! pip install soynlp
# -*- encoding:utf8 -*-
import konlpy
from konlpy.tag import Mecab
print('konlpy version = %s' % konlpy.__version__)
sent = '트와이스와 아이오아이가 활동시절 박근혜 최순실의 국정농단 사태는 대통령탄핵으로 이어졌습니다'
"MeCab() 명사추출 :", Mecab().nouns(sent)[:6]
konlpy version = 0.5.1
('MeCab() 명사추출 :', ['트', '이스', '아이오', '아이', '활동', '시절'])
from soynlp.utils import DoublespaceLineCorpus
from soynlp.noun import LRNounExtractor_v2
corpus_path = './data/news_2016-10-20.txt'
corpus = DoublespaceLineCorpus(corpus_path, iter_sent=True) # Soynlp Corpus 변환
noun_extractor = LRNounExtractor_v2(verbose=True) # Soynlp 모델의 정의
nouns = noun_extractor.train_extract(corpus) # 모델의 훈련
[Noun Extractor] use default predictors [Noun Extractor] num features: pos=1260, neg=1173, common=12 [Noun Extractor] counting eojeols [EojeolCounter] n eojeol = 403896 from 223357 sents. mem=0.157 Gb [Noun Extractor] complete eojeol counter -> lr graph [Noun Extractor] has been trained. #eojeols=4434442, mem=0.885 Gb [Noun Extractor] batch prediction was completed for 146445 words [Noun Extractor] checked compounds. discovered 69793 compounds [Noun Extractor] postprocessing detaching_features : 118538 -> 101025 [Noun Extractor] postprocessing ignore_features : 101025 -> 100918 [Noun Extractor] postprocessing ignore_NJ : 100918 -> 100496 [Noun Extractor] 100496 nouns (69793 compounds) with min frequency=1 [Noun Extractor] flushing was done. mem=1.078 Gb [Noun Extractor] 80.22 % eojeols are covered CPU times: user 37.8 s, sys: 525 ms, total: 38.3 s Wall time: 38.1 s
[('잠수함발사탄도미사일', ('잠수함', '발사', '탄도미사일')), ('미사일대응능력위원회', ('미사일', '대응', '능력', '위원회')), ('글로벌녹색성장연구소', ('글로벌', '녹색성장', '연구소')), ('시카고옵션거래소', ('시카고', '옵션', '거래소')), ('대한민국특수임무유공', ('대한민국', '특수', '임무', '유공'))]
nouns['뉴스'] # NounScore(frequency=4319, score=1.0)
NounScore(frequency=4317, score=1.0)
NounScore(frequency=1.0, score=0)
# nouns['두바이월드센터시카고옵션거래소']
('두바이', '월드', '센터', '시카고', '옵션', '거래소')
# nouns['두바이월드센터시카고옵션거래소']
('햄버거', '짬뽕')
('한국', '아이티', '비지니스', '진흥', '협회')
# 단 영어가 포함된 경우에는 엔트로피 측정이 잘 안됨에 주의
# 학습내용과 무관한 단어들은 구분능력이 떨어짐 (당연하지..)
[('', 123), ('의', 47), ('는', 40), ('와', 18), ('가', 18), ('에', 7), ('에게', 6), ('까지', 2), ('랑', 2), ('부터', 1)]
# topk=10 으로 설정되어 있습니다. topk < 0 으로 설정하면 모든 R set 이 출력됩니다.
noun_extractor.lrgraph.get_r('아이오아이', topk=-1)
[('', 123), ('의', 47), ('는', 40), ('와', 18), ('가', 18), ('에', 7), ('에게', 6), ('까지', 2), ('랑', 2), ('부터', 1), ('도', 1), ('와의', 1), ('와는', 1), ('로', 1), ('를', 1), ('에서', 1)]
# L-R 구조의 L parts 도 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 역시 topk=10 으로 기본값이 설정되어 있습니다.
[('있', 125), ('없', 76), ('만들', 37), ('늘', 32), ('맺', 29), ('열', 28), ('들', 19), ('입', 16), ('되', 14), ('줄', 14)]
from soynlp.word import WordExtractor
word_extractor = WordExtractor(
print('num sentences = {:,}'.format(len(corpus)))
words = word_extractor.extract()
num sentences = 223,357 training was done. used memory 1.627 Gbse memory 1.675 Gb all cohesion probabilities was computed. # words = 16942 all branching entropies was computed # words = 355061 all accessor variety was computed # words = 355061 CPU times: user 52.7 s, sys: 823 ms, total: 53.5 s Wall time: 53.5 s
import math
def word_score(score):
return (score.cohesion_forward * math.exp(score.right_branching_entropy))
print('단어 (빈도수, cohesion, branching entropy)\n')
for word, score in sorted(words.items(),
key = lambda x:word_score(x[1]),
reverse = True)[:30]:
print('{:}\t({:5,}, {:.3f}, {:.3f})'.format(
단어 (빈도수, cohesion, branching entropy) 으로 (1,634, 0.953, 5.334) 까지 ( 654, 0.691, 5.349) 함께 (7,946, 0.912, 5.053) 통해 (8,471, 0.578, 5.278) 에서 (7,494, 0.604, 5.187) 된다 (2,681, 0.982, 4.675) 먼저 (1,112, 0.903, 4.665) 면서 (1,944, 0.458, 5.337) 밝혔다 (8,360, 0.836, 4.651) 했다 (7,070, 0.689, 4.795) 됐다 (2,219, 0.750, 4.658) 또한 (2,180, 0.440, 5.086) 같은 (4,429, 0.568, 4.832) 됩니다 ( 247, 0.967, 4.272) 새로운 (2,334, 0.578, 4.784) 말했다 (8,345, 0.706, 4.540) 관계자는 (2,942, 0.501, 4.860) 였다 ( 211, 0.632, 4.556) 때문에 (4,742, 0.696, 4.436) 과정에서 ( 990, 0.497, 4.738) 겁니다 ( 518, 0.915, 4.106) 위해 (8,888, 0.367, 5.016) 예정이다 (3,586, 0.607, 4.476) 따라 (3,669, 0.366, 4.977) 따르면 (3,470, 0.589, 4.440) 합니다 ( 739, 0.421, 4.766) 왔다 ( 674, 0.604, 4.396) 냈다 ( 340, 0.659, 4.298) 설명했다 (2,055, 0.612, 4.370) 너무 (1,247, 0.711, 4.209)
# Cohesion score, Branching Entropy, Accessor Variety 에 대하여 각각의 점수만 이용하고 싶은 경우에는 다음의 함수를 이용합니다
cohesion_scores = word_extractor.all_cohesion_scores()
cohesion_scores['아이오아이'] # (cohesion_forward, cohesion_backward)
all cohesion probabilities was computed. # words = 16942 CPU times: user 116 ms, sys: 60 µs, total: 116 ms Wall time: 114 ms
(0.30063636035733476, 0)
# Cohesion score, Branching Entropy, Accessor Variety 에 대하여 각각의 점수만 이용하고 싶은 경우에는 다음의 함수를 이용합니다
cohesion_scores = word_extractor.all_cohesion_scores()
cohesion_scores['아이오아이'] # (cohesion_forward, cohesion_backward)
all cohesion probabilities was computed. # words = 16942 CPU times: user 106 ms, sys: 3.89 ms, total: 110 ms Wall time: 109 ms
(0.30063636035733476, 0)
branching_entropy = word_extractor.all_branching_entropy()
branching_entropy['아이오아이'] # (left_branching_entropy, right_branching_entropy)
all branching entropies was computed # words = 355061 CPU times: user 5.32 s, sys: 23 µs, total: 5.32 s Wall time: 5.32 s
(3.0548011243339506, 2.766022241109869)
accessor_variety = word_extractor.all_accessor_variety()
accessor_variety['아이오아이'] # (left_accessor_variety, right_accessor_variety)
all accessor variety was computed # words = 355061 CPU times: user 4.32 s, sys: 12 ms, total: 4.33 s Wall time: 4.33 s
(32, 22)
from soynlp.tokenizer import NounLMatchTokenizer, NounMatchTokenizer
# noun_scores[noun] = (score, frequency) : 학습을 위한 데이터로 변환 합니다.
noun_scores = noun_extractor.train_extract(corpus)
lmatch_tokenizer = NounLMatchTokenizer(nouns = noun_scores)
[Noun Extractor] counting eojeols [EojeolCounter] n eojeol = 403896 from 223357 sents. mem=1.632 Gb [Noun Extractor] complete eojeol counter -> lr graph [Noun Extractor] has been trained. #eojeols=4434442, mem=1.971 Gb [Noun Extractor] batch prediction was completed for 146445 words [Noun Extractor] checked compounds. discovered 69793 compounds [Noun Extractor] postprocessing detaching_features : 118538 -> 101025 [Noun Extractor] postprocessing ignore_features : 101025 -> 100918 [Noun Extractor] postprocessing ignore_NJ : 100918 -> 100496 [Noun Extractor] 100496 nouns (69793 compounds) with min frequency=1 [Noun Extractor] flushing was done. mem=1.927 Gb [Noun Extractor] 80.22 % eojeols are covered CPU times: user 41.4 s, sys: 325 ms, total: 41.7 s Wall time: 41.6 s
lmatch_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 연합뉴스날씨입니다.')
['오늘', '연합뉴스날씨']
lmatch_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 연합뉴스날씨입니다.', compose_compound=False)
['오늘', '연합뉴스', '날씨']
lmatch_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 연합뉴스 날씨입니다.')
['오늘', '연합뉴스', '날씨']
lmatch_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 ㅋ연합뉴스날씨입니다.')
# NounMatchTokenizer() 는 위 함수대로 작동하지 않습니다,
# match_tokenizer = NounMatchTokenizer(noun_scores = noun_scores)
# match_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 연합뉴스날씨입니다.')
# match_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 ㅋ연합뉴스 날씨입니다.')
# match_tokenizer.tokenize('오늘의 ㅋ연합뉴스날씨입니다.', compose_compound=False)
import re
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('./data/petition.csv', parse_dates=['start', 'end'])
p = r'.*(대출|집값|부동산|LTV).*'
estate = df[ df['title'].str.match(p) | df['content'].str.match(
p, flags=re.MULTILINE) ].reset_index(drop=True)
# 특정 인덱스 문서를 Sample 로 추출 합니다.
sample_index = 15 # 샘플문서 인덱스
sample_title = estate['title'][sample_index]
sample_content = estate['content'][sample_index]
sample_title, sample_content[:100]
(27452, 8)
('서울, 강남에만 집이 있는게 아닙니다. 부산도 지금 집값이 엉망인데 왜 외면하십니까?', '부동산 투기를 잡고 집값을 안정시키겠다는 대통령님과 정부의 의지에 절대적인 찬성을 보냅니다.\\n지난 정부의 실책으로 투기꾼들은 큰 돈을 벌었을지 모르지만 그렇지 않은 대다수의 국민')
# 토큰화
from soynlp.tokenizer import RegexTokenizer, LTokenizer, MaxScoreTokenizer
tokenizer = RegexTokenizer()
tokened_title = tokenizer.tokenize(sample_title)
tokened_content = tokenizer.tokenize(sample_content)
print(len(tokened_title), len(tokened_content))
tokened_title, tokened_content[:10]
14 403
(['서울', ',', '강남에만', '집이', '있는게', '아닙니다', '.', '부산도', '지금', '집값이', '엉망인데', '왜', '외면하십니까', '?'], ['부동산', '투기를', '잡고', '집값을', '안정시키겠다는', '대통령님과', '정부의', '의지에', '절대적인', '찬성을'])
# Preprocessing (개행문자 제거)
def preprocessing(text):
text = re.sub('\\\\n', ' ', text)
return text
sentences = estate['content'].apply(preprocessing)
tokens = sentences.apply(tokenizer.tokenize)
tokens[:3], tokens[sample_index][:10]
CPU times: user 31.1 s, sys: 24 ms, total: 31.1 s Wall time: 31.1 s
(0 [**, 존경하옵는, 문재인대통령님께, 저는, 중국원양자원이라는, KOSPI, 상장... 1 [안녕하세요, 대통령님, 금연, 관련, 정책들이, 강화되고, 있지만, 여전히, 흡연... 2 [8.2, 대책후, 매수세가, 싹, 사라졌습니다, .., 집을, 팔고, 이사를, 해... Name: content, dtype: object, ['부동산', '투기를', '잡고', '집값을', '안정시키겠다는', '대통령님과', '정부의', '의지에', '절대적인', '찬성을'])
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def displayWordCloud(data = None, backgroundcolor = 'white', width=800, height=300):
wordcloud = WordCloud( font_path = fontpath,
background_color = backgroundcolor,
width = width, height = height).generate(data)
plt.figure(figsize = (12 , 8))
plt.imshow(wordcloud); plt.axis("off"); plt.show()
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
fontpath = "/home/markbaum/.local/share/fonts/D2Coding.ttf"
font = fm.FontProperties(fname=fontpath, size=9)
displayWordCloud(' '.join(sentences))
CPU times: user 35.6 s, sys: 1.1 s, total: 36.7 s Wall time: 36.8 s
# 추출된 명사를 찍어봅니다.
from soynlp.noun import LRNounExtractor
noun_extractor = LRNounExtractor(verbose=True)
nouns = noun_extractor.extract()
print("추출한 명사갯수 {:,}".format(len(nouns)))
displayWordCloud(' '.join(nouns))
[Noun Extractor] used default noun predictor; Sejong corpus predictor [Noun Extractor] used noun_predictor_sejong [Noun Extractor] All 2398 r features was loaded [Noun Extractor] scanning was done (L,R) has (202324, 105117) tokens [Noun Extractor] building L-R graph was done [Noun Extractor] 34614 nouns are extracted 추출한 명사갯수 34,614
CPU times: user 1min 12s, sys: 68 ms, total: 1min 12s Wall time: 1min 12s