from itertools import product
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import math
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import random
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
%matplotlib inline
def interpolator(t_mask, e3w, e2v, e1u, w_coords, v_coords, u_coords, w, v, u, point) :
dims = len(point)
rhs = np.zeros((3))
if t_mask[int(point[1]), int(point[2]), int(point[3])] != 0:
for vel, scale, coords, data in zip([0, 1, 2], [e3w, e2v, e1u,], [w_coords, v_coords, u_coords], [w, v, u]):
indices = []
sub_coords = []
good = True
for j in range(dims) :
idx = np.digitize([point[j]], coords[j])[0] # finds the index of region
if (idx == len(coords[j])):
print (j, 'out of bounds', point[j], vel, coords[j])
good = False
elif (idx == 0):
print (j, 'hit surface', point[j], vel, coords[j])
good = False
indices += [[idx - 1, idx]]
sub_coords += [coords[j][indices[-1]]]
if good:
indices = np.array([j for j in product(*indices)])
sub_coords = np.array([j for j in product(*sub_coords)])
sub_data = data[list(np.swapaxes(indices, 0, 1))]
li = LinearNDInterpolator(sub_coords, sub_data, rescale=True) #
if vel == 0:
rhs[vel] = li([point])[0]/scale[indices[0, 0], int(point[1]), int(point[2]), int(point[3])]
if (rhs[vel] == 0):
print ('rhs', scale[indices[0, 0], int(point[1]), int(point[2]), int(point[3])])
print (int(point[1]), int(point[2]), int(point[3]))
print (t_mask[int(point[1]), int(point[2]), int(point[3])])
rhs[vel] = li([point])[0]/scale[indices[0, 2], indices[0, 3]]
rhs[vel] = 0.
return rhs
# from Jaime on Stackoverflow
def derivatives(t, poss, t_mask, e3w, e2v, e1u, w_coords, v_coords, u_coords, w, v, u):
rhs = np.zeros_like(poss)
for ip in range(int(poss.shape[0]/3)):
point = np.array([t, poss[0+ip*3], poss[1+ip*3], poss[2+ip*3]])
rhs[0+ip*3:3+ip*3] = interpolator(t_mask,
e3w, e2v, e1u, w_coords, v_coords, u_coords, w, v, u, point)
return np.array(rhs) # array or scalar, not a tuple
# Choose new random points
def random_points (t_coords, deltat, t_mask):
t0 = t_coords[0, 0]
yi = np.zeros((27, 3))
good = 0
while good == 0:
tc = random.uniform(t0, t0+deltat)
zc = random.uniform(0., 39.)
yc = random.uniform(t_coords[2, 0], t_coords[2, -1])
xc = random.uniform(t_coords[3, 0], t_coords[3, -1])
count = 0
for k in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for i in range(3):
yi[count, 0] = min(zc + k, 39.)
yi[count, 1] = min(yc + j, t_coords[2, -1])
yi[count, 2] = min(xc + i, t_coords[3, -1])
print (yi[count], math.floor(yi[count, 0]))
good += t_mask[math.floor(yi[count, 0]), math.floor(yi[count, 1]), math.floor(yi[count, 2])]
count += 1
print (tc, zc, yc, xc, good)
return tc, yi
# Choose grid around a specific point
def grid_points (t_coords, deltat, t_mask, tc, zc, yc, xc):
t0 = t_coords[0, 0]
yi = np.zeros((27, 3))
good = 0
count = 0
for k in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for i in range(3):
yi[count, 0] = min(zc + k, 39.)
yi[count, 1] = min(yc + j, t_coords[2, -1])
yi[count, 2] = min(xc + i, t_coords[3, -1])
good += t_mask[math.floor(yi[count, 0]), math.floor(yi[count, 1]), math.floor(yi[count, 2])]
if t_mask[math.floor(yi[count, 0]), math.floor(yi[count, 1]), math.floor(yi[count, 2])] == 0:
print(zc+k, yc+j, xc+i)
count += 1
print (tc, zc, yc, xc, good)
return tc, yi
# Set up run: test points are not on the walls
def test_points(t_coords, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, tmask, yi):
testpoint = np.zeros((4))
for point in range(yi.shape[0]):
testpoint[1:] = yi[point]
testpoint[0] = t_coords[0, 0]
velocity = interpolator(t_mask, e3w, e2v, e1u, w_coords, v_coords, u_coords, w, v, u, testpoint)
if np.all(velocity == [0, 0, 0]):
t_mask[int(testpoint[1]), int(testpoint[2]), int(testpoint[3])] = 0
print (int(testpoint[1]), int(testpoint[2]), int(testpoint[3]), 'zerod')
return t_mask
def w_correction (w, fractiondepth):
'''w in nc files, is real, but we want w relative to grid
that means w at the surface is zero'''
for i in range(w.shape[1]):
w[:, i] = w[:, i] - w[:, 0]*(1-fractiondepth[i])
return w
def get_initial_data(fractiondepth, totaldepth, e3w0):
udataset = nc.Dataset('../myResults/')
tcorrs = udataset['time_counter'][:3]
deltat = tcorrs[1] - tcorrs[0]
# xcorrs = udataset['gridX'][:]
# ycorrs = udataset['gridY'][:]
xcorrs = range(udataset.dimensions['x'].size)
ycorrs = range(udataset.dimensions['y'].size)
depthsize = udataset['depthu'][:].shape[0]
zcorrs = np.linspace(0, depthsize, depthsize+1) - 0.5 # this makes it depth, not grid point
# and I need one above the surface
longaxis = max(len(xcorrs), len(ycorrs), len(zcorrs), len(tcorrs))
t_coords = np.zeros((4, longaxis))
t_coords[0, 0:len(tcorrs)] = tcorrs
t_coords[0, len(tcorrs):] = max(tcorrs)
t_coords[1, 0:len(zcorrs)] = zcorrs
t_coords[1, len(zcorrs):] = max(zcorrs)
t_coords[2, 0:len(ycorrs)] = ycorrs
t_coords[2, len(ycorrs):] = max(ycorrs)
t_coords[3, 0:len(xcorrs)] = xcorrs
t_coords[3, len(xcorrs):] = max(xcorrs)
# other grids
u_coords = np.copy(t_coords)
u_coords[3] = t_coords[3] + 0.5
v_coords = np.copy(t_coords)
v_coords[2] = t_coords[2] + 0.5
w_coords = np.copy(t_coords)
w_coords[1] = t_coords[1] + 0.5
u = np.zeros((3, len(zcorrs), len(ycorrs), len(xcorrs)))
u[:, 1:] = udataset['vozocrtx'][0:3]
u[:, 0] = 2 * u[:, 1] - u[:, 2]
v = np.zeros_like(u)
vdataset = nc.Dataset('../myResults/')
v[:, 1:] = vdataset['vomecrty'][0:3]
v[:, 0] = 2 * v[:, 1] - v[:, 2]
wdataset = nc.Dataset('../myResults/')
w = np.zeros_like(u)
w = - wdataset['vovecrtz'][0:3] # change to velocity down (increasing depth)
tdataset = nc.Dataset('../myResults/')
ssh = tdataset['sossheig'][0:3]
e3w = np.empty_like(w)
for i in range(3):
e3w[i] = e3w0*(1 + ssh[i]/totaldepth)
nextindex = 3
return u, v, w, tcorrs, t_coords, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, deltat, nextindex, e3w, udataset, vdataset, wdataset, tdataset
def initialize_mesh(mesh_mask_file):
with nc.Dataset(mesh_mask_file) as data:
t_mask = data['tmask'][0]
e1u = data['e1u'][0]
e2v = data['e2v'][0]
e3w0 = data['e3w_0'][0]
mbathy = data['mbathy'][0]
gdepw_0 = data['gdepw_0'][0]
totaldepth = np.empty_like(mbathy)
for i in range(t_mask.shape[1]):
for j in range(t_mask.shape[2]):
totaldepth[i,j] = gdepw_0[int(mbathy[i, j]), i, j]
fractiondepth = gdepw_0/totaldepth
return t_mask, e1u, e2v, e3w0, totaldepth, fractiondepth
def update_arrays(totaldepth, fractiondepth, e3w0, e3w, tcorrs, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, u, v, w, deltat, nextindex, udataset, vdataset, wdataset, tdataset):
tcorrs = tcorrs + deltat
u_coords[0, 0:len(tcorrs)] = tcorrs
u_coords[0, len(tcorrs):] = max(tcorrs)
v_coords[0] = u_coords[0]
w_coords[0] = u_coords[0]
u[0:2] = u[1:3]
u[2, 1:] = udataset['vozocrtx'][nextindex]
u[2, 0] = 2 * u[2, 1] - u[2, 2]
v[0:2] = v[1:3]
v[2, 1:] = vdataset['vomecrty'][nextindex]
v[2, 0] = 2 * v[2, 1] - v[2, 2]
w[0:2] = w[1:3]
wtemp = np.zeros([1, w.shape[1], w.shape[2], w.shape[3]])
wtemp[0] = - wdataset['vovecrtz'][nextindex]
ssh = tdataset['sossheig'][nextindex]
e3w[0:2] = e3w[1:3]
e3w[2] = e3w0*(1 + ssh/totaldepth)
nextindex += 1
return tcorrs, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, u, v, w, nextindex, e3w
def myplotter(t0, y0, npoints, cmap, yc, initial=False):
ct = 20.
if initial:
for ip in range(npoints):
ax[1, 0].plot(t0, -y0[ip, 0], 'ko')
ax[0, 0].plot(t0, y0[ip, 1], 'ks')
ax[0, 1].plot(t0, y0[ip, 2], 'k^')
ax[2, 0].plot(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], 'bx')
ax[2, 1].plot(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], 'bx')
ax[1, 1].scatter(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], -y0[ip, 0], c='k')
for ip in range(npoints):
ax[1, 0].plot(t0, -y0[ip, 0], 'bo')
ax[0, 0].scatter(t0, y0[ip, 1], color=cmap((y0[ip, 0]-yc+ct)/(2*ct)))
ax[0, 1].scatter(t0, y0[ip, 2], color=cmap((y0[ip, 0]-yc+ct)/(2*ct)))
ax[2, 0].scatter(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], color=cmap((y0[ip, 0]-yc+ct)/(2*ct)))
ax[2, 1].scatter(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], color=cmap((y0[ip, 0]-yc+ct)/(2*ct)))
ax[1, 1].scatter(y0[ip, 2], y0[ip, 1], -y0[ip, 0], c='b')
# Main Cell
# set up graphing
cmap ='plasma_r')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 20))
ax[0, 0] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1)
ax[0, 1] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 2)
ax[1, 0] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 3)
ax[1, 1] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 4, projection='3d')
ax[2, 0] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 5)
ax[2, 1] = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 6)
# get initial data
t_mask, e1u, e2v, e3w0, totaldepth, fractiondepth = initialize_mesh('../myResults/')
(u, v, w, tcorrs, t_coords, u_coords, v_coords,
w_coords, deltat, nextindex, e3w, udataset, vdataset, wdataset, tdataset) = get_initial_data(fractiondepth, totaldepth, e3w0)
# get a new point
#tc, yi = random_points (t_coords, deltat, t_mask)
tc, yi = grid_points(t_coords, deltat, t_mask, tc, 25-1, 446-1, 304-1)
ax[2, 0].pcolormesh(np.arange(398) - 0.5, np.arange(898) - 0.5, t_mask[0], cmap='Greys_r')
ax[2, 0].set_xlim(t_coords[3, 0], t_coords[3, -1])
ax[2, 0].set_ylim(t_coords[2, 0], t_coords[2, -1])
ax[2, 1].pcolormesh(np.arange(398) - 0.5, np.arange(898) - 0.5, t_mask[0], cmap='Greys_r')
size = 40
ax[2, 1].set_xlim(yi[0, 2]-size, yi[0, 2]+size)
ax[2, 1].set_ylim(yi[0, 1]-size, yi[0, 1]+size)
ax[0, 0].set_xlim(tcorrs[0], tcorrs[0]+24.5*deltat)
ax[0, 1].set_xlim(tcorrs[0], tcorrs[0]+24.5*deltat)
# set up values for integrator
t0 = tcorrs[0]
dt = deltat/10.
npoints = yi.shape[0]
y0 = np.copy(yi)
yp = np.ndarray.flatten(y0)
# plot initial points
myplotter(t0, y0, npoints, cmap, y0[0, 0], initial=True)
# initialize integrator
myintegrator = ode(derivatives).set_integrator('dopri5', atol=0.01) #
myintegrator.set_initial_value(yp, t0).set_f_params(t_mask, e3w, e2v, e1u,
w_coords, v_coords, u_coords, w, v, u)
# first segment
t1 = t0 + 1.5*deltat
while myintegrator.successful() and myintegrator.t < t1:
myintegrator.integrate(myintegrator.t + dt)
myplotter(myintegrator.t, np.reshape(myintegrator.y, (npoints, 3)), npoints, cmap, y0[0, 0])
# and the rest
for count in range(20):
# update arrays
tcorrs, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, u, v, w, nextindex, e3w = (
update_arrays(totaldepth, fractiondepth, e3w0, e3w, tcorrs, u_coords, v_coords, w_coords, u, v, w,
deltat, nextindex, udataset, vdataset, wdataset, tdataset))
t1 += deltat
while myintegrator.successful() and myintegrator.t < t1:
myintegrator.integrate(myintegrator.t + dt)
myplotter(myintegrator.t, np.reshape(myintegrator.y, (npoints, 3)), npoints, cmap, y0[0, 0])
25 445 305 26 445 304 26 445 305 26 446 305 3679000597.68 24 445 303 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x12e7baa58>
plt.plot(myintegrator.y[0:3], 'o-')
[ 25.8178944 445.38621488 297.25177522]
grid_points(t_coords, deltat, t_mask, tc, 25, 446, 304)
25 446 306 26 446 305 26 446 306 26 447 306 27 446 304 27 446 305 27 446 306 27 447 305 27 447 306 27 448 306 3679000597.68 25 446 304 17
(3679000597.6776409, array([[ 25., 446., 304.], [ 25., 446., 305.], [ 25., 446., 306.], [ 25., 447., 304.], [ 25., 447., 305.], [ 25., 447., 306.], [ 25., 448., 304.], [ 25., 448., 305.], [ 25., 448., 306.], [ 26., 446., 304.], [ 26., 446., 305.], [ 26., 446., 306.], [ 26., 447., 304.], [ 26., 447., 305.], [ 26., 447., 306.], [ 26., 448., 304.], [ 26., 448., 305.], [ 26., 448., 306.], [ 27., 446., 304.], [ 27., 446., 305.], [ 27., 446., 306.], [ 27., 447., 304.], [ 27., 447., 305.], [ 27., 447., 306.], [ 27., 448., 304.], [ 27., 448., 305.], [ 27., 448., 306.]]))
(u, v, w, tcorrs, t_coords, u_coords, v_coords,
w_coords, deltat, nextindex, e3w, udataset, vdataset, wdataset, tdataset) = get_initial_data(fractiondepth, totaldepth, e3w0)
print (w_coords.shape)
print (u.shape)
print ('---u---')
print (u[0, 23:26, 444:447, 302:306])
print ('---v---')
print (v[0, 23:26, 444:447, 302:306])
print ('---w---')
print (w[0, 23:26, 444:447, 302:306])
print (u[0, 23, 444, 302])
(4, 898) (3, 41, 898, 398) ---u--- [[[ 0.01502144 0.07606866 0. 0. ] [-0.04859814 0.06157497 0.173417 0. ] [-0.18486059 -0.06891217 -0.00453091 -0.00901418]] [[-0.03296385 0.02716981 0. 0. ] [-0.11902476 -0.08500474 -0.0045226 0. ] [-0.1502234 -0.14704061 -0.14503318 -0.07645559]] [[-0.00082774 -0.00534565 0. 0. ] [-0.04414443 -0.01946704 0.01280065 0. ] [ 0.01220854 0.01442944 0.02219298 0. ]]] ---v--- [[[ 0.02124895 0.07012463 0.12065654 0. ] [ 0.02617515 0.04666235 0.10004982 0.12103039] [ 0.0467036 0.02758706 0.12724751 0.16170472]] [[-0.05596447 -0.00655641 0.00214863 0. ] [-0.02219799 -0.04570109 -0.05519177 -0.01418846] [-0.03782715 -0.06906948 -0.08947239 -0.08906513]] [[ 0.04801178 0.0029115 -0.04142207 0. ] [ 0.03733848 0.0270206 0.03166288 -0.00726883] [ 0.07261767 0.05716801 0.09000409 0.00956273]]] ---w--- [[[0.0008010530727915466 -0.00015802642155904323 -0.0017406712286174297 -0.0] [0.0014070780016481876 -0.000322884094202891 -0.0002935753727797419 -0.00030838805832900107] [0.0005413104663603008 -0.0004419769684318453 -0.00030961731681600213 -0.0004920896026305854]] [[0.0009712500614114106 -0.0007842933409847319 -0.0010398547165095806 -0.0] [-0.0005617258138954639 -0.000326770095853135 -0.001159587292931974 -9.927168866852298e-05] [0.0002078874531434849 3.0664039513794705e-05 0.0004611751064658165 -0.0021343089174479246]] [[0.0007049114210531116 -0.0003166529058944434 -0.0 -0.0] [0.0012340921675786376 -0.0020507890731096268 -0.00424108887091279 -0.0] [-0.0014254841953516006 -0.0010417475132271647 -0.001745473826304078 -0.0016467152163386345]]] 0.0150214377791
plt.pcolormesh(t_mask[0, t_coords[2, 0]:t_coords[2, -1]+1, t_coords[3, 0]:t_coords[3, -1]+1])
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-173-6667e60caaad> in <module>() ----> 1 plt.pcolormesh(t_mask[0, t_coords[2, 0]:t_coords[2, -1]+1, t_coords[3, 0]:t_coords[3, -1]+1]) 2 plt.colorbar() TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
plt.scatter(y0[:, 1], y0[:, 2], color=cmap(y0[:,0]/5.0))
np.mean([-0.11902476, -0.08500474, -0.1502234, -0.14704061])