markdown<img src="../../../docs/images/DSPy8.png" alt="DSPy7 图片" height="150"/>
,因为每次试验可以探索一个新的指令。- __训练集大小__:建议在200到500个训练示例之间。增加训练集大小可以帮助防止过拟合,但会增加运行成本。#### 4) 如果我想要降低成本,我该怎么办?您可以根据需要更新超参数,例如使用较小的训练集、减少试验次数或使用模块较少的程序。另一种策略是使用更便宜的任务模型进行优化(例如本地托管的Llama-2),因为初步实验表明,针对较小模型优化的提示也能很好地转移到较大模型上。¶首先,如果尚未安装__DSPy__,我们将安装它。我们还将加载此任务的缓存请求,以便在此笔记本中无需实际调用任何语言模型。我们还将加载来自Hugging Face的预优化程序,以便稍后进行检查。
%load_ext autoreload%autoreload 2import sysimport ostry: # 当在谷歌Colab上时,让我们克隆笔记本以便下载缓存。 import google.colab repo_path = 'dspy' !git -C $repo_path pull origin || git clone $repo_pathexcept: repo_path = '.'if repo_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(repo_path)import pkg_resources # 如果未安装该包,则安装该包if not "dspy-ai" in {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set}: !pip install -U pip !pip install dspy-ai !pip install openai~=0.28.1 !pip install -e $repo_path !pip install --upgrade cloudpickle==3.0.0from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_downloadimport zipfileimport osrepo_id = 'kopsahlong/DSPy_MIPRO_notebook_cache'cache_file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename='')compiled_program_file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename='compiled_program.pickle')with zipfile.ZipFile(cache_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(".")os.environ["DSP_NOTEBOOK_CACHEDIR"] = f"{os.getcwd()}/MIPRO_notebook_cache"import dspy
我们还将指定__提示语言模型__(在本例中为GPT 3.5),__任务语言模型__(Llama 13B)以及我们将用于任务的检索模型(一个HotPotQA多跳检索任务)。
import openai### 注意:如果您想在没有缓存的情况下运行此代码,可以删除以下行以配置您的 OPEN AI 密钥 #### os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = "TODO: 在此处添加您的 OPEN AI 密钥"# openai.api_key = os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY')# openai.api_base = ""prompt_model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"task_model_name = "meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf"colbert_v2_endpoint = ""prompt_model = dspy.OpenAI(model=prompt_model_name, max_tokens=150) # 使用指定的模型名称和最大标记数创建 OpenAI 模型task_model = dspy.HFClientTGI(model=task_model_name, port=[7140, 7141, 7142, 7143], max_tokens=150) # 使用指定的模型名称、端口和最大标记数创建 HFClientTGI 模型colbertv2 = dspy.ColBERTv2(url=colbert_v2_endpoint) # 使用指定的端点 URL 创建 ColBERTv2 模型dspy.settings.configure(rm=colbertv2, lm=task_model) # 配置设置,将 ColBERTv2 模型用作 rm,将 HFClientTGI 模型用作 lm
import refrom dspy.evaluate import Evaluatefrom dspy.datasets import HotPotQAfrom dsp.utils import EMclass ReturnRankedDocuments(dspy.Signature): """给定一个问题和一组段落,返回一个逗号分隔的数字列表,这些数字应按照回答问题的帮助程度排序,最有帮助的段落编号排在第一位,最不有帮助的排在最后。""" question = dspy.InputField(desc="我们试图回答的问题。") context = dspy.InputField(desc="潜在相关段落的列表。") ranking = dspy.OutputField(desc="一个逗号分隔的数字列表,对应段落索引,按照回答问题的帮助程度降序排列。")class RankingMultiHop(dspy.Module): def __init__(self, hops, num_passages_to_retrieve, max_passages_in_context): super().__init__() self.hops = hops self.num_passages_to_retrieve = num_passages_to_retrieve self.max_passages_in_context = max_passages_in_context self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k = self.num_passages_to_retrieve) self.generate_query = dspy.ChainOfThought("context ,question->search_query") self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought("context ,question->answer") self.generate_ranking = dspy.ChainOfThought(ReturnRankedDocuments) def forward(self,question): context = [] full_context = [] top_context = [] max_passage_num = self.max_passages_in_context for hop in range(self.hops): # 获取新查询 query = self.generate_query(context = context, question = question).search_query # 获取新段落 context = self.retrieve(query).passages # 将这些新段落添加到之前的顶部上下文 full_context = top_context + context # 获取最重要的索引,按排序 most_important_indices = self.generate_ranking(question=question, context=full_context).ranking indices = [int(num) for num in re.findall(r'\d+', most_important_indices)] if len(indices) < max_passage_num: indices = range(1,max_passage_num+1) valid_indices = [index-1 for index in indices if index-1 < len(context)] top_indices = sorted(valid_indices, key=lambda x: x)[:max_passage_num+1] most_important_context_list = [context[idx] for idx in top_indices] # 保存顶部上下文 top_context = most_important_context_list return dspy.Prediction(context=context, answer=self.generate_answer(context = top_context , question = question).answer)program = RankingMultiHop(hops=4, num_passages_to_retrieve=5, max_passages_in_context=5)# 加载和配置数据集。TRAIN_SIZE = 500EVAL_SIZE = 500hotpot_dataset = HotPotQA(train_seed=1, eval_seed=2023, test_size=0)trainset = [x.with_inputs('question') for x in hotpot_dataset.train][:TRAIN_SIZE]devset = [x.with_inputs('question') for x in][:EVAL_SIZE]# 设置指标NUM_THREADS = 10metric = dspy.evaluate.answer_exact_matchkwargs = dict(num_threads=NUM_THREADS, display_progress=True)evaluate = Evaluate(devset=devset, metric=metric, **kwargs)
/lfs/0/kristaoo/miniconda3/envs/dspy_test/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/ FutureWarning: promote has been superseded by mode='default'. table = cls._concat_blocks(blocks, axis=0)
# 计算基准模型在训练集上的评分baseline_train_score = evaluate(program, devset=trainset)# 计算基准模型在验证集上的评分baseline_eval_score = evaluate(program, devset=devset)
Average Metric: 3 / 7 (42.9): 1%| | 6/500 [00:00<00:43, 11.48it/s]Average Metric: 108 / 500 (21.6): 100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:33<00:00, 14.99it/s] /lfs/0/kristaoo/dspy/dspy/evaluate/ FutureWarning: DataFrame.applymap has been deprecated. Use instead. df = df.applymap(truncate_cell)
Average Metric: 108 / 500 (21.6%)
Average Metric: 113 / 500 (22.6): 100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:33<00:00, 14.78it/s]
Average Metric: 113 / 500 (22.6%)
现在让我们进入这个笔记本中的关键方法 - 使用MIPRO优化我们的程序!
(请注意,这将需要在上面的__设置__部分中添加您自己的LM API密钥)。MIPRO只需要一个度量、DSPy模块和训练集,就可以在您的任务上获得巨大的收益!您可以实例化一个MIPRO优化器并在只需两行代码中进行编译:pythonteleprompter = BayesianSignatureOptimizer(prompt_model=prompt_model, task_model=task_model, metric=metric, num_candidates=N, init_temperature=temperature)compiled_program = teleprompter.compile(program, trainset=trainset, num_trials=trials, max_bootstrapped_demos=1,max_labeled_demos=2, eval_kwargs=eval_kwargs)
¶import cloudpickle as picklefrom dspy.teleprompt import MIPROLOAD_PRECOMPILED_PROGRAM = True# 默认情况下,我们将加载预编译的程序if LOAD_PRECOMPILED_PROGRAM: # 加载我们的预编译程序 with open(compiled_program_file_path, 'rb') as file: # 从文件中加载数据 compiled_program = pickle.load(file)# 否则,如果需要,程序可以从头开始编译else: # 定义超参数: N = 10 # 我们将生成和优化的指令和少样本示例的数量 trials = 30 # 要运行的优化试验次数(我们将在每次试验中测试新的指令和少样本示例的组合) temperature = 1.0 # 用于生成新指令的温度 # 编译 eval_kwargs = dict(num_threads=16, display_progress=True, display_table=0) teleprompter = MIPRO(prompt_model=prompt_model, task_model=task_model, metric=metric, num_candidates=N, init_temperature=temperature, verbose=True) compiled_program = teleprompter.compile(program, trainset=trainset, num_trials=trials, max_bootstrapped_demos=1, max_labeled_demos=2, eval_kwargs=eval_kwargs)
# 计算在训练集上的贝叶斯评分bayesian_train_score = evaluate(compiled_program, devset=trainset)# 计算在验证集上的贝叶斯评分bayesian_eval_score = evaluate(compiled_program, devset=devset)
0%| | 0/500 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Average Metric: 208 / 500 (41.6): 100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:32<00:00, 15.37it/s]
Average Metric: 208 / 500 (41.6%)
Average Metric: 202 / 500 (40.4): 100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:32<00:00, 15.25it/s]
Average Metric: 202 / 500 (40.4%)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plttrial_logs = compiled_program.trial_logs# 提取试验编号、分数和修剪状态trial_numbers = list(trial_logs.keys())scores = [trial_logs[trial]['score'] for trial in trial_numbers]pruning_status = [trial_logs[trial]['pruned'] for trial in trial_numbers]# 绘图设置plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3))# 绘制每个点for trial_number, score, pruned in zip(trial_numbers, scores, pruning_status): if pruned: plt.scatter(trial_number, score, color='grey', label='Pruned Trial' if 'Pruned Trial' not in plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()[1] else "") else: plt.scatter(trial_number, score, color='green', label='Successful Trial' if 'Successful Trial' not in plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()[1] else "")plt.xlabel('试验编号')plt.ylabel('分数')plt.title('带有修剪状态的试验分数')plt.grid(True)plt.legend()
best_score = 0# 定义一个函数,用于获取预测器的签名信息def get_signature(predictor): if (hasattr(predictor, 'extended_signature')): return predictor.extended_signature elif (hasattr(predictor, 'signature')): return predictor.signatureprint(f"Basline program | Score: {best_score}:")# 遍历程序的预测器并输出指令信息for i,predictor in enumerate(program.predictors()): print(f"Prompt {i+1} Instruction: {get_signature(predictor).instructions}")print()print("----------------")# 遍历编译程序的试验日志for trial_num in compiled_program.trial_logs: program_score = compiled_program.trial_logs[trial_num]["score"] program_pruned = compiled_program.trial_logs[trial_num]["pruned"] # 更新最佳分数和最佳程序 if program_score > best_score and not program_pruned: best_score = program_score best_program_so_far = compiled_program.trial_logs[trial_num]["program"] # 每5次试验输出当前最佳程序的指令信息 if trial_num % 5 == 0: print(f"Best program after {trial_num} trials | Score: {best_score}:") for i,predictor in enumerate(best_program_so_far.predictors()): print(f"Prompt {i+1} Instruction: {get_signature(predictor).instructions}") print()
Basline program | Score: 0: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the fields `context`, `question`, produce the fields `search_query`. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given the fields `context`, `question`, produce the fields `answer`. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a question we are trying to answer and a list of passages, return a comma separated list of the numbers associated with each passage. These numbers should be ordered by helpfulness in answering the question, with most helpful passage number first, and the least helpful last. ---------------- Best program after 0 trials | Score: 35.2: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the fields `context` and `question`, identify the specific information being asked for and produce a concise and accurate response. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, identify specific works or individuals and provide a concise answer directly corresponding to the question posed. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, and a list of passages, rank the passages by their relevance to the question. Return a comma-separated list of the numbers associated with each passage, ordered from the most relevant (helpful) to the least relevant. Best program after 5 trials | Score: 35.6: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, with a focus on identifying specific works or individuals, generate a search query that includes the key elements of the question for precise information retrieval. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given the information in the `context`, answer the `question` with a concise and specific response. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a question we are trying to answer and a list of passages, return a comma-separated list of the numbers associated with each passage, ordered by helpfulness in answering the question, with the most helpful passage number first and the least helpful last. Best program after 10 trials | Score: 38.2: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the varied syntax and focus on identifying specific works or individuals in fact-based questions related to pop culture, history, and entertainment, generate a search query that retrieves precise information relevant to the specific and varied questions posed. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment and the corresponding context, provide a concise and accurate answer identifying specific works or individuals. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, and a list of relevant passages, rank the passages by their relevance to the question. Return a comma-separated list of the numbers associated with each passage in order of relevance, with the most helpful passage number first, and the least helpful last. Best program after 15 trials | Score: 38.2: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the varied syntax and focus on identifying specific works or individuals in fact-based questions related to pop culture, history, and entertainment, generate a search query that retrieves precise information relevant to the specific and varied questions posed. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment and the corresponding context, provide a concise and accurate answer identifying specific works or individuals. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, and a list of relevant passages, rank the passages by their relevance to the question. Return a comma-separated list of the numbers associated with each passage in order of relevance, with the most helpful passage number first, and the least helpful last. Best program after 20 trials | Score: 41.6: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the fields `context` and `question`, determine the specific information being asked and compile a concise search query to retrieve the requested information. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, identify and provide the specific individual or work being referred to in the context. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, and a list of passages, rank the passages in order of relevance to the question. Return a comma-separated list of the corresponding passage numbers, with the most relevant passage first and the least relevant last. Best program after 25 trials | Score: 41.6: Prompt 1 Instruction: Given the fields `context` and `question`, determine the specific information being asked and compile a concise search query to retrieve the requested information. Prompt 2 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, identify and provide the specific individual or work being referred to in the context. Prompt 3 Instruction: Given a fact-based question related to pop culture, history, or entertainment, and a list of passages, rank the passages in order of relevance to the question. Return a comma-separated list of the corresponding passage numbers, with the most relevant passage first and the least relevant last.