I donwloaded recent water level observations from this website. http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/charts-cartes/obs-app/observed-eng.aspx?StationID=07795
For comparison with nowcast or forecast.
import pandas as pd
from dateutil import tz
import datetime
import numpy as np
import os
import netCDF4 as nc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nowcast import figures, analyze
%matplotlib inline
def dateparse(s):
"""Function to make datetime object aware of time zone
e.g. date_parser=dateParserMeasured('2014-05-31 11:42')
:arg s: string of date and time
:type s: str
:returns: datetime object that is timezone aware
PST_tz = tz.tzoffset("PST", -28800)
# Convert the string to a datetime object
unaware = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
# Add in the local time zone (Canada/Pacific)
aware = unaware.replace(tzinfo=PST_tz)
# Convert to UTC
return aware.astimezone(tz.tzutc())
data = pd.read_csv('PA_Dec.csv',parse_dates=[1],date_parser=dateparse)
data=data.rename(columns={'TIME_TAG PST (Z+8)': 'time'})
series = pd.Series(np.array(data['ENCODER2']), index = data['time'])
nowcast = '/results/SalishSea/nowcast/'
location = 'PointAtkinson'
tides_path = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/tools/SalishSeaNowcast/nowcast/tidal_predictions/'
sdt = datetime.datetime(2015,12,2)
edt = datetime.datetime(2015,12,11)
numdays = (edt-sdt).total_seconds()/86400
dates = [sdt + datetime.timedelta(days=d) for d in np.arange(numdays+1) ]
ssh = np.array([])
time = np.array([])
for d in dates:
fname = os.path.join(nowcast, d.strftime('%d%b%y').lower(), '{}.nc'.format(location))
grid = nc.Dataset(fname)
s,t = figures.load_model_ssh(grid)
tides = figures.get_tides('Point Atkinson',path=tides_path)
ssh_corr = figures.correct_model_ssh(ssh, time,tides )
ax.plot(series.index, series, label='obs')
ax.plot(time,ssh_corr+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='model')
ax.plot(tides.time, tides.pred_all + figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='tides')
ax.set_ylabel('water level (m)')
(735934.0, 735943.0)
This looks reasonable
obs_interp = figures.interp_to_model_time(time, series, series.index)
obs_interp = np.array(obs_interp) - figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl']
model_res =figures.compute_residual(ssh_corr, time, tides)
obs_res = figures.compute_residual(obs_interp, time, tides)
ax.plot(time, obs_res, label='obs')
ax.plot(time, model_res, label='model')
ax.set_ylabel('residual (m)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f7ea28fa588>
There is a very clear semi-diurnal signal in both the observed residual and the model residual. This doesn't happen for the residuals on the DFO website. Is it my tides? I'm using CHS constituents... Did I do something wrong?
plt.plot(data.time, data.PREDICTION,'o')
plt.plot(tides.time, tides.pred_all+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], 'o')
plt.ylabel('tidal prediction (m)')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f7ea28b3828>
tide_nonan = data[~np.isnan(data.PREDICTION)]
tide_interp = figures.interp_to_model_time(time,tide_nonan.PREDICTION, tide_nonan.time)
ttide_interp = figures.interp_to_model_time(time, tides.pred_all, tides.time)
diff = np.array(tide_interp) - (np.array(ttide_interp)+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'])
plt.plot(time, diff)
plt.ylabel('difference (m)')
plt.title('difference between tides with CHS const and tides on DFO site')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f7ea29430b8>
There it is again. For some reason the tides I calculate with CHS constituents have some semi-diurnal energy not present in the DFO tides.
Redo tidal predictions. Don't use CHS constituents. Use ones from a harominc analysis with t_tide.
Harmonics from analysing 2008 time series
tides2 = figures.get_tides('Point Atkinson',path='/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/storm_surges/data/')
obs_res2 = figures.compute_residual(obs_interp, time, tides2)
plt.plot(time,obs_res2, label = 'new t_tide const')
plt.plot(time, obs_res, label = 'CHS const')
plt.ylabel('residual (m)')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f7ea29a78d0>
plt.plot(time,obs_res2, label = 'new t_tide const')
plt.ylabel('residual (m)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f7ea2afcb00>
There is still some semi-dirunal, but not nearly as much as the green line above
ssh_corr2 = figures.correct_model_ssh(ssh, time,tides2 )
model_res2 =figures.compute_residual(ssh_corr2, time, tides2)
ax.plot(time, obs_res2, label='obs')
ax.plot(time, model_res2, label='model')
ax.set_ylabel('residual (m)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f7ea1f31588>
Residuals aren't the best. Looks like we have a phase problem for some of these events. Note that our model tides aren't perfect so there are some issues with using a tidal prediction to calclate the residual. I don't know how to quantify that error. Maybe I could do a harmonic analysis on a year long time series of water levels at each station. That would give me an idea of our model's tides..
But, given the residual problems, we are doing pretty good for the water level. (Below)
ax.plot(series.index, series, label='obs')
ax.plot(time,ssh_corr2+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='model')
ax.plot(tides2.time, tides2.pred_all + figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='tides')
ax.set_ylabel('water level (m)')
(735934.0, 735943.0)
I'd like to hold off on the error analysis until I have an automated way of getting observations for more of the stations.
How important are the residuals in our plotting? It would be nice to not have such a strong semi-dirunal signal. It would be as easy as replacing the tides file with the new one I calculated.
But I haven't looked at any of the other stations in detail and don't really know how well the CHS constituents remove all the tidal energy... think it would be easiest to do the same thing for every station.
nowcast = '/results/SalishSea/forecast/'
location = 'PointAtkinson'
numdays = (edt-sdt).total_seconds()/86400
dates = [sdt + datetime.timedelta(days=d) for d in np.arange(numdays+1) ]
ssh_forecast = np.array([])
time_forecast = np.array([])
for d in dates:
fname = os.path.join(nowcast, d.strftime('%d%b%y').lower(), '{}.nc'.format(location))
grid = nc.Dataset(fname)
s,t = figures.load_model_ssh(grid)
s_sub = s[0:96] #subsample for just one day
t_sub = t[0:96]
ssh_corr_forecast = figures.correct_model_ssh(ssh_forecast, time_forecast,tides2 )
model_res_forecast =figures.compute_residual(ssh_corr_forecast, time_forecast, tides2)
ax.plot(series.index, series, label='obs')
ax.plot(time,ssh_corr2+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='model - nowcast')
ax.plot(time_forecast,ssh_corr_forecast+figures.SITES['Point Atkinson']['msl'], label='model - forecast')
ax.set_ylabel('water level (m)')
(735934.0, 735943.0)
Only first 24 hours of forecast
ax.plot(time, obs_res2, label='obs')
ax.plot(time, model_res2, label='model - nowcast')
ax.plot(time, model_res_forecast, label='model - forecast')
ax.set_ylabel('residual (m)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f7ea1e8e898>
Discontinuties in forecast residual because of truncating to one day.