
:typ input_vars: dictionary
:type return_vars: list of strings
:returns: A dictionary containing the desired time dependent vertical
scale factors on t and w grids and depths on t and w grids.
Dimensions of each: (time, depth, y, x)
# adjustment factors
H = calculate_H(e3t0, tmask)
adj = calculate_adjustment_factor(H, ssh)
adj = np.expand_dims(adj, axis=1) # expand to give depth dimension
# Time-dependent grids
return_vars = {}
for key in input_vars:
return_key = '{}t'.format(key[0:-1])
return_vars[return_key] = input_vars[key] * adj
return return_vars
input_vars = {'e3t_0': e3t_0,
'e3w_0': e3w_0,
'gdept_0': gdept_0,
'gdepw_0': gdepw_0}
% timeit grids = calculate_time_dependent_grid(e3t_0[0,...], tmask[0,...], ssh, input_vars)
1 loop, best of 3: 2.5 s per loop
grids = calculate_time_dependent_grid(e3t_0[0,...], tmask[0,...], ssh, input_vars)
e3t_t = grids['e3t_t']
e3w_t = grids['e3w_t']
gdept_t = grids['gdept_t']
gdepw_t = grids['gdepw_t']
Calculate total water column by summing vertical scale factors for both initial and time dependent scale factors. In the time-dependent case, the thickness should shange with the sea surace height.
H_0 = np.sum(e3t_0*tmask, axis=1) # initial water column thickness
H_t = np.sum(e3t_t*tmask, axis=1) # time-dependent water column thickness
#difference in water column thickness - should be explained by the ssh
diff_depth = H_t - H_0
diff_ssh = diff_depth-ssh
print('Mean difference with ssh: {} m'.format(diff_ssh.mean()))
print('Max difference with ssh: {} m'.format(diff_ssh.max()))
print('Min difference with ssh: {} m'.format(diff_ssh.min()))
Mean difference with ssh: -2.8955083512058694e-16 m Max difference with ssh: 2.2737367544323206e-13 m Min difference with ssh: -2.2737367544323206e-13 m
plt.xlabel('Water column difference - ssh (m)')
plt.ylabel('Number of values')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f23ae50d240>
Ok, so the water column is expanding and compressing by exactly the ssh (to within reasonable error). That makes sense.
Next, check to make sure the bottom hasn't moved! That is, the w point that represents the bathymetry shouldn't be affected.
Note the depth variables are like a pressure, that is, gdepw(k=0) = 0 because it is at the surface. So the bottom feels the ssh moving up and down. So, compare gdepw_t[bottom] - ssh to gdepw_0[bottom].
mbathy = mesh_mask.variables['mbathy'][0,:,:]
bottom_0 = np.zeros(H_0[0,:,:].shape)
bottom_t = np.zeros(H_t.shape)
for i in np.arange(H_0[0,:,:].shape[1]):
for j in np.arange(H_0[0,:,:].shape[0]):
level = mbathy[j,i]
bottom_0[j,i] = gdepw_0[0,level,j,i]
bottom_t[:,j,i] = gdepw_t[:,level,j,i]
At a single point.
diff = bottom_t - bottom_0 - ssh
array([ 23.77571649, 23.44446205, 23.0530772 , 22.68543079, 22.46104562, 22.43946222, 22.631597 , 22.99489061, 23.45437265, 23.92271361, 24.28867064, 24.47369503, 24.42435875, 24.16847472, 23.79394418, 23.3641584 , 22.97786956, 22.74423954, 22.7199077 , 22.89045275, 23.17842863, 23.5164112 , 23.81913159, 23.97568495])
array([ 8.69166276e-04, 1.50665308e-04, -6.98260355e-04, -1.49569661e-03, -1.98239487e-03, -2.02920993e-03, -1.61246373e-03, -8.24468832e-04, 1.72161701e-04, 1.18800748e-03, 1.98177944e-03, 2.38310297e-03, 2.27609108e-03, 1.72107082e-03, 9.08702680e-04, -2.35157594e-05, -8.61388016e-04, -1.36813865e-03, -1.42091514e-03, -1.05099773e-03, -4.26369280e-04, 3.06725197e-04, 9.63334934e-04, 1.30290394e-03])
Over the whole domain, at a single time.
plt.pcolormesh([t], mask = 1-tmask[0,0,...]))
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f23ae3c99b0>
0.00629676075017 -0.00619416041651 -5.35265373469e-06