import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from salishsea_tools import geo_tools
%matplotlib inline
bathyfile = '/home/sallen/MEOPAR/grid/'
meshfile = '/home/sallen/MEOPAR/grid/'
mesh = nc.Dataset(meshfile)
model_lats = nc.Dataset(bathyfile).variables['nav_lat'][:]
model_lons = nc.Dataset(bathyfile).variables['nav_lon'][:]
t_mask = mesh.variables['tmask'][0, 0]
windfile = './'
wind_lats = nc.Dataset(windfile).variables['latitude'][:]
wind_lons = nc.Dataset(windfile).variables['longitude'][:] -360
wavefile = '/results/SalishSea/wwatch3-forecast/'
wave_lats = nc.Dataset(wavefile).variables['latitude'][:]
wave_lons = nc.Dataset(wavefile).variables['longitude'][:] -360.
wave_lons, wave_lats = np.meshgrid(wave_lons, wave_lats)
hs = nc.Dataset(wavefile).variables['hs'][0]
wave_mask = np.where(hs !=0, 1, 0)
def get_tidal_stations(lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=20):
y, x = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats, grid='NEMO', land_mask=1-t_mask)
ywind, xwind = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, wind_lons, wind_lats, grid='GEM2.5')
ywave, xwave = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(lon, lat, wave_lons, wave_lats, grid='NEMO', land_mask=1-wave_mask)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 7))
bigx = min(x+size, model_lons.shape[1]-1)
imin, imax = model_lats[y-size, x-size], model_lats[y+size, bigx]
jmin, jmax = model_lons[y+size, x-size], model_lons[y-size, bigx]
dlon = model_lons[y+1, x+1] - model_lons[y, x]
dlat = model_lats[y+1, x+1] - model_lats[y, x]
ax.pcolormesh(model_lons - dlon/2., model_lats-dlat/2., t_mask, cmap='Greys_r')
ax.set_xlim(jmin, jmax)
ax.set_ylim(imin, imax)
ax.plot(model_lons[y, x], model_lats[y, x], 'ro', label='NEMO')
ax.plot(wind_lons[ywind, xwind], wind_lats[ywind, xwind], 'ys', label='GEM2.5')
ax.plot(wave_lons[ywave, xwave], wave_lats[ywave, xwave], 'bo', label='WW3')
return "NEMO y, x: {0}, Wind y, x: {1}, Wave y, x: {2}".format([y, x], [ywind, xwind], [ywave, xwave])
7277 Patricia Bay 48.6536 123.4515
get_tidal_stations(-123.4515, 48.6536, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [351, 214], Wind y, x: [115, 143], Wave y, x: [145, 363]'
7610 Woodwards's Landing 49.1251 123.0754
get_tidal_stations(-123.0754, 49.1251, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [414, 329], Wind y, x: [135, 158], Wave y, x: [246, 401]'
7654 New Westminster 49.203683 122.90535
get_tidal_stations(-122.90535, 49.203683, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [423, 363], Wind y, x: [138, 164], Wave y, x: [234, 442]'
7786 Sandy Cove 49.34 123.23
get_tidal_stations(-123.23, 49.34, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [468, 333], Wind y, x: [146, 155], Wave y, x: [294, 396]'
check 8525 Port Renfrew 48.555 124.421
get_tidal_stations(-124.421, 48.555, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [401, 61], Wind y, x: [117, 112], Wave y, x: [123, 226]'
7120 Victoria 48.424666 123.3707
get_tidal_stations(-123.3707, 48.424666, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [302, 196], Wind y, x: [104, 143], Wave y, x: [90, 374]'
7594 Sand Heads 49.125 123.195
From Marlene's email
49º 06’ 21.1857’’, -123º 18’ 12.4789’’
we are using 426, 292
end of jetty is 429, 295
lat_sh = 49+6/60.+21.1857/3600.
lon_sh = -(123+18/60.+12.4789/3600.)
print(lon_sh, lat_sh)
get_tidal_stations(lon_sh, lat_sh, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=20)
-123.3034663611111 49.10588491666667
'NEMO y, x: [428, 293], Wind y, x: [136, 151], Wave y, x: [246, 385]'
7917 Nanaimo 49.17 123.93
get_tidal_stations(-123.93, 49.17, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [485, 209], Wind y, x: [142, 133], Wave y, x: [261, 298]'
In our code its at 484, 208 with lon,lat at -123.93 and 49.16: leave as is for now
Guesstimated from Map -122.925 49.0
get_tidal_stations(-122.925, 49.0, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=15)
'NEMO y, x: [380, 335], Wind y, x: [129, 162], Wave y, x: [222, 439]'
49 41.675 N 123 09.299 W
print (49+41.675/60, -(123+9.299/60.))
print (model_lons.shape)
get_tidal_stations(-(123+9.299/60.), 49.+41.675/60., model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
49.694583333333334 -123.15498333333333 (898, 398)
'NEMO y, x: [532, 389], Wind y, x: [162, 160], Wave y, x: [370, 404]'
49 30.687 N 123 54.726 W
print (49+30.687/60, -(123+54.726/60.))
get_tidal_stations(-(123+54.726/60.), 49.+30.687/60., model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
49.51145 -123.9121
'NEMO y, x: [549, 254], Wind y, x: [158, 136], Wave y, x: [331, 297]'
-123.016667, 48.55
get_tidal_stations(-123.016667, 48.55, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [300, 267], Wind y, x: [108, 155], Wave y, x: [124, 427]'
-124.6, 48.4
get_tidal_stations(-124.6, 48.4, model_lons, model_lats, wind_lons, wind_lats,
wave_lons, wave_lats, t_mask, wave_mask, size=10)
'NEMO y, x: [384, 15], Wind y, x: [111, 105], Wave y, x: [89, 200]'
from salishsea_tools import places