import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import yaml
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools, geo_tools
bathyfile = '../../../grid/sss150/'
coords = '../../../grid/sss150/'
meshfile = '../../../grid/' # warning: old mesh file!!!
bathy = xr.open_dataset(bathyfile)
mesh = xr.open_dataset(meshfile)
coord = xr.open_dataset(coords)
tmask = 1 - mesh.tmask[0, 0]
bmask = bathy.Bathymetry == 0 # new tmask
nav_lon = mesh.nav_lon[:]
nav_lat = mesh.nav_lat[:]
nnav_lon = coord.nav_lon[:]
nnav_lat = coord.nav_lat[:]
r202102 = xr.open_dataset('../../../rivers-climatology/').rorunoff[5]
d202102 = xr.open_dataset('../../../rivers-climatology/').rodepth[5]
r201803 = xr.open_dataset('../../../sea_initial_hg/').rorunoff[5]
d201803 = xr.open_dataset('../../../sea_initial_hg/').rodepth[:]
r202108 = xr.open_dataset('../../../rivers-climatology/').rorunoff[5]
# From LocateRivers (on 201702)
myrivers1a = {'Serpentine': [49.082, -122.853, 392, 354],
'Nicomekl': [49.063, -122.876, 388, 350],
'LittleCampbell': [49.014, -122.779, 373, 357],
'Colebrook': [49.083, -122.913, 395, 346],}
fixrivers = {'Serpentine': [390, 350],
'LittleCampbell': [372, 357],
'Colebrook': [390, 346],
myrivers1b = {
'Jericho': [49.276, -123.203, 453, 329, 13.3],
'FalseCreek': [49.276, -123.139, 450, 337, 27.17],
'FirtNarrows': [49.31, -123.097, 459, 343, 23.16 + 20.66 + 10.38 + 10.24 +
93.71 + 195.12 + 342.65]}
myrivers2 = {'Capilano': [49.320, -123.14, 458, 343, 49.370],
'Lawson': [49.328, -123.162, 461, 341, 3.21+3.96],
'Marr': [49.333, -123.185, 464, 338, 6.34],
'Rodgers': [49.336, -123.196, 465, 337, 0.33*7.28],
'RodgersB': [49.339, -123.205, 466, 337, 0.34*7.28],
'Westmount': [49.340, -123.212, 467, 336, 0.33*7.28],
'Cypress': [49.339, -123.241, 469, 331, 15.91],
'Eagle': [49.357, -123.27, 474, 329, 9.84],
'Whyte': [49.382, -123.265, 478, 332, 5.82],
'Disbrow': [49.399, -123.25, 481, 337, 2.97],
'Sclufield': [49.407, -123.244, 482, 339, 2.41],
'Turpin': [49.426, -123.233, 485, 343, 7.62],
'Harvey': [49.460, -123.24, 492, 346, 20.91],
'Deeks': [49.502, -123.25, 501, 350, 17.42],
'Kallahn': [49.549, -123.24, 510, 358, 13.36],
'Furry': [49.582, -123.226, 515, 364, 66.38],
'Britannia': [49.627, -123.207, 523, 373, 34.37],
'Gonzalos': [49.661, -123.177, 527, 381, 15.00],
'Shannon': [49.678, -123.16, 529, 386, 17.94],
'Stawanus': [49.683, -123.16, 530, 387, 57.76]
myrivers3 = {'WoodfibreB': [49.666, -123.253, 533, 371, 47.7],
'Woodfibre': [49.661, -123.254, 533, 370, 25.26],
'Foulger': [49.645, -123.261, 530, 367, 17.28],
'Ellesmere': [49.597, -123.262, 521, 361, 15.34],
'Potlatch': [49.581, -123.317, 522, 350, 34.94],
'McNab': [49.562, -123.384, 522, 338, 72.7],
'Bain': [49.539, -123.447, 522, 326, 13.34],
'Rainy': [49.523, -123.483, 522, 319, 71.31],
'McNair': [49.510, -123.493, 520, 316, 54.03],
'Twin': [49.480, -123.485, 513, 313, 19.56],
'Langdale': [49.434, -123.472, 504, 309, 26.92]}
myrivers4 = {'Chester': [49.390, -123.556, 501, 291, 24.58],
'Roberts': [49.421, -123.642, 512, 282, 48.83],
'Rume': [49.428, -123.670, 517, 279, 9.17],
# 'Wilson': [49.428, -123.706, 521, 275, 25.83]
jervis = {'Chapman': {
'prop': 0.02, 'i': 522, 'j': 273, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1,
'Lapan': {
'prop': 0.02, 'i': 620, 'j': 283, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1,
'Nelson': {
'prop': 0.02, 'i': 604, 'j': 262, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1,
'Wakefield': {
'prop': 0.02, 'i': 534, 'j': 264, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1,
'Halfmoon': {
'prop': 0.02, 'i': 549, 'j': 254, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1,
squamish = {'Squamish': {
'prop': 0.706947808647832, 'i': 534, 'j': 384, 'di': 1, 'dj': 2, 'depth': 2,
'Squamish2': {
'prop': 0.706947808647832, 'i': 534, 'j': 384+1, 'di': 1, 'dj': 2, 'depth': 2,
fixed_rivers = {'Squamish': {
'prop': 0.706947808647832, 'i': 819, 'j': 180, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 2,
old_rivers = {'Lawson': {'prop': 0.0013338988915802515, 'i': 461, 'j': 341, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Marr': {'prop': 0.0011794866070598039, 'i': 464, 'j': 338, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Rodgers': {'prop':0.0009074233240685963, 'i': 465, 'j': 337, 'di': 2, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Westmount': {'prop': 0.00044693984618303996, 'i': 467, 'j': 336, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Cypress': {'prop': 0.0029598788514702654, 'i': 469, 'j': 331, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Eagle': {'prop': 0.0018306227466038597, 'i': 474, 'j': 329, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Whyte': {'prop': 0.0010827463806132587, 'i': 478, 'j': 332, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Disbrow': {'prop': 0.0005525355241273846, 'i': 481, 'j': 337, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Sclufield': {'prop': 0.00044835374180033564, 'i': 482, 'j': 339, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Turpin': {'prop': 0.0014176163952359158, 'i': 485, 'j': 343, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Harvey': {'prop': 0.0038900733365332023, 'i': 492, 'j': 346, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Deeks': {'prop': 0.0032407975859592725, 'i': 501, 'j': 350, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Kallahn': {'prop': 0.0024854796640881673, 'i': 510, 'j': 358, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Furry': {'prop': 0.012349261983695549, 'i': 515, 'j': 364, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Britannia': {'prop': 0.006394156890322628, 'i': 523, 'j': 373, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Gonzalos': {'prop': 0.002790583455188811, 'i': 527, 'j': 381, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Shannon': {'prop': 0.0033375378124058178, 'i': 529, 'j': 386, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Jericho': {'prop': 0.002474317330267412, 'i': 453, 'j': 329, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'FalseCreek': {'prop': 0.005054676831831999, 'i': 450, 'j': 337, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
howe = {
'Squamish': {
'prop': 0.706947808647832, 'i': 534, 'j': 384, 'di': 1, 'dj': 2, 'depth': 2,
'Jericho': {'prop': 0.002474317330267412, 'i': 453, 'j': 329, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'FalseCreek': {'prop': 0.005054676831831999, 'i': 450, 'j': 337, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'FirstNarrows': {'prop': 0.1294681892089998, 'i': 457, 'j': 343, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 8},
'Capilano': {'prop': 0.00918474034551144, 'i': 458, 'j': 343, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Lawson': {'prop': 0.0013338988915802515, 'i': 461, 'j': 341, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Marr': {'prop': 0.0011794866070598039, 'i': 464, 'j': 338, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Rodgers': {'prop':0.0009074233240685963, 'i': 465, 'j': 337, 'di': 2, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Westmount': {'prop': 0.00044693984618303996, 'i': 467, 'j': 336, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Cypress': {'prop': 0.0029598788514702654, 'i': 469, 'j': 331, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Eagle': {'prop': 0.0018306227466038597, 'i': 474, 'j': 329, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Whyte': {'prop': 0.0010827463806132587, 'i': 478, 'j': 332, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Disbrow': {'prop': 0.0005525355241273846, 'i': 481, 'j': 337, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Sclufield': {'prop': 0.00044835374180033564, 'i': 482, 'j': 339, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Turpin': {'prop': 0.0014176163952359158, 'i': 485, 'j': 343, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Harvey': {'prop': 0.0038900733365332023, 'i': 492, 'j': 346, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Deeks': {'prop': 0.0032407975859592725, 'i': 501, 'j': 350, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Kallahn': {'prop': 0.0024854796640881673, 'i': 510, 'j': 358, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Furry': {'prop': 0.012349261983695549, 'i': 515, 'j': 364, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Britannia': {'prop': 0.006394156890322628, 'i': 523, 'j': 373, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Gonzalos': {'prop': 0.002790583455188811, 'i': 527, 'j': 381, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Shannon': {'prop': 0.0033375378124058178, 'i': 529, 'j': 386, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Stawanus': {'prop': 0.010745606691447047, 'i': 530, 'j': 387, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Woodfibre': {'prop': 0.013573397926038377, 'i': 533, 'j': 370, 'di': 1, 'dj': 2, 'depth': 1},
'Foulger': {'prop': 0.0032147521403775104, 'i': 530, 'j': 367, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Ellesmere': {'prop': 0.0028538366801730904, 'i': 521, 'j': 361, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Potlatch': {'prop': 0.006500199061619803, 'i': 522, 'j': 350, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'McNab': {'prop': 0.013525027812815104, 'i': 522, 'j': 338, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Bain': {'prop': 0.0024817588861479156, 'i': 522, 'j': 326, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Rainy': {'prop': 0.013266433745967606, 'i': 522, 'j': 319, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'McNair': {'prop': 0.010051681605590097, 'i': 520, 'j': 316, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Twin': {'prop': 0.003638920825566209, 'i': 513, 'j': 313, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Langdale': {'prop': 0.005008167107578853, 'i': 504, 'j': 309, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Chester': {'prop': 0.004572836088569398, 'i': 501, 'j': 291, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Roberts': {'prop': 0.009084279341124641, 'i': 512, 'j': 282, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1},
'Rume': {'prop': 0.0017059766856054263, 'i': 517, 'j': 279, 'di': 1, 'dj': 1, 'depth': 1}}
Mouth of Stawanus (only one) Lat: 49.68749° N Lon: 123.15352° W
Shannon Lat: 49.67507° N Lon: 123.16146° W
Gonzalos Lat: 49.66183° N Lon: 123.17643° W
Britannia Lat: 49.62578° N Lon: 123.20705° W
Furry Lat: 49.58307° N Lon: 123.22679° W
Kallahne Lat: 49.54513° N Lon: 123.24604° W
Deeks Lat: 49.50251° N Lon: 123.25068° W
Harvey Lat: 49.46062° N Lon: 123.24057° W
Turpin Lat: 49.42491° N Lon: 123.23297° W
Sclufield Lat: 49.40422° N Lon: 123.24456° W
Disbrow Lat: 49.40201° N Lon: 123.24644° W
Whyte (Nelson) Lat: 49.35692° N Lon: 123.26829° W
Eagle Lat: 49.35353° N Lon: 123.26820° W
Cypress Lat: 49.33874° N Lon: 123.24125° W
Westmount Lat: 49.34023° N Lon: 123.20606° W
Rodgers Lat: 49.33486° N Lon: 123.19246° W
Marr Lat: 49.33290° N Lon: 123.18332° W
Lawson Lat: 49.32672° N Lon: 123.16194° W
Capilano Lat: 49.32093° N Lon: 123.14165° W
locations = {'Stawanus': [49.68749, -123.15352],
'Shannon': [49.67507, -123.16146],
'Gonzalos': [49.66183, -123.17643],
'Britannia': [49.62578, -123.20705],
'Furry': [49.58307, -123.22679],
'Kallahn': [49.54513, -123.24604], # Kallahne
'Deeks': [49.50251, -123.25068],
'Harvey': [49.46062, -123.24057],
'Turpin': [49.42491, -123.23297],
'Sclufield': [49.40422, -123.24456],
'Disbrow': [49.40201, -123.24644],
'Whyte': [49.35692, -123.26829], # Nelson
'Eagle': [49.35353, -123.26820],
'Cypress': [49.33874, -123.24125],
'Westmount': [49.34023, -123.20606],
'Rodgers': [49.33486, -123.19246], # and Rodgers B, put them together
'Marr': [49.33290, -123.18332],
'Lawson': [49.32672, -123.16194],
'Capilano': [49.32093, -123.14165],
'Jericho': [49.276, -123.203], # copied from 202108
'FalseCreek': [49.276, -123.139], # copied from 202108
with_coords = locations
for river in locations:
yy, xx = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(locations[river][1], locations[river][0],
bathy.nav_lon[:], bathy.nav_lat[:], land_mask=bmask)
print (river, yy, xx)
with_coords[river] = [locations[river][0], locations[river][1], yy, xx]
for river in myrivers3:
print (river)
yy, xx = geo_tools.find_closest_model_point(myrivers3[river][1], myrivers3[river][0],
bathy.nav_lon[:], bathy.nav_lat[:], land_mask=bmask)
with_coords[river] = [myrivers3[river][0], myrivers3[river][1], yy, xx]
print ('myrivers4 are all outside the domain')
# Hand corrections
with_coords['Stawanus'][2] = with_coords['Stawanus'][2] - 1
with_coords['Furry'][3] = with_coords['Furry'][3] + 1
with_coords['Whyte'][2] = with_coords['Whyte'][2] + 1
with_coords['Capilano'][2] = with_coords['Capilano'][2] + 1
with_coords['Capilano'][3] = with_coords['Capilano'][3] + 1
with_coords['FalseCreek'][2] = 327
with_coords['FalseCreek'][3] = 249
with_coords['WoodfibreB'][2] = 753
with_coords['WoodfibreB'][3] = 135
with_coords['Woodfibre'][2] = 752
with_coords['Woodfibre'][3] = 135
with_coords['Foulger'][2] = 737
with_coords['Foulger'][3] = 135
with_coords['Ellesmere'][2] = 684
with_coords['Ellesmere'][3] = 138
with_coords['McNab'][2] = 635
with_coords['McNab'][3] = 74
with_coords['McNairB'] = [0, 0, 570, 13]
with_coords['McNair'][2] = 571
with_coords['McNair'][3] = 13
with_coords['Langdale'][2] = 484
with_coords['Langdale'][3] = 31
with_coords['Squamish'] = [0, 0, fixed_rivers['Squamish']['i'], fixed_rivers['Squamish']['j']]
print (with_coords)
Stawanus 790 192 Shannon 775 188 Gonzalos 760 181 Britannia 717 166 Furry 668 158 Kallahn 624 150 Deeks 576 150 Harvey 530 159 Turpin 490 165 Sclufield 466 160 Disbrow 465 160 Whyte 412 150 Eagle 409 150 Cypress 394 167 Westmount 397 186 Rodgers 392 195 Marr 390 200 Lawson 384 212 Capilano 380 224 Jericho 326 192 FalseCreek 330 228 WoodfibreB 758 139 Woodfibre 754 138 Foulger 735 136 Ellesmere 681 138 Potlatch 659 108 McNab 634 72 Bain 605 39 Rainy 585 20 McNair 570 15 Twin 536 22 Langdale 486 32 Squamish nan nan McNairB nan nan WoodfibreB Woodfibre Foulger Ellesmere Potlatch McNab Bain Rainy McNair Twin Langdale myrivers4 are all outside the domain {'Stawanus': [49.68749, -123.15352, 789, 192], 'Shannon': [49.67507, -123.16146, 775, 188], 'Gonzalos': [49.66183, -123.17643, 760, 181], 'Britannia': [49.62578, -123.20705, 717, 166], 'Furry': [49.58307, -123.22679, 668, 159], 'Kallahn': [49.54513, -123.24604, 624, 150], 'Deeks': [49.50251, -123.25068, 576, 150], 'Harvey': [49.46062, -123.24057, 530, 159], 'Turpin': [49.42491, -123.23297, 490, 165], 'Sclufield': [49.40422, -123.24456, 466, 160], 'Disbrow': [49.40201, -123.24644, 465, 160], 'Whyte': [49.35692, -123.26829, 413, 150], 'Eagle': [49.35353, -123.2682, 409, 150], 'Cypress': [49.33874, -123.24125, 394, 167], 'Westmount': [49.34023, -123.20606, 397, 186], 'Rodgers': [49.33486, -123.19246, 392, 195], 'Marr': [49.3329, -123.18332, 390, 200], 'Lawson': [49.32672, -123.16194, 384, 212], 'Capilano': [49.32093, -123.14165, 381, 225], 'Jericho': [49.276, -123.203, 326, 192], 'FalseCreek': [49.276, -123.139, 327, 249], 'WoodfibreB': [49.666, -123.253, 753, 135], 'Woodfibre': [49.661, -123.254, 752, 135], 'Foulger': [49.645, -123.261, 737, 135], 'Ellesmere': [49.597, -123.262, 684, 138], 'Potlatch': [49.581, -123.317, 659, 108], 'McNab': [49.562, -123.384, 635, 74], 'Bain': [49.539, -123.447, 605, 39], 'Rainy': [49.523, -123.483, 585, 20], 'McNair': [49.51, -123.493, 571, 13], 'Twin': [49.48, -123.485, 536, 22], 'Langdale': [49.434, -123.472, 484, 31], 'Squamish': [0, 0, 819, 180], 'McNairB': [0, 0, 570, 13]}
def plot_rivers(ax, nav_lon, nav_lat):
for rivers in [myrivers1a, myrivers1b, myrivers2, myrivers3, myrivers4]:
for river in rivers:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[rivers[river][2], rivers[river][3]] +
nav_lon[rivers[river][2]+1, rivers[river][3]+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[rivers[river][2], rivers[river][3]] +
nav_lat[rivers[river][2]+1, rivers[river][3]+1])
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'go')
for river in jervis:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[jervis[river]['i'], jervis[river]['j']] +
nav_lon[jervis[river]['i']+1, jervis[river]['j']+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[jervis[river]['i'], jervis[river]['j']] +
nav_lat[jervis[river]['i']+1, jervis[river]['j']+1])
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'go')
for river in squamish:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[squamish[river]['i'], squamish[river]['j']] +
nav_lon[squamish[river]['i']+1, squamish[river]['j']+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[squamish[river]['i'], squamish[river]['j']] +
nav_lat[squamish[river]['i']+1, squamish[river]['j']+1])
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'yo')
def plot_newrivers(ax, nav_lon, nav_lat, fixed_rivers, bynumber=False):
if bynumber:
for river in fixed_rivers:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[fixed_rivers[river][2], fixed_rivers[river][3]] +
nav_lon[fixed_rivers[river][2]+1, fixed_rivers[river][3]+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[fixed_rivers[river][2], fixed_rivers[river][3]] +
nav_lat[fixed_rivers[river][2]+1, fixed_rivers[river][3]+1])
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'c+')
for river in fixed_rivers:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[fixed_rivers[river]['i'], fixed_rivers[river]['j']] +
nav_lon[fixed_rivers[river]['i']+1, fixed_rivers[river]['j']+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[fixed_rivers[river]['i'], fixed_rivers[river]['j']] +
nav_lat[fixed_rivers[river]['i']+1, fixed_rivers[river]['j']+1])
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'c+')
def plot_newrivers_index(ax, fixed_rivers, bynumber=False):
if bynumber:
for river in fixed_rivers:
xx = fixed_rivers[river][3] + 0.5
yy = fixed_rivers[river][2] + 0.5
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'c*')
for river in fixed_rivers:
xx = fixed_rivers[river]['j'] + 0.5
yy = fixed_rivers[river]['i'] + 0.5
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'c*')
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 14))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
for i in range(istart, iend+1):
for j in range(jstart, jend+1):
if r202108[i, j] > 0:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[i, j] + nav_lon[i+1, j+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[i, j] + nav_lat[i+1, j+1])
axs[0].plot(xx, yy, 'rx')
axs[1].plot(xx, yy, 'rx')
for ax in axs:
ax.set_xlim(-123.55, -122.8)
ax.set_ylim(48.95, 49.75)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 18))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for i in range(istart, iend+1):
for j in range(jstart, jend+1):
if r202108[i, j] > 0:
xx = 0.5 * (nav_lon[i, j] + nav_lon[i+1, j+1])
yy = 0.5 * (nav_lat[i, j] + nav_lat[i+1, j+1])
axs[0].plot(xx, yy, 'rx')
axs[1].plot(xx, yy, 'rx')
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.1)
ax.set_ylim(49.6, 49.75)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
ax.plot(-123.171161, 49.715531, 'k+')
ax.plot(-123.153556, 49.689229, 'w+')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(100, 200)
axs[2].set_ylim(750, 830)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 18))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.1)
ax.set_ylim(49.6, 49.75)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 200)
axs[2].set_ylim(750, 810)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 18))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.1)
ax.set_ylim(49.6, 49.75)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(700, 750)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 18))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.45, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(650, 700)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.45, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(600, 650)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.45, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(550, 600)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.45, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(500, 550)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.3, 49.45)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(450, 500)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.3, 49.45)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(400, 450)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.3, -123.18)
ax.set_ylim(49.3, 49.45)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(140, 195)
axs[2].set_ylim(350, 400)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.28, -123.14)
ax.set_ylim(49.3, 49.45)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(160, 230)
axs[2].set_ylim(350, 400)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.28, -123.1)
ax.set_ylim(49.2, 49.35)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(190, 260)
axs[2].set_ylim(300, 350)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.55, -123.15)
ax.set_ylim(49.3, 49.7)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(0, 200)
axs[2].set_ylim(370, 800)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.27, -123.15)
ax.set_ylim(49.59, 49.7)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
#axs[2].plot(135+0.5, 753+0.5, 'cx')
#axs[2].plot(135+0.5, 752+0.5, 'cx')
#axs[2].plot(135+0.5, 737+0.5, 'cx')
#axs[2].plot(138+0.5, 684+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].set_xlim(120, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(660, 780)
WoodfibreB 753, 135
Woodfibre 752, 135
Foulger 737, 135
Ellesmere 684, 138
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.36, -123.26)
ax.set_ylim(49.52, 49.59)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
#axs[2].set_xlim(85, 130)
#axs[2].set_ylim(620, 680)
axs[2].set_xlim(105, 115)
axs[2].set_ylim(650, 670)
Potlatch fine
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.46, -123.36)
ax.set_ylim(49.52, 49.59)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
#axs[2].plot(74+0.5, 635+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].set_xlim(30, 85)
axs[2].set_ylim(580, 640)
McNab 635, 74
Bain fine
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.56, -123.46)
ax.set_ylim(49.47, 49.54)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].plot(13+0.5, 570+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].plot(13+0.5, 571+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].set_xlim(0, 30)
axs[2].set_ylim(540, 600)
print ('Rainy', locations['Rainy'])
Rainy [49.523, -123.483, 585, 20]
Rainy Good McNair and now McNairB fixed
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.56, -123.46)
ax.set_ylim(49.43, 49.5)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(0, 40)
axs[2].set_ylim(500, 560)
print ('Twin', locations['Twin'])
Twin [49.48, -123.485, 536, 22]
Twin good
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.54, -123.44)
ax.set_ylim(49.4, 49.47)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].plot(31+0.5, 484+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].set_xlim(0, 40)
axs[2].set_ylim(470, 530)
Langdale fixed
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.58, -123.48)
ax.set_ylim(49.35, 49.42)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].plot(31+0.5, 484+0.5, 'cx')
axs[2].set_xlim(0, 40)
axs[2].set_ylim(470, 530)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.22, -123.14)
ax.set_ylim(49.64, 49.72)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(125, 180)
axs[2].set_ylim(400, 450)
Chester Roberts Rume all outside the domain.
Need to fix the bathymetry around Squamish.
Don't use google maps (bad on rivers), use imap BC:
though google satellite view can be useful too.
On the maps, choose BaseMaps, FWA and
FWA - Stream Network - Labels
FWA - Stream Network - Lines
FWA - Rivers - Outlined
FWA - Lakes - Labels
FWA - Lakes - Outlined
FWA - Named Watersheds - Outlined
(23.16 + 20.66 + 10.38 + 10.24 +
93.71 + 195.12 + 342.65)
with open('Outside_First_Narrows_Locations.yaml', 'w') as file:
yaml.dump(with_coords, file)
{'Stawanus': [49.68749, -123.15352, 789, 192], 'Shannon': [49.67507, -123.16146, 775, 188], 'Gonzalos': [49.66183, -123.17643, 760, 181], 'Britannia': [49.62578, -123.20705, 717, 166], 'Furry': [49.58307, -123.22679, 668, 159], 'Kallahn': [49.54513, -123.24604, 624, 150], 'Deeks': [49.50251, -123.25068, 576, 150], 'Harvey': [49.46062, -123.24057, 530, 159], 'Turpin': [49.42491, -123.23297, 490, 165], 'Sclufield': [49.40422, -123.24456, 466, 160], 'Disbrow': [49.40201, -123.24644, 465, 160], 'Whyte': [49.35692, -123.26829, 413, 150], 'Eagle': [49.35353, -123.2682, 409, 150], 'Cypress': [49.33874, -123.24125, 394, 167], 'Westmount': [49.34023, -123.20606, 397, 186], 'Rodgers': [49.33486, -123.19246, 392, 195], 'Marr': [49.3329, -123.18332, 390, 200], 'Lawson': [49.32672, -123.16194, 384, 212], 'Capilano': [49.32093, -123.14165, 381, 225], 'Jericho': [49.276, -123.203, 326, 192], 'FalseCreek': [49.276, -123.139, 327, 249], 'WoodfibreB': [49.666, -123.253, 753, 135], 'Woodfibre': [49.661, -123.254, 752, 135], 'Foulger': [49.645, -123.261, 737, 135], 'Ellesmere': [49.597, -123.262, 684, 138], 'Potlatch': [49.581, -123.317, 659, 108], 'McNab': [49.562, -123.384, 635, 74], 'Bain': [49.539, -123.447, 605, 39], 'Rainy': [49.523, -123.483, 585, 20], 'McNair': [49.51, -123.493, 571, 13], 'Twin': [49.48, -123.485, 536, 22], 'Langdale': [49.434, -123.472, 484, 31], 'Squamish': [0, 0, 819, 180], 'McNairB': [0, 0, 570, 13]}
areas = {}
proportion = {}
other_proportion = {}
for river in with_coords:
# print (river)
# if river in old_rivers:
# print ('old', river, old_rivers[river]['prop'])
# if river in fixed_rivers:
# print ('fix', river, fixed_rivers[river]['prop'])
if river in howe:
# print ('h', river, howe[river]['prop'])
proportion[river] = howe[river]['prop']
print ('no prob', river)
for river in howe:
if river not in with_coords:
print ('mising', river, howe[river]['prop'])
other_proportion[river] = howe[river]['prop']
no prob WoodfibreB no prob McNairB mising FirstNarrows 0.1294681892089998 mising Chester 0.004572836088569398 mising Roberts 0.009084279341124641 mising Rume 0.0017059766856054263
Both Woodfibre and McNair are double wides.
print (sum(proportion.values()))
print (sum(other_proportion.values()))
print (sum(proportion.values()) + sum(other_proportion.values()))
0.8551687186757007 0.14483128132429926 0.9999999999999999
Now the old area was 5372.22 km2 and we need to add 149.18 km2 for Coquitlam. So all proportions need to be corrected by 5372.22/(5372.22 + 149.18)
for river in proportion:
proportion[river] = proportion[river] * 5372.22/(5372.22 + 149.18)
{'Stawanus': 0.010455276411766155, 'Shannon': 0.003247362514319336, 'Gonzalos': 0.0027151860487619867, 'Britannia': 0.0062213962997299645, 'Furry': 0.012015603327788043, 'Kallahn': 0.002418325707430676, 'Deeks': 0.003153236064628921, 'Harvey': 0.0037849693519742093, 'Turpin': 0.0013793145127710892, 'Sclufield': 0.00043623989183442586, 'Disbrow': 0.0005376068376548734, 'Whyte': 0.0010534921869196508, 'Eagle': 0.001781162047987863, 'Cypress': 0.002879907335720214, 'Westmount': 0.0004348641975697198, 'Rodgers': 0.0008829060980960977, 'Marr': 0.001147618636610066, 'Lawson': 0.0012978589313082296, 'Capilano': 0.00893658234849195, 'Jericho': 0.002407464963235628, 'FalseCreek': 0.004918106996324212, 'Woodfibre': 0.013206664941178304, 'Foulger': 0.0031278943281738084, 'Ellesmere': 0.002776730265867258, 'Potlatch': 0.00632457336958292, 'McNab': 0.013159601716333095, 'Bain': 0.0024147054593656597, 'Rainy': 0.012907994475814484, 'McNair': 0.009780100147640676, 'Twin': 0.0035406026075856306, 'Langdale': 0.004872853895511512, 'Squamish': 0.6878471323530365}
with open('Outside_First_Narrows_Proportions.yaml', 'w') as file:
yaml.dump(proportion, file)
for river in proportion:
print (river)
Stawanus Shannon Gonzalos Britannia Furry Kallahn Deeks Harvey Turpin Sclufield Disbrow Whyte Eagle Cypress Westmount Rodgers Marr Lawson Capilano Jericho FalseCreek Woodfibre Foulger Ellesmere Potlatch McNab Bain Rainy McNair Twin Langdale Squamish
### and lastly locate the Fraser River (not separating tributaries except Pitt River at this point)
Pitt_River_proportion = 1640/(232000) # from Canadian Hydrology Discharge Areas
print (Pitt_River_proportion)
istart = 200
iend = 600
jstart = 150
jend = 390
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 7))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nav_lon, nav_lat, tmask[:-1, :-1])
axs[1].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_rivers(axs[0], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_rivers(axs[1], nav_lon, nav_lat)
plot_newrivers(axs[1], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
for ax in axs[:2]:
ax.set_xlim(-123.22, -122.14)
ax.set_ylim(49., 49.72)
viz_tools.set_aspect(ax, coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[2], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[2].set_xlim(560, 760)
axs[2].set_ylim(100, 350)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 9))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_newrivers(axs[0], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[0].set_xlim(-123.28, -122.14)
axs[0].set_ylim(49.1, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(axs[0], coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[1], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[1].set_xlim(400, 720)
axs[1].set_ylim(150, 700)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 9))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_newrivers(axs[0], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[0].set_xlim(-122.4, -122.28)
axs[0].set_ylim(49.1, 49.16)
viz_tools.set_aspect(axs[0], coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[1], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[1].plot(708*np.ones(8)+0.5, np.arange(203, 211)+0.5, 'rx')
axs[1].set_xlim(650, 715)
axs[1].set_ylim(180, 230)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 9))
axs[0].pcolormesh(nnav_lon, nnav_lat, bmask[:-1, :-1])
plot_newrivers(axs[0], nnav_lon, nnav_lat, with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[0].set_xlim(-122.7, -122.45)
axs[0].set_ylim(49.4, 49.6)
viz_tools.set_aspect(axs[0], coords='map')
plot_newrivers_index(axs[1], with_coords, bynumber=True)
axs[1].plot(506+0.5, 659+0.5, 'rx')
axs[1].set_xlim(480, 550)
axs[1].set_ylim(600, 680)