The data contains events from the months of January 2019 and January 2021; the 2019 can be used as a basis of comparison for the activity in 2021.
The destinations contained in the data are selected top-tier cities in Germany, UK, France, Italy, and Spain
The table below shows the definition of attributes:
Attributes | Definition |
event_date | The date of the search or booking activity. This is different from the departure_checkin_date, which is the actual date of travel activity: if a customer makes a booking today for check-in on 1 October, today’s date would be the event date, and 1 October would be the “departure_checkin_date” |
activity_group | An indicator of the type of event on the hotel website. Classified as “Searching” (a general search for a room) or “Booking” (an actual reservation) |
reason_for_travel_detailed | this is the Reason for Travel, categorized as either “Business”, “Leisure-Non-Family” (leisure travel consisting of 1 or 2 people), and “Leisure-Family” (leisure travel consisting of 3 or more people) |
origin_country_code | 2-letter ISO country code indicating the origin country from which the booking or search activity was made |
hotel_city,hotel_state,hotel_country | raw information specifying the destination in question. Note that this data is in an unclean state, provided straight from the source system. |
traveler_value_group | Indicator of traveler value (overall spend + loyalty status), grouped into “Low”, “Medium”, “High” |
departure_checkin_date | Start date of hotel stay; see event_date to determine how the date information differs. |
total_number_events | Aggregated count of total number of events |
#data manipulation
import pandas as pd
#data visualization
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
pio.templates.default = "plotly_white"
# interactive data table
import qgrid as dt
#read raw data as panda dataframe
raw_data = pd.read_csv("./sample_data.csv")
#Glimpse of imported raw csv data
event_date | activity_group | reason_for_travel_detailed | origin_country_code | hotel_city | hotel_state | hotel_country | traveler_value_group | departure_checkin_date | total_number_events | |
0 | 2019-01-07 | Booking | Leisure - Non-Family | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Med | 2019-01-25 | 1 |
1 | 2019-01-16 | Searching | Business | GB | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Med | 2019-02-05 | 1 |
2 | 2021-01-28 | Searching | Leisure - Non-Family | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2021-01-29 | 1 |
3 | 2021-01-28 | Searching | Leisure - Non-Family | US | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2021-07-04 | 2 |
4 | 2019-01-03 | Searching | Business | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2019-01-31 | 2 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 724795 entries, 0 to 724794 Data columns (total 10 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 event_date 724795 non-null object 1 activity_group 724795 non-null object 2 reason_for_travel_detailed 724795 non-null object 3 origin_country_code 723546 non-null object 4 hotel_city 724795 non-null object 5 hotel_state 55580 non-null object 6 hotel_country 714652 non-null object 7 traveler_value_group 724795 non-null object 8 departure_checkin_date 724795 non-null object 9 total_number_events 724795 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(1), object(9) memory usage: 55.3+ MB
total_number_events | |
count | 724795.000000 |
mean | 2.295108 |
std | 4.650648 |
min | 1.000000 |
25% | 1.000000 |
50% | 1.000000 |
75% | 2.000000 |
max | 390.000000 |
raw_data["event_date"] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data["event_date"])
raw_data["event_wday"] = raw_data["event_date"].dt.day_name().str[:3]
raw_data["event_year"] = raw_data["event_date"].dt.year
raw_data["event_mday"] = raw_data["event_date"].dt.month_name().str[:3]["event_date"], sep =" ")
raw_data["departure_checkin_date"] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data["departure_checkin_date"])
raw_data["checkin_wday"] = raw_data["departure_checkin_date"].dt.day_name().str[:3]
raw_data["checkin_year"] = raw_data["departure_checkin_date"].dt.year
raw_data["checkin_month"] = raw_data["departure_checkin_date"].dt.month_name().str[:3]
#check new columns
event_date | activity_group | reason_for_travel_detailed | origin_country_code | hotel_city | hotel_state | hotel_country | traveler_value_group | departure_checkin_date | total_number_events | event_wday | event_year | event_mday | checkin_wday | checkin_year | checkin_month | |
0 | 2019-01-07 | Booking | Leisure - Non-Family | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Med | 2019-01-25 | 1 | Mon | 2019 | Jan 07 | Fri | 2019 | Jan |
1 | 2019-01-16 | Searching | Business | GB | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Med | 2019-02-05 | 1 | Wed | 2019 | Jan 16 | Tue | 2019 | Feb |
2 | 2021-01-28 | Searching | Leisure - Non-Family | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2021-01-29 | 1 | Thu | 2021 | Jan 28 | Fri | 2021 | Jan |
3 | 2021-01-28 | Searching | Leisure - Non-Family | US | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2021-07-04 | 2 | Thu | 2021 | Jan 28 | Sun | 2021 | Jul |
4 | 2019-01-03 | Searching | Business | DE | dusseldorf | NaN | de | Low | 2019-01-31 | 2 | Thu | 2019 | Jan 03 | Thu | 2019 | Jan |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 724795 entries, 0 to 724794 Data columns (total 16 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 event_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 activity_group 724795 non-null object 2 reason_for_travel_detailed 724795 non-null object 3 origin_country_code 723546 non-null object 4 hotel_city 724795 non-null object 5 hotel_state 55580 non-null object 6 hotel_country 714652 non-null object 7 traveler_value_group 724795 non-null object 8 departure_checkin_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 9 total_number_events 724795 non-null int64 10 event_wday 724795 non-null object 11 event_year 724795 non-null int64 12 event_mday 724795 non-null object 13 checkin_wday 724795 non-null object 14 checkin_year 724795 non-null int64 15 checkin_month 724795 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), int64(3), object(11) memory usage: 88.5+ MB
raw_data["activity_group"] = raw_data["activity_group"].astype("category")
raw_data["reason_for_travel_detailed"] = raw_data["reason_for_travel_detailed"].astype("category")
raw_data["origin_country_code"] = raw_data["origin_country_code"].astype("category")
raw_data["hotel_city"] = raw_data["hotel_city"].astype("category")
raw_data["hotel_state"] = raw_data["hotel_state"].astype("category")
raw_data["hotel_country"] = raw_data["hotel_country"].astype("category")
raw_data["event_year"] = raw_data["event_year"].astype("category")
raw_data["event_mday"] = raw_data["event_mday"].astype("category")
raw_data["checkin_year"] = raw_data["checkin_year"].astype("category")
raw_data["traveler_value_group"] = raw_data["traveler_value_group"].astype("category")
Low 382542 Med 245172 High 96496 None 585 Name: traveler_value_group, dtype: int64
raw_data["traveler_value_group"] = raw_data["traveler_value_group"].cat.set_categories(
new_categories=["Low", "Med", "High"],
#check if the values are the same
Low 382542 Med 245172 High 96496 NaN 585 Name: traveler_value_group, dtype: int64
#check order
0 Med 1 Med 2 Low 3 Low 4 Low Name: traveler_value_group, dtype: category Categories (3, object): ['Low' < 'Med' < 'High']
raw_data["event_wday"] = raw_data["event_wday"].astype("category")
Wed 118545 Tue 115030 Thu 114955 Mon 103738 Fri 96362 Sun 93786 Sat 82379 Name: event_wday, dtype: int64
raw_data["event_wday"] = raw_data["event_wday"].cat.set_categories(
new_categories=["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
#check if the values are the same
Wed 118545 Tue 115030 Thu 114955 Mon 103738 Fri 96362 Sun 93786 Sat 82379 Name: event_wday, dtype: int64
#check order
0 Mon 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Thu 4 Thu Name: event_wday, dtype: category Categories (7, object): ['Sun' < 'Mon' < 'Tue' < 'Wed' < 'Thu' < 'Fri' < 'Sat']
raw_data["checkin_wday"] = raw_data["checkin_wday"].astype("category")
Fri 146583 Sat 119643 Thu 113442 Mon 96403 Wed 89219 Tue 80646 Sun 78859 Name: checkin_wday, dtype: int64
raw_data["checkin_wday"] = raw_data["checkin_wday"].cat.set_categories(
new_categories=["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
#check if the values are the same
Fri 146583 Sat 119643 Thu 113442 Mon 96403 Wed 89219 Tue 80646 Sun 78859 Name: checkin_wday, dtype: int64
#check order
0 Fri 1 Tue 2 Fri 3 Sun 4 Thu Name: checkin_wday, dtype: category Categories (7, object): ['Sun' < 'Mon' < 'Tue' < 'Wed' < 'Thu' < 'Fri' < 'Sat']
raw_data["checkin_month"] = raw_data["checkin_month"].astype("category")
Jan 168204 Feb 156079 Mar 96787 Apr 76144 May 59092 Jun 43935 Jul 35551 Aug 29727 Sep 23066 Oct 16083 Dec 11044 Nov 9083 Name: checkin_month, dtype: int64
raw_data["checkin_month"] = raw_data["checkin_month"].cat.set_categories(
new_categories=["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
#check order
Jan 168204 Feb 156079 Mar 96787 Apr 76144 May 59092 Jun 43935 Jul 35551 Aug 29727 Sep 23066 Oct 16083 Dec 11044 Nov 9083 Name: checkin_month, dtype: int64
#check order
0 Jan 1 Feb 2 Jan 3 Jul 4 Jan Name: checkin_month, dtype: category Categories (12, object): ['Jan' < 'Feb' < 'Mar' < 'Apr' ... 'Sep' < 'Oct' < 'Nov' < 'Dec']
#final check of datatype and memory savings
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 724795 entries, 0 to 724794 Data columns (total 16 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 event_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 activity_group 724795 non-null category 2 reason_for_travel_detailed 724795 non-null category 3 origin_country_code 723546 non-null category 4 hotel_city 724795 non-null category 5 hotel_state 55580 non-null category 6 hotel_country 714652 non-null category 7 traveler_value_group 724210 non-null category 8 departure_checkin_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 9 total_number_events 724795 non-null int64 10 event_wday 724795 non-null category 11 event_year 724795 non-null category 12 event_mday 724795 non-null category 13 checkin_wday 724795 non-null category 14 checkin_year 724795 non-null category 15 checkin_month 724795 non-null category dtypes: category(13), datetime64[ns](2), int64(1) memory usage: 27.0 MB
#generate dataframe
df_event_year = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("event_year")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_event_year["pct_total"] = (df_event_year["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_event_year = = df_event_year,
x = 'event_year',
y = 'total_number_events',
2019: 'darkgray',
2021: 'purple'},
color = 'event_year',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_event_year.update_xaxes(title_text = 'Event Year', type='category')
title = 'Event Year EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_event_year, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
raw_data_2019 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data[raw_data["event_year"] == 2019])
raw_data_2021 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data[raw_data["event_year"] == 2021])
df_event_mday_2019 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data_2019.groupby("event_mday")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_event_mday_2019.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "mday_2019_total"}, inplace = True)
df_event_mday_2021 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data_2021.groupby("event_mday")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_event_mday_2021.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "mday_2021_total"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_event_mday = df_event_mday_2019.join(df_event_mday_2021)
#interactive plotly line chart
fig_event_mday = go.Figure()
x = df_event_mday['event_mday'],
y = df_event_mday['mday_2019_total'],
name = '2019',
mode = 'lines+markers',
x = df_event_mday['event_mday'],
y = df_event_mday['mday_2021_total'],
name = '2021',
mode = 'lines+markers',
title = 'Event Month Day EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Date',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
Based on day on day comparison, 2019 saw some dips on certain dates like Jan 05, Jan 12, etc.
2020 also exhibits certain dips on total events like Jan 10, Jan 17, etc.
#interactive data table
df_event_mday["diff_val"] = df_event_mday["mday_2021_total"] - df_event_mday["mday_2019_total"]
df_event_mday["diff_pct"] = (df_event_mday["diff_val"] / df_event_mday["mday_2019_total"])*100
dt.show_grid(df_event_mday, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
df_event_wday_2019 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data_2019.groupby("event_wday")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_event_wday_2019.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "wday_2019_total"}, inplace = True)
df_event_wday_2021 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data_2021.groupby("event_wday")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_event_wday_2021.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "wday_2021_total"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_event_wday = df_event_wday_2019.join(df_event_wday_2021)
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_event_wday = go.Figure()
x = df_event_wday['event_wday'],
y = df_event_wday['wday_2019_total'],
name = '2019',
x = df_event_wday['event_wday'],
y = df_event_wday['wday_2021_total'],
name = '2021',
title = 'Event Weekday EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Day',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
df_event_wday["diff_val"] = df_event_wday["wday_2021_total"] - df_event_wday["wday_2019_total"]
df_event_wday["diff_pct"] = (df_event_wday["diff_val"] / df_event_wday["wday_2019_total"])*100
dt.show_grid(df_event_wday, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_activity = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("activity_group")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_activity["pct_total"] = (df_activity["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_activity = = df_activity,
x = 'activity_group',
y = 'total_number_events',
'Booking' : 'purple',
'Searching': 'darkgray'},
color = 'activity_group',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
title = 'Activity Group EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Activity Group',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
From the total number of events, only less than 8% are doing actual reservation. It would be interesting to see what the are the factors that affect the conversion from ‘Searching’ to ‘Booking’.
An ‘conversion’ attribute can be use as a target variable for a prediction model.
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_activity, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_reason_travel = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("reason_for_travel_detailed")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_reason_travel["pct_total"] = (df_reason_travel["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_reason_travel.sort_values(by = "total_number_events", ascending = False, inplace = True)
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_reason_travel = = df_reason_travel,
x = 'reason_for_travel_detailed',
y = 'total_number_events',
'Leisure - Non-Family': 'orchid',
'Business' : 'darkorchid',
'Leisure - Family': 'purple'},
color = 'reason_for_travel_detailed',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
title = 'Reason for Travel Detailed EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Reason for Travel',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
Almost 95% of the total events are from Leisure - Non-Family and Business. Although Leisure - Family accounts for more than 5%, it would be good to know the spending patterns.
Intuitively, leisure travel consisting of 3 or more people for Leisure-Family category will spend more in the hotel services like rooms and food than Leisure - Non-Family and Business.
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_reason_travel, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_origin_country = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("origin_country_code", dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
df_origin_country["pct_total"] = (df_origin_country["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_origin_country.sort_values(by = "total_number_events",ascending = False,inplace = True)
df_origin_country_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_origin_country.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_origin_country = = df_origin_country_10,
y = 'origin_country_code',
x = 'total_number_events',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_origin_country.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Top 10 Origin Country Code EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Origin Country',
xaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_origin_country, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_hotel_city = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("hotel_city",dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
df_hotel_city["pct_total"] = (df_hotel_city["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_hotel_city.sort_values(by = "total_number_events",ascending = False,inplace = True)
df_hotel_city_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_hotel_city.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_hotel_city = = df_hotel_city_10,
y = 'hotel_city',
x = 'total_number_events',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_hotel_city.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Top 10 Hotel City EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Hotel City',
xaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_hotel_city, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_hotel_state = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("hotel_state",dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
#93.37% are mising values
df_hotel_state["pct_total"] = (df_hotel_state["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_hotel_state.sort_values(by = "total_number_events", ascending = False,inplace = True)
df_hotel_state_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_hotel_state.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_hotel_state = = df_hotel_state_10,
y = 'hotel_state',
x = 'total_number_events',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_hotel_state.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Top 10 Hotel State EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Hotel State',
xaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_hotel_state, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_hotel_country = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("hotel_country",dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
#0.86% are mising values
df_hotel_country["pct_total"] = (df_hotel_country["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_hotel_country.sort_values(by = "total_number_events", ascending = False,inplace = True)
df_hotel_country_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_hotel_country.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_hotel_country = = df_hotel_country_10,
y = 'hotel_country',
x = 'total_number_events',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_hotel_country.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Top 10 Hotel Country EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Hotel Country',
xaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_hotel_country, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
London, GB accounts to almost 20% of the total number of events
As noted in the Data Dictionary, hotel_city, hotel_state, and hotel_country are raw data from the source systems and requires data cleaning to be useable.
#generate dataframe
df_traveler_value = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("traveler_value_group")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_traveler_value["pct_total"] = (df_traveler_value["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_traveler_value.sort_values(by = "total_number_events", ascending = False, inplace = True)
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_traveler_value = = df_traveler_value,
x = 'traveler_value_group',
y = 'total_number_events',
'Low - Non-Family': 'orchid',
'Med' : 'darkorchid',
'High - Family': 'purple'},
color = 'traveler_value_group',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
title = 'Traveler Value Group EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Traveler Value',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
Similar to reason_for_travel_detailed, it would be good to know the spending patterns of different Traveler Value Group.
Intuitively, “High” will spend more in the hotel services like rooms, food, and loyalty. Therefore, they require the best quality of customer care.
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_traveler_value, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_checkin_year = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("checkin_year")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_checkin_year["pct_total"] = (df_checkin_year["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_checkin_year = = df_checkin_year,
x = 'checkin_year',
y = 'total_number_events',
2019 : 'darkgray',
2020 : 'darkgray',
2021 : 'purple',
2022 : 'darkgray',
2023 : 'darkgray',
2032 : 'darkgray',},
color = 'checkin_year',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
fig_checkin_year.update_xaxes(title_text = 'Checkin Year', type='category')
title = 'Checkin Year EDA',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_checkin_year, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_checkin_month = pd.DataFrame(raw_data.groupby("checkin_month")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_checkin_month["pct_total"] = (df_checkin_month["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_checkin_month = = df_checkin_month,
x = 'checkin_month',
y = 'total_number_events',
hover_data = ['pct_total'])
title = 'Checkin Month EDA',
xaxis_title = 'Checkin Month',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_checkin_month, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
#generate dataframe
df_total_event = pd.DataFrame(raw_data["total_number_events"].value_counts())
df_total_event["pct_total"] = (df_total_event["total_number_events"]/raw_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_total_event.rename(columns = {"index": "total_number_events", "total_number_events" : "count"}, inplace = True)
df_total_event.sort_values(by = "count", ascending = False, inplace = True)
fig_total_event = px.histogram(data_frame = raw_data,
nbins = 100)
title = 'Total Number of Events Histogram',
yaxis_title = 'Count',
xaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events',
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_total_event, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
clean_data = raw_data.copy(deep=True)
#replace misspelled hotel city
replace_map_hotel_city = {"dusseldorf" : "duesseldorf",
"firenze" : "florence",
"kln" : "koeln",
"mnchen" : "munich",
"seville" : "sevilla",
"venezia": "venice"}
clean_data["hotel_city"].replace(replace_map_hotel_city, inplace = True)
clean_data["hotel_city"] = clean_data["hotel_city"].astype("category")
#generate dataframe
df_clean_hotel_city = pd.DataFrame(clean_data.groupby("hotel_city",dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
df_clean_hotel_city["pct_total"] = (df_clean_hotel_city["total_number_events"]/clean_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_clean_hotel_city.sort_values(by = "total_number_events",ascending = False,inplace = True)
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_clean_hotel_city, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
Merged the following cities:
replace_map_hotel_country = {"alemania" : "de",
"allemagne" : "de",
"germania" : "de",
"espaa" : "es",
"catalunya" : "es",
"gran bretaa": "gb",
"gran bretagna" : "gb",
"grande bretagne" : "gb",
"grobritannien" : "gb",
"regno unito" : "gb",
"reino unido" : "gb",
"royaume-uni" : "gb",
"sct" : "gb",
"on" : "gb", #london
"ns" : "gb", #liverpool
"jp" : "fr", #bordeaux
"br" : "es", #barcelona
"co" : "es"} #madrid
clean_data["hotel_country"].replace(replace_map_hotel_country, inplace = True)
clean_data["hotel_country"] = clean_data["hotel_country"].astype("category")
#generate dataframe
df_clean_hotel_country = pd.DataFrame(clean_data.groupby("hotel_country",dropna=False)["total_number_events"].sum())
df_clean_hotel_country["pct_total"] = (df_clean_hotel_country["total_number_events"]/clean_data["total_number_events"].sum())*100
df_clean_hotel_country.sort_values(by = "total_number_events",ascending = False,inplace = True)
#interactive data table
dt.show_grid(df_clean_hotel_country, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
Merged and renamed countries. However US, CA, AU, and RU are still incorrect (does not match correctly with hotel_city)
There are missing countries and (not set) entries
Assuming the hotel_city is correct, a better approach is to map the hotel_country from the hotel_city
Additionally, hotel_state is unusable because of 93.37% of the data are missing. If this attribute is needed, hotel_state can be mapped from the hotel_city
clean_data.drop(columns = ["hotel_state", "hotel_country"], inplace = True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 724795 entries, 0 to 724794 Data columns (total 14 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 event_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 activity_group 724795 non-null category 2 reason_for_travel_detailed 724795 non-null category 3 origin_country_code 723546 non-null category 4 hotel_city 724795 non-null category 5 traveler_value_group 724210 non-null category 6 departure_checkin_date 724795 non-null datetime64[ns] 7 total_number_events 724795 non-null int64 8 event_wday 724795 non-null category 9 event_year 724795 non-null category 10 event_mday 724795 non-null category 11 checkin_wday 724795 non-null category 12 checkin_year 724795 non-null category 13 checkin_month 724795 non-null category dtypes: category(11), datetime64[ns](2), int64(1) memory usage: 24.9 MB
For the final data to be used for analysis, hotel_state and hotel_country will be excluded since the final report only requires top destination per city.
Additionally, the outliers in the total_number_events and missing values from other fields will be kept as is. The analysis assumes that the data inputs are correct.
#generate dataframe
clean_data_2019 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data[clean_data["event_year"] == 2019])
clean_data_2019_booking = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019[clean_data_2019["activity_group"] == "Booking"])
clean_data_2019_searching = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019[clean_data_2019["activity_group"] == "Searching"])
clean_data_2021 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data[clean_data["event_year"] == 2021])
clean_data_2021_booking = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021[clean_data_2021["activity_group"] == "Booking"])
clean_data_2021_searching = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021[clean_data_2021["activity_group"] == "Searching"])
df_booking_2019 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019_booking.groupby("hotel_city")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_booking_2019.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "booking_2019_total"}, inplace = True)
df_booking_2021 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021_booking.groupby("hotel_city")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_booking_2021.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "booking_2021_total"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_booking_city = df_booking_2019.join(df_booking_2021)
df_booking_city.sort_values(by = "booking_2021_total", ascending = False, inplace = True)
#interactive plotly line chart
fig_booking_city = go.Figure()
x = df_booking_city['hotel_city'],
y = df_booking_city['booking_2021_total'],
name = '2021',
mode = 'lines+markers',
x = df_booking_city['hotel_city'],
y = df_booking_city['booking_2019_total'],
name = '2019',
mode = 'lines+markers',
title = 'Booking Top Destinations by City',
xaxis_title = 'Booking Destination',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
df_booking_city["diff_val"] = df_booking_city["booking_2021_total"] - df_booking_city["booking_2019_total"]
df_booking_city["diff_pct"] = (df_booking_city["diff_val"] / df_booking_city["booking_2019_total"])*100
df_booking_city.sort_values(by = "diff_pct", ascending = False, inplace = True)
dt.show_grid(df_booking_city, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
fig_booking_city_diff = = df_booking_city,
x = 'diff_pct',
y = 'hotel_city')
fig_booking_city_diff.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Destinations by City Percentage Change (2021 vs. 2019)',
xaxis_title = 'Percentage Change(%)',
yaxis_title = 'Booking Destination')
#generate dataframe
df_booking_2019_country = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019_booking.groupby("origin_country_code")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_booking_2019_country.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "booking_2019_country"}, inplace = True)
df_booking_2021_country = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021_booking.groupby("origin_country_code")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_booking_2021_country.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "booking_2021_country"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_booking_country = df_booking_2019_country.join(df_booking_2021_country)
df_booking_country.sort_values(by = "booking_2021_country", ascending = False, inplace = True)
df_booking_country_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_booking_country.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_booking_country = go.Figure()
x = df_booking_country_10['origin_country_code'],
y = df_booking_country_10['booking_2021_country'],
name = '2021',
x = df_booking_country_10['origin_country_code'],
y = df_booking_country_10['booking_2019_country'],
name = '2019',
title = 'Top 10 Origin Country',
xaxis_title = 'Origin Country',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
df_booking_country["diff_val"] = df_booking_country["booking_2021_country"] - df_booking_country["booking_2019_country"]
df_booking_country["diff_pct"] = (df_booking_country["diff_val"] / df_booking_country["booking_2019_country"])*100
df_booking_country.sort_values(by = "booking_2021_country", ascending = False, inplace = True)
dt.show_grid(df_booking_country, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
In terms of percent change of activity (2021 vs 2019), only florence has positive growth of 203.92%.
The rest of the destinations experienced negative percent change from venice (-29.69%) up to the worst hit cities which are leeds (-93.82%), frankfurt(-93.84%), koeln (-93.85%).
In terms of total number of events, birmingham has the highest events with 2,650 followed by london with 2,600.
The bottom 3 destination cities have less than 100 events which are malaga with 83, cologne with 52, and palma de mallorca with a mere 38.
The top origin countries from which bookings were made are US, FR, GB, DE, and ES.
#generate dataframe
df_searching_2019 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019_searching.groupby("hotel_city")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_searching_2019.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "searching_2019_total"}, inplace = True)
df_searching_2021 = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021_searching.groupby("hotel_city")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_searching_2021.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "searching_2021_total"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_searching_city = df_searching_2019.join(df_searching_2021)
df_searching_city.sort_values(by = "searching_2021_total", ascending = False, inplace = True)
#interactive plotly line chart
fig_searching_city = go.Figure()
x = df_searching_city['hotel_city'],
y = df_searching_city['searching_2021_total'],
name = '2021',
mode = 'lines+markers',
x = df_searching_city['hotel_city'],
y = df_searching_city['searching_2019_total'],
name = '2019',
mode = 'lines+markers',
title = 'Searching Top Destinations by City',
xaxis_title = 'Searching Destination',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
df_searching_city["diff_val"] = df_searching_city["searching_2021_total"] - df_searching_city["searching_2019_total"]
df_searching_city["diff_pct"] = (df_searching_city["diff_val"] / df_searching_city["searching_2019_total"])*100
df_searching_city.sort_values(by = "diff_pct", ascending = False, inplace = True)
dt.show_grid(df_searching_city, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
fig_searching_city_diff = = df_searching_city,
x = 'diff_pct',
y = 'hotel_city')
fig_searching_city_diff.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending')
title = 'Destinations by City Percentage Change (2021 vs. 2019)',
xaxis_title = 'Percentage Change(%)',
yaxis_title = 'Searching Destination')
#generate dataframe
df_searching_2019_country = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2019_searching.groupby("origin_country_code")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_searching_2019_country.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "searching_2019_country"}, inplace = True)
df_searching_2021_country = pd.DataFrame(clean_data_2021_booking.groupby("origin_country_code")["total_number_events"].sum())
df_searching_2021_country.rename(columns = {"total_number_events" : "searching_2021_country"}, inplace = True)
#join dataframes
df_searching_country = df_searching_2019_country.join(df_searching_2021_country)
df_searching_country.sort_values(by = "searching_2021_country", ascending = False, inplace = True)
df_searching_country_10 = pd.DataFrame(df_searching_country.head(10))
#interactive plotly bar chart
fig_searching_country = go.Figure()
x = df_searching_country_10['origin_country_code'],
y = df_searching_country_10['searching_2021_country'],
name = '2021',
x = df_searching_country_10['origin_country_code'],
y = df_searching_country_10['searching_2019_country'],
name = '2019',
title = 'Top 10 Origin Country',
xaxis_title = 'Origin Country',
yaxis_title = 'Total Number of Events')
#interactive data table
df_searching_country["diff_val"] = df_searching_country["searching_2021_country"] - df_searching_country["searching_2019_country"]
df_searching_country["diff_pct"] = (df_searching_country["diff_val"] / df_searching_country["searching_2019_country"])*100
df_searching_country.sort_values(by = "searching_2021_country", ascending = False, inplace = True)
dt.show_grid(df_searching_country, precision = 2)
QgridWidget(grid_options={'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defau…
In terms of percent change of activity (2021 vs 2019), florence, venince, and birmingham have positive percent change with values of 181.83%, 27.73% and 1.51% respectively.
The rest of the destinations experienced negative percent change from palma de mallorca (-33.84%) up to the worst hit cities which are koeln (-92.54%) and leeds (-93.70%)
In terms of total number of events, london has the highest events with 54,812 and consistently at the top for 2019 and 2021.
The bottom 4 destination cities have less than 2000 events which are malaga (1,836), cologne (1,817), hannover (1,573), and leeds (1,210).
The top origin countries from which bookings were made are US, FR, GB, ES, and DE.
Add new attribute like a flag to understand the factors that affect the conversion from ‘Searching’ to ‘Booking’. An ‘conversion’ attribute can be use as a target variable for a prediction model.
Add spending patterns information to know how ‘Reason for Travel Detailed’ and ‘Traveler Value Group’ contribute to the bottom line.
Add user demographics information, time of event, and campaigns used to advertise the hotel to better plan and invest marketing and operational resources.
Suggest to focus the marketing and operational resources to the top origin countries from which bookings were made such as US, FR, GB, DE, and ES. Additionally, may need to investigate why there are no bookings or even search from US for 2019. This may be a data source issue.
Finally, aside from looking at the City Hotel, perform additional interactive visualization and data analysis to other attributes (reason_for_travel_detailed, traveler_value_group, and departure_checkin_date).