Examine tidal constituents - M2/K1 elevation
M2/K1 tidal currents are also examined at the VENUS nodes.
Inference for P1 and K2 is not applied
Comparing background visc = 1e-4, 1e-5, and 1e-6.
Simulations had no weather, isoneutral lateral mixing.
# imports
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
from salishsea_tools import tidetools
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools
from salishsea_tools import bathy_tools
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from dateutil import tz
import os
import angles
from salishsea_tools import ellipse
from __future__ import division
# pathname for data
path = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/SalishSea/results/tides/'
#the runs we want to analyze
runs = ['visc1e-4', 'visc1e-5', 'visc1e-6']
# grid
grid = nc.Dataset('/ocean/imachuca/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/bathy_meter_SalishSea2.nc')
bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid)
filename = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/compare_tides/obs_tidal_wlev_const_all.csv'
harm_obs = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=';',header=0)
harm_obs = harm_obs.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'M2 amp': 'M2_amp', 'M2 phase (deg UT)': 'M2_pha',
'K1 amp': 'K1_amp', 'K1 phase (deg UT)': 'K1_pha'})
This is a list of observations that we can compare with our model output. Now we have a struc object called harm_obs that contains the data printed above.
filename = '/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/analysis/Idalia/other_constituents.csv'
harm_other = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=',',header=0)
harm_other = harm_other.rename(columns={'Site': 'site', 'Lat': 'lat', 'Lon': 'lon',
'O1 amp': 'O1_amp', 'O1 phase (deg UT)': 'O1_pha',
'P1 amp': 'P1_amp', 'P1 phase (deg UT)': 'P1_pha',
'Q1 amp': 'Q1_amp', 'Q1 phase (deg UT)': 'Q1_pha',
'S2 amp': 'S2_amp', 'S2 phase (deg UT)': 'S2_pha',
'N2 amp': 'N2_amp', 'N2 phase (deg UT)': 'N2_pha',
'K2 amp': 'K2_amp', 'K2 phase (deg UT)': 'K2_pha'})
We don't have model output at all of the above locations. The model outputs are listed below. There is a location.nc file in the run directory for each of the stations listed below.
For some reason, the iodef file I used had fewer stations than our previous analaysis...
stations_obs = ['Port Renfrew','Sheringham Point', 'Sooke','Pedder Bay','Esquimalt',
'Victoria','Clover Point','Finnerty Cove','Fulford Harbour',
'Tumbo Channel','Patos Island','Whaler Bay', 'Tsawwassen',
'Sandheads', 'Point Grey','Point Atkinson','Gibsons Landing',
'Halfmoon Bay','Irvines Landing','Powell River', 'Lund',
'Twin Islets','Campbell River','Maude Island E', 'Nymphe Cove',
'Seymour Narrows','Brown Bay','Chatham Point','Kelsey Bay','Yorke Island']
fig,ax=plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 10))
for stn in range(numsta):
location = stations_obs[stn]
ax.annotate(stn, xy = (lon,lat), xytext = (5,5),ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
textcoords = 'offset points')
print stn, location
0 Port Renfrew 1 Sheringham Point 2 Sooke 3 Pedder Bay 4 Esquimalt 5 Victoria 6 Clover Point 7 Finnerty Cove 8 Fulford Harbour 9 Tumbo Channel 10 Patos Island 11 Whaler Bay 12 Tsawwassen 13 Sandheads 14 Point Grey 15 Point Atkinson 16 Gibsons Landing 17 Halfmoon Bay 18 Irvines Landing 19 Powell River 20 Lund 21 Twin Islets 22 Campbell River 23 Maude Island E 24 Nymphe Cove 25 Seymour Narrows 26 Brown Bay 27 Chatham Point 28 Kelsey Bay 29 Yorke Island
[-126.1, -122, 47, 51]
We need a way of determing the amplitude and phase of the main constituents. We will do this using some functions in tidetools.
First, define the nodal corrections used by nemo.
#from ocean.output
# Simulation reftime October 26, 2002
NodalCorr = {
'K1': {
'ft': 1.050578,
'uvt': 296.314842},
'M2': {
'ft': 0.987843,
'uvt': 245.888564},
'O1': {
'ft': 1.081364,
'uvt': 312.950020},
'S2': {
'ft': 1.000000,
'uvt': 0.000000},
'P1': {
'ft': 1.000000,
'uvt': 55.794860},
'N2': {
'ft': 0.987843,
'uvt': 353.570277},
'Q1': {
'ft': 1.081364,
'uvt': 60.631733},
'K2': {
'ft': 1.114095,
'uvt': 52.129248},
'reftime': datetime.datetime(2002, 10, 26, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
Do the harmonic analysis using Muriel's functions
elev ={}
for run in runs:
elev[run] = {}
for stn in stations_obs:
stn_mod = stn.replace(" ", "")
f = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(path, run,'{}.nc'.format(stn_mod)))
ssh = f.variables['sossheig'][:]
time = f.variables['time_counter'][:]/3600.
tide_fit = tidetools.fittit(ssh,time,nconst)
#apply nodal corrections
for const in tide_fit:
tide_fit[const]['phase'] = tide_fit[const]['phase'] +NodalCorr[const]['uvt']
tide_fit[const]['amp'] = tide_fit[const]['amp'] / NodalCorr[const]['ft']
tide_fit[const]['amp'], tide_fit[const]['phase'] = tidetools.convention_pha_amp(
tide_fit[const]['amp'], tide_fit[const]['phase'])
elev[run][stn] = tide_fit
Function for calculating complex difference.
def complex_diff(Ao,go,Am,gm):
#calculates complex differences between observations and model
#Ao, go - amplitude and phase from observations
#Am, gm - amplitude and phase from model
D = np.sqrt((Ao*np.cos(np.pi*go/180)-Am*np.cos(np.pi*gm/180))**2 +
return D
Compare between simulations
def compare_elevation(const, runs):
"""compares the amplitude, phase and complex differences of const
for several simulations listed in runs"""
for run in runs:
model_amps =[];
model_phases =[];
cdiffs = []
for n, stn in enumerate(stations_obs):
obs_amp = harm_obs[harm_obs.site==stn]['{}_amp'.format(const)].values[0]/100
obs_phase = harm_obs[harm_obs.site==stn]['{}_pha'.format(const)].values[0]
except KeyError:
obs_amp = harm_other[harm_other.site==stn]['{}_amp'.format(const)].values[0]/100
obs_phase = harm_other[harm_other.site==stn]['{}_pha'.format(const)].values[0]
except IndexError:
obs_amp = float('NaN')
obs_phase= float('NaN')
model_amp = elev[run][stn][const]['amp'][0][0]
model_phase = angles.normalize(elev[run][stn][const]['phase'][0][0])
#Calculate complex difference
cdiffs.append(complex_diff(obs_amp, obs_phase, model_amp, model_phase))
ax.plot(np.arange(numsta), model_amps,'-o',label=run)
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude Ratio (model/obs)')
ax.set_title('{} amplitude'.format(const))
ax.plot(np.arange(numsta), model_phases,'-o', label=run)
ax.set_ylabel('Phase difference (model-obs, deg)')
ax.set_title('{} phase'.format(const))
ax.plot(np.arange(numsta), cdiffs,'-o', label=run)
ax.set_ylabel('Complex difference [m]')
ax.set_title('{} complex differences'.format(const))
print '{} mean complex diff: {} Exluding North {}'.format(run, np.nanmean(cdiffs), np.nanmean(cdiffs[0:25]))
#Exluding North means does not include anything Seymour Narrows and north of that
for ax in axs:
return fig
fig = compare_elevation('M2', runs)
visc1e-4 mean complex diff: 0.0960172194849 Exluding North 0.0805605888277 visc1e-5 mean complex diff: 0.0959017375973 Exluding North 0.0804110514654 visc1e-6 mean complex diff: 0.0958942561324 Exluding North 0.0804011977988
Almost no change in M2/K1 elevation harmonics
fig = compare_elevation('K1', runs)
visc1e-4 mean complex diff: 0.0662783479258 Exluding North 0.0631727434823 visc1e-5 mean complex diff: 0.0663612982932 Exluding North 0.0632608013372 visc1e-6 mean complex diff: 0.0664078816267 Exluding North 0.0633148076545
fig = compare_elevation('S2', runs)
visc1e-4 mean complex diff: 0.0380954185312 Exluding North 0.0233833032568 visc1e-5 mean complex diff: 0.0379143630249 Exluding North 0.0231329907998 visc1e-6 mean complex diff: 0.0379018048499 Exluding North 0.0231213369909
fig = compare_elevation('O1', runs)
visc1e-4 mean complex diff: 0.0610522918155 Exluding North 0.0571953378471 visc1e-5 mean complex diff: 0.0611304474207 Exluding North 0.0573024420613 visc1e-6 mean complex diff: 0.0611505824717 Exluding North 0.0573289354017
Do the harmonic analysis using Muriel's functions
curr = {}
nodes = ['east', 'central', 'delta']
for run in runs:
curr[run] = {}
for node in nodes:
f = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(path,run,'VENUS_{}_gridded.nc'.format(node)))
u = f.variables['vozocrtx'][:]
v = f.variables['vomecrty'][:]
dep = f.variables['depthu'][:]
t = f.variables['time_counter'][:]/3600.
u_rot,v_rot = ellipse.prepare_vel(u, v)
params = ellipse.get_params(u_rot, v_rot, t, nconst, tidecorr = NodalCorr)
curr[run][node] = params
taken from /home/nsoontie/Documents/Muriel/Mark_Currents_Nodes.png
codar ={'east' : {
'Semi-Major Axis': 0.138,
'Semi-Minor Axis': -0.037,
'Inclination': 134,
'Phase': 282},
'Semi-Major Axis': 0.077,
'Semi-Minor Axis': -0.009,
'Inclination': 129,
'Phase': 187}
'central' : {
'M2': {
'Semi-Major Axis': 0.113,
'Semi-Minor Axis': 0.008,
'Inclination': 126,
'Phase': 273},
'Semi-Major Axis': 0.074,
'Semi-Minor Axis': 0.006,
'Inclination': 134,
'Phase': 131}
def compare_currents(const, runs, eparams, units, xlims,nodes):
"""compares tidal currents of a constituent near the surface for simulations in runs
The ellipse parameters in eparams are compared
Comparisons carried out at locations listed in nodes
xlims are the limits of the x axis associated with eparams
units are the units associated with eparams"""
fig,axs = plt.subplots(len(nodes),len(eparams),figsize=(5*len(eparams), 4.5*len(nodes)))
for eparam, xlim, unit, in zip(eparams, xlims, units):
for node, ax in zip(nodes, axs[:,row]):
for run in runs:
ax.plot(curr[run][node][const][eparam][:,0,0], dep, label=run)
ax.set_xlabel('{} [{}]'.format(eparam,unit))
ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]')
return fig
eparams = ['Semi-Major Axis', 'Semi-Minor Axis', 'Inclination', 'Phase']
units = ['m/s', 'm/s', 'deg ccw of East', 'deg GMT']
xlims = [[0,.5], [-.3,.3], [80,180] , [250, 360]]
nodes= ['central', 'east']
fig = compare_currents(const, runs, eparams, units, xlims, nodes)
Note: The observations were analyzed over a much longer time period and a different time of year.
Why are 1e-5 and 1e-6 so similar but 1e-4 is different. Look into Stephanie's suggestions... maybe 1e-4 is just too high and the gls never kicks in here... I don't know if I saved these values in this sim
Could also look into decreasing the background diffusivity, depending on the value of the diff in the surface layer.
eparams = ['Semi-Major Axis', 'Semi-Minor Axis', 'Inclination', 'Phase']
units = ['m/s', 'm/s', 'deg ccw of East', 'deg GMT']
xlims = [[0,.2], [-.1,.1], [80,180] , [130, 270]]
fig = compare_currents(const, runs, eparams, units, xlims, nodes)
BUT keep in mind that the observations were analyzed over a different length of time (10-11 vs one month in the model) so we should be careful with this comparison. Our tidal run is in April and uses climatological river so the fresh water influence is stronger than the observations which were anlayzed over 10-11 months (according to an email from Mark but it might be worthwhile to double check). Regardless, the trend is that smaller background viscosity = larger M2 surface (0.5m) currents at east and smaller M2 surface currents at central. What does this mean for across strait velcoities?