This notebook is to decide $S_A = S_{ref}$ is a good approximation along our open boundary.
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import os
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import gsw_calls
I want to check if, along our open boundary, $\delta S ~=0$ by the gsw standards. Right now, we are using reference salinity.
Recall, $S_A = S_{ref} + \delta S$
The TEOS-10 primer says that in coastal areas where $\delta S$ is unknown, it is appopriate to use $\delta S=0$. That was also suggested to me in an email from Rich.
Note: Matlab wrappers are linked in this directory. They are under version control in tools/I_ForcingFiles/OBC
f = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/open_boundaries/west/')
sal_pract = f.variables['vosaline'][:]
temp_pot = f.variables['votemper'][:]
dep = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(f.variables['deptht'][:],axis=0),axis=2),axis=3) \
+ np.zeros(sal_pract.shape)
long = f.variables['nav_lon'][:] + np.zeros(sal_pract.shape)
lat = f.variables['nav_lat'][:] + np.zeros(sal_pract.shape)
f = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/open_boundaries/west/')
sal_ref = f.variables['vosaline'][:]
p = gsw_calls.call_p_from_z(-dep, lat)
sal_abs = gsw_calls.call_SA_from_SP(sal_pract, p, long, lat)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
dS = sal_abs-sal_ref
plt.xlabel('$\delta S$')
plt.ylabel('number of occurences')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7ff2dd22da20>
plt.ylabel('$\delta S$')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7ff2da8b20f0>
This is probably not very significant. We've decided to use $\delta S = 0$.
CT = gsw_calls.call_CT_from_PT(sal_abs, temp_pot)
plt.ylabel(('Conservative - Potential, deg C'))
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7ff2da880160>
Looks like the differences aren't super big for boundary.
Note: This comparison wes performed before the boundary files were overwritten.
def call_SR_from_SP(SP):
fname ="'SRout'"
SPfile= "'SPfile'"
for f, var in zip([SPfile,],
np.savetxt(f[1:-1],var.flatten(), delimiter=',')
shape = SP.shape
functioncall = 'mw_gsw_SR_from_SP({},{});exit'.format(fname, SPfile)
cmd = ["matlab", "-nodesktop", "-nodisplay", "-r", functioncall]
SR = np.loadtxt(fname[1:-1], delimiter=',')
for f in [fname, SPfile]:
return SR.reshape(shape)
sal_ref_matlab = call_SR_from_SP(sal_pract)
diff = sal_ref_matlab - sal_ref
plt.ylabel('MAtlab ref Salinity - ours, g/kg')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f7864b9c898>