Churn Prediction (Statistical Testing, Stacking Ensemble)

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The objective of this notebook is to present an extensive analysis of the IBM Customer Churn Dataset and to predict the customer churn rate.

Dataset Source :

GitHub Project Repository :

NB: This project also serves as my assignments for the courses below -

  1. IBM Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning
  2. IBM Supervised Machine Learning: Classification

You can also view this notebook on kaggle

  1. Churn Prediction I : EDA+Statistical Analysis
  2. Churn Prediction II : Triple Boost Stacking+Optuna

1.1 Insights & Summary

  • Dataset mostly has categorical variables
  • Data is not normally distributed, performed Nonparametric Statistical tests
  • Performed statistical hypothesis test to check correlation , multicollinearity
  • Imbalanced dataset, did experiment with different sampling techniques(e.g stratifying, imblearn - SMOTE etc)
  • Tuned Hyperparameters using Optuna
  • All statistical tests were performed with a 95% confidence level (i.e., p value < 0.05)
  • Performed single level Stacking Ensemble with Triple Gradient boosting algorithms

2 Libraries & Configurations

2.1 Import Libraries

In [ ]:
!pip install --upgrade scipy # to calculate Cramer's V latest version of scipy needed
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.4.1)
Collecting scipy
  Downloading scipy-1.7.2-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (38.2 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 38.2 MB 25 kB/s 
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<1.23.0,>=1.16.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from scipy) (1.19.5)
Installing collected packages: scipy
  Attempting uninstall: scipy
    Found existing installation: scipy 1.4.1
    Uninstalling scipy-1.4.1:
      Successfully uninstalled scipy-1.4.1
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
albumentations 0.1.12 requires imgaug<0.2.7,>=0.2.5, but you have imgaug 0.2.9 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed scipy-1.7.2
In [ ]:
"""Import basic modules."""
import math
import os
import gc
import random
import pprint
import numpy as np               # For linear algebra
import pandas as pd              # For data manipulation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # For 2D visualization
import seaborn as sns

# Warning Libraries 
import warnings
# warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

from collections import Counter
from scipy import stats                         # For statistics
from scipy.stats.contingency import association # upgrade scipy to use this to calculate Cramer's V

"""Plotly visualization"""
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import as px
import as pio
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot

from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder, OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder, StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, MaxAbsScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer # convert to Gaussian-like data
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif, chi2

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold, RepeatedStratifiedKFold, train_test_split, cross_val_score
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler

# Algorithms
from sklearn.ensemble import StackingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC

# Boosting Algorithms 
!pip install catboost
from xgboost                          import XGBClassifier
from catboost                         import CatBoostClassifier, Pool
from lightgbm                         import LGBMClassifier

!pip install optuna
import optuna
from optuna.visualization import plot_optimization_history, plot_param_importances

import multiprocessing
import pickle, joblib
from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef, roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, confusion_matrix, classification_report, roc_curve, auc

from sklearn.utils import resample
from IPython.display import Markdown, display

# utility function to print markdown string
def printmd(string):

# customize as needed
plt_params = {
    # 'figure.facecolor': 'white',
    'axes.facecolor' : 'white',

    ## to set size 
    # 'legend.fontsize': 'x-large',
    # 'figure.figsize': (15, 10),
    # 'axes.labelsize': 'x-large',
    # 'axes.titlesize': 'x-large',
    # 'xtick.labelsize': 'x-large',
    # 'ytick.labelsize': 'x-large'



# init_notebook_mode(connected=True)
# pio.renderers.default='notebook' # to display plotly graph
%matplotlib inline

Check Version

In [ ]:
!pip freeze | grep optuna
!pip freeze | grep xgboost
!pip freeze | grep catboost
!pip freeze | grep lightgbm
!pip freeze | grep plotly
!pip freeze | grep scipy
!pip freeze | grep scikit-learn

2.2 Configurations

In [ ]:
# padding value
left_padding = 21

# seed value
SEED = 42

# set optuna verbosity level
optuna_verbosity = optuna.logging.WARNING #

def seed_everything(seed=42):
    os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed)


3 Descriptive Analysis

Feature Name Description Data Type
customerID Contains customer ID categorical
gender whether the customer female or male categorical
SeniorCitizen Whether the customer is a senior citizen or not (1, 0) numeric, int
Partner Whether the customer has a partner or not (Yes, No) categorical
Dependents Whether the customer has dependents or not (Yes, No) categorical
tenure Number of months the customer has stayed with the company numeric, int
PhoneService Whether the customer has a phone service or not (Yes, No) categorical
MultipleLines Whether the customer has multiple lines r not (Yes, No, No phone service) categorical
InternetService Customer’s internet service provider (DSL, Fiber optic, No) categorical
OnlineSecurity Whether the customer has online security or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
OnlineBackup Whether the customer has online backup or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
DeviceProtection Whether the customer has device protection or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
TechSupport Whether the customer has tech support or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
streamingTV Whether the customer has streaming TV or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
streamingMovies Whether the customer has streaming movies or not (Yes, No, No internet service) categorical
Contract The contract term of the customer (Month-to-month, One year, Two year) categorical
PaperlessBilling Whether the customer has paperless billing or not (Yes, No) categorical
PaymentMethod The customer’s payment method (Electronic check, Mailed check, Bank transfer, Credit card) categorical
MonthlyCharges The amount charged to the customer monthly   numeric , int
TotalCharges The total amount charged to the customer  object
Churn Whether the customer churned or not (Yes or No) categorical
In [ ]:
df_churn = pd.read_csv("")
Out[ ]:
customerID gender SeniorCitizen Partner Dependents tenure PhoneService MultipleLines InternetService OnlineSecurity OnlineBackup DeviceProtection TechSupport StreamingTV StreamingMovies Contract PaperlessBilling PaymentMethod MonthlyCharges TotalCharges Churn
0 7590-VHVEG Female 0 Yes No 1 No No phone service DSL No Yes No No No No Month-to-month Yes Electronic check 29.85 29.85 No
1 5575-GNVDE Male 0 No No 34 Yes No DSL Yes No Yes No No No One year No Mailed check 56.95 1889.5 No
2 3668-QPYBK Male 0 No No 2 Yes No DSL Yes Yes No No No No Month-to-month Yes Mailed check 53.85 108.15 Yes
3 7795-CFOCW Male 0 No No 45 No No phone service DSL Yes No Yes Yes No No One year No Bank transfer (automatic) 42.30 1840.75 No
4 9237-HQITU Female 0 No No 2 Yes No Fiber optic No No No No No No Month-to-month Yes Electronic check 70.70 151.65 Yes
In [ ]:
print(f"Dataset Dimension: {df_churn.shape[0]} rows,  {df_churn.shape[1]} columns")
Dataset Dimension: 7043 rows,  21 columns
In [ ]:

printmd("<br>**SeniorCitizen** is already converted to ineteger<br><br>**TotalCharges** should be converted to float")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7043 entries, 0 to 7042
Data columns (total 21 columns):
 #   Column            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------            --------------  -----  
 0   customerID        7043 non-null   object 
 1   gender            7043 non-null   object 
 2   SeniorCitizen     7043 non-null   int64  
 3   Partner           7043 non-null   object 
 4   Dependents        7043 non-null   object 
 5   tenure            7043 non-null   int64  
 6   PhoneService      7043 non-null   object 
 7   MultipleLines     7043 non-null   object 
 8   InternetService   7043 non-null   object 
 9   OnlineSecurity    7043 non-null   object 
 10  OnlineBackup      7043 non-null   object 
 11  DeviceProtection  7043 non-null   object 
 12  TechSupport       7043 non-null   object 
 13  StreamingTV       7043 non-null   object 
 14  StreamingMovies   7043 non-null   object 
 15  Contract          7043 non-null   object 
 16  PaperlessBilling  7043 non-null   object 
 17  PaymentMethod     7043 non-null   object 
 18  MonthlyCharges    7043 non-null   float64
 19  TotalCharges      7043 non-null   object 
 20  Churn             7043 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(18)
memory usage: 1.1+ MB

SeniorCitizen is already converted to ineteger

TotalCharges should be converted to float

Drop customerID column

In [ ]:
del df_churn["customerID"]

3.1 Summary of Categorical Features

In [ ]:
Out[ ]:
count unique top freq
gender 7043 2 Male 3555
Partner 7043 2 No 3641
Dependents 7043 2 No 4933
PhoneService 7043 2 Yes 6361
MultipleLines 7043 3 No 3390
InternetService 7043 3 Fiber optic 3096
OnlineSecurity 7043 3 No 3498
OnlineBackup 7043 3 No 3088
DeviceProtection 7043 3 No 3095
TechSupport 7043 3 No 3473
StreamingTV 7043 3 No 2810
StreamingMovies 7043 3 No 2785
Contract 7043 3 Month-to-month 3875
PaperlessBilling 7043 2 Yes 4171
PaymentMethod 7043 4 Electronic check 2365
TotalCharges 7043 6531 20.2 11
Churn 7043 2 No 5174

3.2 Checking Duplicates

In [ ]:
print('Known observations: {}\nUnique observations: {}'.format(len(df_churn.index),len(df_churn.drop_duplicates().index)))

printmd("**No duplicates Found!**")
Known observations: 7043
Unique observations: 7021

No duplicates Found!

3.3 Unique Values

In [ ]:
printmd("**Unique Values By Features**")
for feature in df_churn.columns:
    uniq = np.unique(df_churn[feature])

Unique Values By Features

gender                2
SeniorCitizen         2
Partner               2
Dependents            2
tenure                73
PhoneService          2
MultipleLines         3
InternetService       3
OnlineSecurity        3
OnlineBackup          3
DeviceProtection      3
TechSupport           3
StreamingTV           3
StreamingMovies       3
Contract              3
PaperlessBilling      2
PaymentMethod         4
MonthlyCharges        1585
TotalCharges          6531
Churn                 2

4 Data Wrangling

4.1 Missing Values

In [ ]:
Out[ ]:
gender              0
SeniorCitizen       0
Partner             0
Dependents          0
tenure              0
PhoneService        0
MultipleLines       0
InternetService     0
OnlineSecurity      0
OnlineBackup        0
DeviceProtection    0
TechSupport         0
StreamingTV         0
StreamingMovies     0
Contract            0
PaperlessBilling    0
PaymentMethod       0
MonthlyCharges      0
TotalCharges        0
Churn               0
dtype: int64
In [ ]:
cat_cols = set(df_churn.columns) - set(df_churn._get_numeric_data().columns)

printmd("'**isna**' is only applicable for numerical data type<br>")
printmd("Checking missing values for object data type<br><br>")

for cat in cat_cols:
  print(cat.ljust(left_padding), df_churn[cat].apply(lambda x:len(x.strip()) == 0 or x.strip().lower() == 'nan').sum())

printmd("<br>TotalCharges is an object datatype, it has **11** 'nan' value")

'isna' is only applicable for numerical data type

Checking missing values for object data type

StreamingTV           0
Contract              0
TechSupport           0
TotalCharges          11
Dependents            0
PaymentMethod         0
OnlineBackup          0
MultipleLines         0
PaperlessBilling      0
Partner               0
DeviceProtection      0
InternetService       0
Churn                 0
PhoneService          0
gender                0
OnlineSecurity        0
StreamingMovies       0

TotalCharges is an object datatype, it has 11 'nan' value

4.1.1 Change Data Type

Convert TotalCharges to numeric

In [ ]:
df_churn["TotalCharges"] = pd.to_numeric(df_churn["TotalCharges"], errors = 'coerce')

4.1.2 Imputation

In [ ]:
indices_null_tc = df_churn[df_churn["TotalCharges"].isna()].index
In [ ]:

printmd("<br>**'Tenure' (months stayed at the company) is correlated with 'TotalCharges' column**")
printmd("**when 'Tenure' is 0 , 'TotalCharges' is 0 too**")
gender SeniorCitizen Partner Dependents tenure PhoneService MultipleLines InternetService OnlineSecurity OnlineBackup DeviceProtection TechSupport StreamingTV StreamingMovies Contract PaperlessBilling PaymentMethod MonthlyCharges TotalCharges Churn
488 Female 0 Yes Yes 0 No No phone service DSL Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Two year Yes Bank transfer (automatic) 52.55 NaN No
753 Male 0 No Yes 0 Yes No No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service Two year No Mailed check 20.25 NaN No
936 Female 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes No DSL Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Two year No Mailed check 80.85 NaN No
1082 Male 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service Two year No Mailed check 25.75 NaN No
1340 Female 0 Yes Yes 0 No No phone service DSL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Two year No Credit card (automatic) 56.05 NaN No
3331 Male 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes No No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service Two year No Mailed check 19.85 NaN No
3826 Male 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service Two year No Mailed check 25.35 NaN No
4380 Female 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes No No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service Two year No Mailed check 20.00 NaN No
5218 Male 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes No No No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service No internet service One year Yes Mailed check 19.70 NaN No
6670 Female 0 Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes DSL No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Two year No Mailed check 73.35 NaN No
6754 Male 0 No Yes 0 Yes Yes DSL Yes Yes No Yes No No Two year Yes Bank transfer (automatic) 61.90 NaN No

'Tenure' (months stayed at the company) is correlated with 'TotalCharges' column

when 'Tenure' is 0 , 'TotalCharges' is 0 too

In [ ]:
display(df_churn[df_churn.tenure == 1].head(2))

printmd("<br>**'TotalCharges' is the same as 'MonthlyCharges' when 'Tenure' is not 0**")
gender SeniorCitizen Partner Dependents tenure PhoneService MultipleLines InternetService OnlineSecurity OnlineBackup DeviceProtection TechSupport StreamingTV StreamingMovies Contract PaperlessBilling PaymentMethod MonthlyCharges TotalCharges Churn
0 Female 0 Yes No 1 No No phone service DSL No Yes No No No No Month-to-month Yes Electronic check 29.85 29.85 No
20 Male 1 No No 1 No No phone service DSL No No Yes No No Yes Month-to-month Yes Electronic check 39.65 39.65 Yes

'TotalCharges' is the same as 'MonthlyCharges' when 'Tenure' is not 0

Therefore, impute missing values on 'TotalCharges' column with 0

In [ ]:
display(df_churn[df_churn.tenure == 3].head(2))

printmd("<br>**'TotalCharges' increases with respect to 'MonthlyCharges' and 'Tenure'**")
printmd("<br>From the above observation we can conclude that, **'TotalCharges'  = 'MonthlyCharges' x 'Tenure' + Extra Cost**")
printmd("**Therefore, imputing missing values on 'TotalCharges' column with 0**")
gender SeniorCitizen Partner Dependents tenure PhoneService MultipleLines InternetService OnlineSecurity OnlineBackup DeviceProtection TechSupport StreamingTV StreamingMovies Contract PaperlessBilling PaymentMethod MonthlyCharges TotalCharges Churn
65 Female 0 No No 3 Yes No DSL No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Month-to-month Yes Electronic check 75.3 244.1 No
74 Female 0 No Yes 3 Yes No DSL Yes No No Yes No Yes Month-to-month Yes Bank transfer (automatic) 64.5 177.4 No

'TotalCharges' increases with respect to 'MonthlyCharges' and 'Tenure'

From the above observation we can conclude that, 'TotalCharges' = 'MonthlyCharges' x 'Tenure' + Extra Cost

Therefore, imputing missing values on 'TotalCharges' column with 0

In [ ]:
df_churn['TotalCharges'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
df_churn[['tenure', 'MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges']].describe().T
Out[ ]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
tenure 7043.0 32.371149 24.559481 0.00 9.00 29.00 55.00 72.00
MonthlyCharges 7043.0 64.761692 30.090047 18.25 35.50 70.35 89.85 118.75
TotalCharges 7043.0 2279.734304 2266.794470 0.00 398.55 1394.55 3786.60 8684.80

4.2 Binning

There are three numerical data types which can be ranked based on their values :

  • Tenure, MonthlyCharges and TotalCharges

We can bin them into three levels : high, medium and low

In [ ]:
def binning_feature(feature):

  # set x/y labels and plot title
  plt.title(f"{feature.title()} Bins")

  bins = np.linspace(min(df_churn[feature]), max(df_churn[feature]), 4)
  printmd("**Value Range**")

  printmd(f"Low ({bins[0] : .2f} - {bins[1]: .2f})")
  printmd(f"Medium ({bins[1]: .2f} - {bins[2]: .2f})")
  printmd(f"High ({bins[2]: .2f} - {bins[3]: .2f})")
  group_names = ['Low', 'Medium', 'High']
  df_churn.insert(df_churn.shape[1]-1,f'{feature}-binned', pd.cut(df_churn[feature], bins, labels=group_names, include_lowest=True))
  display(df_churn[[feature, f'{feature}-binned']].head(10))

  # count values
  printmd("<br>**Binning Distribution**<br>")

  # plot the distribution of each bin, df_churn[f'{feature}-binned'].value_counts())
  #, x='year', y='pop')

  # set x/y labels and plot title
  plt.title(f"{feature.title()} Bins")

4.2.1 Tenure

In [ ]:

Value Range

Low ( 0.00 - 24.00)

Medium ( 24.00 - 48.00)

High ( 48.00 - 72.00)

tenure tenure-binned
0 1 Low
1 34 Medium
2 2 Low
3 45 Medium
4 2 Low
5 8 Low
6 22 Low
7 10 Low
8 28 Medium
9 62 High

Binning Distribution

Low       3210
High      2239
Medium    1594
Name: tenure-binned, dtype: int64

4.2.2 MonthlyCharges

In [ ]:

Value Range

Low ( 18.25 - 51.75)

Medium ( 51.75 - 85.25)

High ( 85.25 - 118.75)

MonthlyCharges MonthlyCharges-binned
0 29.85 Low
1 56.95 Medium
2 53.85 Medium
3 42.30 Low
4 70.70 Medium
5 99.65 High
6 89.10 High
7 29.75 Low
8 104.80 High
9 56.15 Medium

Binning Distribution

Low       2451
Medium    2439
High      2153
Name: MonthlyCharges-binned, dtype: int64

4.2.3 TotalCharges

In [ ]:

Value Range

Low ( 18.80 - 2907.47)

Medium ( 2907.47 - 5796.13)

High ( 5796.13 - 8684.80)

TotalCharges TotalCharges-binned
0 29.85 Low
1 1889.50 Low
2 108.15 Low
3 1840.75 Low
4 151.65 Low
5 820.50 Low
6 1949.40 Low
7 301.90 Low
8 3046.05 Medium
9 3487.95 Medium

Binning Distribution

Low       4778
Medium    1471
High       783
Name: TotalCharges-binned, dtype: int64

Data Types Distribution after cleaning

In [ ]:
printmd("**Data Types**<br>")

Data Types

Out[ ]:
object      16
category     3
int64        2
float64      2
dtype: int64

5 Univariate Analysis

5.1 Statistical Normality Tests

Normality tests are used to determine if a dataset is normally distributed and to check how likely it is for a random variable in the dataset to be normally distributed.

Popular normality tests - D’Agostino’s K^2, Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling .

There are three numerical features in this dataset - MonthlyCharges, Tenure, and TotalCharges.

Hypotheses -

  • H0: the sample has a Gaussian distribution.
  • H1: the sample does not have a Gaussian distribution.

NB : we can not perform Shapiro-Wilk Test because sample size > 5000 and for this test p-value may not be accurate for N > 5000

5.1.1 D’Agostino’s K^2 Test


In [ ]:
stat, p = stats.normaltest(df_churn['MonthlyCharges'])

print('Statistics=%.5f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))

# interpret
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
	print('Sample looks Gaussian (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)')
Statistics=11419.52879, p=0.000
Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)


In [ ]:
stat, p = stats.normaltest(df_churn['tenure'])

print('Statistics=%.5f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))

# interpret
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
	print('Sample looks Gaussian (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)')
Statistics=76258.50517, p=0.000
Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)

5.1.2 Anderson-Darling Test

Hypotheses -

  • H0: the sample has a Gaussian distribution
  • H1: the sample does not have a Gaussian distribution

Critical values in a statistical test are a range of pre-defined significance boundaries at which the H0 can be failed to be rejected if the calculated statistic is less than the critical value. \ Rather than just a single p-value, the test returns a critical value for a range of different commonly used significance levels. \ In this case - normal/exponential (15%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1%)


In [ ]:
result = stats.anderson(df_churn['TotalCharges'])

print('Statistic: %.3f' % result.statistic)

p = 0

for i in range(len(result.critical_values)):
	sl, cv = result.significance_level[i], result.critical_values[i]
	if result.statistic < result.critical_values[i]:
		print(f'Significance level {sl:.2f} % : critical value {cv:.3f}, data looks normal (fail to reject H0)')
		print(f'Significance level {sl:.2f} % : critical value {cv:.3f}, data does not look normal (reject H0)')
Statistic: 346.638
Significance level 15.00 % : critical value 0.576, data does not look normal (reject H0)
Significance level 10.00 % : critical value 0.656, data does not look normal (reject H0)
Significance level 5.00 % : critical value 0.787, data does not look normal (reject H0)
Significance level 2.50 % : critical value 0.917, data does not look normal (reject H0)
Significance level 1.00 % : critical value 1.091, data does not look normal (reject H0)

5.2 Visualization

Churn (Target) Distribution

In [ ]:
fig = px.pie(df_churn['Churn'].value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'Type'}), values='Churn', names='Type', title='Churn (Target) Distribution')
fig.update_traces(textposition='inside', textinfo='percent+label')
printmd("### Target distribution is Imbalanced")

Target distribution is Imbalanced

OnlineSecurity, OnlineBackup, DeviceProtection, TechSupport

In [ ]:
# Create subplots: use 'domain' type for Pie subplot
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=2, specs=[[{'type':'domain'}, {'type':'domain'}],[{'type':'domain'}, {'type':'domain'}]])

fig.add_trace(go.Pie(labels=df_churn['OnlineSecurity'].value_counts().index, values=df_churn['OnlineSecurity'].value_counts().values, name="Online Security"),
              1, 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Pie(labels=df_churn['OnlineBackup'].value_counts().index, values=df_churn['OnlineBackup'].value_counts().values, name="Online Backup"),
              1, 2)
fig.add_trace(go.Pie(labels=df_churn['DeviceProtection'].value_counts().index, values=df_churn['DeviceProtection'].value_counts().values, name="Device Protection"),
              2, 1)
fig.add_trace(go.Pie(labels=df_churn['TechSupport'].value_counts().index, values=df_churn['TechSupport'].value_counts().values, name="Tech Support"),
              2, 2)

# donut-like pie chart
fig.update_traces(hole=.5, hoverinfo="label+percent")


    # Add annotations in the center of the donut pies.
    annotations=[dict(text='Online<br>Security', x=0.195, y=0.85, font_size=20, showarrow=False),
                 dict(text='Online<br>Backup', x=0.805, y=0.84, font_size=20, showarrow=False),
                 dict(text='Device<br>Protection', x=0.185, y=0.18, font_size=20, showarrow=False),
                 dict(text='Tech<br>Support', x=0.805, y=0.18, font_size=20, showarrow=False)])
fig.update_layout(margin=dict(t=0, b=0, l=0, r=0))

printmd("### 'Online Backup', 'Device Protection' and 'Online Security', 'Tech Support' has similar distribution")

'Online Backup', 'Device Protection' and 'Online Security', 'Tech Support' has similar distribution


In [ ]:
display(px.pie(df_churn['PaymentMethod'].value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'Type'}), values='PaymentMethod', names='Type', title='Payment Method Distribution'))

printmd("#### Most of the customers use E-check")

Most of the customers use E-check


In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x="gender", kind="count", data=df_churn)

printmd("#### Approximately 50/50 gender ratio")

Approximately 50/50 gender ratio


In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x="Dependents", kind="count", data=df_churn)

printmd("#### Users who have non-dependents are approximately two times more than users having dependents")

Users who have non-dependents are approximately two times more than users having dependents

Senior Citizen

In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x="SeniorCitizen", kind="count", data=df_churn)

printmd("#### The majority of the users are not Senior Citizen")

The majority of the users are not Senior Citizen


In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x="Contract", kind="count", data=df_churn)

printmd("#### Most of the users prefer Month-to-month contract")

Most of the users prefer Month-to-month contract


In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x="PaperlessBilling", kind="count", data=df_churn)

printmd("#### Most of the users prefer paperless billing")

Most of the users prefer paperless billing

Total Charges

In [ ]:

printmd("#### The total charges fall under 4000 for majority of the users")

The total charges fall under 4000 for majority of the users

Numerical Features

In [ ]:
"""#1.Create a function to plot histogram and density plot."""
def plot_histogram(feature):
    """Plots histogram and density plot of a variable."""
    # Create subplot object
    fig = make_subplots(
    subplot_titles=(f"Distribution of {} with Histogram", f"Distribution of {} with Density Plot"))
    # This is a count histogram
            x = feature,

    # This is a density histogram
            x = feature,
            histnorm = "density"
    # Update layout
    # Update axes
    fig.layout.yaxis1.update(title="<b>Abs Frequency</b>")
In [ ]:

printmd("**Tenure is U-shaped distributed**")

Tenure is U-shaped distributed

In [ ]:

printmd("**MonthlyCharges is heavily skewed**")

MonthlyCharges is heavily skewed

In [ ]:

printmd("**TotalCharges is reversed J-shaped distributed**")

TotalCharges is reversed J-shaped distributed

6 Bivariate Analysis

In this section, I did an extensive statistical analysis with various hypotheses testing based on paired data types like -

  • numerical and numerical data
  • numerical and ordinal data
  • ordinal and ordinal data
  • categorical and categorical data

General Hypotheses -

  • H0: the two samples are independent
  • H1: there is a dependency between the samples

6.1 List Feature Based on Types

In [ ]:
# Check cardinality of categorical variables 
target_col_filter = df_churn.loc[:, df_churn.columns != 'Churn']

cat_cols = list(set(target_col_filter.columns) - set(target_col_filter._get_numeric_data().columns))
num_cols = list(set(target_col_filter._get_numeric_data().columns) - set({'SeniorCitizen'})) # already converted to integer

# Get number of unique entries in each column with categorical data
object_nunique = list(map(lambda col: target_col_filter[col].nunique(), cat_cols))
dict_features_by_col = dict(zip(cat_cols, object_nunique))

# Print number of unique entries by column, in ascending order
print(sorted(dict_features_by_col.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))

ordinal_cols = ['tenure-binned', 'MonthlyCharges-binned', 'TotalCharges-binned']
dichotomous_cols = [cat for cat in cat_cols if df_churn[cat].value_counts().count() == 2]
polytomous_cols = list(set(cat_cols) - set(dichotomous_cols) - set(ordinal_cols))

print("Categorical Columns".ljust(left_padding), cat_cols)
print("Numerical Columns".ljust(left_padding), num_cols)
print("Ordinal Columns".ljust(left_padding), ordinal_cols)
print("Dichotomous Columns".ljust(left_padding), dichotomous_cols)
print("Polytomous Columns".ljust(left_padding), polytomous_cols)
[('PhoneService', 2), ('gender', 2), ('PaperlessBilling', 2), ('Dependents', 2), ('Partner', 2), ('InternetService', 3), ('tenure-binned', 3), ('TotalCharges-binned', 3), ('MultipleLines', 3), ('Contract', 3), ('DeviceProtection', 3), ('OnlineSecurity', 3), ('OnlineBackup', 3), ('TechSupport', 3), ('StreamingMovies', 3), ('MonthlyCharges-binned', 3), ('StreamingTV', 3), ('PaymentMethod', 4)]
Categorical Columns   ['PaymentMethod', 'InternetService', 'tenure-binned', 'PhoneService', 'TotalCharges-binned', 'MultipleLines', 'Contract', 'DeviceProtection', 'gender', 'PaperlessBilling', 'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'TechSupport', 'StreamingMovies', 'Dependents', 'MonthlyCharges-binned', 'Partner', 'StreamingTV']
Numerical Columns     ['MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges', 'tenure']
Ordinal Columns       ['tenure-binned', 'MonthlyCharges-binned', 'TotalCharges-binned']
Dichotomous Columns   ['PhoneService', 'gender', 'PaperlessBilling', 'Dependents', 'Partner']
Polytomous Columns    ['PaymentMethod', 'OnlineBackup', 'InternetService', 'TechSupport', 'StreamingMovies', 'MultipleLines', 'OnlineSecurity', 'Contract', 'DeviceProtection', 'StreamingTV']

Categorical Columns

'TechSupport', 'DeviceProtection', 'Contract', 'PaperlessBilling', 'TotalCharges-binned',
'gender', 'OnlineBackup', 'InternetService', 'StreamingTV', 'tenure-binned',
'Dependents', 'PhoneService', 'StreamingMovies', 'MultipleLines', 'Partner',
'MonthlyCharges-binned', 'OnlineSecurity', 'PaymentMethod'

Numerical Columns

'MonthlyCharges', 'tenure', 'TotalCharges'

Ordinal Columns

tenure-binned', 'MonthlyCharges-binned', 'TotalCharges-binned'

Dichotomous Columns

'PaperlessBilling', 'gender', 'Dependents', 'PhoneService', 'Partner'

Polytomous Columns

'TechSupport', 'StreamingMovies', 'DeviceProtection', 'MultipleLines', 'Contract',
'InternetService', 'OnlineSecurity', 'StreamingTV', 'PaymentMethod', 'OnlineBackup'

6.2 Numerical & Numerical

6.2.1 Spearman rank-order correlation

AKA Spearman's rho or Spearman correlation coefficient\ Applied to Continuous or ordinal

Unlike the Pearson correlation, the Spearman correlation does not assume that both datasets are normally distributed

Pearson correlation assumes normality, linearity and homoscedasticity.Pearson's correlation is also not able to tell the difference between dependent and independent variables

Hypotheses -

  • H0: the two samples do not have monotonic relationship
  • H1: there is a monotonic relationship between the samples

For Pearson r correlation, both variables should be normally distributed

According to the normality test tenure, MonthlyCharges and TotalCharges columns are not normally distributed

In [ ]:
def cal_spearmanr(c1, c2):

  alpha = 0.05

  correlation, p_value = stats.spearmanr(df_churn[c1], df_churn[c2])

  print(f'{c1}, {c2} correlation : {correlation}, p : {p_value}')

  if p_value > alpha:
    print('Probably do not have monotonic relationship (fail to reject H0)')
    print('Probably have monotonic relationship (reject H0)')
In [ ]:
tenure, MonthlyCharges correlation : 0.27641678933130215, p : 1.0271266876409408e-123
Probably have monotonic relationship (reject H0)
In [ ]:
tenure, TotalCharges correlation : 0.1335958253944717, p : 2.062335511455103e-29
Probably have monotonic relationship (reject H0)
In [ ]:
MonthlyCharges, TotalCharges correlation : 0.2851093518219916, p : 7.880164569887811e-132
Probably have monotonic relationship (reject H0)

6.3 Numerical & Categorical

6.3.1 Kendall rank correlation coefficient

AKA Kendall's τ or Kendall's Tau

Kendall’s Tau is often used for correlation on continuous data if there are outliers in the data

A τ test is a non-parametric hypothesis test for statistical dependence based on the τ coefficient

Variable would be continuous or ordinal

Ordinal variable examples -

  • age, weight, height, test scores, survey scores, yearly salary, etc
  • education level (GDE/Bachelors/Masters/PhD), income level (if grouped into high/medium/low) etc

In this dataset there are three ordinal features :

  • tenure-binned
  • MonthlyCharges-binned
  • TotalCharges-binned
In [ ]:
def kendall_rank_correlation(feature1, feature2):

  coef, p_value = stats.kendalltau(df_churn[feature1], df_churn[feature2])
  print(f"Correlation between {feature1} and {feature2} ")
  print('Kendall correlation coefficient = %.5f, p = %.5f' % (coef, p_value))

  # interpret the significance
  alpha = 0.05
  if p_value > alpha:
    print('Samples are uncorrelated (fail to reject H0) p=%.3f' % p_value)
    print('Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=%.3f' % p_value)
In [ ]:
ordinal_features = ['tenure-binned','MonthlyCharges-binned', 'TotalCharges-binned']

for ord in ordinal_features:
  printmd(f"Correlation with **{ord}**")

Correlation with tenure-binned

Correlation between tenure and tenure-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.28746, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation between MonthlyCharges and tenure-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.10710, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation between TotalCharges and tenure-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.23680, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation with MonthlyCharges-binned

Correlation between tenure and MonthlyCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.16485, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation between MonthlyCharges and MonthlyCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.22506, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation between TotalCharges and MonthlyCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = -0.20858, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation with TotalCharges-binned

Correlation between tenure and TotalCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = 0.07424, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

Correlation between MonthlyCharges and TotalCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = 0.00298, p = 0.75152
Samples are uncorrelated (fail to reject H0) p=0.752

Correlation between TotalCharges and TotalCharges-binned 
Kendall correlation coefficient = 0.12334, p = 0.00000
Samples are correlated (reject H0) p=0.000

6.3.2 Mann-Whitney U Test

The Mann-Whitney U test is a nonparametric statistical significance test for determining whether two independent samples were drawn from a population with the same distribution.

The test determines whether the medians of two or more groups are different.

NB : For the test to be effective, it requires at least 20 observations in each data sample.

  • Fail to Reject H0: Sample distributions are equal. (or sample distributions are likely drawn from the same population)
  • Reject H0: Sample distributions are not equal.


  • H0: population medians are equal.
  • H1: population medians are not equal.

Correlation with Target (Dichotomous)

In [ ]:
def mannwhitneyu_correlation(feature1):
  stat, p_value = stats.mannwhitneyu(df_churn[feature1], (df_churn['Churn'] == 'Yes').astype(int))
  print(f"Correlation between {feature1} and Churn")
  print('Statistics = %.5f, p = %.5f' % (stat, p_value))
  # interpret the significance
  alpha = 0.05
  if p_value > alpha:
      print('Same distribution (fail to reject H0)')
      print('Different distribution (reject H0)')
In [ ]:
numerical_features = ['tenure','MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges']

for num in numerical_features:
  printmd(f"Correlation with **{num}**")

Correlation with tenure

Correlation between tenure and Churn
Statistics = 48981984.50000, p = 0.00000
Different distribution (reject H0)

Correlation with MonthlyCharges

Correlation between MonthlyCharges and Churn
Statistics = 49603849.00000, p = 0.00000
Different distribution (reject H0)

Correlation with TotalCharges

Correlation between TotalCharges and Churn
Statistics = 49554833.00000, p = 0.00000
Different distribution (reject H0)

Biserial correlation

The point biserial correlation is used to measure the relationship between a binary variable, x, and a continuous variable, y. Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or +1 imply a determinative relationship.

NB: point-biserial correlation is conducted with the Pearson correlation formula except that one of the variables is dichotomous

The assumptions for Point-Biserial correlation include:

  • Continuous and Binary
  • Normally Distributed (In our case not normal)
  • No Outliers
  • Equal Variances

Options to normalize a non-normal distribution -

  • Log transform
  • Square root transform
  • Box cox (can only be applied to strictly positive data)
  • Yeo Johnson (both positive and negative)
In [ ]:

data = df_churn['MonthlyCharges'].to_numpy()
pt = PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson') # ‘box-cox’, 'yeo-johnson'
data = data.reshape(-1, 1)
transformed_data = pt.transform(data)

transformed_k2, transformed_p = stats.normaltest(transformed_data)

# other methods to transform into gaussian distribution

# stats.normaltest(np.log(df_churn['MonthlyCharges']))
# stats.normaltest(np.sqrt(df_churn['MonthlyCharges'])
# stats.normaltest(stats.boxcox(df_churn['MonthlyCharges'])[0])

# all other methods failed to convert into gaussian

alpha = 0.05
if transformed_p > alpha:
	print('Sample looks Gaussian (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)')
Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)

Since the numerical columns can not be converted to gaussian distribution, point biseral correlation test can not be performed

6.3.3 Polytomous(Nominal) with numeric

For a dichotomous categorical variable and a continuous variable we can calculate a Pearson correlation if the categorical variable has a 0/1-coding for the categories. This correlation is then also known as a point-biserial correlation coefficient. (parametric test)

But when we have more than two categories for the categorical variable the Pearson correlation is not appropriate anymore. \ We should then use eta-squared, or eta, as an effect-size measure for the relationship of a categorical variable and a continuous variable.

In [ ]:
def correlation_ratio(categories, measurements):
    fcat, _ = pd.factorize(categories)
    cat_num = np.max(fcat)+1
    y_avg_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    n_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    for i in range(0,cat_num):
        cat_measures = measurements[np.argwhere(fcat == i).flatten()]
        n_array[i] = len(cat_measures)
        y_avg_array[i] = np.average(cat_measures)
    y_total_avg = np.sum(np.multiply(y_avg_array,n_array))/np.sum(n_array)
    numerator = np.sum(np.multiply(n_array,np.power(np.subtract(y_avg_array,y_total_avg),2)))
    denominator = np.sum(np.power(np.subtract(measurements,y_total_avg),2))
    if numerator == 0:
        eta = 0.0
        eta = np.sqrt(numerator/denominator)
    return eta
In [ ]:
correlation_ratio(df_churn['PaymentMethod'], df_churn['MonthlyCharges'])
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
correlation_ratio(df_churn['PaymentMethod'], df_churn['TotalCharges'])
Out[ ]:
In [ ]:
correlation_ratio(df_churn['PaymentMethod'], df_churn['tenure'])
Out[ ]:

6.4 Dichotomous & Dichotomous

In classification, when both of them are categorical, then the strength of the relationship between them can be measured using a Chi-square test

6.4.1 Phi’s correlation

AKA Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)

In [ ]:
printmd("**Correlation Between Dichotomous Features with Target : Churn**")

for col in dichotomous_cols:
  print(col.ljust(left_padding), matthews_corrcoef(df_churn[col], df_churn['Churn']))

Correlation Between Dichotomous Features with Target : Churn

PaperlessBilling      0.1918253316664679
gender                0.0
Dependents            -0.16422140157972528
PhoneService          0.01194198002900308
Partner               -0.15044754495917656

6.5 Categorical & categorical

6.5.1 Chi-Square

detect independence between 2 categorical variables, 2x2 or 2xMany

Test statistic in the context of the chi-squared distribution with the requisite number of degrees of freedom

  • If Statistic >= Critical Value: significant result, reject null hypothesis (H0), dependent.
  • If Statistic < Critical Value: not significant result, fail to reject null hypothesis (H0), independent.

In terms of a p-value and a chosen significance level (alpha):

  • If p-value <= alpha: significant result, reject null hypothesis (H0), dependent.
  • If p-value > alpha: not significant result, fail to reject null hypothesis (H0), independent


In [ ]:
# alpha/significance = 0.05
# If p-value <= alpha: significant result, reject null hypothesis (H0), dependent
# If p-value > alpha: not significant result, fail to reject null hypothesis (H0), independent

def calculate_chi_square(feature1, feature2='Churn'):
  printmd(f"Correlation between **{feature1}** and **{feature2}**")
  crosstab = pd.crosstab(df_churn[feature1], df_churn[feature2])
  # display(crosstab)
  stat, p, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab,correction=True)

  print(f'p-value : {p}, degree of freedom: {dof}')
  # print("expected frequencies :\n", expected)

  # interpret test-statistic
  prob = 0.95
  critical = stats.chi2.ppf(prob, dof)
  print('probability=%.3f, critical=%.3f, stat=%.3f' % (prob, critical, stat))

  if abs(stat) >= critical:
    print('Dependent (reject H0)')
    print('Independent (fail to reject H0)')
  # interpret p-value
  alpha = 1.0 - prob
  print('significance=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (alpha, p))
  if p <= alpha:
    print('Dependent (reject H0)')
    print('Independent (fail to reject H0)')

# credit :

Dichotomous Features

In [ ]:
printmd("**Chi-Squre Correlation Between Dichotomous Features with Target : Churn**")

for col in dichotomous_cols:

Chi-Squre Correlation Between Dichotomous Features with Target : Churn

Correlation between PhoneService and Churn

p-value : 0.3387825358066928, degree of freedom: 1
probability=0.950, critical=3.841, stat=0.915
Independent (fail to reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.339
Independent (fail to reject H0)

Correlation between gender and Churn

p-value : 0.48657873605618596, degree of freedom: 1
probability=0.950, critical=3.841, stat=0.484
Independent (fail to reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.487
Independent (fail to reject H0)

Correlation between PaperlessBilling and Churn

p-value : 4.073354668665985e-58, degree of freedom: 1
probability=0.950, critical=3.841, stat=258.278
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between Dependents and Churn

p-value : 4.9249216612154196e-43, degree of freedom: 1
probability=0.950, critical=3.841, stat=189.129
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between Partner and Churn

p-value : 2.1399113440759935e-36, degree of freedom: 1
probability=0.950, critical=3.841, stat=158.733
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

With 5% significance level 'PhoneService' and 'gender' features are not dependent with the target : Churn

Polytomous Features

In [ ]:
printmd("**Chi-Squre Correlation Between Polytomous Features with Target : Churn**")

for col in polytomous_cols:

Chi-Squre Correlation Between Polytomous Features with Target : Churn

Correlation between PaymentMethod and Churn

p-value : 3.6823546520097993e-140, degree of freedom: 3
probability=0.950, critical=7.815, stat=648.142
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between OnlineBackup and Churn

p-value : 2.0797592160864276e-131, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=601.813
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between InternetService and Churn

p-value : 9.571788222840544e-160, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=732.310
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between TechSupport and Churn

p-value : 1.4430840279998987e-180, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=828.197
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between StreamingMovies and Churn

p-value : 2.667756755723681e-82, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=375.661
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between MultipleLines and Churn

p-value : 0.0034643829548773, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=11.330
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.003
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between OnlineSecurity and Churn

p-value : 2.661149635176552e-185, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=849.999
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between Contract and Churn

p-value : 5.863038300673391e-258, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=1184.597
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between DeviceProtection and Churn

p-value : 5.505219496457244e-122, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=558.419
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

Correlation between StreamingTV and Churn

p-value : 5.528994485739183e-82, degree of freedom: 2
probability=0.950, critical=5.991, stat=374.204
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

With 5% significance level All polytomous features are dependent with the target : Churn

6.5.2 Cramér’s V

It is based on a nominal variation of Pearson’s Chi-Square Test\ Like correlation, Cramer’s V is symmetrical — it is insensitive to swapping x and y

Cramer's V is used to examine the association between two categorical variables when there is more than a 2 X 2 contingency (e.g., 2 X 3).\ In these more complicated designs, phi correlation test is not appropriate, but Cramer's statistic is. Cramer's V represents the association or correlation between two variables. This statistic is also referred to as "Cramers Phi"

To know more about this, visit this article : the-search-for-categorical-correlation

In [ ]:
def cramers_v(x, y):
  """ calculate Cramers V statistic for categorial-categorial association.
      uses correction from Bergsma and Wicher,
      Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 42 (2013): 323-328
  confusion_matrix = pd.crosstab(x,y)
  chi2 = stats.chi2_contingency(confusion_matrix)[0]
  n = confusion_matrix.sum().sum()
  phi2 = chi2/n
  r,k = confusion_matrix.shape
  phi2corr = max(0, phi2-((k-1)*(r-1))/(n-1))
  rcorr = r-((r-1)**2)/(n-1)
  kcorr = k-((k-1)**2)/(n-1)
  return np.sqrt(phi2corr/min((kcorr-1),(rcorr-1)))

# credit :
In [ ]:
printmd("**Correlation Between Polytomous Features with Target : Churn**")
cramer_v_val_dict = {}
for col in polytomous_cols:
  cramer_v_val_dict[col] = cramers_v(df_churn[col], df_churn['Churn'])

cramer_v_val_dict_sorted = sorted(cramer_v_val_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)

for k,v in cramer_v_val_dict_sorted:
  print(k.ljust(left_padding), v)

printmd("<br>**Contract, OnlineSecurity, TechSupport, InternetService are moderately correlated with Churn**<br>")

Correlation Between Polytomous Features with Target : Churn

Contract              0.40979839182553446
OnlineSecurity        0.34701606688272874
TechSupport           0.3425261587493695
InternetService       0.3220367323307425
PaymentMethod         0.3026771381187204
OnlineBackup          0.291850036724674
DeviceProtection      0.28109492388964397
StreamingMovies       0.23035147282444215
StreamingTV           0.22990176915403474
MultipleLines         0.03639958908232507

Contract, OnlineSecurity, TechSupport, InternetService are moderately correlated with Churn

In [ ]:
printmd("**Cramers V Heatmap on Polytomous Features and Target: Churn**")
cramers_v_val = pd.DataFrame(index=['Churn'], columns=polytomous_cols)

for j in range(0,len(polytomous_cols)):
  u = cramers_v(df_churn['Churn'], df_churn[polytomous_cols[j]])
  cramers_v_val.loc[:,polytomous_cols[j]] = u

sns.heatmap(cramers_v_val,annot=True,fmt='.3f', cmap="YlGnBu")

Cramers V Heatmap on Polytomous Features and Target: Churn

Using Scipy Module

In [ ]:
crosstab = pd.crosstab(df_churn['OnlineSecurity'], df_churn['Churn'])
printmd(f"Association between OnlineSecurity and Target:Churn **{stats.contingency.association(crosstab, method='cramer')}**")
Churn No Yes
No 2037 1461
No internet service 1413 113
Yes 1724 295

Association between OnlineSecurity and Target:Churn 0.3474004326740552

6.5.3 Uncertainty Coefficient

AKA Theil’s U - an asymmetric measure of association between categorical features

It is is based on the conditional entropy between x and y — or in human language, given the value of x, how many possible states does y have, and how often do they occur.

Formaly marked as U(x|y); Just like Cramer’s V, the output value is on the range of [0,1], where 0 means that feature y provides no information about feature x, and 1 means that feature y provides full information about features x's value

Unlike Cramer’s V, it is asymmetric

So we will not lose any valuable information unlike symmetric tests

In [ ]:
def conditional_entropy(x,y):
  # entropy of x given y
  y_counter = Counter(y)
  xy_counter = Counter(list(zip(x,y)))
  total_occurrences = sum(y_counter.values())
  entropy = 0
  for xy in xy_counter.keys():
      p_xy = xy_counter[xy] / total_occurrences
      p_y = y_counter[xy[1]] / total_occurrences
      entropy += p_xy * math.log(p_y/p_xy)
  return entropy

def theil_u(x,y):
  s_xy = conditional_entropy(x,y)
  x_counter = Counter(x)
  total_occurrences = sum(x_counter.values())
  p_x = list(map(lambda n: n/total_occurrences, x_counter.values()))
  s_x = stats.entropy(p_x)
  if s_x == 0:
      return 1
      return (s_x - s_xy) / s_x
In [ ]:
theilu = pd.DataFrame(index=['Churn'], columns=cat_cols)

for j in range(0,len(cat_cols)):
  u = theil_u(df_churn['Churn'].tolist(),df_churn[cat_cols[j]].tolist())
  theilu.loc[:,cat_cols[j]] = u


printmd("**Contract, OnlineSecurity, TechSupport, tenure-binned are moderately correlated with Churn**")

Contract, OnlineSecurity, TechSupport, tenure-binned are moderately correlated with Churn

6.6 Collinearity

For categorical variables, multicollinearity can be detected with Spearman rank correlation coefficient (ordinal variables) and chi-square test (nominal variables)

For categorical and a continuous variable, multicollinearity can be measured by t-test (if the categorical variable has 2 categories, parametric) or ANOVA (more than 2 categories, parametric)

Spearman's ρ was already performed, proceeding with chi-square

6.6.1 Chi-Square

In [ ]:

Correlation between PaymentMethod and MultipleLines

p-value : 1.1367151062832025e-81, degree of freedom: 6
probability=0.950, critical=12.592, stat=392.514
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

In [ ]:

Correlation between PaymentMethod and PhoneService

p-value : 0.8621473788722153, degree of freedom: 3
probability=0.950, critical=7.815, stat=0.747
Independent (fail to reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.862
Independent (fail to reject H0)

In [ ]:

Correlation between PaymentMethod and Contract

p-value : 4.067638353787387e-213, degree of freedom: 6
probability=0.950, critical=12.592, stat=1001.582
Dependent (reject H0)
significance=0.050, p=0.000
Dependent (reject H0)

6.7 Visualization

Tenure and MonthlyCharges Distribution

In [ ]:
sns.kdeplot(df_churn.tenure, color='b', shade=True, Label='Tenure')
sns.kdeplot(df_churn.MonthlyCharges, color='r', shade=True, Label='Monthly Charges')
plt.xlabel('Tenure vs Monthly Charges')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density')

printmd("""**Both are are not normally distributed, skewed,Tenure has a 
Bi-modal distribution <br>Most users stayed for less than 20 months, 
Monthly Charges for most people is nearly 20 unit**""")

Both are are not normally distributed, skewed,Tenure has a Bi-modal distribution
Most users stayed for less than 20 months, Monthly Charges for most people is nearly 20 unit

In [ ]:

df_g = df_churn.groupby(['StreamingTV', 'Churn']).size().reset_index()
df_g['percentage'] = df_churn.groupby(['StreamingTV', 'Churn']).size().groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: 100 * x / float(x.sum())).values
df_g.columns = ['StreamingTV', 'Churn', 'Counts', 'Percentage']

fig =, x='StreamingTV', y='Counts', 
        'Yes': '#99D594',
        'No': '#FC8D59',
    text=df_g['Percentage'].apply(lambda x: '{0:1.2f}%'.format(x)))

printmd("**Similar ratio between streamer vs non-streamer in churned users**")

Similar ratio between streamer vs non-streamer in churned users

Contract and Churn

In [ ]:
for p in ax.patches:
    patch_height = p.get_height()
    if np.isnan(patch_height):
        patch_height = 0
    ax.annotate('{}'.format(int(patch_height)), (p.get_x()+0.05, patch_height+10))

printmd("**Most churned users has Month-to-month contract**")

Most churned users has Month-to-month contract

OnlineSecurity and Churn

In [ ]:
for p in ax.patches:
    patch_height = p.get_height()
    if np.isnan(patch_height):
        patch_height = 0
    ax.annotate('{}'.format(int(patch_height)), (p.get_x()+0.05, patch_height+10))

printmd("**Most churned users didn't have online security**")

Most churned users didn't have online security

Partner and Churn

In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x='Partner',hue='Churn',data=df_churn, kind="count");

printmd("**Most users who churned does not have a partner in contrast to the users who does**")

Most users who churned does not have a partner in contrast to the users who does

Gender, TotalCharges and Churn

In [ ]:
sns.catplot(x='Churn',y='TotalCharges', col = 'gender', data=df_churn,
                kind='bar', aspect=.6, palette='Set2')

printmd("**Gender is uncorrelated with churn rate**")

Gender is uncorrelated with churn rate

Checking Outliers

In [ ]:, x="Churn", y="MonthlyCharges")
In [ ]:, x="Churn", y="TotalCharges")
In [ ]:, x="Churn", y="tenure")
In [ ]:
ax = sns.boxplot(x="PaymentMethod", y="TotalCharges", data=df_churn)

printmd("**Total Charges for many users are in extreme level in Mailed Check payment method**")

Total Charges for many users are in extreme level in Mailed Check payment method

In [ ]:
ax = sns.boxplot(x="PaymentMethod", y="MonthlyCharges", data=df_churn)

7 Multivariate Analysis

7.1 Multicollinearity (Kruskal–Wallis)

The test is more commonly used when we have three or more levels. For two levels, the Mann Whitney U Test is appropriate

The parametric equivalent of the Kruskal–Wallis test is the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Hypothses -

  • Fail to Reject H0: All sample distributions are equal.
  • Reject H0: One or more sample distributions are not equal.
In [ ]:
# compare samples
stat, p = stats.kruskal(df_churn['TotalCharges'], df_churn['tenure'], df_churn['MonthlyCharges'])
print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))
# interpret
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
	print('Same distributions (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Different distributions (reject H0)')
Statistics=13184.759, p=0.000
Different distributions (reject H0)
In [ ]:
# compare samples
stat, p = stats.kruskal(df_churn['DeviceProtection'], df_churn['StreamingMovies'], df_churn['PhoneService'])
print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))
# interpret
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
	print('Same distributions (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Different distributions (reject H0)')
Statistics=4696.340, p=0.000
Different distributions (reject H0)
In [ ]:
# compare samples
stat, p = stats.kruskal(df_churn['Contract'], df_churn['PaymentMethod'], df_churn['PhoneService'], df_churn['InternetService'])
print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))
# interpret
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
	print('Same distributions (fail to reject H0)')
	print('Different distributions (reject H0)')
Statistics=22407.812, p=0.000
Different distributions (reject H0)

7.2 Frequency Distribution

In [ ]:
def multivariate_analysis(cat_var_1, cat_var_2, cat_var_3, target_variable=df_churn.Churn):
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize = (18,5))
    font_size = 15
    cat_grouped_by_cat_target = pd.crosstab(index = [cat_var_1, cat_var_2, cat_var_3],
                                        columns = target_variable, normalize = "index")*100                            
    cat_grouped_by_cat_target.rename({"Yes":"% Churn", "No":"% Not Churn"}, axis = 1, inplace = True) = ["green", "red"],ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlabel(f"{}, {}, {}", fontsize = font_size)
    ax.set_ylabel("Relative Frequency(%)", fontsize = font_size)
    ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=font_size)
    ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=font_size)
    plt.legend(loc = "best")
In [ ]:
multivariate_analysis(df_churn.Contract, df_churn.InternetService, df_churn.PaymentMethod)
printmd("### Findings: Most of the users who churned had a Month-to-month contract and had internet service")

Findings: Most of the users who churned had a Month-to-month contract and had internet service

In [ ]:
multivariate_analysis(df_churn.MultipleLines, df_churn['tenure-binned'], df_churn.PhoneService)
printmd("## Findings: Most of the users who churned had phone service")

Findings: Most of the users who churned had phone service

7.3 Churn Count Distribution

In [ ]:
def plot_counting_distribution(cardinality_value):

  #label encoding binary columns
  le = LabelEncoder()

  tmp_churn = df_churn[df_churn['Churn'] == 'Yes']
  tmp_no_churn = df_churn[df_churn['Churn'] == 'No']

  selected_columns = df_churn.nunique()[df_churn.nunique() == cardinality_value].keys()

  for col in selected_columns :
      tmp_churn[col] = le.fit_transform(tmp_churn[col])

  data_frame_x = tmp_churn[selected_columns].sum().reset_index()
  data_frame_x.columns = ["feature","Yes"]
  data_frame_x["No"] = tmp_churn.shape[0]  - data_frame_x["Yes"]
  data_frame_x = data_frame_x[data_frame_x["feature"] != "Churn"]

  #count of 1's(yes)
  trace1 = go.Scatterpolar(r=data_frame_x["Yes"].values.tolist(), 
                          fill="toself", name="Churn 1's",
                          mode="markers+lines", visible=True,

  #count of 0's(No)
  trace2 = go.Scatterpolar(r=data_frame_x["No"].values.tolist(),
                          fill="toself",name="Churn 0's",
                          mode="markers+lines", visible=True,
                          marker=dict(size = 5)
  for col in selected_columns :
      tmp_no_churn[col] = le.fit_transform(tmp_no_churn[col])
  data_frame_x = tmp_no_churn[selected_columns].sum().reset_index()
  data_frame_x.columns  = ["feature","Yes"]
  data_frame_x["No"]    = tmp_no_churn.shape[0]  - data_frame_x["Yes"]
  data_frame_x  = data_frame_x[data_frame_x["feature"] != "Churn"]

  #count of 1's(yes)
  trace3 = go.Scatterpolar(r = data_frame_x["Yes"].values.tolist(),
                          theta = data_frame_x["feature"].tolist(),
                          fill  = "toself",name = "NoChurn 1's",
                          mode = "markers+lines", visible=False,
                          marker = dict(size = 5)

  #count of 0's(No)
  trace4 = go.Scatterpolar(r = data_frame_x["No"].values.tolist(),
                          theta = data_frame_x["feature"].tolist(),
                          fill  = "toself",name = "NoChurn 0's",
                          mode = "markers+lines", visible=False,
                          marker = dict(size = 5)

  data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]

  updatemenus = list([
                  label = 'Churn Dist',
                  method = 'update',
                  args = [{'visible': [True, True, False, False]}, 
                      {'title': f'Customer Churn Binary Counting Distribution' }]),
                    label = 'No-Churn Dist',
                  method = 'update',
                  args = [{'visible': [False, False, True, True]},
                      {'title': f'No Customer Churn Binary Counting Distribution'}]),


  layout = dict(title='ScatterPolar Distribution of Churn and Non-Churn Customers (Select from Dropdown)', 

  fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)

# Thanks to :

7.3.1 Features With Cardinality = 2

In [ ]:

7.3.2 Features With Cardinality = 3

In [ ]:

8 Feature Engineering

For classification generally these methods are used: chi2, f_classif, mutual_info_classif

  • chi2: Computes chi-squared stats between each non-negative feature and class. This score can be used to select the n_features features with the highest values for the test chi-squared statistic from X, which must contain only non-negative features such as booleans or frequencies (e.g., term counts in document classification), relative to the classes.

  • f_classif: Compute the ANOVA F-value for the provided sample.

  • mutual_info_classif: Estimates mutual information for a discrete target variable. Mutual information (MI) between two random variables is a non-negative value, which measures the dependency between the variables. It is equal to zero if and only if two random variables are independent, and higher values mean higher dependency.


N.B : I may apply One Hot Encoding for the categorical columns, But to compare the correlation results obtained from previous notebook with model feature importance I am keeping the feature set as it is ,applying only ordinal encoding

In [ ]:
# remove features based on feature importance
# df_churn_cleaned.drop(['gender','Partner','PhoneService','MultipleLines','StreamingMovies'], axis=1, inplace=True)

df_churn_ohe = pd.get_dummies(df_churn_cleaned)

# remove duplicated columns after on hot encoding
df_churn_ohe.drop(['MultipleLines_No phone service', 
               'OnlineSecurity_No internet service',
               'OnlineBackup_No internet service',
               'DeviceProtection_No internet service',
               'TechSupport_No internet service',
               'StreamingTV_No internet service',
               'StreamingMovies_No internet service'],axis=1, inplace=True)

8.1 Encode Target variable

In [ ]:
df_churn_cleaned = df_churn.copy()
df_churn_cleaned.Churn[df_churn_cleaned.Churn.str.lower() == 'yes'] = 1
df_churn_cleaned.Churn[df_churn_cleaned.Churn.str.lower() == 'no'] = 0

df_churn_cleaned['Churn'] = df_churn_cleaned['Churn'].astype('float')
In [ ]:
df_churn_cleaned.to_csv("Telco-Customer-Churn-dataset-cleaned.csv", index=False)
In [ ]:
printmd("**Column Info**")
printmd("<br>**Datatypes Count**")
printmd("<br>**Categorical Features**")

Column Info

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7043 entries, 0 to 7042
Data columns (total 23 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------                 --------------  -----   
 0   gender                 7043 non-null   object  
 1   SeniorCitizen          7043 non-null   int64   
 2   Partner                7043 non-null   object  
 3   Dependents             7043 non-null   object  
 4   tenure                 7043 non-null   int64   
 5   PhoneService           7043 non-null   object  
 6   MultipleLines          7043 non-null   object  
 7   InternetService        7043 non-null   object  
 8   OnlineSecurity         7043 non-null   object  
 9   OnlineBackup           7043 non-null   object  
 10  DeviceProtection       7043 non-null   object  
 11  TechSupport            7043 non-null   object  
 12  StreamingTV            7043 non-null   object  
 13  StreamingMovies        7043 non-null   object  
 14  Contract               7043 non-null   object  
 15  PaperlessBilling       7043 non-null   object  
 16  PaymentMethod          7043 non-null   object  
 17  MonthlyCharges         7043 non-null   float64 
 18  TotalCharges           7043 non-null   float64 
 19  tenure-binned          7043 non-null   category
 20  MonthlyCharges-binned  7043 non-null   category
 21  TotalCharges-binned    7043 non-null   category
 22  Churn                  7043 non-null   float64 
dtypes: category(3), float64(3), int64(2), object(15)
memory usage: 1.1+ MB

Datatypes Count

object      16
category     3
float64      2
int64        2
dtype: int64

Categorical Features

count unique top freq
gender 7043 2 Male 3555
Partner 7043 2 No 3641
Dependents 7043 2 No 4933
PhoneService 7043 2 Yes 6361
MultipleLines 7043 3 No 3390
InternetService 7043 3 Fiber optic 3096
OnlineSecurity 7043 3 No 3498
OnlineBackup 7043 3 No 3088
DeviceProtection 7043 3 No 3095
TechSupport 7043 3 No 3473
StreamingTV 7043 3 No 2810
StreamingMovies 7043 3 No 2785
Contract 7043 3 Month-to-month 3875
PaperlessBilling 7043 2 Yes 4171
PaymentMethod 7043 4 Electronic check 2365
Churn 7043 2 No 5174

9 Data Preparation

9.1 Prepare Train/Test dataset

In [ ]:
strat_split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=SEED)
for train_index, test_index in strat_split.split(df_churn_cleaned, df_churn_cleaned["Churn"]):
    strat_train_set = df_churn_cleaned.loc[train_index]
    strat_test_set = df_churn_cleaned.loc[test_index]

print('Target Labels Ratio in Original Dataset\n')
# df_churn_cleaned["Churn"].value_counts() / len(strat_test_set)

print('\nTarget Labels Ratio in Test Dataset\n')
# strat_test_set["Churn"].value_counts() / len(strat_test_set)
Target Labels Ratio in Original Dataset

0.0    0.73463
1.0    0.26537
Name: Churn, dtype: float64

Target Labels Ratio in Test Dataset

0.0    0.734564
1.0    0.265436
Name: Churn, dtype: float64
In [ ]:
# train Dataset
X = strat_train_set.drop("Churn", axis=1)
y = strat_train_set["Churn"].copy()

# test dataset
y_test = strat_test_set['Churn'].values
X_test = strat_test_set.drop('Churn',axis=1)

X.shape, y.shape, X_test.shape, y_test.shape
Out[ ]:
((5634, 22), (5634,), (1409, 22), (1409,))
In [ ]:
# Check cardinality of categorical variables : 

# reinitiate cat_cols because 'customerID' is still included in cat_cols variable
cat_cols = list(set(X.columns) - set(X._get_numeric_data().columns))
num_cols = list(set(X._get_numeric_data().columns) - set({'SeniorCitizen'})) # already converted
# Get number of unique entries in each column with categorical data
object_nunique = list(map(lambda col: X[col].nunique(), cat_cols))
d = dict(zip(cat_cols, object_nunique))

print("Number of unique entries by column, in ascending order:\n")
pprint.pprint(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))

print("Total Categorical Columns",len(cat_cols))
print("Total Numerical Columns",len(num_cols))

printmd("**<br>Dataset has maximum cardinality value of 4 which is comparatively low<br>**")
Number of unique entries by column, in ascending order:

[('Partner', 2),
 ('gender', 2),
 ('PhoneService', 2),
 ('PaperlessBilling', 2),
 ('Dependents', 2),
 ('MonthlyCharges-binned', 3),
 ('StreamingTV', 3),
 ('TotalCharges-binned', 3),
 ('Contract', 3),
 ('OnlineBackup', 3),
 ('TechSupport', 3),
 ('MultipleLines', 3),
 ('StreamingMovies', 3),
 ('DeviceProtection', 3),
 ('tenure-binned', 3),
 ('InternetService', 3),
 ('OnlineSecurity', 3),
 ('PaymentMethod', 4)]
Total Categorical Columns 18
Total Numerical Columns 3

Dataset has maximum cardinality value of 4 which is comparatively low

9.2 Encoding & Scaling

In [ ]:
ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder()
X[cat_cols] = ordinal_encoder.fit_transform(X[cat_cols])
X_test[cat_cols] = ordinal_encoder.transform(X_test[cat_cols])

le = LabelEncoder()
y = le.fit_transform(y)

y_test = le.fit_transform(y_test)

num_cols = ['tenure', 'MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges']

transformer = RobustScaler()
X[num_cols] = transformer.fit_transform(X[num_cols])
X_test[num_cols] = transformer.transform(X_test[num_cols])

Correlation Heatmap

Pearson’s R (parametric) is not applicable when the data is categorical

Kendall’s Tau is a non-parametric measure of relationships between continuous or ordinal features

While Pearson's correlation assesses linear relationships, Spearman's correlation (non -parametric) assesses monotonic relationships (whether linear or not)

Most of the features in this dataset are categorical and nominal, so it's ineffective for those non-numerical attributes

Moreover, there are only three numerical features which are not normally distributed

Therefore, pandas.corr() is not feasible to use for this case

In [ ]:
# Correlation Matrix
# only numerical output
corr_matrix = pd.concat([X[num_cols],strat_train_set[["Churn"]]],axis=1).corr()

# Set Up Mask To Hide Upper Triangle
mask = np.zeros_like(corr_matrix, dtype=np.bool)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)]= True

with sns.axes_style("white"):
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
    ax = sns.heatmap(corr_matrix,
                      mask = mask,
                      square = True,
                      linewidths = .5,
                      cmap = 'coolwarm',
                      cbar_kws = {'shrink': .4,
                                'ticks' : [-1, -.5, 0, 0.5, 1]},
                      vmin = -1,
                      vmax = 1,
                      annot = True,
                      annot_kws = {'size': 12})

#add the column names as labels
ax.set_yticklabels(corr_matrix.columns, rotation = 0, fontsize=13)
ax.set_xticklabels(corr_matrix.columns, fontsize=13)

sns.set_style({'xtick.bottom': True}, {'ytick.left': True})

printmd("**Tenure is moderately correlated Numerical Feature with Target**")

Tenure is moderately correlated Numerical Feature with Target

10 Modeling

10.1 Utility Function

10.1.1 Training

In [ ]:
def train_model(model, model_name, X, y, X_test, fold):
  printmd(f'**{model_name} Init**')
  auc_scores = []


  strat_kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=fold, random_state=SEED, shuffle=True)

  for fold, (train_index, valid_index) in enumerate(strat_kf.split(X, y)):
    X_train, X_valid = X.iloc[train_index] , X.iloc[valid_index]
    y_train, y_valid = y[train_index] , y[valid_index]

    #### to SMOTE sampling
    # sm = SMOTE(sampling_strategy='all', random_state=SEED)
    # X_train_oversampled, y_train_oversampled = sm.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
    # X_val_oversampled, y_val_oversampled = sm.fit_resample(X_valid, y_valid)
    eval_set = [(X_valid, y_valid)]

    print("-" * 50)
    print(f"Fold {fold + 1}")

    if model_name == 'cat':, y_train, eval_set= eval_set, verbose=False)
    elif model_name == 'xgb':, y_train, eval_set= eval_set, eval_metric = 'auc', verbose = False, early_stopping_rounds = 200)
    else:, y_train, eval_set= eval_set, eval_metric = 'auc', verbose = False, early_stopping_rounds = 200)

    val_pred = model.predict_proba(X_valid)[:,1]
    auc = roc_auc_score(y_valid, val_pred) # AUROC requires probabilities of the predictions
    print("AUC Score : ",auc)


    if test_preds is None:
      test_preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1] 
      test_preds += model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1] 

    del X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid
  print("-" * 50)
  test_preds /= fold

  print(f'Train : Base Model - {model_name} - AUC score : mean ---> {np.mean(auc_scores)}, std ---> {np.std(auc_scores)}')
  # evaluation on test set
  print(f'Test  : Base Model - {model_name} - AUC score : {roc_auc_score(y_test, test_preds)}')

  del test_preds

  if model_name == 'cat':
    plot_feature_importance(model.get_feature_importance(), X.columns, model_name)

  elif model_name == 'xgb':
    plot_feature_importance(model.feature_importances_, X.columns, model_name)

    # save the model

    plot_feature_importance(model.feature_importances_, X.columns, model_name)
    joblib.dump(model, 'model_lgbm.pkl')
    # shap_values = shap.TreeExplainer(model.booster_).shap_values(X_train)

10.1.2 Model Interpretation

In [ ]:

def plot_feature_importance(importance,names,model_type):

  #Create arrays from feature importance and feature names
  feature_importance = np.array(importance)
  feature_names = np.array(names)

  #Create a DataFrame using a Dictionary
  fi_df = pd.DataFrame(data)

  #Sort the DataFrame in order decreasing feature importance
  fi_df.sort_values(by=['feature_importance'], ascending=False,inplace=True)

  #Define size of bar plot
  #Plot Searborn bar chart
  sns.barplot(x=fi_df['feature_importance'], y=fi_df['feature_names'])
  #Add chart labels
  plt.title(model_type + ' FEATURE IMPORTANCE')
  plt.xlabel('FEATURE IMPORTANCE')
  plt.ylabel('FEATURE NAMES')

# credit :

10.2 Catboost

10.2.1 Training

In [ ]:

# this dataset is fairly small so catboost runs super slow on GPU

fold_num = 10

# convert datatype to integer to use 'cat_features' parameter
# does not improve score
# for c in cat_cols:
#     X[c] = X[c].astype(
#     X_test[c] = X_test[c].astype(

cat_params  = {
    'loss_function': 'logloss',
    'objective': 'Logloss',
    'boosting_type': 'Plain',
    'bootstrap_type': 'Bayesian', 
    'colsample_bylevel': 0.013457968759952536, # does not support on gpu
    'depth': 6,
    'iterations': 6888,
    'learning_rate': 0.05683590866750785,
    'random_strength': 18, 
    'l2_leaf_reg': 50,
    'random_state': SEED,
    # 'task_type':"GPU",
    'devices' : '0',
    # 'cat_features':cat_cols

cat = CatBoostClassifier(**cat_params)

train_model(cat, 'cat', X, y, X_test, fold_num)

# After tune with catboost 200 trial+all featuer + standard scaler Best tuning Score:  0.8414050995892428

# Train : Base Model - cat - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8511173638199994, std ---> 0.01460379925370074
# Test  : Base Model - cat - AUC score : 0.8472435350951975

cat Init

Fold 1
AUC Score :  0.8276489533011271
Fold 2
AUC Score :  0.862157809983897
Fold 3
AUC Score :  0.8367069243156201
Fold 4
AUC Score :  0.8323752012882448
Fold 5
AUC Score :  0.842330512596051
Fold 6
AUC Score :  0.8562558765360049
Fold 7
AUC Score :  0.8706351522225464
Fold 8
AUC Score :  0.857812145381448
Fold 9
AUC Score :  0.8553156307752164
Fold 10
AUC Score :  0.8699354317998387
Train : Base Model - cat - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8511173638199994, std ---> 0.01460379925370074
Test  : Base Model - cat - AUC score : 0.8472435350951975
CPU times: user 1min 44s, sys: 16 s, total: 2min
Wall time: 1min 5s

10.2.2 Optuna Tuning

In [ ]:
def objective(trial):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=int(SEED), shuffle=True, stratify=y)
    # parameters
    params = {
        'iterations' : trial.suggest_int('iterations', 6000, 8000), 
        'depth' : trial.suggest_int('depth', 3, 12),
        'learning_rate' :trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-3, 1e-1),
        "objective": trial.suggest_categorical("objective", ["Logloss"]),
        'colsample_bylevel': trial.suggest_float("colsample_bylevel", 0.01, 0.1), #  # does not support on gpu 
        'random_strength' :trial.suggest_int('random_strength', 0, 100),   
        "boosting_type": trial.suggest_categorical("boosting_type", ["Ordered", "Plain"]),
        "bootstrap_type": trial.suggest_categorical(
            "bootstrap_type", ["Bayesian", "Bernoulli", "MVS"]  #
        'random_state': trial.suggest_categorical('random_state',[SEED]),

    # learning
    model = CatBoostClassifier(
        # task_type="GPU",
#         border_count=64,
    )   , y_train, 
              verbose=False) # 1000
    val_preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
    auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, val_preds) # AUROC requires probabilities of the predictions
    # print("AUC Score : ",auc) # check the auc score in each trial
    return auc
CPU times: user 9 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 9 µs
Wall time: 12.9 µs
In [ ]:
n_trials = int(200)

# set logging level

study = optuna.create_study(direction = "maximize", sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=int(SEED)))
study.optimize(objective, n_trials = n_trials, n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count())

printmd('**BEST TRIAL**')
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)
printmd('**CatBoost Tuned Hyperparameters**')
Custom logger is already specified. Specify more than one logger at same time is not thread safe.


Best Score:  0.8408703402309541

CatBoost Tuned Hyperparameters

{'boosting_type': 'Plain',
 'bootstrap_type': 'Bayesian',
 'colsample_bylevel': 0.013745649174808978,
 'depth': 4,
 'iterations': 7747,
 'learning_rate': 0.031597637482588814,
 'objective': 'Logloss',
 'random_state': 42,
 'random_strength': 6}
CPU times: user 37min 37s, sys: 10min 5s, total: 47min 42s
Wall time: 24min 22s
In [ ]:
# Save
pickle.dump(study.best_trial.params, open('CatBoost_Hyperparameter.pickle', 'wb'))
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)

printmd('**CatBoost Tuned Hyperparameters**')

# history

# Importance
Best Score:  0.8408703402309541

CatBoost Tuned Hyperparameters

{'boosting_type': 'Plain',
 'bootstrap_type': 'Bayesian',
 'colsample_bylevel': 0.013745649174808978,
 'depth': 4,
 'iterations': 7747,
 'learning_rate': 0.031597637482588814,
 'objective': 'Logloss',
 'random_state': 42,
 'random_strength': 6}

10.3 XGBoost

10.3.1 Training

In [ ]:
fold_num = 10

xgb_params = {'colsample_bytree': 0.2645340949128848,
'eval_metric': 'auc',
# 'tree_method': 'gpu_hist',
# 'gpu_id': 0,
# 'predictor': 'gpu_predictor',
'gamma': 0,
'learning_rate': 0.001851851953410451,
'max_depth': 3,
'n_estimators': 6000,
'random_state': SEED,
'reg_lambda': 0.1,
'subsample': 0.6905005604726816,
'use_label_encoder': False }

xgb = XGBClassifier(**xgb_params)

train_model(xgb, 'xgb', X, y, X_test, fold_num)


# optuna tune with xgboost+all featuer + standard scaler 200 trial min-max, 6000 estimators - score 0.8410150094293316

## Min-max scaler
# Train : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8479836989787929, std ---> 0.01566122703346753
# Test  : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : 0.8468379446640315

## Robust scaler --- better score
# Train : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8479885554105582, std ---> 0.015660468150610223
# Test  : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : 0.8468431114211165

xgb Init

Fold 1
AUC Score :  0.8275684380032206
Fold 2
AUC Score :  0.8638969404186795
Fold 3
AUC Score :  0.8290177133655394
Fold 4
AUC Score :  0.8265700483091788
Fold 5
AUC Score :  0.8417550173459133
Fold 6
AUC Score :  0.8553561586097331
Fold 7
AUC Score :  0.8672956586583666
Fold 8
AUC Score :  0.8600735985474826
Fold 9
AUC Score :  0.8424439905326979
Fold 10
AUC Score :  0.86590799031477
Train : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8479885554105582, std ---> 0.015660468150610223
Test  : Base Model - xgb - AUC score : 0.8468431114211165
CPU times: user 54.3 s, sys: 115 ms, total: 54.4 s
Wall time: 54.2 s

10.3.2 Optuna Tuning

In [ ]:
def objective(trial):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=int(SEED), shuffle=True, stratify=y)

    params  = {
          'n_estimators': trial.suggest_categorical('n_estimators',[10000]),  
          'learning_rate': trial.suggest_float('learning_rate',1e-3,5e-1,log=True),
          'max_depth': trial.suggest_int('max_depth',3,12),
          'colsample_bytree': trial.suggest_float('colsample_bytree',0.2,0.99,log=True),
          'subsample': trial.suggest_float('subsample',0.2,0.99,log=True),
          'eval_metric': trial.suggest_categorical('eval_metric',['auc']),
          'gamma': trial.suggest_categorical('gamma',[0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0]),
          'reg_lambda': trial.suggest_categorical('reg_lambda',[0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0]),
          'tree_method': trial.suggest_categorical('tree_method',['gpu_hist']),
          'gpu_id': trial.suggest_categorical('gpu_id',[0]),
          'predictor' : trial.suggest_categorical('predictor',['gpu_predictor']),
          'random_state': trial.suggest_categorical('random_state',[SEED])

    # learning
    model = XGBClassifier(**params)   , y_train, 
              verbose=False) # 1000
    val_preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
    auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, val_preds) # AUROC requires probabilities of the predictions
    # print("AUC Score : ",auc) # check the auc score in each trial
    return auc
CPU times: user 4 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 4 µs
Wall time: 9.3 µs
In [ ]:
n_trials = int(200)

# set logging level

study = optuna.create_study(direction = "maximize", sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=int(SEED)))
study.optimize(objective, n_trials = n_trials, n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count())

printmd('**BEST TRIAL**')
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)
printmd('**XGBoost Tuned Hyperparameters**')


Best Score:  0.8392996460771397

XGBoost Tuned Hyperparameters

{'colsample_bytree': 0.2697936102157226,
 'eval_metric': 'auc',
 'gamma': 1.0,
 'learning_rate': 0.002737720923925648,
 'max_depth': 6,
 'n_estimators': 10000,
 'random_state': 42,
 'reg_lambda': 50.0,
 'subsample': 0.44690164583146236,
 'use_label_encoder': False}
CPU times: user 2h 52min 20s, sys: 51.6 s, total: 2h 53min 12s
Wall time: 1h 28min 1s
In [ ]:
# Save
pickle.dump(study.best_trial.params, open('XGB_Hyperparameter.pickle', 'wb'))
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)

printmd('**XGBoost Tuned Hyperparameters**')

# history

# Importance
Best Score:  0.8392996460771397

XGBoost Tuned Hyperparameters

{'colsample_bytree': 0.2697936102157226,
 'eval_metric': 'auc',
 'gamma': 1.0,
 'learning_rate': 0.002737720923925648,
 'max_depth': 6,
 'n_estimators': 10000,
 'random_state': 42,
 'reg_lambda': 50.0,
 'subsample': 0.44690164583146236,
 'use_label_encoder': False}

10.4 LGBM

10.4.1 Training

In [ ]:
# highly recommended :

fold_num = 10

# convert datatype to category to use 'categorical_feature' parameter
# does not improve score
# for c in cat_cols:
#     X[c] = X[c].astype('category')
#     X_test[c] = X_test[c].astype('category')

lgbm_params = {'n_estimators': 12749, 
               'learning_rate': 0.1985328656822506, 
               'reg_alpha': 9.77289653841389, 
               'reg_lambda': 4.979048257991328, 
               'num_leaves': 921, 
               'min_child_samples': 85, 
               'max_depth': 56, 
               'colsample_bytree': 0.43848926369957975, 
               'cat_smooth': 92, 
               'cat_l2': 17, 
              #  'is_unbalance':True,  # does not improve score
              # 'categorical_feature': cat_cols, # does not improve score
               'min_data_per_group': 59}

lgbm = LGBMClassifier(**lgbm_params)

train_model(lgbm, 'lgbm', X, y, X_test, fold_num)

# high score with robust scaler > min-max scaler > standard scaler 
## min-max
# Train : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8488136576486445, std ---> 0.014531097746514104
# Test  : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : 0.8496602857216667
## Robustscaler
# Train : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8489638728144833, std ---> 0.014634419602993266
# Test  : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : 0.8498656643157922

lgbm Init

Fold 1
AUC Score :  0.826014492753623
Fold 2
AUC Score :  0.861940418679549
Fold 3
AUC Score :  0.8340016103059581
Fold 4
AUC Score :  0.8272785829307568
Fold 5
AUC Score :  0.8418603897156567
Fold 6
AUC Score :  0.8541160068735206
Fold 7
AUC Score :  0.8632752974743052
Fold 8
AUC Score :  0.8567746328178193
Fold 9
AUC Score :  0.8567178938494958
Fold 10
AUC Score :  0.8676594027441485
Train : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : mean ---> 0.8489638728144833, std ---> 0.014634419602993266
Test  : Base Model - lgbm - AUC score : 0.8498656643157922
CPU times: user 3.01 s, sys: 50.7 ms, total: 3.06 s
Wall time: 3.09 s

10.4.2 Optuna Tuning

In [ ]:
def objective(trial):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=int(SEED), shuffle=True, stratify=y)

    params = {
        'objective': 'binary', # binary target
        'n_estimators': trial.suggest_int('n_estimators', 4000, 20000),
        'learning_rate' : trial.suggest_float('learning_rate',1e-3,5e-1,log=True),
        'reg_alpha': trial.suggest_float('reg_alpha', 0.001, 10.0),
        'reg_lambda': trial.suggest_float('reg_lambda', 0.001, 10.0),
        'num_leaves': trial.suggest_int('num_leaves', 5, 1000), # num leaves = 2^max_depth
        'min_child_samples': trial.suggest_int('min_child_samples', 5, 100),
        'max_depth': trial.suggest_int('max_depth', 5, 64),
        'colsample_bytree': trial.suggest_float('colsample_bytree', 0.1, 0.5),
        'cat_smooth' : trial.suggest_int('cat_smooth', 10, 100),
        'cat_l2': trial.suggest_int('cat_l2', 1, 20),
        'min_data_per_group': trial.suggest_int('min_data_per_group', 50, 200),
        'random_state': int(SEED),
        'device': 'gpu',
        'gpu_platform_id': 0,
        'gpu_device_id': 0,
        #     'subsample': 0.6,
        #     'subsample_freq': 1,
        #     'min_child_weight': trial.suggest_float('min_child_weight', 0.001, 10.0),

    # Learning
    model = LGBMClassifier(**params)   , y_train, 
              verbose=False) # 1000
    val_pred = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
    auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, val_pred) # AUROC requires probabilities of the predictions

    # print("AUC Score : ",auc) # check the auc score in each trial
    return auc
CPU times: user 7 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 7 µs
Wall time: 13.4 µs
In [ ]:
n_trials = int(200)

# set logging level

study = optuna.create_study(direction = "maximize", sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=int(SEED)))
study.optimize(objective, n_trials = n_trials, n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count())

printmd('**BEST TRIAL**')
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)
printmd('**LGBM Tuned Hyperparameters**')


Best Score:  0.840249037691493

LGBM Tuned Hyperparameters

{'cat_l2': 4,
 'cat_smooth': 51,
 'colsample_bytree': 0.3510571513666366,
 'learning_rate': 0.009922932097926985,
 'max_depth': 55,
 'min_child_samples': 92,
 'min_data_per_group': 136,
 'n_estimators': 19716,
 'num_leaves': 664,
 'reg_alpha': 5.741383155357118,
 'reg_lambda': 2.215959712136253}
CPU times: user 39min 46s, sys: 8min 29s, total: 48min 16s
Wall time: 24min 44s
In [ ]:
# Save
pickle.dump(study.best_trial.params, open('LGBM_Hyperparameter.pickle', 'wb'))
print("Best Score: ", study.best_value)
printmd('**LGBM Tuned Hyperparameters**')

# history

# Importance
Best Score:  0.840249037691493

LGBM Tuned Hyperparameters

{'cat_l2': 4,
 'cat_smooth': 51,
 'colsample_bytree': 0.3510571513666366,
 'learning_rate': 0.009922932097926985,
 'max_depth': 55,
 'min_child_samples': 92,
 'min_data_per_group': 136,
 'n_estimators': 19716,
 'num_leaves': 664,
 'reg_alpha': 5.741383155357118,
 'reg_lambda': 2.215959712136253}

10.5 Stacking Ensemble


In [ ]:
def stacking_data_loader(model, model_name, train, y, test, fold):
    input train, test datasets and fold value!
    returns train, test datasets for stacking ensemble

    stk = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = fold, random_state = SEED, shuffle = True)
    # Declaration Pred Datasets
    train_fold_pred = np.zeros((train.shape[0], 1))
    test_pred = np.zeros((test.shape[0], fold))
    for counter, (train_index, valid_index) in enumerate(stk.split(train, y)):
        X_train, y_train = train.iloc[train_index], y[train_index]
        X_valid, y_valid = train.iloc[valid_index], y[valid_index]

        print('------------ Fold', counter+1, 'Start! ------------')
        if model_name == 'cat':
  , y_train, eval_set=[(X_valid, y_valid)], verbose=False)
        elif model_name == 'xgb':
  , y_train, eval_set=[(X_valid, y_valid)], eval_metric = 'auc', verbose = False, early_stopping_rounds = 200)
  , y_train, eval_set=[(X_valid, y_valid)], eval_metric = 'auc', verbose = False, early_stopping_rounds = 200)
        print('------------ Fold', counter+1, 'Done! ------------')
        train_fold_pred[valid_index, :] = model.predict_proba(X_valid)[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)
        test_pred[:, counter] = model.predict_proba(test)[:, 1]
        del X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid
    test_pred_mean = np.mean(test_pred, axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1)
    del test_pred
    return train_fold_pred, test_pred_mean

10.5.1 Level 0 : Base Models

In [ ]:
lgbm_params = {'n_estimators': 12749, 
               'learning_rate': 0.1985328656822506, 
               'reg_alpha': 9.77289653841389, 
               'reg_lambda': 4.979048257991328, 
               'num_leaves': 921, 
               'min_child_samples': 85, 
               'max_depth': 56, 
               'colsample_bytree': 0.43848926369957975, 
               'cat_smooth': 92, 
               'cat_l2': 17, 
              #  'is_unbalance':True,  # does not improve score
              # 'categorical_feature': cat_cols, # does not improve score
               'min_data_per_group': 59}

lgbm = LGBMClassifier(**lgbm_params)

xgb_params = {'colsample_bytree': 0.2645340949128848,
              'eval_metric': 'auc',
              'gamma': 0,
              'learning_rate': 0.001851851953410451,
              'max_depth': 3,
              'n_estimators': 6000,
              'random_state': SEED,
              'reg_lambda': 0.1,
              'subsample': 0.6905005604726816,
              'use_label_encoder': False }

xgb = XGBClassifier(**xgb_params)

cat_params  = {'eval_metric':"AUC",
              #  'task_type':"GPU",
              'loss_function': 'logloss',
              'boosting_type': 'Plain',
              'bootstrap_type': 'Bayesian', # 0.846998114133664
              'colsample_bylevel': 0.013457968759952536,
              'depth': 6,
              'iterations': 6888,
              'learning_rate': 0.05683590866750785,
              'objective': 'Logloss',
              'random_strength': 18, 
              'l2_leaf_reg': 50,
              'random_state': SEED,
              # 'cat_features':cat_cols

cat = CatBoostClassifier(**cat_params)

fold_num = 5

cat_train, cat_test = stacking_data_loader(cat, 'cat', X, y, X_test, fold_num)
del cat

lgbm_train, lgbm_test = stacking_data_loader(lgbm, 'lgbm', X, y, X_test, fold_num)
del lgbm

xgb_train, xgb_test = stacking_data_loader(xgb, 'xgb', X, y, X_test, fold_num)
del xgb
------------ Fold 1 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 1 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 1 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 1 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 1 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 1 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 2 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 3 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 4 Done! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Start! ------------
------------ Fold 5 Done! ------------
CPU times: user 1min 39s, sys: 8.67 s, total: 1min 48s
Wall time: 1min 19s

10.5.2 Stacking Datasets

In [ ]:
stack_X_train = np.concatenate((cat_train, lgbm_train, xgb_train), axis = 1)
stack_X_test = np.concatenate((cat_test, lgbm_test, xgb_test), axis = 1)

del cat_train, lgbm_train, xgb_train, cat_test, lgbm_test, xgb_test

stack_X_train.shape, stack_X_test.shape
Out[ ]:
((5634, 3), (1409, 3))

10.5.3 Level 1 : Meta Model

In [ ]:
# meta model : LogisticRegression
fold = 5
stk = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = fold, random_state = SEED, shuffle = False)
test_pred_log_reg = np.zeros((stack_X_test.shape[0], fold))
auc_scores = []

for counter, (train_index, valid_index)in enumerate(stk.split(stack_X_train, y)):
    X_train, y_train = stack_X_train[train_index], y[train_index]
    X_valid, y_valid = stack_X_train[valid_index], y[valid_index]

    #### to SMOTE sampling, not advised, low performance
    # sm = SMOTE(sampling_strategy='all', random_state=SEED)
    # X_train, y_train = sm.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
    # X_valid, y_valid = sm.fit_resample(X_valid, y_valid)
    lr = LogisticRegression(n_jobs = -1, random_state = SEED, C = 0.05, max_iter = 3000), y_train)
    valid_pred_log_reg = lr.predict_proba(X_valid)[:, 1]
    test_pred_log_reg[:, counter] = lr.predict_proba(stack_X_test)[:, 1]

    auc = roc_auc_score(y_valid, valid_pred_log_reg)

    print('Fold', counter+1 , 'AUC :', auc)
    fold += 1

test_pred_log_reg_mean = np.mean(test_pred_log_reg, axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1)

print(f'AUC score : mean ---> {np.mean(auc_scores)}, std ---> {np.std(auc_scores)}')

plt.boxplot(auc_scores, showmeans=True)

# AUC score : mean ---> 0.8495059939911511, std ---> 0.014576136833225574
Fold 1 AUC : 0.8662974811368007
Fold 2 AUC : 0.8599841662223515
Fold 3 AUC : 0.8527337501817653
Fold 4 AUC : 0.8441342316578612
Fold 5 AUC : 0.8243803407569771
AUC score : mean ---> 0.8495059939911511, std ---> 0.014576136833225574

10.5.4 Stacking Model Evaluation

In [ ]:
roc_auc_score_log_reg = roc_auc_score(y_test, test_pred_log_reg_mean)

printmd(f"AUC on the test dataset : **{roc_auc_score_log_reg}**")

# 5 fold , final 10 fold 0.8472861608411479
# 10 fold 0.8471776589423647
# 7 fold 0.8466325660699062
# all round 5 fold 0.8486346844403111

AUC on the test dataset : 0.8486346844403111

ROC Curve

In [ ]:

# plot no skill roc curve
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', label='No Skill')

# calculate roc curve for model
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, test_pred_log_reg_mean)

# plot model roc curve
font_size = 15
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, marker='.', label=f'Logistic (area = {roc_auc_score_log_reg:0.2f})')

# axis labels
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate', fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate', fontsize=font_size)
# curve title
plt.suptitle('ROC Curve', fontsize=20)
# show the legend

# show the plot

PR Curve

In [ ]:

# calculate the no skill line as the proportion of the positive class
no_skill = len(y[y==1]) / len(y)

# plot the no skill precision-recall curve
plt.plot([0, 1], [no_skill, no_skill], linestyle='--', label='No Skill')

# calculate model precision-recall curve
precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_test, test_pred_log_reg_mean)

# plot the model precision-recall curve
font_size = 15
plt.plot(recall, precision, marker='.', label='Logistic')

# title PR curve
plt.suptitle('PR Curve', fontsize=20)

# axis labels
plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=font_size)
# show the legend

# show the plot

10.5.5 Stacking Ensemble Classic ML Models

In [ ]:
# 5 fold stacking ensembling with 3 Repeated Stratified 10-Fold cross validation

# get a stacking ensemble of models
def get_stacking():
  # define the base models
  level0 = list()
  level0.append(('logreg', LogisticRegression()))
  level0.append(('knn', KNeighborsClassifier()))
  level0.append(('rforest', RandomForestClassifier()))
  level0.append(('etree', ExtraTreesClassifier()))
  level0.append(('svm', SVC()))

  # define meta learner model
  level1 = LogisticRegression()

  # define the stacking ensemble
  model = StackingClassifier(estimators=level0, final_estimator=level1, cv=5)
  return model
# get a list of models to evaluate
def get_models():
  models = dict()
  models['logreg'] = LogisticRegression()
  models['knn'] = KNeighborsClassifier()
  models['rforest'] = RandomForestClassifier()
  models['etree'] = ExtraTreesClassifier()
  models['svm'] = SVC()
  models['stacking'] = get_stacking()
  return models

# evaluate a give model using cross-validation
def evaluate_model(model, X, y):
	cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
	scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, error_score='raise')
	return scores

# get the models to evaluate
models = get_models()

# evaluate the models and store results
results, names = list(), list()

printmd("**Model Evaluation :**")

for name, model in models.items():
	scores = evaluate_model(model, X, y)
	print('>%s, cross-validation score - mean  : %.3f std: (%.3f)' % (name, np.mean(scores), np.std(scores)))

# plot model performance for comparison
font_size = 15
plt.boxplot(results, labels=names, showmeans=True)

plt.title("Model Performance",  fontsize=font_size)
plt.xlabel("ML Models", fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel("Cross-val Score",  fontsize=font_size)

# credit :

Model Evaluation :

>logreg, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.805 std: (0.019)
>knn, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.762 std: (0.015)
>rforest, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.793 std: (0.018)
>etree, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.783 std: (0.014)
>svm, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.797 std: (0.018)
>stacking, cross-validation score - mean  : 0.805 std: (0.019)

Classic ML models perform poorly in comparison with Gradient Boosting models

11 Conclusion

  • Number of months the customer has stayed with the company (tenure) and the contract term of the customer (contract) are the most important features that have strong correlation with churn of the customer
  • Results from statiscial hypotheses testing reflects similarity with model feature importance
  • With 80/20 train/test split triple boosting stacking ensemble model achieved an AUC of ~0.85