%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as NC
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from salishsea_tools import tidetools
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools
from salishsea_tools import bathy_tools
import collections
import pandas as pd
import csv
import math
from __future__ import division
grid = NC.Dataset('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea2.nc')
bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid)
#path = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/tides/'
#path = '/ocean/sallen/allen/research/MEOPAR/myResults/'
path = '/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/'
#runname = 'corr15'
#runname = 'oldtopog'
runname = 'tides_test2retry'
#joining the two string together
name = path +runname +'/'
print name
print runname
Next, we can load some observations from a text file: /data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv Note: This file contains a mix of M2/K1 measurements from Foreman et al (1995), US tidal harmonics, Foreman et al (2004) and Foreman et al (2012) (for Northern tides).
filename = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv'
filename = '../compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv'
harm_obs = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=';',header=0)
harm_obs = harm_obs.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'M2 amp': 'M2_amp', 'M2 phase (deg UT)': 'M2_pha',
'K1 amp': 'K1_amp', 'K1 phase (deg UT)': 'K1_pha'})
This is a list of observations that we can compare with our model output. Now we have a struc object called harm_obs that contains the data printed above.
filename = '../Idalia/other_constituents.csv'
harm_other = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=',',header=0)
harm_other = harm_other.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'O1 amp': 'O1_amp', 'O1 phase (deg UT)': 'O1_pha',
'P1 amp': 'P1_amp', 'P1 phase (deg UT)': 'P1_pha',
'Q1 amp': 'Q1_amp', 'Q1 phase (deg UT)': 'Q1_pha',
'S2 amp': 'S2_amp', 'S2 phase (deg UT)': 'S2_pha',
'N2 amp': 'N2_amp', 'N2 phase (deg UT)': 'N2_pha',
'K2 amp': 'K2_amp', 'K2 phase (deg UT)': 'K2_pha'})
stations = ['PortRenfrew','SheringhamPoint','PedderBay', 'Esquimalt',
'Victoria','CloverPoint','FinnertyCove', 'FulfordHarbour',
'TumboChannel','PatosIsland','WhalerBay', 'Tsawwassen',
'Sandheads', 'PointGrey','PointAtkinson','GibsonsLanding', 'WinchelseaIs',
'HalfmoonBay','IrvinesLanding','PowellRiver', 'LittleRiver', 'Lund',
'TwinIslets','CampbellRiver','MaudeIslandE', 'NympheCove',
#again with spaces because the text file likes that
stations_obs = ['Port Renfrew','Sheringham Point','Pedder Bay', 'Esquimalt',
'Victoria','Clover Point','Finnerty Cove', 'Fulford Harbour',
'Tumbo Channel','Patos Island','Whaler Bay', 'Tsawwassen',
'Sandheads', 'Point Grey','Point Atkinson','Gibsons Landing', 'Winchelsea',
'Halfmoon Bay','Irvines Landing','Powell River', 'Little River', 'Lund',
'Twin Islets','Campbell River','Maude Island E', 'Nymphe Cove',
'Seymour Narrows','Brown Bay','Chatham Point','Kelsey Bay','Yorke Island']
fig,ax=plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 10))
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
ax.annotate(stn, xy = (lon,lat), xytext = (5,5),ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
textcoords = 'offset points')
[-126.1, -122, 47, 51]
# M2
M2freq = 28.984106 # degrees per hour
M2freq = M2freq*np.pi/180. # radians per hour
K1freq = 15.041069*np.pi/180.
O1freq = 13.943036*np.pi/180.
S2freq = 30.000002*np.pi/180.
P1freq = 14.958932*np.pi/180.
N2freq = 28.439730*np.pi/180.
Q1freq = 13.398661*np.pi/180.
K2freq = 30.082138*np.pi/180.
if runname == 'corr15':
K1ft = 1.050578
K1uvt = 296.314842
M2ft = 0.987843
M2uvt = 245.888564
O1ft = 1.081364
O1uvt = 312.950020
S2ft = 1.0
S2uvt = 0.0
P1ft = 1.0
P1uvt = 55.79460
N2ft = 0.98784
N2uvt = 353.570277
Q1ft = 1.081364
Q1uvt = 60.631733
K2ft = 1.114095
K2uvt = 52.129248
K1ft = 1.065505
K1uvt = 111.481741
M2ft = 0.982328
M2uvt = 250.506179
O1ft = 1.105495
O1uvt = 142.040782
S2ft = 1.000000
S2uvt = 0.000000
P1ft = 1.000000
P1uvt = 241.335269
N2ft = 0.982328
N2uvt = 205.684028
Q1ft = 1.105495
Q1uvt = 97.218631
K2ft = 1.159036
K2uvt = 42.361669
# function for fit
def double(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 3 frequencies
def triple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 4 frequencies
def quad(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 6 frequencies
def sextuple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha,
P1amp, P1pha, N2amp, N2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
# function for fitting 8 frequencies
def octuple(x, M2amp, M2pha, K1amp, K1pha, O1amp, O1pha, S2amp, S2pha,
P1amp, P1pha, N2amp, N2pha, Q1amp, Q1pha, K2amp, K2pha):
return (M2amp*np.cos(M2freq*x-M2pha*np.pi/180.)+
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,5))
for stn in (0,4,14,23):
print stations[stn]
fT1 = NC.Dataset(name+stations[stn]+'.nc','r')
time = fT1.variables["time_counter"][:]/3600. # want hours not seconds
ssh = fT1.variables["sossheig"][:,0,0]
PortRenfrew Victoria PointAtkinson CampbellRiver
#allocate space for our arrays
M2_amp=[]; M2_pha=[]; K1_amp=[]; K1_pha=[]
O1_amp=[]; O1_pha=[]; S2_amp=[]; S2_pha=[]
P1_amp=[]; P1_pha=[]; N2_amp=[]; N2_pha=[]
Q1_amp=[]; Q1_pha=[]; K2_amp=[]; K2_pha=[]
M2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); M2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
K1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); K1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
O1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); O1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
S2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); S2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
P1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); P1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
N2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); N2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
Q1_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); Q1_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
K2_amp_obs=np.zeros(numsta); K2_pha_obs=np.zeros(numsta)
ts = 240
te = ssh.shape[0]
for stn in range(numsta):
fT1 = NC.Dataset(name+stations[stn]+'.nc','r')
time = fT1.variables["time_counter"][:]/3600. # want hours not seconds
ssh = fT1.variables["sossheig"][:,0,0]
fitted, cov = curve_fit(octuple,time[ts:te],ssh[ts:te])
if fitted[0] < 0:
fitted[0] = -fitted[0]
fitted[1] = fitted[1]+180
pha = fitted[1]+M2uvt
if pha > 360:
elif pha < 0:
pha = pha+360
if stn == 6:
print pha
if fitted[2] < 0:
fitted[2] = - fitted[2]
fitted[3] = fitted[3] + 180
pha = fitted[3] + K1uvt
if pha > 360:
pha = pha-360
if fitted[4] < 0:
fitted[4] = -fitted[4]
fitted[5] = fitted[5]+180
pha= fitted[5]+O1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[6] < 0:
fitted[6] = -fitted[6]
fitted[7] = fitted[7]+180
pha= fitted[7]+S2uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[8] < 0:
fitted[8] = -fitted[8]
fitted[9] = fitted[9]+180
pha= fitted[9]+P1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[10] < 0:
fitted[10] = -fitted[10]
fitted[11] = fitted[11]+180
pha= fitted[11]+N2uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[12] < 0:
fitted[12] = -fitted[12]
fitted[13] = fitted[13]+180
pha= fitted[13]+Q1uvt
if pha > 360:
if fitted[14] < 0:
fitted[14] = -fitted[14]
fitted[15] = fitted[15]+180
pha= fitted[15]+K2uvt
if pha > 360:
pha = pha-360
if pha < 0:
pha = pha + 360
#now the observations
#O1/S2/P1/N2/Q1/K2 are in the other file
if (harm_other.site==location).any():
#Mask the arrays so that we can do statistics without the 0's throwing thigns off.
O1_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(O1_amp_obs, 0)
O1_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(O1_pha_obs, 0)
S2_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(S2_amp_obs, 0)
S2_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(S2_pha_obs, 0)
P1_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(P1_amp_obs, 0)
P1_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(P1_pha_obs, 0)
N2_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(N2_amp_obs, 0)
N2_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(N2_pha_obs, 0)
Q1_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(Q1_amp_obs, 0)
Q1_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(Q1_pha_obs, 0)
K2_amp_obs =np.ma.masked_values(K2_amp_obs, 0)
K2_pha_obs =np.ma.masked_values(K2_pha_obs, 0)
print harm_other
349.389283208 site lat lon O1_amp O1_pha P1_amp P1_pha \ 0 Neah Bay 48.385 -124.616 30.90 231.50 15.50 244.60 1 Port Renfrew 48.537 -124.476 28.30 234.80 14.07 250.60 2 Port Angeles 48.129 -123.400 39.10 241.60 20.70 259.40 3 Victoria 48.413 -123.399 37.00 247.80 19.70 264.60 4 Port Townsend 48.112 -122.758 45.00 249.90 23.90 268.40 5 Bangor 47.748 -122.727 46.60 251.90 26.00 273.90 6 Seattle 47.605 -122.338 45.80 255.40 25.20 274.50 7 Tacoma 47.267 -122.413 45.90 255.10 25.50 277.20 8 Cherry Point 48.863 -122.758 45.60 260.00 25.60 281.40 9 Friday Harbor 48.540 -123.010 42.30 256.40 23.60 274.90 10 Hanbury Point 48.580 -123.172 43.60 253.60 23.40 271.40 11 Sidney 48.658 -123.383 44.40 255.80 24.20 275.20 12 Fulford Harbour 48.765 -123.453 43.00 257.80 23.40 277.80 13 Patos Island 48.783 -122.967 45.50 262.10 24.50 284.60 14 Tsawwassen 48.991 -123.137 47.20 261.80 25.90 282.60 15 Point Atkinson 49.334 -123.250 48.30 263.20 26.80 283.10 16 Winchelsea Islands 49.300 -124.083 47.70 263.50 27.40 286.20 17 Little River 49.744 -124.918 49.26 263.94 28.62 285.67 18 Twin Islets 50.029 -124.936 49.29 264.24 28.62 286.97 19 Campbell River 50.042 -125.247 48.46 263.74 24.60 280.57 20 Seymour Narrows 50.135 -125.347 41.27 254.54 21.28 271.47 21 Owen Bay 50.311 -125.223 38.19 251.34 20.97 267.47 22 Big Bay 50.394 -125.136 46.63 262.44 25.33 282.07 23 Chatham Point 50.332 -125.441 37.46 249.04 20.39 265.97 24 Yorke Island 50.444 -125.975 32.16 241.04 17.10 257.67 25 Alert Bay 50.588 -126.937 30.60 239.84 16.00 251.77 26 Port Hardy 50.720 -127.476 29.70 233.50 15.40 245.50 27 Montagu Point 50.639 -126.213 31.10 237.60 16.60 251.30 28 Siwash Bay 50.680 -125.763 31.30 239.40 17.10 253.20 29 Winter Harbour 50.490 -128.044 27.26 231.20 13.39 242.90 30 Bella Bella 52.177 -128.111 27.80 236.20 14.20 247.20 31 Tofino 49.144 -125.937 24.50 227.20 12.30 237.90 Q1_amp Q1_pha S2_amp S2_pha N2_amp N2_pha K2_amp K2_pha 0 5.50 222.10 22.80 272.6 16.60 222.80 6.00 266.40 1 5.04 225.90 21.04 268.7 15.15 217.30 4.92 263.10 2 6.60 232.80 14.60 326.4 11.60 280.10 2.70 332.70 3 6.10 236.00 10.20 332.8 9.10 292.00 2.00 341.90 4 7.40 243.60 16.80 13.0 14.20 321.80 5.00 18.30 5 8.00 247.20 25.70 29.5 20.80 333.50 7.30 28.50 6 7.50 250.60 25.80 37.9 21.20 340.20 7.20 36.50 7 7.60 250.60 28.20 37.8 22.50 341.20 8.20 39.60 8 7.60 253.20 17.90 50.3 15.40 354.50 5.00 50.50 9 6.80 244.00 13.30 34.9 12.20 341.30 3.50 40.60 10 7.50 247.00 12.70 18.0 11.30 324.90 3.80 37.90 11 7.50 247.00 13.20 26.8 12.00 334.60 3.80 37.90 12 7.00 251.60 13.90 37.2 11.90 342.60 3.90 40.00 13 7.80 253.20 16.70 54.8 14.30 354.20 4.90 58.50 14 6.90 258.50 20.00 55.0 17.20 0.20 5.60 59.40 15 7.70 258.80 22.90 59.9 18.40 2.90 6.20 59.90 16 8.00 257.40 23.60 62.0 20.60 5.60 6.40 64.60 17 8.38 257.20 25.02 61.6 21.64 5.42 6.80 62.56 18 7.89 258.59 25.82 64.8 21.82 9.12 6.92 63.66 19 8.08 252.39 20.27 43.6 19.20 2.82 5.42 49.76 20 7.25 244.99 30.27 339.6 20.48 290.52 8.29 333.06 21 6.37 244.89 27.52 339.6 17.89 290.92 6.89 335.26 22 8.20 224.79 19.29 35.3 15.94 346.02 4.72 35.56 23 5.82 243.69 29.44 326.8 19.57 276.22 8.05 322.36 24 5.33 234.89 38.56 301.2 25.73 248.12 10.70 293.76 25 5.18 231.09 40.63 290.0 26.97 237.72 11.19 279.96 26 5.00 224.30 42.00 281.4 27.30 227.80 10.90 276.20 27 5.20 230.40 49.60 292.7 31.60 238.70 12.50 285.50 28 5.20 232.50 50.60 296.7 32.70 242.50 14.00 290.00 29 4.89 224.50 29.55 273.1 20.74 219.00 7.87 265.80 30 4.90 225.60 40.10 280.0 27.10 227.50 10.90 271.10 31 4.40 219.60 27.90 269.5 20.30 215.60 7.60 261.60
split1=8; split2=20
#Plotting M2
split1=split1,split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting K1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting O1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting S2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting P1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting N2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting Q1
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
#Plotting K2
split1=split1, split2=split2, labels=labels)
ax_amp,ax_pha = fig.axes
min_value, max_value = ax_amp.set_xlim(0, 1.2)
ax_amp.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
min_value, max_value = ax_pha.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax_pha.plot([min_value, max_value], [min_value, max_value], color='red',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd328747d10>]
Some other things we will look at are
$R = \frac{A_m}{A_o}$, the ratio of modelled to observed amplitude and
$\Delta \phi = \phi_m - \phi_o$, the difference betwen modelled and observed phase.
# mean error (absolute value)
def mean(diff):
return np.mean(abs(diff))
# rms error
def rms(diff):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2))
# complex difference
def complex_diff(Ao,go,Am,gm):
#calculates complex differences between observations and model
#Ao, go - amplitude and phase from observations
#Am, gm - amplitude and phase from model
D = np.sqrt((Ao*np.cos(np.pi*go/180)-Am*np.cos(np.pi*gm/180))**2 +
return D
R_M2 = M2_amp/M2_amp_obs
R_K1 = K1_amp/K1_amp_obs
#delta phi (adjust so between -180, 180)
Dphi_M2 = M2_pha-M2_pha_obs;
Dphi_M2 = Dphi_M2 -360*(Dphi_M2>180) + 360*(Dphi_M2<-180)
Dphi_K1 = K1_pha-K1_pha_obs
Dphi_K1 = Dphi_K1 -360*(Dphi_K1>180) + 360*(Dphi_K1<-180)
#Complex differences
D_M2= complex_diff(np.array(M2_amp_obs),np.array(M2_pha_obs), np.array(M2_amp),np.array(M2_pha))
D_K1= complex_diff(np.array(K1_amp_obs),np.array(K1_pha_obs), np.array(K1_amp),np.array(K1_pha))
D_O1= complex_diff(np.ma.array(O1_amp_obs),np.ma.array(O1_pha_obs), np.ma.array(O1_amp),np.ma.array(O1_pha))
D_S2= complex_diff(np.ma.array(S2_amp_obs),np.ma.array(S2_pha_obs), np.ma.array(S2_amp),np.ma.array(S2_pha))
D_P1= complex_diff(np.ma.array(P1_amp_obs),np.ma.array(P1_pha_obs), np.ma.array(P1_amp),np.ma.array(P1_pha))
D_N2= complex_diff(np.ma.array(N2_amp_obs),np.ma.array(N2_pha_obs), np.ma.array(N2_amp),np.ma.array(N2_pha))
D_Q1= complex_diff(np.ma.array(Q1_amp_obs),np.ma.array(Q1_pha_obs), np.ma.array(Q1_amp),np.ma.array(Q1_pha))
D_K2= complex_diff(np.ma.array(K2_amp_obs),np.ma.array(K2_pha_obs), np.ma.array(K2_amp),np.ma.array(K2_pha))
type(D_M2), type(M2_amp), type(np.array(M2_amp))
(numpy.ndarray, list, numpy.ndarray)
outfile = runname+'.csv'
with open(outfile, 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
writer.writerow(['Station Name',
'M2(Amp)', 'M2(Pha)', 'M2(D)',
'K1(Amp)', 'K1(Pha)', 'K1(D)',
'O1(Amp)', 'O1(Pha)', 'O1(D)',
'S2(Amp)', 'S2(Pha)', 'S2(D)',
'P1(Amp)', 'P1(Pha)', 'P1(D)',
'N2(Amp)', 'N2(Pha)', 'N2(D)',
'Q1(Amp)', 'Q1(Pha)', 'Q1(D)',
'K2(Amp)', 'K2(Pha)', 'K2(D)'])
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
M2_amp[stn], M2_pha[stn], D_M2[stn],
K1_amp[stn], K1_pha[stn], D_K1[stn],
O1_amp[stn], O1_pha[stn], D_O1[stn],
S2_amp[stn], S2_pha[stn], D_S2[stn],
P1_amp[stn], P1_pha[stn], D_P1[stn],
N2_amp[stn], N2_pha[stn], D_N2[stn],
Q1_amp[stn], Q1_pha[stn], D_Q1[stn],
K2_amp[stn], K2_pha[stn], D_K2[stn]])
load csv files that can be created by code above
tides_test2retry= pd.read_csv('tides_test2retry.csv', na_values=['--'])
tides_test = pd.read_csv('tides_test.csv', na_values=['--'])
oldtopog = pd.read_csv('oldtopog.csv', na_values=['--'])
corr15 = pd.read_csv('corr15.csv', na_values=['--'])
vars_cols = list(tides_test.columns.values)
['Station Name', 'M2(Amp)', 'M2(Pha)', 'M2(D)', 'K1(Amp)', 'K1(Pha)', 'K1(D)', 'O1(Amp)', 'O1(Pha)', 'O1(D)', 'S2(Amp)', 'S2(Pha)', 'S2(D)', 'P1(Amp)', 'P1(Pha)', 'P1(D)', 'N2(Amp)', 'N2(Pha)', 'N2(D)', 'Q1(Amp)', 'Q1(Pha)', 'Q1(D)', 'K2(Amp)', 'K2(Pha)', 'K2(D)']
Station Name | M2(Amp) | M2(Pha) | M2(D) | K1(Amp) | K1(Pha) | K1(D) | O1(Amp) | O1(Pha) | O1(D) | ... | P1(D) | N2(Amp) | N2(Pha) | N2(D) | Q1(Amp) | Q1(Pha) | Q1(D) | K2(Amp) | K2(Pha) | K2(D) | |
0 | Port Renfrew | 0.817966 | 231.700873 | 0.166260 | 0.466202 | 249.164056 | 0.041722 | 0.308096 | 231.342385 | 0.030778 | ... | 0.030804 | 0.156462 | 210.229591 | 0.019625 | 0.050599 | -134.445596 | 0.000364 | 0.029756 | 229.383933 | 0.029505 |
1 | Sheringham Point | 0.581797 | 246.834627 | 0.179513 | 0.547756 | 257.059732 | 0.042449 | 0.350949 | 237.794760 | NaN | ... | NaN | 0.115458 | 227.846566 | NaN | 0.057137 | 230.969453 | NaN | 0.013808 | 231.168925 | NaN |
2 | Pedder Bay | 0.327215 | 280.613457 | 0.159069 | 0.623370 | 266.587078 | 0.026576 | 0.386244 | 246.178001 | NaN | ... | NaN | 0.072804 | 623.742276 | NaN | 0.060895 | 239.808689 | NaN | 0.009892 | 23.186452 | NaN |
3 | Esquimalt | 0.333019 | 294.011136 | 0.143995 | 0.639732 | 267.055657 | 0.012138 | 0.391354 | 245.724712 | NaN | ... | NaN | 0.076632 | -84.623244 | NaN | 0.061439 | 240.115392 | NaN | 0.009831 | 61.947266 | NaN |
4 | Victoria | 0.331820 | 298.329456 | 0.116218 | 0.651849 | 267.370314 | 0.032160 | 0.399084 | 247.131954 | 0.029427 | ... | 0.018671 | 0.077399 | 278.790760 | 0.023616 | 0.062777 | 240.884808 | 0.005565 | 0.012672 | 50.204416 | 0.019318 |
5 rows × 25 columns
comps_all = [['M2(Amp)', 'M2(Pha)', 'M2(D)'],
['K1(Amp)', 'K1(Pha)', 'K1(D)'],
['O1(Amp)', 'O1(Pha)', 'O1(D)'],
['S2(Amp)', 'S2(Pha)', 'S2(D)'],
['P1(Amp)', 'P1(Pha)','P1(D)'],
['N2(Amp)', 'N2(Pha)','N2(D)'],
['Q1(Amp)', 'Q1(Pha)','Q1(D)'],
['K2(Amp)', 'K2(Pha)','K2(D)']]
fig,axs = plt.subplots(8,3,figsize=(20,16), sharex=True)
for N in np.arange(len(comps_all)):
comp_one = comps_all[N]
for comp, n in zip(comp_one, np.arange(len(comp_one))):
axs[N,n].plot(tides_test2retry[comp], '.-k', label='tides_test2retry')
axs[N,n].plot(tides_test[comp], '.-b', label='tides_test')
#axs[N,n].plot(oldtopog[comp], '.-g', label='oldtopog')
#axs[N,n].plot(corr15[comp], '.-r', label='corr15')
axs[0,2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, 1.3), ncol=1)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd3255107d0>
fig,axs = plt.subplots(8,3,figsize=(20,16), sharex=True)
print 'Difference: tidal analysis with ssh anomaly forcing and without'
for N in np.arange(len(comps_all)):
comp_one = comps_all[N]
for comp, n in zip(comp_one, np.arange(len(comp_one))):
axs[N,n].plot(tides_test2retry[comp] - tides_test[comp], '.-k')
axs[0,2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, 1.3), ncol=1)
Difference: tidal analysis with ssh anomaly forcing and without
Very small differences (typically less than a cm amplitude change for M2/K1). Largest differences in the Johnstone Strait region. M2 complex diffences change by less than 2 cm. K1 is less than 5 mm. M2 phase is well behaved, but up to 1 degree difference in Johnstone Strait.