from __future__ import division, print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from salishsea_tools import (
%matplotlib inline
grid = nc.Dataset('/data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
bathy = grid.variables['Bathymetry'][:]
lats = grid.variables['nav_lat'][:]
lons = grid.variables['nav_lon'][:]
print (48+24/60.+09.8/60./60.)
dep = 65
yind, xind = tidetools.find_closest_model_point(-123.348778, 48.402722,lons,lats,bathy, lon_tol = 0.082, lat_tol = 0.003)
level = tidetools.find_model_level(dep, zlevels, fractional=False)
returns the y-index, yind (latitude) and x-index, xind (longitude) of the grid from specified lon/lat
print (yind, xind, level)
289 210 24 70.0
y-index and x-index
yind = yind - 1
# Look at cell and variation
print (lats[yind,xind], lats[yind+1,xind], lats[yind-1,xind])
print (lons[yind, xind], lons[yind, xind+1], lons[yind, xind-1])
48.3971595764 48.4011230469 48.3931999207 -123.265525818 -123.260314941 -123.270736694
lon = -(123+24/60.+22.5/60./60.)
lat = 48+25/60.+05.2/60./60.
dep = 60.
yind, xind = tidetools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, lons,lats,bathy)
level = tidetools.find_model_level(60, zlevels, fractional=False)
print (yind, xind, level)
print (bathy[yind-3,xind-2])
302 192 24 56.0
yind = yind - 3; xind = xind-2
# Look at cell and variation
print (lats[yind,xind], lats[yind+1,xind], lats[yind-1,xind])
print (lons[yind, xind], lons[yind, xind+1], lons[yind, xind-1])
48.4022827148 48.4062423706 48.3983192444 -123.406349182 -123.401138306 -123.411552429
lon = -(123+15/60.+42.8/60./60.)
lat = 49+12/60.+20.6/60./60.
dep = 90.
yind, xind = tidetools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, lons,lats,bathy)
level = tidetools.find_model_level(dep, zlevels, fractional=False)
print (yind, xind, level)
print (bathy[yind,xind-9])
444 311 26 103.0
Need to move 3 m up in depth and 9 grid points out from coast to get out of the topography
xind = xind-9
# Look at cell and variation
print (lats[yind,xind], lats[yind+1,xind], lats[yind-1,xind])
print (lons[yind, xind], lons[yind, xind+1], lons[yind, xind-1])
49.1873512268 49.1912727356 49.1834335327 -123.308982849 -123.303787231 -123.314178467
lon = -(123+58/60.+04.5/60./60.)
lat = 49+13/60.+50.0/60./60.
dep = 70.
yind, xind = tidetools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, lons,lats,bathy)
level = tidetools.find_model_level(dep, zlevels, fractional=False)
print (yind, xind, level)
print (bathy[yind,xind+2])
500 211 25 83.8125
xind = xind+2
# Look at cell and variation
print (lats[yind,xind], lats[yind+1,xind], lats[yind-1,xind])
print (lons[yind, xind], lons[yind, xind+1], lons[yind, xind-1])
49.2388648987 49.2427902222 49.2349433899 -123.958374023 -123.953186035 -123.963562012
yind, xind = tidetools.find_closest_model_point(-125.263417, 50.057111, lons,lats,bathy)
returns the y-index, yind (latitude) and x-index, xind (longitude) of the grid from specified lon/lat
print (yind, xind)
print (bathy[yind,xind+1])
751 124 42.0
tidetools.find_model_level(35, zlevels, fractional=False)
# Look at cell and variation
print (lats[yind,xind], lats[yind+1,xind], lats[yind-1,xind])
print (lons[yind, xind], lons[yind, xind+1], lons[yind, xind-1])
50.055103302 50.059009552 50.051197052 -125.250205994 -125.244987488 -125.2554245
Index of the model closest to the specified depth
v_vel = nc.Dataset('/ocean/dlatorne/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/spin-up/17dec26dec/')
zlevels = v_vel.variables['depthv'][:]