Superceded by Make Climatology
import netCDF4 as NC
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from salishsea_tools import rivertools, river_201702, nc_tools
%matplotlib inline
import importlib
<module 'salishsea_tools.rivertools' from '/ocean/sallen/allen/research/Meopar/Tools/SalishSeaTools/salishsea_tools/'>
#what type of file would you like to create?
#e.g. 'constant' - yearly average used for all months
# 'monthly' - monthly averages used for each month
rivertype = 'monthly'
bathy = '../../../nemo-forcing/grid/'
# leave temperature at -99, I'm not setting it in this file
#get watershed fluxes from netcdf file
if rivertype == 'constant':
fluxfile = NC.Dataset('../../../nemo-forcing/rivers/','r')
#inialise the runoff and run_depth arrays
runoff, run_depth, run_temp = rivertools.init_runoff_array(bathy=bathy, init_depth=3)
if rivertype == 'monthly':
fluxfile = NC.Dataset('../../../nemo-forcing/rivers/','r')
#inialise the runoff and run_depth arrays
runoff, run_depth, run_temp = rivertools.init_runoff_array_monthly(bathy=bathy,
print (run_depth.max(), run_temp.max())
3.0 -99.0
#get dimensions for netcdf files
fB = NC.Dataset(bathy, 'r')
lat = fB.variables['nav_lat']
lon = fB.variables['nav_lon']
D = fB.variables['Bathymetry'][:]
ymax, xmax = D.shape
print (lat[:].shape)
mesh = NC.Dataset('../../../NEMO-forcing/grid/')
e1t = mesh.variables['e1t'][0,:]
e2t = mesh.variables['e2t'][0,:]
(898, 398)
#list of watersheds we are including
names = ['skagit', 'fraser', 'evi_n', 'howe', 'bute', 'puget', 'jdf', 'evi_s', 'jervis', 'toba']
prop_dict = river_201702.prop_dict
for name in range(0,len(names)):
watershedname = names[name]
print (watershedname)
Flux = fluxfile.variables[watershedname][:]
if rivertype == 'constant':
Flux = float(Flux)
runoff_orig = np.copy(runoff)
runoff, run_depth, run_temp = rivertools.put_watershed_into_runoff(rivertype,
watershedname, Flux, runoff, run_depth, run_temp,
use_prop_dict=True, prop_dict=prop_dict[watershedname])
if rivertype == 'constant':
rivertools.check_sum(runoff_orig, runoff, Flux)
if rivertype == 'monthly':
rivertools.check_sum_monthly(runoff_orig, runoff, Flux)
skagit 937.969310164 937.969319661 0.999999989875 fraser 3539.81108494 3539.81380208 0.999999232406 evi_n 249.918916841 638.888590495 0.391177617756 howe 571.427832117 571.457763672 0.999947622455 bute 547.720991807 547.855875651 0.999753796847 puget 503.33303307 503.333048503 0.999999969339 jdf 411.162093321 411.162068685 1.00000005992 evi_s 330.782085283 330.786621094 0.999986287805 jervis 296.966842552 296.966837565 1.00000001679 toba 269.932426174 269.932454427 0.999999895335
if rivertype == 'constant':
nemo = NC.Dataset('../../../NEMO-forcing/rivers/', 'w')
# dimensions
nemo.createDimension('x', xmax)
nemo.createDimension('y', ymax)
nemo.createDimension('time_counter', None)
# variables
# latitude and longitude
nav_lat = nemo.createVariable('nav_lat', 'float32', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
nav_lat.setncattr('units', 'degrees_north')
nav_lat.setncattr('long_name', 'latitude')
nav_lat = lat
nav_lon = nemo.createVariable('nav_lon','float32',('y','x'),zlib=True)
nav_lon.setncattr('units', 'degrees_east')
nav_lon.setncattr('long_name', 'longitude')
nav_lon = lon
# time
time_counter = nemo.createVariable('time_counter', 'float32', ('time_counter'),zlib=True)
time_counter.setncattr('units', '1')
time_counter.setncattr('long_name', 'time')
time_counter[0] = 1
# runoff
rorunoff = nemo.createVariable('rorunoff', 'float32', ('time_counter','y','x'), zlib=True)
rorunoff.setncattr('units', 'kg m-2 s-1')
rorunoff.setncattr('long_name', 'runoff_flux')
rorunoff[0,:] = runoff
# depth
rodepth = nemo.createVariable('rodepth','float32',('y','x'),zlib=True)
rodepth.setncattr('units', 'm')
rodepth.setncattr('long_name', 'maximum_runoff_depth')
rodepth[:] = run_depth
nc_tools.init_dataset_attrs(nemo, 'Constant Rivers for Bathymetry 201702', 'Add Rivers Month and Constant-B201702',
'Mean yearly flow for Rivers for Bathymetry 201702')
nemo.setncattr('references', 'NEMO-forcing/rivers/')
file format: NETCDF4 Conventions: CF-1.6 title: Constant Rivers for Bathymetry 201702 institution: Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia source: Rivers Month and Constant-B201702.ipynb references: REQUIRED history: [2017-04-14 15:13:26] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset. comment: Mean yearly flow for Rivers for Bathymetry 201702 file format: NETCDF4 Conventions: CF-1.6 title: Constant Rivers for Bathymetry 201702 institution: Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia source: Rivers Month and Constant-B201702.ipynb references: REQUIRED history: [2017-04-14 15:13:26] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset. comment: Mean yearly flow for Rivers for Bathymetry 201702
if rivertype == 'monthly':
nemo = NC.Dataset('', 'w')
nc_tools.init_dataset_attrs(nemo, 'Monthly Rivers for Bathymetry 201702', 'Add Rivers Month and Constant-B201702',
'Monthly Averages, Bathy 201702, all Four Fraser Arms from River Head')
# dimensions
nemo.createDimension('x', xmax)
nemo.createDimension('y', ymax)
nemo.createDimension('time_counter', None)
# variables
# latitude and longitude
nav_lat = nemo.createVariable('nav_lat', 'float32', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
nav_lat.setncattr('units', 'degrees_north')
nav_lat.setncattr('long_name', 'latitude')
nav_lat = lat
nav_lon = nemo.createVariable('nav_lon','float32',('y','x'),zlib=True)
nav_lon.setncattr('units', 'degrees_east')
nav_lon.setncattr('long_name', 'longitude')
nav_lon = lon
# time
time_counter = nemo.createVariable('time_counter', 'float32', ('time_counter'),zlib=True)
time_counter.setncattr('units', 'month')
time_counter.setncattr('long_name', 'time')
time_counter[0:12] = range(1,13)
# runoff
rorunoff = nemo.createVariable('rorunoff', 'float32', ('time_counter','y','x'), zlib=True)
rorunoff.setncattr('units', 'kg m-2 s-1')
rorunoff.setncattr('long_name', 'runoff_flux')
rorunoff[0:12,:] = runoff
# depth
rodepth = nemo.createVariable('rodepth','float32',('y','x'),zlib=True)
rodepth.setncattr('units', 'm')
rodepth.setncattr('long_name', 'maximum_runoff_depth')
rodepth[:] = run_depth[0,:,:]
nemo.setncattr('references', 'NEMO-forcing/rivers/')
file format: NETCDF4 Conventions: CF-1.6 title: Monthly Rivers for Bathymetry 201702 institution: Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia source: Rivers Month and Constant-B201702.ipynb references: REQUIRED history: [2017-04-14 15:24:16] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset. comment: Monthly Averages, Bathy 201702, all Four Fraser Arms from River Head file format: NETCDF4 Conventions: CF-1.6 title: Monthly Rivers for Bathymetry 201702 institution: Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia source: Rivers Month and Constant-B201702.ipynb references: REQUIRED history: [2017-04-14 15:24:16] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset. comment: Monthly Averages, Bathy 201702, all Four Fraser Arms from River Head
%matplotlib inline
Fraser = 8.10384 * e1t[500, 395] * e2t[500, 395]
test = NC.Dataset('../../../NEMO-forcing/rivers/','r')
test2 = NC.Dataset('../../../NEMO-forcing/rivers/', 'r')
test3 = NC.Dataset('../../../NEMO-forcing/rivers/', 'r')
plotting = test.variables['rorunoff'][0, :, :]
plot2 = test2.variables['rorunoff'][0, :, :]
orig = test3.variables['rorunoff'][0, :, :]
plt.figure(figsize=(19, 19))
plt.pcolormesh(lon[:], lat[:], D, cmap='cool')
sumit1 = 0.
sumit2 = 0.
sumit3 = 0.
for i in range(898):
for j in range(398):
if plot2[i, j] > 0:
plt.plot(lon[i,j], lat[i,j],'ys') #down by one two
if plotting[i, j] > 0:
plt.plot(lon[i,j], lat[i,j], 'ko') # new
if orig[i, j] > 0:
plt.plot(lon[i,j], lat[i,j], 'r+') # orig
# if plot2[i, j] != plotting[i, j] or plot2[i, j] != orig[i, j] or plotting[i, j] != orig[i, j]:
# sumit1 += e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * plotting[i, j]/Fraser
# sumit2 += e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * plot2[i, j]/Fraser
# sumit3 += e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * orig[i ,j]/Fraser
# print (i, j, e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * plotting[i, j]/Fraser,
# e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * plot2[i, j]/Fraser,
# e1t[i, j] * e2t[i, j] * orig[i, j]/Fraser, sumit1, sumit2, sumit3)
plt.title('Location of rivers included, with depth contours [m]')
temp = test2.variables['rotemper'][:]
roro = test2.variables['rorunoff'][:]
print (temp.shape)
print (temp.max())
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-14-daf79f8d2b9e> in <module>() ----> 1 temp = test2.variables['rotemper'][:] 2 roro = test2.variables['rorunoff'][:] 3 print (temp.shape) 4 plt.plot(temp[:,351,345]) 5 print (temp.max()) KeyError: 'rotemper'
if rivertype == 'monthly':
depths = D[roro[0] > 0.]
ii, jj = np.where(roro[0] > 0.)
elif rivertype == 'constant':
depths = D[roro > 0.]
ii, jj = np.where(roro > 0.)
print (ii[depths.mask], jj[depths.mask])
ip = ii[depths.mask]; jp = jj[depths.mask]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,5))
ax.plot(jp[0], ip[0],'mo')
ax.set_xlim((35, 65))
ax.set_ylim((870, 898))
ax.plot(45+0.5, 891+0.5,'r*')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,5))
ax.plot(jp[:3], ip[:3],'mo')
ax.set_xlim((300, 320))
ax.set_ylim((635, 655))
ax.plot(307+0.5, 651+0.5,'r*')
ax.plot(309+0.5, 650+0.5,'r*')
ax.plot(310+0.5, 649+0.5,'r*')
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-24-0c491c8786ef> in <module>() 1 test.close() 2 test2.close() ----> 3 nemo.close() NameError: name 'nemo' is not defined
test = NC.Dataset('/results/forcing/rivers/')
test2 = NC.Dataset('/results/forcing/rivers/')
runoff = test.variables['rorunoff'][:]
new_runoff = test2.variables['rorunoff'][:]
print(np.max(runoff), np.max(new_runoff))
print(np.min(runoff-new_runoff), np.max(runoff-new_runoff))
22.9068 22.9068 -1.86265e-09 5.96046e-08
print (runoff.shape)
(1, 898, 398)
print(runoff[0, 500, 395]-22.9068)
print(new_runoff[0, 500, 395]-22.9068)
!ls -l /results/forcing/rivers/
-rw-r--r-- 1 dlatorne sallen 33828 May 14 05:58 /results/forcing/rivers/
!ls -l /results/forcing/rivers/
-rw-r--r-- 1 sallen sallen 14220 May 14 20:11 /results/forcing/rivers/