This notebook will load data, perform a tidal analyis, compare with observations, plot the results, and save the analysis in a spreadsheet. Eight Tidal Constituents: M2, K1, O1, S2, P1, N2, Q1 and K2 are considered.
# imports
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as NC
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from salishsea_tools import tidetools
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools
from salishsea_tools import bathy_tools
import collections
import pandas as pd
import csv
import math
from __future__ import division
First, let's define the run that we will be analyzing. We can analyze a different run by changing runname in the cell below. A spreadsheet called tide_runs.ods contains a list of runs that we can look at.
# pathname for data - all of the tide runs are stored in this directory
#path = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/tides/'
path = '/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/'
#the run we want to analyze
#runname = 'corr15'
runname = 'tides_test2'
#joining the two string together
name = path +runname +'/'
print name
path = '/ocean/sallen/allen/research/MEOPAR/myResults/'
runname = 'oldtopog'
name = path +runname +'/'
print name
We'll also load the bathymetry data in case we want to look at that. The package tidetools has a function get_SS_bathy_data() that returns bathymetry and grid data.
# grid
grid = NC.Dataset('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/')
bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid)
Next, we can load some observations from a text file: /data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv Note: This file contains a mix of M2/K1 measurements from Foreman et al (1995), US tidal harmonics, Foreman et al (2004) and Foreman et al (2012) (for Northern tides).
filename = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv'
filename = '../compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv'
harm_obs = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=';',header=0)
harm_obs = harm_obs.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'M2 amp': 'M2_amp', 'M2 phase (deg UT)': 'M2_pha',
'K1 amp': 'K1_amp', 'K1 phase (deg UT)': 'K1_pha'})
print harm_obs
site lat lon M2_amp M2_pha K1_amp K1_pha 0 Sooke 48.36700 123.7330 43.8 282.7 56.9 266.4 1 Port Angeles 48.12500 123.4400 51.8 307.4 66.9 261.4 2 Pedder Bay 48.33100 123.5490 34.2 308.0 62.7 269.0 3 Esquimalt 48.43300 123.4330 36.7 317.1 64.3 268.1 4 Clover Point 48.40500 123.3470 40.3 320.3 64.2 269.8 5 Victoria 48.41700 123.3670 37.3 316.1 62.7 269.2 6 Finnerty Cove 48.47300 123.2950 44.7 357.7 70.8 277.5 7 Port Townsend 48.14500 122.7550 65.2 350.0 75.0 270.8 8 Sidney 48.65000 123.4000 55.4 5.9 76.7 277.6 9 Patricia Bay 48.65000 123.4500 60.3 14.4 76.0 281.3 10 Maple Bay 48.81700 123.6170 68.5 17.0 79.3 281.2 11 Fulford Harbour 48.76700 123.4500 58.2 12.7 75.3 280.0 12 Ladysmith 48.98300 123.8000 70.8 16.3 79.8 281.8 13 Patos Island 48.78300 122.9670 68.0 25.0 79.0 285.6 14 Tumbo Channel 48.79200 123.1080 72.6 31.0 81.1 286.9 15 Whaler Bay 48.88500 123.3250 83.4 32.9 84.7 287.5 16 Silva Bay 49.15300 123.7000 92.2 32.0 86.5 286.7 17 Ferndale 48.83300 122.7170 72.3 23.8 80.1 283.6 18 Blaine 48.99000 122.7600 77.4 25.1 82.3 284.3 19 Tsawwassen 48.99000 123.1330 81.1 27.8 83.4 284.8 20 Sandheads 49.10000 123.3000 86.9 30.9 83.7 286.5 21 Point Grey 49.25000 123.2670 94.5 33.9 90.6 287.0 22 Point Atkinson 49.33300 123.2500 91.8 31.2 86.2 286.1 23 Squamish 49.70000 123.1500 94.2 31.2 87.4 286.8 24 Gibsons Landing 49.40000 123.5000 94.7 30.1 87.2 285.2 25 Halfmoon Bay 49.51700 123.9170 96.4 31.5 88.0 285.8 26 Irvines Landing 49.63300 124.0500 98.8 31.9 88.0 286.7 27 Winchelsea 49.30000 124.0830 95.2 32.6 87.5 286.7 28 Northwest Bay 49.30000 124.2000 95.6 32.7 87.2 286.7 29 Cherry Point 48.86300 122.7570 73.2 21.8 81.5 281.9 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Sneeoosh Point 48.40000 122.5467 102.6 18.3 78.4 282.0 48 Turner Bay 48.44500 122.5550 94.4 16.7 75.4 281.4 49 Armitage Island 48.53500 122.7967 57.3 0.5 75.6 276.4 50 Friday Harbour 48.54670 123.0100 56.5 9.7 75.8 278.8 51 Richardson 48.44670 122.9000 52.2 340.1 71.3 270.9 52 Cherry Point 48.86330 122.7567 73.4 22.8 81.7 282.8 53 Blaine 48.99167 122.7650 76.3 24.8 78.4 286.3 54 Port Renfrew 48.55000 124.4300 70.8 241.1 45.3 254.1 55 Little River 49.74000 124.9200 99.4 32.9 90.2 287.0 56 Twin Islets 50.03000 124.9300 101.3 35.4 90.4 287.5 57 Campbell River 50.04000 125.2400 82.5 18.4 84.6 284.0 58 Seymour Narrows 50.13000 125.3400 94.6 320.1 69.2 272.1 59 Owen Bay 50.31000 125.2200 85.0 319.9 67.8 272.7 60 Big Bay 50.36000 125.1300 75.5 14.9 83.3 283.5 61 Chatham Point 50.33000 125.4400 90.3 305.1 65.4 270.5 62 Yorke Island 50.44000 125.9700 117.1 271.8 55.8 260.0 63 Powell River 49.86000 124.5500 100.7 34.3 90.4 286.6 64 Lund 49.98000 124.7600 102.2 35.4 88.9 287.9 65 Nymphe Cove 50.13000 125.3600 61.5 350.4 77.0 279.9 66 Brown Bay 50.16000 125.3700 93.5 315.9 67.9 270.1 67 Maude Island E 50.13000 125.3300 55.6 7.4 81.1 283.9 68 Welsford Island 50.22000 125.1300 99.4 35.1 91.1 286.9 69 Redonda Bay 50.26000 124.9900 97.5 36.7 87.1 287.4 70 Channel Islands 50.31000 124.7500 102.6 35.9 89.9 288.0 71 Turnback Point 50.42000 125.1200 102.0 37.0 91.7 287.6 72 Orford Bay 50.59000 124.8600 101.5 37.2 90.3 288.1 73 Waddington Harbour 50.87000 124.8700 103.4 38.0 89.2 288.2 74 Shoal Bay 50.46000 125.3600 89.9 307.5 66.6 269.6 75 Kelsey Bay 50.39000 125.9600 117.0 276.3 57.7 261.4 76 Tacoma 47.26670 122.4133 113.9 11.8 83.8 277.9 [77 rows x 7 columns]
This is a list of observations that we can compare with our model output. Now we have a struc object called harm_obs that contains the data printed above.
filename = '../Idalia/other_constituents.csv'
harm_other = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=',',header=0)
harm_other = harm_other.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'O1 amp': 'O1_amp', 'O1 phase (deg UT)': 'O1_pha',
'P1 amp': 'P1_amp', 'P1 phase (deg UT)': 'P1_pha',
'Q1 amp': 'Q1_amp', 'Q1 phase (deg UT)': 'Q1_pha',
'S2 amp': 'S2_amp', 'S2 phase (deg UT)': 'S2_pha',
'N2 amp': 'N2_amp', 'N2 phase (deg UT)': 'N2_pha',
'K2 amp': 'K2_amp', 'K2 phase (deg UT)': 'K2_pha'})
print harm_other
site lat lon O1_amp O1_pha P1_amp P1_pha \ 0 Neah Bay 48.385 -124.616 30.90 231.50 15.50 244.60 1 Port Renfrew 48.537 -124.476 28.30 234.80 14.07 250.60 2 Port Angeles 48.129 -123.400 39.10 241.60 20.70 259.40 3 Victoria 48.413 -123.399 37.00 247.80 19.70 264.60 4 Port Townsend 48.112 -122.758 45.00 249.90 23.90 268.40 5 Bangor 47.748 -122.727 46.60 251.90 26.00 273.90 6 Seattle 47.605 -122.338 45.80 255.40 25.20 274.50 7 Tacoma 47.267 -122.413 45.90 255.10 25.50 277.20 8 Cherry Point 48.863 -122.758 45.60 260.00 25.60 281.40 9 Friday Harbor 48.540 -123.010 42.30 256.40 23.60 274.90 10 Hanbury Point 48.580 -123.172 43.60 253.60 23.40 271.40 11 Sidney 48.658 -123.383 44.40 255.80 24.20 275.20 12 Fulford Harbour 48.765 -123.453 43.00 257.80 23.40 277.80 13 Patos Island 48.783 -122.967 45.50 262.10 24.50 284.60 14 Tsawwassen 48.991 -123.137 47.20 261.80 25.90 282.60 15 Point Atkinson 49.334 -123.250 48.30 263.20 26.80 283.10 16 Winchelsea Islands 49.300 -124.083 47.70 263.50 27.40 286.20 17 Little River 49.744 -124.918 49.26 263.94 28.62 285.67 18 Twin Islets 50.029 -124.936 49.29 264.24 28.62 286.97 19 Campbell River 50.042 -125.247 48.46 263.74 24.60 280.57 20 Seymour Narrows 50.135 -125.347 41.27 254.54 21.28 271.47 21 Owen Bay 50.311 -125.223 38.19 251.34 20.97 267.47 22 Big Bay 50.394 -125.136 46.63 262.44 25.33 282.07 23 Chatham Point 50.332 -125.441 37.46 249.04 20.39 265.97 24 Yorke Island 50.444 -125.975 32.16 241.04 17.10 257.67 25 Alert Bay 50.588 -126.937 30.60 239.84 16.00 251.77 26 Port Hardy 50.720 -127.476 29.70 233.50 15.40 245.50 27 Montagu Point 50.639 -126.213 31.10 237.60 16.60 251.30 28 Siwash Bay 50.680 -125.763 31.30 239.40 17.10 253.20 29 Winter Harbour 50.490 -128.044 27.26 231.20 13.39 242.90 30 Bella Bella 52.177 -128.111 27.80 236.20 14.20 247.20 31 Tofino 49.144 -125.937 24.50 227.20 12.30 237.90 Q1_amp Q1_pha S2_amp S2_pha N2_amp N2_pha K2_amp K2_pha 0 5.50 222.10 22.80 272.6 16.60 222.80 6.00 266.40 1 5.04 225.90 21.04 268.7 15.15 217.30 4.92 263.10 2 6.60 232.80 14.60 326.4 11.60 280.10 2.70 332.70 3 6.10 236.00 10.20 332.8 9.10 292.00 2.00 341.90 4 7.40 243.60 16.80 13.0 14.20 321.80 5.00 18.30 5 8.00 247.20 25.70 29.5 20.80 333.50 7.30 28.50 6 7.50 250.60 25.80 37.9 21.20 340.20 7.20 36.50 7 7.60 250.60 28.20 37.8 22.50 341.20 8.20 39.60 8 7.60 253.20 17.90 50.3 15.40 354.50 5.00 50.50 9 6.80 244.00 13.30 34.9 12.20 341.30 3.50 40.60 10 7.50 247.00 12.70 18.0 11.30 324.90 3.80 37.90 11 7.50 247.00 13.20 26.8 12.00 334.60 3.80 37.90 12 7.00 251.60 13.90 37.2 11.90 342.60 3.90 40.00 13 7.80 253.20 16.70 54.8 14.30 354.20 4.90 58.50 14 6.90 258.50 20.00 55.0 17.20 0.20 5.60 59.40 15 7.70 258.80 22.90 59.9 18.40 2.90 6.20 59.90 16 8.00 257.40 23.60 62.0 20.60 5.60 6.40 64.60 17 8.38 257.20 25.02 61.6 21.64 5.42 6.80 62.56 18 7.89 258.59 25.82 64.8 21.82 9.12 6.92 63.66 19 8.08 252.39 20.27 43.6 19.20 2.82 5.42 49.76 20 7.25 244.99 30.27 339.6 20.48 290.52 8.29 333.06 21 6.37 244.89 27.52 339.6 17.89 290.92 6.89 335.26 22 8.20 224.79 19.29 35.3 15.94 346.02 4.72 35.56 23 5.82 243.69 29.44 326.8 19.57 276.22 8.05 322.36 24 5.33 234.89 38.56 301.2 25.73 248.12 10.70 293.76 25 5.18 231.09 40.63 290.0 26.97 237.72 11.19 279.96 26 5.00 224.30 42.00 281.4 27.30 227.80 10.90 276.20 27 5.20 230.40 49.60 292.7 31.60 238.70 12.50 285.50 28 5.20 232.50 50.60 296.7 32.70 242.50 14.00 290.00 29 4.89 224.50 29.55 273.1 20.74 219.00 7.87 265.80 30 4.90 225.60 40.10 280.0 27.10 227.50 10.90 271.10 31 4.40 219.60 27.90 269.5 20.30 215.60 7.60 261.60
We don't have model output at all of the above locations. The model outputs are listed below. There is a file in the run directory for each of the stations listed below.
stations = ['PortRenfrew','SheringhamPoint','PedderBay', 'Esquimalt',
'Victoria','CloverPoint','FinnertyCove', 'FulfordHarbour',
'TumboChannel','PatosIsland','WhalerBay', 'Tsawwassen',
'Sandheads', 'PointGrey','PointAtkinson','GibsonsLanding', 'WinchelseaIs',
'HalfmoonBay','IrvinesLanding','PowellRiver', 'LittleRiver', 'Lund',
'TwinIslets','CampbellRiver','MaudeIslandE', 'NympheCove',
#again with spaces because the text file likes that
stations_obs = ['Port Renfrew','Sheringham Point','Pedder Bay', 'Esquimalt',
'Victoria','Clover Point','Finnerty Cove', 'Fulford Harbour',
'Tumbo Channel','Patos Island','Whaler Bay', 'Tsawwassen',
'Sandheads', 'Point Grey','Point Atkinson','Gibsons Landing', 'Winchelsea',
'Halfmoon Bay','Irvines Landing','Powell River', 'Little River', 'Lund',
'Twin Islets','Campbell River','Maude Island E', 'Nymphe Cove',
'Seymour Narrows','Brown Bay','Chatham Point','Kelsey Bay','Yorke Island']
Next, we can plot these locations on a map of our domain.
fig,ax=plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 10))
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
ax.annotate(stn, xy = (lon,lat), xytext = (5,5),ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
textcoords = 'offset points')
print stn, location
0 Port Renfrew 1 Sheringham Point 2 Pedder Bay 3 Esquimalt 4 Victoria 5 Clover Point 6 Finnerty Cove 7 Fulford Harbour 8 Tumbo Channel 9 Patos Island 10 Whaler Bay 11 Tsawwassen 12 Sandheads 13 Point Grey 14 Point Atkinson 15 Gibsons Landing 16 Winchelsea 17 Halfmoon Bay 18 Irvines Landing 19 Powell River 20 Little River 21 Lund 22 Twin Islets 23 Campbell River 24 Maude Island E 25 Nymphe Cove 26 Seymour Narrows 27 Brown Bay 28 Chatham Point 29 Kelsey Bay 30 Yorke Island
[-126.1, -122, 47, 51]
Note: Some day it would be worthwhile to place the numbers more carefully so that they don't overlap.
We need a way of determing the amplitude and phase of M2/K1/O1/S2 from our model output. We will do this by fitting our model water levels to cosine curves with the known frequency of M2/K1/O1/S2.
#constants and fitting
# M2
M2freq = 28.984106 # degrees per hour
M2freq = M2freq*np.pi/180. # radians per hour
K1freq = 15.041069*np.pi/180.
O1freq = 13.943036*np.pi/180.
S2freq = 30.000002*np.pi/180.
P1freq = 14.958932*np.pi/180.
N2freq = 28.439730*np.pi/180.
Q1freq = 13.398661*np.pi/180.
K2freq = 30.082138*np.pi/180.
# initial phase calculation
# our start is currently Oct 26, 2002
# data for phase output from bdytides.F90; found in ocean.output
K1ft = 1.050578
K1uvt = 296.314842
M2ft = 0.987843
M2uvt = 245.888564
O1ft = 1.081364
O1uvt = 312.950020
S2ft = 1.0
S2uvt = 0.0
P1ft = 1.0
P1uvt = 55.79460
N2ft = 0.98784
N2uvt = 353.570277
Q1ft = 1.081364
Q1uvt = 60.631733
K2ft = 1.114095
K2uvt = 52.129248
# for start of Apr 21, 2003
new = 'true'
if new == 'true':
K1ft = 1.065505
K1uvt = 111.481741
M2ft = 0.982328
M2uvt = 250.506179
O1ft = 1.105495
O1uvt = 142.040782
S2ft = 1.000000
S2uvt = 0.000000
P1ft = 1.000000
P1uvt = 241.335269
N2ft = 0.982328
N2uvt = 205.684028
Q1ft = 1.105495
Q1uvt = 97.218631
K2ft = 1.159036
K2uvt = 42.361669
# function for fit
def double(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 3 frequencies
def triple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 4 frequencies
def quad(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 6 frequencies
def sextuple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha,
P1amp, P1pha, N2amp, N2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 8 frequencies
def octuple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha,
P1amp, P1pha, N2amp, N2pha, Q1amp, Q1pha, K2amp, K2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
Now we can apply this fit to our model output.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,5))
for stn in (0,4,14,23):
print stations[stn]
fT1 = NC.Dataset(name+stations[stn]+'.nc','r')
time = fT1.variables["time_counter"][:]/3600. # want hours not seconds
ssh = fT1.variables["sossheig"][:,0,0]
PortRenfrew Victoria PointAtkinson CampbellRiver
print ssh.shape
print 25*48*2, 30*24*4
(3840,) 2400 2880
#allocate space for our arrays
M2_amp=[]; M2_pha=[]; K1_amp=[]; K1_pha=[]
O1_amp=[]; O1_pha=[]; S2_amp=[]; S2_pha=[]
P1_amp=[]; P1_pha=[]; N2_amp=[]; N2_pha=[]
Q1_amp=[]; Q1_pha=[]; K2_amp=[]; K2_pha=[]
M2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); M2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
K1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); K1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
O1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); O1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
S2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); S2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
P1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); P1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
N2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); N2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
Q1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); Q1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
K2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); K2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
ts = 240
te = ssh.shape[0]
for stn in range(numsta):
fT1 = NC.Dataset(name+stations[stn]+'.nc','r')
time = fT1.variables["time_counter"][:]/3600. # want hours not seconds
ssh = fT1.variables["sossheig"][:,0,0]
fitted, cov = curve_fit(octuple,time[ts:te],ssh[ts:te])
if fitted[0] < 0:
fitted[0] = -fitted[0]
fitted[1] = fitted[1]+180
pha = fitted[1]+M2uvt
if pha > 360:
elif pha < 0:
pha = pha+360
if stn == 6:
print pha
if fitted[2] < 0:
fitted[2] = - fitted[2]
fitted[3] = fitted[3] + 180
pha = fitted[3] + K1uvt
if pha > 360:
pha = pha-360
if fitted[4] < 0:
fitted[4] = -fitted[4]
fitted[5] = fitted[5]+180
pha= fitted[5]+O1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[6] < 0:
fitted[6] = -fitted[6]
fitted[7] = fitted[7]+180
pha= fitted[7]+S2uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[8] < 0:
fitted[8] = -fitted[8]
fitted[9] = fitted[9]+180
pha= fitted[9]+P1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[10] < 0:
fitted[10] = -fitted[10]
fitted[11] = fitted[11]+180
pha= fitted[11]+N2uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[12] < 0:
fitted[12] = -fitted[12]
fitted[13] = fitted[13]+180
pha= fitted[13]+Q1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[14] < 0:
fitted[14] = -fitted[14]
fitted[15] = fitted[15]+180
pha= fitted[15]+K2uvt
if pha > 360:
pha = pha-360
if pha < 0:
pha = pha + 360
#now the observations
#O1/S2/P1/N2/Q1/K2 are in the other file
if (
#Mask the arrays so that we can do statistics without the 0's throwing thigns off.
O1_amp_obs, 0)
O1_pha_obs, 0)
S2_amp_obs, 0)
S2_pha_obs, 0)
P1_amp_obs, 0)
P1_pha_obs, 0)
N2_amp_obs, 0)
N2_pha_obs, 0)
Q1_amp_obs, 0)
Q1_pha_obs, 0)
K2_amp_obs, 0)
K2_pha_obs, 0)
The model data is saved in lists M2_amp, M2_pha, K1_amp, K1_pha. We have also saved the observations in M2_amp_obs, etc.
We can compare model and observations by plotting.
#Plotting M2
split1=8; split2=20
split1=split1,split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd2ebfb50>]
#Plotting - K1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd2ce3710>]
#Plotting - O1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd2b84510>]
#Plotting - S2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd29ab310>]
#Plotting - P1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd284c110>]
#Plotting - N2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd266aed0>]
#Plotting - Q1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd2510cd0>]
#Plotting - K2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ffbd2335ad0>]
The model performs well when the dots are close to the red line.
We would like to save some statistics so that we can determine which runs give us the best match with observations. So, we will define some functions that will help us calculate statistics.
def mean(diff):
return np.mean(abs(diff))
def rms(diff):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2))
This is a way of measuring distances in the complex plane. We can think of our tidal amplitude and phase as a point on the complex plane. So we would like to measure the distance between a point given by the model and a point given by the observations. The function below does this.
def complex_diff(Ao,go,Am,gm):
#calculates complex differences between observations and model
#Ao, go - amplitude and phase from observations
#Am, gm - amplitude and phase from model
D = np.sqrt((Ao*np.cos(np.pi*go/180)-Am*np.cos(np.pi*gm/180))**2 +
return D
Some other things we will look at are
$R = \frac{A_m}{A_o}$, the ratio of modelled to observed amplitude and
$\Delta \phi = \phi_m - \phi_o$, the difference betwen modelled and observed phase.
R_M2 = M2_amp/M2_amp_obs
R_K1 = K1_amp/K1_amp_obs
#delta phi (adjust so between -180, 180)
Dphi_M2 = M2_pha-M2_pha_obs;
Dphi_M2 = Dphi_M2 -360*(Dphi_M2>180) + 360*(Dphi_M2<-180)
Dphi_K1 = K1_pha-K1_pha_obs
Dphi_K1 = Dphi_K1 -360*(Dphi_K1>180) + 360*(Dphi_K1<-180)
#Complex differences
D_M2= complex_diff(np.array(M2_amp_obs),np.array(M2_pha_obs), np.array(M2_amp)*1.03,np.array(M2_pha)+2.3)
D_K1= complex_diff(np.array(K1_amp_obs),np.array(K1_pha_obs), np.array(K1_amp)*0.99,np.array(K1_pha)-0.5)
D_O1= complex_diff(,,,
D_S2= complex_diff(,,,
D_P1= complex_diff(,,,
D_N2= complex_diff(,,,
D_Q1= complex_diff(,,,
D_K2= complex_diff(,,,
We will now save these statistics in a spreadsheet
outfile = runname+'.csv'
with open(outfile, 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
'Station Name',
'R (M2)', 'Delta phi (M2)', 'D (M2)',
'R (K1)', 'Delta phi (K1)', 'D (K1)'
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
R_M2[stn], Dphi_M2[stn], D_M2[stn],
R_K1[stn], Dphi_K1[stn], D_K1[stn]])
#write averages and rms
writer.writerow(['Mean Difference',
writer.writerow(['RMS Difference',
#without the north
writer.writerow(['Mean Difference no North no PR',
writer.writerow(['RMS Difference no North no PR',
Now there is a csv file in this directory with data about this run. It should be called runname.csv (where runname is the string we defined at the beginning of the notebook).
Things to try:
Try this: * hg status (see what changes have been made) * hg in * hg commit mynotebook.ipynb (write a commit message and then save and exit) * hg commit tide_runs.odt * hg pull --rebase * pg push
Try this: * hg add filename.csv * hg commit filename.csv * hg pull --rebase * hg push
plt.plot(np.array(M2_amp)*1.03, '-bo', label = 'model')
plt.plot(M2_amp_obs, 'r-o', label = 'observation')
plt.title('M2 Amplitude')
plt.legend( loc='upper left' )
plt.plot(np.array(K1_amp)*0.99, '-bo', label = 'model')
plt.plot(K1_amp_obs, 'r-o', label = 'observation')
plt.title('K1 Amplitude')
# use the un-wrap function to plot the M2 phase more smoothly
pha_uwm = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha)*np.pi/180.)
plt.plot(pha_uwm+2.3, '-bo', label = 'model')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha_obs)*np.pi/180.)
plt.plot(pha_uw, 'r-o', label = 'observation')
plt.title('M2 Phase')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(K1_pha)*np.pi/180.)
plt.plot(pha_uw-0.5, '-bo', label = 'model')
plt.plot(K1_pha_obs, 'r-o', label = 'observation')
plt.title('K1 Phase')
plt.plot(D_M2, '-bo', label = 'M2')
plt.plot(D_K1, '-go', label = 'K1')
plt.title('D error')
plt.legend( loc='upper left' )
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f598b157a10>
M2_amp_topogbottfric = M2_amp
M2_pha_topogbottfric = pha_uwm
M2_amp_rnshlat2 = M2_amp
M2_pha_rnshlat2 = pha_uwm
M2_amp_bot1em2B = M2_amp
M2_pha_bot1em2B = pha_uwm
M2_amp_bot1em2 = M2_amp
M2_pha_bot1em2 = pha_uwm
M2_amp_corr15 = M2_amp
M2_pha_corr15 = pha_uwm
M2_amp_topog = M2_amp
M2_pha_topog = pha_uwm
M2_amp_rnshlat = M2_amp
M2_pha_rnshlat = pha_uwm
plt.plot(np.array(M2_amp_topog)*0.97, '-bo', label = 'topog')
plt.plot(M2_amp_obs, 'r-s', label = 'observation')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_amp_rnshlat2)*1.08, '-m^')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_amp_bot1em2B)*1.07, '-c^')
plt.plot(M2_amp_corr15, '-go', label='corr15')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_amp_topogbottfric)*1.03, '-yo')
makeit = np.array(M2_amp_corr15) + (np.array(M2_amp_bot1em2B)*1.07-np.array(M2_amp_corr15)) + (np.array(M2_amp_topog)*0.97-np.array(M2_amp_corr15))
plt.plot(makeit, 'k*-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f598af29910>]
plt.plot(np.array(M2_pha_topog)+2.9, '-bo', label = 'topog')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha_obs)*np.pi/180.)
plt.plot(pha_uw, 'r-s', label = 'observation')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_pha_rnshlat2)-0.8, '-m^')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_pha_bot1em2B)-0.5, '-c^')
plt.plot(M2_pha_corr15, '-go', label = 'corr15')
plt.plot(np.array(M2_pha_topogbottfric)+2, '-yo')
makeit = np.array(M2_pha_corr15) + (np.array(M2_pha_bot1em2B)-0.8-np.array(M2_pha_corr15)) + (np.array(M2_pha_topog)+2.9-np.array(M2_pha_corr15))
plt.plot(makeit, 'k*-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f598ae7eb10>]
cmap = plt.get_cmap('PuBu')
fig,axs=plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(8,20))
constituent = ('M2', 'K1', 'O1', 'S2', 'P1', 'N2', 'Q1', 'K2')
error_D = (D_M2, D_K1, D_O1, D_S2, D_P1, D_N2, D_Q1, D_K2)
for row in range(4):
for ax, error_D1, const in zip(axs[row], error_D[row*2:row*2+2], constituent[row*2:row*2+2]):
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
if error_D1 [stn] <= 0.05:
if error_D1 [stn] > 0.1:
if 0.1 >= error_D1[stn] > 0.05:
ax.annotate(stn, xy = (lon,lat), xytext = (5,5),ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
textcoords = 'offset points')
Green: D error <= 0.05, Yellow: 0.05 < D error <= 0.1, Red: D error > 0.1
fig, axs = plt.subplots(6,2,figsize=(10,15))
axs[0,0].plot(np.array(O1_amp)/np.array(K1_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[0,0].plot((0,28),(0.560,0.560), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[0,0].set_title('O1/K1 Amplitude')
axs[0,1].plot(np.array(O1_pha)-np.array(K1_pha), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[0,1].plot((0,28),(-22.9,-22.9), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[0,1].set_title('O1-K1 Phase')
axs[1,0].plot(np.array(S2_amp)/np.array(M2_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[1,0].plot((0,28),(0.249,0.249), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[1,0].set_title('S2/M2 Amplitude')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap((np.array(S2_pha)-np.array(M2_pha))*np.pi/180.)
axs[1,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[1,1].plot((0,28),( 28.7, 28.7), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[1,1].set_title('S2-M2 Phase')
axs[2,0].plot(np.array(P1_amp)/np.array(K1_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[2,0].plot((0,28),(0.311,0.311), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[2,0].set_title('P1/K1 Amplitude')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap((np.array(P1_pha)-np.array(K1_pha))*np.pi/180.)
axs[2,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[2,1].plot((0,28),(-3,-3), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[2,1].set_title('P1-K1 Phase')
axs[3,0].plot(np.array(N2_amp)/np.array(M2_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[3,0].plot((0,28),(0.200,0.200), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[3,0].set_title('N2/M2 Amplitude')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap((np.array(N2_pha)-np.array(M2_pha))*np.pi/180.)
axs[3,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[3,1].plot((0,28),(-28.3, -28.3), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[3,1].set_title('N2-M2 Phase')
axs[4,0].plot(np.array(Q1_amp)/np.array(K1_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[4,0].plot((0,28),(0.089,0.089), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[4,0].set_title('Q1/K1 Amplitude')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap((np.array(Q1_pha)-np.array(K1_pha))*np.pi/180.)
axs[4,1].plot(pha_uw+360., '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[4,1].plot((0,28),(-27.3,-27.3), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[4,1].set_title('Q1-K1 Phase')
axs[5,0].plot(np.array(K2_amp)/np.array(M2_amp), '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[5,0].plot((0,28),(0.068,0.068), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[5,0].set_title('K2/M2 Amplitude')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap((np.array(K2_pha)-np.array(M2_pha))*np.pi/180.)
axs[5,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[5,1].plot((0,28),(28.7, 28.7), 'r-', label = 'observation')
axs[5,1].set_title('K2-M2 Phase')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5935c30850>
print te
sample = 17
start = np.zeros(sample)
tend = np.zeros(sample)
for i in range(sample):
start[i] = 196+(480-196)*np.random.rand()
tend[i] = te-(480-196)*np.random.rand()
print start
print tend
timelength = (tend-start)/96.
print np.mean(timelength),2*np.std(timelength)
print time[start[1]:tend[1]]
[ 477.58594177 251.70925818 302.80288928 462.29204484 474.77495378 424.60064219 293.30229037 207.04427899 387.72073575 240.58269087 413.30969544 226.68384062 341.59429178 198.60234818 407.94633113 234.94516407 406.83508316] [ 3638.45825492 3828.93243835 3693.41964051 3699.52463167 3735.29513176 3637.43650941 3591.68710002 3668.89524392 3713.6094466 3573.6362958 3707.77812636 3798.52219798 3753.69133443 3795.20079988 3590.21827328 3793.96900934 3703.26582262] 35.031377314 2.9175750749 [ 62.875 63.125 63.375 ..., 956.375 956.625 956.875]
#allocate space for our arrays
M2_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); M2_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
K1_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); K1_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
O1_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); O1_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
S2_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); S2_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
P1_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); P1_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
N2_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); N2_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
Q1_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); Q1_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
K2_amp=np.zeros((numsta,sample)); K2_pha=np.zeros((numsta,sample))
for it,tst,tet in zip(range(sample),start,tend):
for stn in range(numsta):
fT1 = NC.Dataset(name+stations[stn]+'.nc','r')
time = fT1.variables["time_counter"][:]/3600. # want hours not seconds
ssh = fT1.variables["sossheig"][:,0,0]
fitted, cov = curve_fit(octuple,time[tst:tet],ssh[tst:tet])
if fitted[0] < 0:
fitted[0] = -fitted[0]
fitted[1] = fitted[1]+180
M2_amp[stn,it] = fitted[0]*M2ft
pha = fitted[1]+M2uvt
if pha > 360:
M2_pha[stn,it] = pha
if fitted[2] < 0:
fitted[2] = -fitted[2]
fitted[3] = fitted[3]+180
K1_amp[stn,it] = fitted[2]*K1ft
pha= fitted[3]+K1uvt
if pha > 360:
K1_pha[stn,it]= pha
if fitted[4] < 0:
fitted[4] = -fitted[4]
fitted[5] = fitted[5]+180
O1_amp[stn,it] =fitted[4]*O1ft
pha= fitted[5]+O1uvt
if pha > 360:
O1_pha[stn,it]= pha
if fitted[6] < 0:
fitted[6] = -fitted[6]
fitted[7] = fitted[7]+180
S2_amp[stn,it] =fitted[6]*S2ft
pha= fitted[7]+S2uvt
if pha > 360:
S2_pha[stn,it]= pha
if fitted[8] < 0:
fitted[8] = -fitted[8]
fitted[9] = fitted[9]+180
P1_amp[stn,it] = fitted[8]*P1ft
pha= fitted[9]+P1uvt
if pha > 360:
P1_pha[stn,it] =pha
if fitted[10] < 0:
fitted[10] = -fitted[10]
fitted[11] = fitted[11]+180
N2_amp[stn,it] = fitted[10]*N2ft
pha= fitted[11]+N2uvt
if pha > 360:
N2_pha[stn,it] = pha
if fitted[12] < 0:
fitted[12] = -fitted[12]
fitted[13] = fitted[13]+180
Q1_amp[stn,it] = fitted[12]*Q1ft
pha= fitted[13]+Q1uvt
if pha > 360:
Q1_pha[stn,it] = pha
if fitted[14] < 0:
fitted[14] = -fitted[14]
fitted[15] = fitted[15]+180
K2_amp[stn,it] = fitted[14]*K2ft
pha= fitted[15]+K2uvt
if pha > 360:
K2_pha[stn,it] = pha
jdef = range(3)
south = range(14,18)
north = range(29,31)
print 'M2'
print ' JdeFuca'
print np.mean(M2_amp[jdef]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_amp[jdef],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[jdef]), np.mean(M2_amp_obs[jdef])-np.mean(M2_amp[jdef])
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[jdef])/np.mean(M2_amp[jdef])
print np.mean(M2_pha[jdef]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_pha[jdef],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_pha_obs[jdef]), np.mean(M2_pha_obs[jdef])-np.mean(M2_pha[jdef])
print ' South'
print np.mean(M2_amp[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_amp[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[south]), np.mean(M2_amp_obs[south])-np.mean(M2_amp[south])
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[south])/np.mean(M2_amp[south])
print np.mean(M2_pha[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_pha[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_pha_obs[south]), np.mean(M2_pha_obs[south])-np.mean(M2_pha[south])
print ' North'
print np.mean(M2_amp[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_amp[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[north]), np.mean(M2_amp_obs[north])-np.mean(M2_amp[north])
print np.mean(M2_amp_obs[north])/np.mean(M2_amp[north])
print np.mean(M2_pha[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(M2_pha[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(M2_pha_obs[north]), np.mean(M2_pha_obs[north])-np.mean(M2_pha[north])
print '==============================================='
print 'K1'
print ' JdeFuca'
print np.mean(K1_amp[jdef]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_amp[jdef],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[jdef]), np.mean(K1_amp_obs[jdef])-np.mean(K1_amp[jdef])
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[jdef])/np.mean(K1_amp[jdef])
print np.mean(K1_pha[jdef]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_pha[jdef],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_pha_obs[jdef]), np.mean(K1_pha_obs[jdef])-np.mean(K1_pha[jdef])
print ' South'
print np.mean(K1_amp[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_amp[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[south]), np.mean(K1_amp_obs[south])-np.mean(K1_amp[south])
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[south])/np.mean(K1_amp[south])
print np.mean(K1_pha[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_pha[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_pha_obs[south]), np.mean(K1_pha_obs[south])-np.mean(K1_pha[south])
print ' North'
print np.mean(K1_amp[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_amp[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[north]), np.mean(K1_amp_obs[north])-np.mean(K1_amp[north])
print np.mean(K1_amp_obs[north])/np.mean(K1_amp[north])
print np.mean(K1_pha[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(K1_pha[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(K1_pha_obs[north]), np.mean(K1_pha_obs[north])-np.mean(K1_pha[north])
print '==============================================='
M2 JdeFuca 0.57027031692 0.00103796378824 0.512333333333 -0.0579369835863 0.898404349889 253.096350381 0.141615031206 270.8 17.7036496191 South 0.934552595668 0.00146821513786 0.94525 0.0106974043319 1.01144655141 31.3392568628 0.0316530577237 31.35 0.0107431372001 North 1.15693865159 0.00097282470679 1.1705 0.0135613484117 1.0117217524 274.022116152 0.094298801686 274.05 0.0278838481535 =============================================== K1 JdeFuca 0.561181482534 0.00482383285143 0.542666666667 -0.0185148158668 0.967007436198 257.223937011 0.60637617942 261.533333333 4.30939632272 South 0.898845325552 0.0091415382251 0.87225 -0.0265953255516 0.970411677298 286.237346809 0.52276691814 285.95 -0.287346808551 North 0.581489614774 0.00307231793669 0.5675 -0.0139896147741 0.975941763329 260.911889478 0.431113106731 260.7 -0.211889478139 ===============================================
print 'O1'
print ' South'
print np.mean(O1_amp[south]/K1_amp[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(O1_amp[south]/K1_amp[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(O1_amp_obs[south]/K1_amp_obs[south]), (np.mean(O1_amp_obs[south]/K1_amp_obs[south])
print np.mean(O1_amp_obs[south]/K1_amp_obs[south])/np.mean(O1_amp[south]/K1_amp[south])
print np.mean(O1_pha[south]-K1_pha[south]),2*np.std(np.mean(O1_pha[south]-K1_pha[south],axis=0))
print np.mean(O1_pha_obs[south]-K1_pha_obs[south]), (np.mean(O1_pha_obs[south]-K1_pha_obs[south])
print ' North'
print np.mean(O1_amp[north]/K1_amp[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(O1_amp[north]/K1_amp[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(O1_amp_obs[north]/K1_amp_obs[north]), (np.mean(O1_amp_obs[north]/K1_amp_obs[north])
print np.mean(O1_amp_obs[north]/K1_amp_obs[north])/np.mean(O1_amp[north]/K1_amp[north])
print np.mean(O1_pha[north]-K1_pha[north]),2*np.std(np.mean(O1_pha[north]-K1_pha[north],axis=0))
print np.mean(O1_pha_obs[north]-K1_pha_obs[north]), (np.mean(O1_pha_obs[north]-K1_pha_obs[north])
print '==============================================='
print 'S2'
code = ('south','north')
for dir,dire in zip(code,(south,north)):
print dir
print np.mean(S2_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire]),2*np.std(np.mean(S2_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(S2_amp_obs[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire]), (np.mean(S2_amp_obs[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire])
print np.mean(S2_amp_obs[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire])/np.mean(S2_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire])
unwrap = np.unwrap(np.array(S2_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
M2_un = np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
plt.plot (unwrap[dire],'r',M2_un[dire],'b')
print np.mean(unwrap[dire]-M2_un[dire])+360.,2*np.std(np.mean(unwrap[dire]-M2_un[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(S2_pha_obs[dire]-M2_pha_obs[dire]), (np.mean(S2_pha_obs[dire]-M2_pha_obs[dire])
O1 South 0.568224038732 0.00405451773849 0.560324825986 -0.00789921274584 0.986098418568 -22.6197245768 0.434706989358 -22.9 -0.2802754232 North 0.579514124633 0.00240014358402 0.576344086022 -0.00317003861139 0.994529833741 -378.754622394 0.319444808762 -18.96 359.794622394 =============================================== S2 south 0.249158655972 0.00534431042522 0.249455337691 0.000296681718894 1.00119073414 388.5324582 1.59070743891 28.7 -359.8324582 north 0.329138505829 0.00607781520503 0.329291204099 0.000152698270256 1.00046393317 29.3054642426 1.24059875875 29.4 0.0945357573903
const = ('P1', 'Q1')
model_amp = (P1_amp, Q1_amp)
model_pha = ()
for const, model_amp, model_pha, obs_amp, obs_pha in zip(('P1','Q1'),
(P1_amp, Q1_amp),(P1_pha, Q1_pha),
(P1_amp_obs, Q1_amp_obs), (P1_pha_obs, Q1_pha_obs)):
print const
for dir,dire in zip(code,(south,north)):
print dir
print np.mean(model_amp[dire]/K1_amp[dire]),2*np.std(np.mean(model_amp[dire]/K1_amp[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/K1_amp_obs[dire]), (np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/K1_amp_obs[dire])
print np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/K1_amp_obs[dire])/np.mean(model_amp[dire]/K1_amp[dire])
unwrap = np.unwrap(np.array(model_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
K1_un = np.unwrap(np.array(K1_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
print np.mean(unwrap[dire]-K1_un[dire]),2*np.std(np.mean(unwrap[dire]-K1_un[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(obs_pha[dire]-K1_pha_obs[dire]), (np.mean(obs_pha[dire]-K1_pha_obs[dire])
P1 south 0.292964133189 0.0103204373458 0.31090487239 0.0179407392005 1.06123868818 -3.01904158282 1.46755505989 -3.0 0.019041582819 north 0.29503443161 0.00594792098505 0.306451612903 0.0114171812931 1.03869779277 -2.45030431581 1.21560920822 -2.33 0.120304315812 Q1 south 0.0897486251037 0.00184512033631 0.0893271461717 -0.000421478932003 0.995303783969 -26.6620584731 1.35683936235 -27.3 -0.637941526856 north 0.0977096478675 0.00128535506812 0.0955197132616 -0.00218993460582 0.977587324756 -25.0880781336 0.563972614811 -25.11 -0.0219218664093
const = ('N2', 'K2')
model_amp = (N2_amp, K2_amp)
model_pha = ()
for const, model_amp, model_pha, obs_amp, obs_pha in zip(('N2','K2'),
(N2_amp, K2_amp),(N2_pha, K2_pha),
(N2_amp_obs, K2_amp_obs), (N2_pha_obs, K2_pha_obs)):
print const
for dir,dire in zip(code,(south,north)):
print dir
print np.mean(model_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire]),2*np.std(np.mean(model_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire]), (np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire])
print np.mean(obs_amp[dire]/M2_amp_obs[dire])/np.mean(model_amp[dire]/M2_amp[dire])
unwrap = model_pha#np.unwrap(np.array(model_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
M2_un = np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha)*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi
print unwrap[dire]
print np.mean(unwrap[dire]-M2_un[dire]),2*np.std(np.mean(unwrap[dire]-M2_un[dire],axis=0))
print np.mean(obs_pha[dire]-M2_pha_obs[dire]), (np.mean(obs_pha[dire]-M2_pha_obs[dire])
N2 south 0.200668908813 0.000766960875523 0.200435729847 -0.000233178965392 0.998837991561 [[ 2.47050896 1.67152851 2.05902468 2.27650477 2.32695203 2.42408517 2.16698289 1.74157004 2.07474311 1.8259618 2.24565942 1.99754907 1.99218797 1.85300753 2.37859361 1.89758021 2.21695007] [ 2.64015103 1.86008 2.21571661 2.4356851 2.51146337 2.56839588 2.31199055 1.94584332 2.2436573 2.00200611 2.39776706 2.16075187 2.15872126 2.03969365 2.51093725 2.06935958 2.36733982] [ 4.33989174 3.53837205 3.87874201 4.15728353 4.21689654 4.25632029 3.99149269 3.6227554 3.98834067 3.72229019 4.12787525 3.69542673 3.85161418 3.61532551 4.24217768 3.64432485 4.09659889] [ 3.25225908 2.45004268 2.80812583 3.04167735 3.10261048 3.17319783 2.93317543 2.57866554 2.85955964 2.66374531 3.00769282 2.6840446 2.74660455 2.60547405 3.14991152 2.61235508 2.97977409]] -28.549645192 0.474413458632 -28.3 0.249645191984 north 0.220278013553 0.0012382523029 0.219726729291 -0.000551284261964 0.997497325071 [[ 250.67598328 250.93328407 250.73248814 250.82878225 250.85223144 250.65400404 250.61265863 250.71740972 250.76947646 250.61424709 250.74224802 250.90318569 250.81750521 250.9095643 250.55672696 250.90904825 250.74081281] [ 249.68111681 249.87005543 249.69041736 249.8305825 249.85099172 249.6391468 249.56960222 249.64810204 249.7655167 249.54802581 249.73626248 249.87138211 249.80241083 249.85536413 249.53337337 249.86772225 249.73447295]] -23.7731690374 0.291602526719 -23.68 0.0931690373623 K2 south 0.067660414654 0.00898869463758 0.0675381263617 -0.000122288292351 0.998192616865 [[ 57.78786901 60.48710246 59.60997698 57.71171322 56.13755834 55.54621316 59.25861696 61.8947436 57.4739308 62.64026547 56.32489285 60.69038447 60.06472957 62.48201792 55.47737134 60.79414971 57.68793348] [ 59.40132468 61.42368389 60.8389906 58.90073687 57.43963515 57.05801225 60.93757341 63.51230107 58.8431997 64.42639591 57.67089456 61.67232391 61.09991259 63.40301951 57.41822419 61.75889819 58.94173688] [ 57.99751481 60.47397688 59.15971992 56.45677742 55.76637384 56.26077236 60.5633273 62.99385245 56.53603397 64.71348375 55.40856288 60.83172836 58.39979539 61.84373159 56.36835607 60.9265417 56.20682641] [ 63.22971193 65.49928062 64.85953206 62.59640549 61.29989632 61.28080393 65.260183 67.90230816 62.89565462 68.97182562 61.51820557 66.03394692 64.87738272 67.1095029 61.32103937 65.99208807 62.54211017]] 29.2624135085 4.78212562543 28.7 -0.562413508518 north 0.100832445107 0.00809837349216 0.0913748932536 -0.00945755185318 0.906205271099 [[ 291.92498078 298.38337579 299.18516061 295.28105093 294.64901558 294.25132921 296.45040936 297.21338306 297.0568058 295.54844398 297.13762313 298.8761011 299.00107577 299.34438136 295.00841367 299.2246711 297.1857711 ] [ 289.81010528 297.25117552 297.96379497 293.7573682 292.74760028 292.22534261 294.95723009 296.39155301 295.65707967 294.36051596 295.75684539 297.97366289 297.83904231 298.44407558 293.18569801 298.16241555 295.88084703]] 22.0980704567 4.55170967795 21.96 -0.138070456683
fig,axs = plt.subplots(8,2,figsize=(15,25))
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[0,1].plot(pha_uw ,'-ob', label = 'model')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(M2_pha_obs)*np.pi/180.)
axs[0,1].plot(pha_uw, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
axs[0,1].set_title('M2 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[0,0].plot(M2_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[0,0].plot(M2_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
axs[0,0].set_title('M2 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(K1_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[1,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[1,1].plot(K1_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
axs[1,1].set_title('K1 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[1,0].plot(K1_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[1,0].plot(K1_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
axs[1,0].set_title('K1 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
if O1_pha[0,i] < 0:
O1_pha[0,i] = O1_pha[0,i] + 360
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(O1_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[2,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[2,1].plot(O1_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[2,1].set_title('O1 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[2,0].plot(O1_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[2,0].plot(O1_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[2,0].set_title('O1 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
if S2_pha[0,i] < 0:
S2_pha[0,i] = S2_pha[0,i] + 360
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(S2_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[3,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(S2_pha_obs)*np.pi/180.)
vsmall = 1e-6
pha_uwm =, mask=(abs(pha_uw-360)<vsmall))
axs[3,1].plot(pha_uwm, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[3,1].set_title('S2 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[3,0].plot(S2_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[3,0].plot(S2_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[3,0].set_title('S2 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
axs[4,0].plot(P1_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[4,0].plot(P1_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[4,0].set_title('P1 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(P1_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[4,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[4,1].plot(P1_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[4,1].set_title('P1 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[5,0].plot(N2_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[5,0].plot(N2_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[5,0].set_title('N2 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(N2_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
axs[5,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(N2_pha_obs)*np.pi/180.)
pha_uwm =, mask=(abs(pha_uw-360)<vsmall))
axs[5,1].plot(pha_uwm, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[5,1].set_title('N2 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[6,0].plot(Q1_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[6,0].plot(Q1_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[6,0].set_title('Q1 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(Q1_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
for j in range(numsta):
if pha_uw[j] < 0:
pha_uw[j] += 360
axs[6,1].plot(pha_uw, '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[6,1].plot(Q1_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[6,1].set_title('Q1 Phase')
for i in range(sample):
axs[7,0].plot(K2_amp[:,i], '-bo', label = 'model')
axs[7,0].plot(K2_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[7,0].set_title('K2 Amp')
for i in range(sample):
pha_uw = 180./np.pi * np.unwrap(np.array(K2_pha[:,i])*np.pi/180.)
for j in range(numsta):
if pha_uw[j] < 120:
pha_uw[j] += 360
axs[7,1].plot(pha_uw ,'-bo', label = 'model')
for j in range(numsta):
if K2_pha_obs[j] < 120:
K2_pha_obs[j] += 360
axs[7,1].plot(K2_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation', markersize = 15)
axs[7,1].set_title('K2 Phase')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5934e3f9d0>
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(15,10))
K1mean=np.average(K1_pha, axis=1)
K1max = np.max(K1_pha,axis=1)
K1min = np.min(K1_pha,axis=1)
asymmetric_error = [ K1mean-K1min, K1max-K1mean]
axs[0].errorbar(range(31),K1mean, yerr = asymmetric_error)
axs[0].plot(K1_pha_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
K1mean=np.average(K1_amp, axis=1)
K1max = np.max(K1_amp,axis=1)
K1min = np.min(K1_amp,axis=1)
asymmetric_error = [ K1mean-K1min, K1max-K1mean]
axs[1].errorbar(range(31),K1mean, yerr = asymmetric_error)
axs[1].plot(K1_amp_obs, 'r-*', label = 'observation')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f59343ff350>]
tides_test = pd.read_csv('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/analysis/Idalia/tides_test.csv')
tides_test2 = pd.read_csv('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/analysis/Idalia/tides_test2.csv')
corr15 = pd.read_csv('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/analysis/Idalia/corr15.csv')
oldtopog = pd.read_csv('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/analysis/Idalia/oldtopog.csv')
tides_test['Station Name']
0 Port Renfrew 1 Sheringham Point 2 Pedder Bay 3 Esquimalt 4 Victoria 5 Clover Point 6 Finnerty Cove 7 Fulford Harbour 8 Tumbo Channel 9 Patos Island 10 Whaler Bay 11 Tsawwassen 12 Sandheads 13 Point Grey 14 Point Atkinson 15 Gibsons Landing 16 Winchelsea 17 Halfmoon Bay 18 Irvines Landing 19 Powell River 20 Little River 21 Lund 22 Twin Islets 23 Campbell River 24 Maude Island E 25 Nymphe Cove 26 Seymour Narrows 27 Brown Bay 28 Chatham Point 29 Kelsey Bay 30 Yorke Island 31 Mean Difference 32 RMS Difference 33 Mean Difference no North no PR 34 RMS Difference no North no PR Name: Station Name, dtype: object
Some other things we will look at are
$R = \frac{A_m}{A_o}$, the ratio of modelled to observed amplitude and
$\Delta \phi = \phi_m - \phi_o$, the difference betwen modelled and observed phase.
D is complex difference
vars_comp=['R (M2)','Delta phi (M2)','D (M2)','R (K1)','Delta phi (K1)','D (K1)']
fig,axs = plt.subplots(6,1,figsize=(20,24))
for col, var in zip(cols, vars_comp):
axs[col].plot(oldtopog[var], 'g', label='oldtopog', linewidth=2)
axs[col].plot(corr15[var], 'Magenta', label='corr15', linewidth=1.5)
axs[col].plot(tides_test[var], 'b', label='tides_test', linewidth=2)
axs[col].plot(tides_test2[var], 'OrangeRed', label='tides_test2', linewidth=1.5)
axs[col].xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 35, 1))