%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import netCDF4 as nc
import os, cmocean
import scipy.io as sio
from scipy import interpolate
from pyproj import Proj
import bathy_helpers
import bathy_readers
from matplotlib import path
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, bathy_tools, nc_tools
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-4-bd50af833e4d> in <module>() 8 from scipy import interpolate 9 from pyproj import Proj ---> 10 import bathy_helpers 11 import bathy_readers 12 from matplotlib import path ImportError: No module named 'bathy_helpers'
# Load bathy, and the t and f grid
#mfile = sio.loadmat('/ocean/mdunphy/MEOPAR/Bathy/Cascadi/../../bathy/hhh.mat')
#bathyjpi = mfile['h_wet2'] # JP's nearest interpolation (before removing lakes,etc)
#bathyjpi[np.isnan(bathyjpi)] = 0
bathyjp = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../bathy/bathy_meter_min4.nc', fillmissing=True)
bathyd1 = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_downonegrid2.nc', fillmissing=True)
bathy6 = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea6.nc', fillmissing=True)
cnc = nc.Dataset('../../NEMO-forcing/grid/coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea.nc', 'r')
glamf = cnc.variables['glamf'][0,...]; gphif = cnc.variables['gphif'][0,...]
glamt = cnc.variables['glamt'][0,...]; gphit = cnc.variables['gphit'][0,...]
NY, NX = glamt.shape[0], glamt.shape[1]
glamfe, gphife = bathy_helpers.expandf(glamf, gphif)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-3-b016645477c7> in <module>() 4 #bathyjpi[np.isnan(bathyjpi)] = 0 5 ----> 6 bathyjp = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../bathy/bathy_meter_min4.nc', fillmissing=True) 7 bathyd1 = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_downonegrid2.nc', fillmissing=True) 8 bathy6 = bathy_readers.getnemo('../../NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea6.nc', fillmissing=True) NameError: name 'bathy_readers' is not defined
cascadiafile = '../../bathy/cascadia.bil'
cache = cascadiafile + ".results.npz"
if os.path.exists(cache):
npzfile = np.load(cache)
# Work with Cascadia data
x, y, z, p = bathy_readers.getcascadia(cascadiafile)
# Convert NEMO coords to Cascadia projected coordinates
Xt, Yt = p(glamt, gphit)
Xf, Yf = p(glamf, gphif)
Xfe, Yfe = p(glamfe, gphife)
# There are too many points, so we filter based on minimum and maximum x,y
idx1 = (x >= np.min(Xfe)) & (x <= np.max(Xfe))
idx2 = (y >= np.min(Yfe)) & (y <= np.max(Yfe))
x, y = x[idx1], y[idx2]
z = z[idx2, :]
z = z[:, idx1]
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=False, indexing='xy')
X, Y, z = X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), z.flatten()
# Further filter points not within the SalishSea domain
poly0 = path.Path(bathy_helpers.makebox(Xfe, Yfe, 0, NX, 0, NY), closed=True)
tmp = np.zeros([X.size, 2])
tmp[:, 0] = X
tmp[:, 1] = Y
idx = poly0.contains_points(tmp)
X, Y, z = X[idx], Y[idx], z[idx]
# Construct new bathy using interpolation
points = (X, Y)
xi = (Xt.flatten(), Yt.flatten())
casnearest = np.reshape(
points, z, xi, method='nearest'), Xt.shape)
caslinear = np.reshape(
points, z, xi, method='linear'), Xt.shape)
Xo, Yo = X - 125, Y - 125
points = (Xo, Yo)
casnearestjp = np.reshape(
points, z, xi, method='nearest'), Xt.shape)
# Get the bin indices, apply bin methods
boxi, boxj = bathy_helpers.getboxij(
Xfe, Yfe, X, Y, cache=cascadiafile + ".boxij.npz", searchmore=False)
casmin, casmax, casmean, casmedian, cascount = bathy_helpers.binstobathy(boxi, boxj, X,
Y, z, NX, NY)
#1239279 points in 407.3525502681732 s
#hit0 report: 466518/1239279=37.644307698266495%
#hit1 report: 768443/1239279=62.00726390102632%
#hit2 report: 0/1239279=0.0%
#hit3 report: 0/1239279=0.0%
#hit4 report: 0/1239279=0.0%
#no hit report: 4318/1239279=0.3484284007071854%
#points not in domain: 0
chsfile = '../../bathy/Salish Sea 25m Grid.txt'
cache = chsfile + ".results.npz"
if os.path.exists(cache):
npzfile = np.load(cache)
# Work with CHS data
x, y, z, p = bathy_readers.getchs(chsfile)
# Convert NEMO coords to UTM Zone 10 coordinates
Xt, Yt = p(glamt, gphit)
Xf, Yf = p(glamf, gphif)
Xfe, Yfe = p(glamfe, gphife)
# Construct new bathy using interpolation
points = (x, y)
xi = (Xt.flatten(), Yt.flatten())
chsnearest = np.reshape(
points, z, xi, method='nearest'), Xt.shape)
chslinear = np.reshape(
points, z, xi, method='linear'), Xt.shape)
# Get the bin indices, apply bin methods
boxi, boxj = bathy_helpers.getboxij(
Xfe, Yfe, x, y, cache=chsfile + ".boxij.npz", searchmore=True)
chsmin, chsmax, chsmean, chsmedian, chscount = bathy_helpers.binstobathy(
boxi, boxj, x, y, z, NX, NY)
cache = chsfile + ".results.npz"
bc3file = '../../bathy/british_columbia_3sec.asc'
if os.path.exists(cache):
npzfile = np.load(cache)
# Work with BC3 data
x,y,z,p = getbc3(bc3file)
# There are too many points, so we filter based on minimum and maximum x,y
idx1 = (x >= np.min(glamfe)) & (x <= np.max(glamfe))
idx2 = (y >= np.min(gphife)) & (y <= np.max(gphife))
x,y = x[idx1], y[idx2]
z = z[idx2,:]
z = z[:,idx1]
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=False, indexing='xy')
X,Y,z = X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), z.flatten()
# Further filter points not within the SalishSea domain
poly0 = path.Path(makebox(glamfe,gphife,0,NX,0,NY), closed=True)
tmp = np.zeros([X.size,2]); tmp[:,0]=X; tmp[:,1]=Y;
idx = poly0.contains_points(tmp)
X, Y, z = X[idx], Y[idx], z[idx]
# Construct new bathy using interpolation
points = (X,Y)
xi = (glamt.flatten(), gphit.flatten())
bc3nearest = np.reshape(interpolate.griddata(points, z, xi, method='nearest'), glamt.shape)
bc3linear = np.reshape(interpolate.griddata(points, z, xi, method='linear'), glamt.shape)
# Get the bin indices, apply bin methods
boxi, boxj = getboxij(glamfe,gphife,X,Y,cache=bc3file+".boxij.npz",searchmore=False)
bc3min,bc3max,bc3mean,bc3median,bc3count = binstobathy(boxi,boxj,X,Y,z,NX,NY)
np.savez(cache, bc3min=bc3min, bc3max=bc3max, bc3mean=bc3mean, bc3median=bc3median,
bc3count=bc3count, bc3nearest=bc3nearest, bc3linear=bc3linear)
#10309989 points in 1063.4851875305176 s
#hit0 report: 8509929/10309989=82.54062152733626%
#hit1 report: 1790466/10309989=17.366323087250628%
#hit2 report: 0/10309989=0.0%
#hit3 report: 0/10309989=0.0%
#hit4 report: 0/10309989=0.0%
#no hit report: 9594/10309989=0.09305538541311732%
#points not in domain: 0
def dezero(x): return x.flatten()[x.flatten()>0]
plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)); plt.clf();
plt.subplot(1,3,1); plt.hist(dezero(cascount)); plt.title('Cascadia, pts per NEMO box')
plt.subplot(1,3,2); plt.hist(dezero(chscount)); plt.title('CHS, pts per NEMO box')
plt.subplot(1,3,3); plt.hist(dezero(bc3count)); plt.title('BC3, pts per NEMO box')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x124558eb8>
# Plotting helper funtions
def mm(x):
return ma.masked_array(x, mask=(x == 0 | np.isnan(x)))
chsmask, casmask, b6mask, spmask = mm(chsmin), mm(casmin), mm(bathy6), mm(
bathy6 + bathyjpi)
def cmp(a, b, c, d,
e): # compare a and b, mask from c, colorbar limits d, title e
im = plt.pcolormesh(c * 0 + a - b)
cb = plt.colorbar(im)
im.set_clim([-d, d])
cb.set_clim(-d, d)
def shw(a, b, c, d): # plot a, mask b, colorbar limits c, title d
if b is None: b = mm(a)
im = plt.pcolormesh(b * 0 + a)
cb = plt.colorbar(im)
im.set_clim([0, c])
cb.set_clim(0, c)
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)); plt.clf();
plt.subplot(1,3,1); shw(casmean, None, 200, 'Cascadia')
plt.subplot(1,3,2); shw(chsmean, None, 200, 'CHS')
plt.subplot(1,3,3); shw(bc3mean, None, 200, 'BC3')
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)); plt.clf();
plt.subplot(1,3,1); cmp(bc3mean, casmean, mm(casmean+bc3mean), 25, 'BC3 minus Cascadia')
plt.subplot(1,3,2); cmp(bc3mean, chsmean, mm(chsmean), 25, 'BC3 minus CHS')
plt.subplot(1,3,3); cmp(casmean, chsmean, mm(chsmean), 25, 'Cascadia minus CHS')
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)); plt.clf();
plt.subplot(1,3,1); cmp(casmean, bathy6, mm(bathy6), 25, 'Cascadia minus Bathy6')
plt.subplot(1,3,2); cmp(chsmean, bathy6, mm(chsmean), 25, 'CHS minus Bathy6')
plt.subplot(1,3,3); cmp(bc3mean, bathy6, mm(bathy6), 25, 'BC3 minus Bathy6')
imin = 350; imax = 505; jmin = 280; jmax = 398
islice = slice(imin,imax); jslice = slice(jmin, jmax)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10,5))
axs[0].pcolormesh(bathyd1[islice, jslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=55, vmin=0)
mybathy = np.maximum(bc3mean, chsmean) + 3
mesh = axs[1].pcolormesh(mybathy[islice, jslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=55, vmin=0)
axs[2].pcolormesh(mybathy[islice, jslice]-bathyd1[islice, jslice], cmap='bwr', vmax=6, vmin=-6)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x1398863c8>
itop = 460; ibot = 370
depth1 = 55; depth2 = depth1 + 10
for i in range(imin, imax):
for j in range(jmin, jmax):
if bathyd1[i, j] > depth1 and bathyd1[i, j] < depth2:
if i < itop and i > ibot:
plt.plot(j, i, 'r+')
plt.plot(j, i, 'ro')
if mybathy[i, j] > depth1 and mybathy[i, j] < depth2:
plt.plot(j, i, 'bx')
depth1 = 3.5; depth2 = depth1 + 20
for i in range(ibot, itop):
for j in range(jmin, jmax):
if bathyd1[i, j] > depth1 and bathyd1[i, j] < depth2:
if i < itop and i > ibot:
plt.plot(j, i, 'r+')
plt.plot(j, i, 'ro')
if mybathy[i, j] > depth1 and mybathy[i, j] < depth2:
plt.plot(j, i, 'bx')
plt.plot((368, 369), (422, 422), 'm+')
plt.xlim((360, 380))
plt.ylim((410, 430))
(410, 430)
plt.pcolormesh(mybathy, vmax=20)
plt.xlim((360, 380))
plt.ylim((410, 430))
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x129bd4f98>
So I want the river to head north
plt.pcolormesh(mybathy, vmax=20)
plt.xlim((370, 398))
plt.ylim((ibot, itop))
jeast = 370
depth1 = 3.5; depth2 = depth1 + 20
for i in range(ibot, 550):
for j in range(350, 398):
if bathyd1[i, j] > depth1 and bathyd1[i, j] < depth2:
if i < itop and i > ibot:
plt.plot(j, i, 'r+')
plt.plot(j, i, 'ro')
if mybathy[i, j] > depth1 and mybathy[i, j] < depth2:
plt.plot(j, i, 'bx')
plt.plot((368, 369), (422, 422), 'm+')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x130581a58>]
plt.pcolormesh(mybathy[430:470, jeast-60:jeast], vmax=25)
plt.plot(48+0.5, 15.5, 'wo')
SecNar = jeast-60+48
print (SecNar)
newbathy = np.zeros_like(mybathy)
for i in range(ibot, itop):
for j in range(jmin, jmin + 60):
if mybathy[i, j] < 55 and mybathy[i, j] > 3:
newbathy[i, j] = mybathy[i, j]
for j in range(jmin + 60, SecNar):
if mybathy[i, j] > 3:
newbathy[i, j] = mybathy[i, j]
for i in range(imin + 50, imin + 80):
for j in range(SecNar, jeast):
if mybathy[i, j] > 3:
newbathy[i, j] = mybathy[i, j]
for j in [368, 369]:
for i in range(422, 500):
newbathy[i, j] = 12.
i = 500
for j in range(368, 396):
newbathy[i, j] = 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5,7))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(newbathy[islice, jslice], vmax=35)
fig.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x11f0aac18>
testbathy = np.copy(bathyd1)
for i in range(imin, imax):
for j in range(jmin, jmax):
if newbathy[i ,j] != 0:
testbathy[i ,j] = newbathy[i, j]
j = 365
for i in range(420, 500):
testbathy[i, j] = 0
i = 500
for j in range(365, 368):
testbathy[i, j] = 0
for i in range(imin, imax):
for j in range(jmin, jmax):
if testbathy[i, j] != 0:
testbathy[i, j] = max(4., testbathy[i, j])
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10,5))
axs[0].pcolormesh(bathyd1[islice, jslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=55, vmin=0)
mesh = axs[1].pcolormesh(testbathy[islice, jslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=55, vmin=0)
axs[2].pcolormesh(bathyd1[islice, jslice]-testbathy[islice, jslice], cmap='bwr', vmax=6, vmin=-6)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x122e24fd0>
sislice = slice(imin+60, imin+85); sjslice = slice(jmin, jmin+60)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,5))
axs[0].pcolormesh(bathyd1[sislice, sjslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=12, vmin=3)
mesh = axs[1].pcolormesh(testbathy[sislice, sjslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=12, vmin=3)
According to: https://voony.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/gmtnauticalchart.jpg
it should be at least 13 m deep north of Deas. So I'll make it continuous 12 m throughout.
ibase = imin + 60
jbase = jmin + 15
testbathy[ibase + 5, jbase+30: jbase+33] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 6, jbase+27] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 9, jbase+18] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 10, jbase+17] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 11, jbase+16] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 13, jbase+16] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 14, jbase+15] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 14, jbase+14] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 15, jbase+13] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 17, jbase+13] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 18, jbase+1: jbase+5] = 12.
testbathy[ibase + 17, jbase-1: jbase+2] = 12.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 5))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(
testbathy[sislice, sjslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=12, vmin=8)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x129f6f6d8>
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 5))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(
testbathy[sislice, sjslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=25, vmin=3)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x126df87f0>
# lets smooth
max_dh_over_hbar = 0.8
depthsmooth = bathy_tools.smooth(testbathy[:], max_norm_depth_diff=max_dh_over_hbar, smooth_factor=0.2)
print (np.max(depthsmooth-testbathy))
print (np.min(depthsmooth-testbathy))
0.0 0.0
x = np.arange(295, 309); jv_x = np.arange(295, 309); ju_x = 308
y = np.ones(14)*428; jv_y = np.ones(14)*428; ju_y = 428
print (x.shape, y.shape)
x = np.append(x, (308, 309)); jv_x = np.append(jv_x, 309); ju_x = np.append(ju_x, 309)
y = np.append(y, (427, 427)); jv_y = np.append(jv_y, 427); ju_y = np.append(ju_y, 427)
x = np.append(x, (309, 310)); jv_x = np.append(jv_x, 310); ju_x = np.append(ju_x, 310)
y = np.append(y, (426, 426)); jv_y = np.append(jv_y, 426); ju_y = np.append(ju_y, 426)
x = np.append(x, (310, 311)); jv_x = np.append(jv_x, 311); ju_x = np.append(ju_x, 311)
y = np.append(y, (425, 425)); jv_y = np.append(jv_y, 425); ju_y = np.append(ju_y, 425)
x = np.append(x, (311, 312)); jv_x = np.append(jv_x, 312); ju_x = np.append(ju_x, 312)
y = np.append(y, (424, 424)); jv_y = np.append(jv_y, 424); ju_y = np.append(ju_y, 424)
print (x.shape, y.shape, ju_x.shape)
(14,) (14,) (22,) (22,) (5,)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 5))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(range(jmin, jmin+60), range(imin+60, imin+85),
depthsmooth[sislice, sjslice], cmap='copper', vmax=25, vmin=3)
for j,i in zip(y,x):
ax.plot(i+0.5, j+1.5, 'oy')
for j,i in zip(jv_y, jv_x):
ax.plot(i+0.5, j+2, '+w')
for j,i in zip(ju_y, ju_x):
ax.plot(i+1, j+1.5, 'xc')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 20))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(glamt[sislice, sjslice], gphit[sislice, sjslice],
depthsmooth[sislice, sjslice], cmap='spectral', vmax=25, vmin=3)
for j,i in zip(y,x):
ax.plot(glamf[int(j+1), int(i)], gphif[int(j+1), int(i)], 'oy')
mask_for_jetty_u = np.zeros_like(testbathy)
mask_for_jetty_v = np.zeros_like(testbathy)
for i, j in zip(x, y):
depthsmooth[j+1, i] = 4.0
for j, i in zip(jv_y, jv_x):
mask_for_jetty_v[j+1, i]= 1.0
for j, i in zip(ju_y, ju_x):
mask_for_jetty_u[j+1, i] = 1.0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 20))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(glamt[sislice, sjslice], gphit[sislice, sjslice],
depthsmooth[sislice, sjslice], cmap='copper', vmax=25, vmin=3)
for j,i in zip(y,x):
ax.plot(glamf[int(j+1), int(i)], gphif[int(j+1), int(i)], 'oy')
/Users/sallen/anaconda/envs/hammer/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:4: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future /Users/sallen/anaconda/envs/hammer/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:6: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
dbyone = nc.Dataset('../../nemo-forcing/grid/bathy_downonegrid2.nc')
ysize = depthsmooth.shape[0]; xsize = depthsmooth.shape[1]
print (ysize, xsize)
new_bathy = nc.Dataset('./bathy_db1_jetty.nc', 'w')
new_bathy.createDimension('y', ysize)
new_bathy.createDimension('x', xsize)
898 398 <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'y', size = 898 <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'x', size = 398
newlons = new_bathy.createVariable('nav_lon', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
newlons.setncattr('units', 'degrees_east')
newlats = new_bathy.createVariable('nav_lat', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
newlats.setncattr('units', 'degrees_north')
newdepths = new_bathy.createVariable(
'Bathymetry', float, ('y', 'x'),
zlib=True, least_significant_digit=0.1, fill_value=0)
newdepths.setncattr('units', 'metres')
newlons[:] = dbyone.variables['nav_lon']
newlats[:] = dbyone.variables['nav_lat']
newdepths[:] = depthsmooth[:]
print (dbyone.history)
[2013-10-30 13:18] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset. [2013-10-30 15:22] Set depths between 0 and 4m to 4m and those >428m to 428m. [2013-10-31 17:10] Algorithmic smoothing. [2013-11-21 19:53] Reverted to pre-smothing dataset (repo rev 3b301b5b9b6d). [2013-11-21 20:14] Updated dataset and variable attributes to CF-1.6 conventions & project standards. [2013-11-21 20:47] Removed east end of Jervis Inlet and Toba Inlet region due to deficient source bathymetry data in Cascadia dataset. [2013-11-21 21:52] Algorithmic smoothing. [2015-] Jie made Fraser River [2015-12-24 11:46] dropped by one grid thickness, smoothed to 0.8 [2016-06-18 18:54] smoothed Juan de Fuca and Johnstone Strait mouths, checked smoothed to 0.8
new_bathy.history = """
[2013-10-30 13:18] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset.
[2013-10-30 15:22] Set depths between 0 and 4m to 4m and those >428m to 428m.
[2013-10-31 17:10] Algorithmic smoothing.
[2013-11-21 19:53] Reverted to pre-smothing dataset (repo rev 3b301b5b9b6d).
[2013-11-21 20:14] Updated dataset and variable attributes to CF-1.6 conventions & project standards.
[2013-11-21 20:47] Removed east end of Jervis Inlet and Toba Inlet region due to deficient source bathymetry data in Cascadia dataset.
[2013-11-21 21:52] Algorithmic smoothing.
[2014-01-01 14:44] Smoothed mouth of Juan de Fuca
[2015-] Jie made Fraser River
[2015-12-24 11:46] dropped by one grid thickness, smoothed to 0.8
[2016-12-25 12:09] replaced Fraser River area with deeper of BC3 and CHS, +3 m for datum, smoothed to 0.8. Deepened Fraser River channel. Added shallow jetty.
new_bathy.conventions = """
new_bathy.title= """
Salish Sea NEMO Bathymetry"""
new_bathy.institution= """
Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia"""
new_bathy.references= """
new_bathy.comment= """
Based on 1_bathymetry_seagrid_WestCoast.nc file from 2-Oct-2013 WCSD_PREP tarball provided by J-P Paquin.
new_bathy.source= """
https://bitbucket.org/salishsea/tools/src/tip/bathymetry/Deepen by Grid Thickness.ipynb
ysize = depthsmooth.shape[0]; xsize = depthsmooth.shape[1]
print (ysize, xsize)
jetty_mask = nc.Dataset('./jetty_mask.nc', 'w')
jetty_mask.createDimension('y', ysize)
jetty_mask.createDimension('x', xsize)
898 398 <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'y', size = 898 <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'>: name = 'x', size = 398
newlons = jetty_mask.createVariable('nav_lon', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
newlons.setncattr('units', 'degrees_east')
newlats = jetty_mask.createVariable('nav_lat', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
newlats.setncattr('units', 'degrees_north')
friction_mask_u = jetty_mask.createVariable(
'bfr_coef_u', float, ('y', 'x'),
zlib=True, least_significant_digit=0.01, fill_value=0)
friction_mask_u.setncattr('units', 'none')
friction_mask_v = jetty_mask.createVariable(
'bfr_coef_v', float, ('y', 'x'),
zlib=True, least_significant_digit=0.01, fill_value=0)
friction_mask_v.setncattr('units', 'none')
newlons[:] = dbyone.variables['nav_lon']
newlats[:] = dbyone.variables['nav_lat']
friction_mask_u[:] = mask_for_jetty_u[:]
friction_mask_v[:] = mask_for_jetty_v[:]
jetty_mask.history = """
[2016-12-25 18:38] One over jetty, zero everywhere else, position based on max of CHS and BC3 bathymetry, u and v-direction bfr_coef_u bfr_coef_v separately
jetty_mask.conventions = """
jetty_mask.title= """
Mask to Enhance Friction over Jetties"""
jetty_mask.institution= """
Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia"""
jetty_mask.references= """
jetty_mask.comment= """
One over Sandheads Jetty, zero elsewhere
jetty_mask.source= """
jetty = nc.Dataset('/ocean/sallen/allen/research/MEOPAR/nemo-forcing/grid/bathy_db1_jetty.nc')
bathy = jetty.variables['Bathymetry'][:]
lats = jetty.variables['nav_lat'][:]
lons = jetty.variables['nav_lon'][:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7,4))
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(-lons, lats, bathy, cmap='winter_r')
ax.set_xlim((124, 122.5))
ax.set_ylim((48.6, 49.6))
ax.set_xlabel('Longitude W')
ax.set_ylabel('Latitude N')
cb = fig.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
cb.set_label('Depth (m)')
CS=ax.contour(-lons, lats, bathy,(0, 10),
colors=('black', 'white'))