# Fit Forward, 5 day gap
import datetime as datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit
import pandas as pd
import random
maindir = '/results/forcing/rivers/observations/'
origdir = '/data/dlatorne/SOG-projects/SOG-forcing/ECget/'
def getdir(river_name):
if river_name in ['Fraser', 'Englishman']:
thedir = origdir
thedir = maindir
return (thedir)
def read_river(river_name, ps):
thedir = getdir(river_name)
river_flow = pd.read_csv(f'{thedir}/{river_name}_flow', header=None, sep='\s+', index_col=False,
names=['year', 'month', 'day', 'flow'])
river_flow['date'] = pd.to_datetime(river_flow.drop(columns='flow'))
river_flow.set_index('date', inplace=True)
river_flow = river_flow.drop(columns=['year', 'month', 'day'])
if ps == 'primary':
river_flow = river_flow.rename(columns={'flow': 'Primary River Flow'})
elif ps == 'secondary':
river_flow = river_flow.rename(columns={'flow': 'Secondary River Flow'})
return river_flow
def read_river_Theodosia(set_primary=False):
if set_primary:
nameit = 'Primary River Flow'
nameit = 'Secondary River Flow'
part1 = pd.read_csv(f'{maindir}/Theodosia_Scotty_flow', header=None, sep='\s+', index_col=False,
names=['year', 'month', 'day', 'flow'])
part2 = pd.read_csv(f'{maindir}/Theodosia_Bypass_flow', header=None, sep='\s+', index_col=False,
names=['year', 'month', 'day', 'flow'])
part3 = pd.read_csv(f'{maindir}/Theodosia_Diversion_flow', header=None, sep='\s+', index_col=False,
names=['year', 'month', 'day', 'flow'])
for part in [part1, part2, part3]:
part['date'] = pd.to_datetime(part.drop(columns='flow'))
part.set_index('date', inplace=True)
part.drop(columns=['year', 'month', 'day'], inplace=True)
part1 = part1.rename(columns={'flow': 'Scotty'})
part2 = part2.rename(columns={'flow': 'Bypass'})
part3 = part3.rename(columns={'flow': 'Diversion'})
theodosia = (part3.merge(part2, how='inner', on='date')).merge(part1, how='inner', on='date')
theodosia[nameit] = theodosia['Scotty'] + theodosia['Diversion'] - theodosia['Bypass']
part3['FlowFromDiversion'] = part3.Diversion * theodosia_from_diversion_only
theodosia = theodosia.merge(part3, how='outer', on='date', sort=True)
theodosia[nameit] = theodosia[nameit].fillna(
return theodosia
matching_dictionary = {'Englishman': 'Salmon_Sayward',
'Theodosia': 'Clowhom_ClowhomLake',
'RobertsCreek': 'Englishman',
'Salmon_Sayward': 'Englishman',
'Squamish_Brackendale': 'Homathko_Mouth',
'SanJuan_PortRenfrew': 'Englishman',
'Nisqually_McKenna': 'Snohomish_Monroe',
'Snohomish_Monroe': 'Skagit_MountVernon',
'Skagit_MountVernon': 'Snohomish_Monroe',
'Homathko_Mouth': 'Squamish_Brackendale',
'Nicomekl_Langley': 'RobertsCreek',
'Greenwater_Greenwater': 'Snohomish_Monroe',
'Clowhom_ClowhomLake': 'Theodosia_Diversion'}
backup_dictionary = {'SanJuan_PortRenfrew': 'RobertsCreek',
'Theodosia': 'Englishman'}
theodosia_from_diversion_only = 1.429 # see TheodosiaWOScotty
gap_length = 5
def estimate(primary_river, spoint, point, gap_length, ax, fittedbad, fittype, nobad, doplots=True):
goback = 7
bad = False
fitlength = np.array([7, 14, 21, 28])
ratio = np.zeros(len(fitlength))
fitted = np.zeros(len(fitlength))
persist = np.zeros((goback))
linear = np.zeros((goback-1))
cubic = np.zeros((goback-2))
if len(primary_river.iloc[spoint-8:spoint]) != 8:
print (len(primary_river.iloc[spoint-8:spoint]), primary_river.iloc[spoint])
nobad = nobad + 1
allbad = True
allbad = False
for ii in range(1, 8):
jj = ii + gap_length - 1
persist[ii-1] = primary_river.iloc[spoint-ii:spoint].mean()
if ii > 1:
b, m = polyfit(range(ii), primary_river.iloc[spoint-ii:spoint].values, 1)
linear[ii-2] = b + m * jj
if ii > 2:
b, m, c = polyfit(range(ii), primary_river.iloc[spoint-ii:spoint].values, 2)
cubic[ii-3] = b + m * jj + c * jj**2
if fittype == 'fit':
useriver = matching_dictionary[river]
elif fittype == 'backup':
useriver = backup_dictionary[river]
firstchoice = read_river(useriver, 'primary')
for jj, length in enumerate(fitlength):
for ii in range(length):
denom = firstchoice[firstchoice.index == primary_river.index[spoint-ii]].values
if len(denom) == 1:
ratio[jj] = ratio[jj] + (primary_river.iloc[spoint-ii].values /
firstchoice[firstchoice.index == primary_river.index[spoint-ii]].values)
bad = True
if not bad:
numer = firstchoice[firstchoice.index == primary_river.index[point]].values
if len(numer) != 1:
print ('Numer catch')
bad = True
fitted[jj] = ratio[jj]/length * firstchoice[firstchoice.index == primary_river.index[point]].values
if bad:
fittedbad = fittedbad + 1
if doplots:
ax.plot(range(1, 7), linear)
ax.plot(range(2, 7), cubic)
if not bad:
ax.plot(primary_river.iloc[spoint-7:spoint].values, 'o')
ax.plot(7, primary_river.iloc[spoint].values, 'x')
ax.plot(7+gap_length, primary_river.iloc[point].values, 's')
return (persist, linear, cubic, fitted, bad, fittedbad, allbad, nobad)
def pmhalf(test, value):
bads = np.zeros(len(test), dtype='bool')
for ii, tt in enumerate(test):
if tt/value < 0.5 or tt/value > 2:
bads[ii] = True
return bads
def inbounds(test, maximum, minimum):
bads = np.zeros(len(test), dtype='bool')
for ii, tt in enumerate(test):
if tt < minimum or tt > maximum:
bads[ii] = True
return bads
def docheck(primary_river, point, persist, linear, cubic, fitted, badfit, ax, doplots=True):
maximum = primary_river['Primary River Flow'].max()
minimum = primary_river['Primary River Flow'].min()
value = primary_river.iloc[point].values
goodness_persist = np.abs(persist - value)
goodness_linear = np.abs(linear - value)
goodness_cubic = np.abs(cubic - value)
if not badfit:
goodness_fit = np.abs(fitted - value)
pmfitted = pmhalf(fitted, value)
ibfitted = inbounds(fitted, maximum, minimum)
goodness_fit = np.zeros((4))
pmfitted = np.zeros((4))
ibfitted = np.zeros((4))
if doplots:
ax.plot(goodness_persist, 'o')
ax.plot(goodness_linear, 'o')
ax.plot(goodness_cubic, 'o')
if not badfit:
ax.plot(goodness_fit, 'o')
return (np.concatenate((goodness_persist, goodness_linear, goodness_cubic, goodness_fit)),
np.concatenate((pmhalf(persist, value), pmhalf(linear, value), pmhalf(cubic, value), pmfitted)),
np.concatenate((inbounds(persist, maximum, minimum), inbounds(linear, maximum, minimum),
inbounds(cubic, maximum, minimum), ibfitted)))
def doone(primary_river, gap_length, accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, fittype, nobad, doplots=True):
point = random.randrange(len(primary_river.index))
spoint = point - gap_length + 1
if doplots:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 4))
primary_river.iloc[point-10:point+1].plot(ax=axs[0], marker='s')
axs = [0, 1, 2]
(persist, linear, cubic, fitted, badfit, fittedbad, allbad, nobad) = estimate(
primary_river, spoint, point, gap_length, axs[1], fittedbad, fittype, nobad, doplots)
if not allbad:
GG, CC, BB = docheck(primary_river, point, persist, linear, cubic, fitted, badfit, axs[2], doplots)
accumulateG += GG
accumulateC += CC
accumulateB += BB
return accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, nobad
print (gap_length)
river = 'Homathko_Mouth'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', doplots=False)
number_good = number_trys * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 0 Primary River Flow 36.8 Name: 1957-02-08 00:00:00, dtype: float64 [1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 951. 951. 951. 951.] [ 75.80387666 76.75182237 77.05854413 77.2552471 77.49282486 78.10417192 79.08525402 175.20766898 159.30635727 148.58282353 141.71428808 134.25422949 127.11688418 572.72041855 472.60593365 409.53493381 356.50511721 319.04487837 55.76225854 57.81207033 60.9370393 65.25847091] [0.076 0.08 0.076 0.073 0.085 0.09 0.097 0.311 0.288 0.266 0.267 0.254 0.243 0.528 0.524 0.501 0.508 0.491 0.04416404 0.04837014 0.05152471 0.05678233] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.08 0.073 0.069 0.069 0.064 0.045 0.241 0.234 0.225 0.218 0.207 0.00210305 0.00315457 0.00315457 0.00210305]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
print (gap_length)
river = 'Squamish_Brackendale'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
nobad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, nobad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', nobad, doplots=False)
print ("realized", number_trys - nobad)
number_good = (number_trys - nobad) * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
Numer catch Numer catch realized 1000 [1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 875. 875. 875. 875.] [ 90.93848695 90.86852567 88.74939745 87.41740611 86.59038484 86.69595782 87.15842962 224.87925137 206.99152096 193.6873169 177.1903546 162.43190557 152.18926916 883.96348425 594.55355744 503.30392315 453.78934679 402.92943253 50.14349093 51.98324408 55.3769962 59.0808624 ] [0.142 0.146 0.147 0.159 0.161 0.155 0.153 0.505 0.456 0.46 0.441 0.406 0.391 0.764 0.701 0.678 0.684 0.633 0.04228571 0.04571429 0.04342857 0.04914286] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.171 0.143 0.136 0.123 0.104 0.1 0.375 0.31 0.304 0.297 0.271 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
river = 'Snohomish_Monroe'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', doplots=False)
number_good = number_trys * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
/ocean/sallen/miniconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py:311: ParserWarning: Length of header or names does not match length of data. This leads to a loss of data with index_col=False. return func(*args, **kwargs)
[1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 998. 998. 998. 998.] [ 123.93113336 123.45692808 123.8535667 123.46372388 123.50971934 124.07502765 124.96944405 308.44245403 280.7653282 249.63447692 242.45896611 235.4133327 223.42188118 1053.54195127 861.67054053 716.16568192 606.84752632 536.37648692 61.91660409 64.21613389 64.25304701 67.02598805] [0.152 0.142 0.15 0.155 0.156 0.161 0.164 0.456 0.429 0.412 0.425 0.387 0.375 0.608 0.605 0.583 0.587 0.572 0.02805611 0.02805611 0.0260521 0.02905812] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.134 0.119 0.1 0.095 0.098 0.088 0.301 0.277 0.264 0.248 0.236 0.001002 0.001002 0.00200401 0.001002 ]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
river = 'Skagit_MountVernon'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', doplots=False)
number_good = number_trys * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
/ocean/sallen/miniconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py:311: ParserWarning: Length of header or names does not match length of data. This leads to a loss of data with index_col=False. return func(*args, **kwargs)
[1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 998. 998. 998. 998.] [ 130.8615611 131.5895825 132.48080807 133.90313777 135.71636176 137.65839335 139.69931394 331.2788067 277.78459977 257.56383418 241.89665666 229.83530166 219.03376657 1237.3684842 875.9757918 675.61806063 592.21712853 544.58940353 133.00664006 143.81281468 151.84299361 159.02398153] [0.054 0.055 0.054 0.056 0.058 0.055 0.059 0.341 0.281 0.26 0.236 0.212 0.202 0.692 0.626 0.556 0.499 0.493 0.03306613 0.03907816 0.04208417 0.0501002 ] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.136 0.092 0.081 0.068 0.066 0.06 0.358 0.31 0.278 0.252 0.24 0.001002 0.00200401 0.00200401 0.00200401]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
river = 'Nisqually_McKenna'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
nobad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, nobad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', nobad, doplots=False)
print ("realized", number_trys - nobad)
number_good = (number_trys - nobad) * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
0 Primary River Flow 14.24335 Name: 1977-05-31 00:00:00, dtype: float64 realized 999 [999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999. 999.] [ 13.55246585 13.73918966 13.65589734 13.69173264 13.68050648 13.78175925 13.91310109 28.40121024 27.35397223 26.00237639 25.42428241 25.07475458 24.13394687 115.10571231 80.80072872 66.0792731 59.15107033 51.75156131 13.32813971 13.82583698 14.59680392 15.79019001] [0.08808809 0.09309309 0.09109109 0.0960961 0.0980981 0.0960961 0.0960961 0.24424424 0.23823824 0.22322322 0.22322322 0.21821822 0.21721722 0.4954955 0.45445445 0.41541542 0.40540541 0.4014014 0.10810811 0.11611612 0.11811812 0.13413413] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.06006006 0.05005005 0.05205205 0.05005005 0.04104104 0.03903904 0.23423423 0.2032032 0.15115115 0.14414414 0.13213213 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
river = 'Greenwater_Greenwater'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', doplots=False)
number_good = number_trys * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
[1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 998. 998. 998. 998.] [ 1.85343084 1.96294747 2.03930229 2.08121327 2.12265278 2.17178382 2.22400668 3.21540326 2.92841107 3.05883576 3.12962882 3.14421245 3.12972038 10.7967018 8.84078796 7.92958036 6.70311763 6.20937266 1.20005116 1.27014784 1.32364335 1.38601688] [0.065 0.073 0.074 0.081 0.084 0.086 0.09 0.18 0.184 0.191 0.186 0.178 0.178 0.409 0.364 0.368 0.348 0.34 0.02905812 0.03106212 0.03707415 0.04008016] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.036 0.043 0.033 0.037 0.03 0.029 0.174 0.144 0.142 0.152 0.155 0.001002 0.00200401 0.00200401 0.001002 ]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');
river = 'Clowhom_ClowhomLake'
primary_river = read_river(river, 'primary')
number_trys = 1000
fittedbad = 0
nobad = 0
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB = np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22), np.zeros(22)
for ii in range(number_trys):
accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, nobad = doone(
primary_river, gap_length,accumulateG, accumulateC, accumulateB, fittedbad, 'fit', nobad, doplots=False)
print ("realized", number_trys - nobad)
number_good = (number_trys - nobad) * np.ones(22)
for ii in [18, 19, 20, 21]:
number_good[ii] = number_trys - fittedbad
print (number_good, accumulateG/number_good, accumulateC/number_good, accumulateB/number_good)
Numer catch Numer catch realized 1000 [1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 761. 761. 761. 761.] [ 9.1271329 9.28981693 9.30315432 9.27636568 9.14505506 8.91333358 8.77094639 28.98938816 24.06756876 20.88709743 19.14754245 17.94463922 17.09694602 125.89556634 87.3399708 63.30529797 54.19672247 45.31643111 7.68306688 8.08162334 8.88232016 9.52510809] [0.253 0.257 0.254 0.261 0.268 0.265 0.277 0.581 0.584 0.549 0.524 0.527 0.525 0.749 0.729 0.716 0.718 0.7 0.12483574 0.12877792 0.13797635 0.17345598] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.259 0.22 0.201 0.188 0.171 0.161 0.354 0.352 0.328 0.321 0.303 0.01051248 0.00525624 0.00919842 0.00788436]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
axs[0].plot(np.abs(accumulateG)/number_good, 'o')
axs[1].plot(np.abs(accumulateC)/number_good, 'o')
axs[2].plot(np.abs(accumulateB)/number_good, 'o')
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(-0.5, 6.5, color='tab:orange', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(6.5, 12.5, color='tab:green', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(12.5, 17.5, color='tab:pink', alpha=0.2)
ax.axvspan(17.5, 21.5, color='tab:olive', alpha=0.2)
axs[1].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.05, 0.05], c='grey')
axs[2].plot([-0.5, 21.5], [0.01, 0.01], c='grey');