import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
DEF_PREFIXES = ['def ', 'async def ']
NEWLINE = '\n'
def get_function_name(code):
从以'def'或'async def'开头的行中提取函数名。
for prefix in DEF_PREFIXES:
if code.startswith(prefix):
return code[len(prefix): code.index('(')]
def get_until_no_space(all_lines, i):
ret = [all_lines[i]]
for j in range(i + 1, len(all_lines)):
if len(all_lines[j]) == 0 or all_lines[j][0] in [' ', '\t', ')']:
return NEWLINE.join(ret)
def get_functions(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
all_lines = file.read().replace('\r', NEWLINE).split(NEWLINE)
for i, l in enumerate(all_lines):
for prefix in DEF_PREFIXES:
if l.startswith(prefix):
code = get_until_no_space(all_lines, i)
function_name = get_function_name(code)
yield {
'code': code,
'function_name': function_name,
'filepath': filepath,
def extract_functions_from_repo(code_root):
code_files = list(code_root.glob('**/*.py'))
num_files = len(code_files)
print(f'Total number of .py files: {num_files}')
if num_files == 0:
print('Verify openai-python repo exists and code_root is set correctly.')
return None
all_funcs = [
for code_file in code_files
for func in get_functions(str(code_file))
num_funcs = len(all_funcs)
print(f'Total number of functions extracted: {num_funcs}')
return all_funcs
# Set user root directory to the 'openai-python' repository
root_dir = Path.home()
# Assumes the 'openai-python' repository exists in the user's root directory
code_root = root_dir / 'openai-python'
# 从仓库中提取所有功能
all_funcs = extract_functions_from_repo(code_root)
Total number of .py files: 51 Total number of functions extracted: 97
from utils.embeddings_utils import get_embedding
df = pd.DataFrame(all_funcs)
df['code_embedding'] = df['code'].apply(lambda x: get_embedding(x, model='text-embedding-3-small'))
df['filepath'] = df['filepath'].map(lambda x: Path(x).relative_to(code_root))
df.to_csv("data/code_search_openai-python.csv", index=False)
code | function_name | filepath | code_embedding | |
0 | def _console_log_level():\n if openai.log i... | _console_log_level | openai/util.py | [0.005937571171671152, 0.05450401455163956, 0.... |
1 | def log_debug(message, **params):\n msg = l... | log_debug | openai/util.py | [0.017557814717292786, 0.05647840350866318, -0... |
2 | def log_info(message, **params):\n msg = lo... | log_info | openai/util.py | [0.022524144500494003, 0.06219055876135826, -0... |
3 | def log_warn(message, **params):\n msg = lo... | log_warn | openai/util.py | [0.030524108558893204, 0.0667714849114418, -0.... |
4 | def logfmt(props):\n def fmt(key, val):\n ... | logfmt | openai/util.py | [0.05337328091263771, 0.03697286546230316, -0.... |
)进行嵌入。这里的理由是,像'a function that reverses a string'这样的查询字符串和像'def reverse(string): return string[::-1]'这样的函数在嵌入时会非常相似。from utils.embeddings_utils import cosine_similarity
def search_functions(df, code_query, n=3, pprint=True, n_lines=7):
embedding = get_embedding(code_query, model='text-embedding-3-small')
df['similarities'] = df.code_embedding.apply(lambda x: cosine_similarity(x, embedding))
res = df.sort_values('similarities', ascending=False).head(n)
if pprint:
for r in res.iterrows():
print(f"{r[1].filepath}:{r[1].function_name} score={round(r[1].similarities, 3)}")
print('-' * 70)
return res
res = search_functions(df, 'fine-tuning input data validation logic', n=3)
openai/validators.py:format_inferrer_validator score=0.453 def format_inferrer_validator(df): """ This validator will infer the likely fine-tuning format of the data, and display it to the user if it is classification. It will also suggest to use ada and explain train/validation split benefits. """ ft_type = infer_task_type(df) immediate_msg = None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- openai/validators.py:infer_task_type score=0.37 def infer_task_type(df): """ Infer the likely fine-tuning task type from the data """ CLASSIFICATION_THRESHOLD = 3 # min_average instances of each class if sum(df.prompt.str.len()) == 0: return "open-ended generation" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- openai/validators.py:apply_validators score=0.369 def apply_validators( df, fname, remediation, validators, auto_accept, write_out_file_func, ----------------------------------------------------------------------
res = search_functions(df, 'find common suffix', n=2, n_lines=10)
openai/validators.py:get_common_xfix score=0.487 def get_common_xfix(series, xfix="suffix"): """ Finds the longest common suffix or prefix of all the values in a series """ common_xfix = "" while True: common_xfixes = ( series.str[-(len(common_xfix) + 1) :] if xfix == "suffix" else series.str[: len(common_xfix) + 1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- openai/validators.py:common_completion_suffix_validator score=0.449 def common_completion_suffix_validator(df): """ This validator will suggest to add a common suffix to the completion if one doesn't already exist in case of classification or conditional generation. """ error_msg = None immediate_msg = None optional_msg = None optional_fn = None ft_type = infer_task_type(df) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
res = search_functions(df, 'Command line interface for fine-tuning', n=1, n_lines=20)
openai/cli.py:tools_register score=0.391 def tools_register(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="Tools", help="Convenience client side tools" ) def help(args): parser.print_help() parser.set_defaults(func=help) sub = subparsers.add_parser("fine_tunes.prepare_data") sub.add_argument( "-f", "--file", required=True, help="JSONL, JSON, CSV, TSV, TXT or XLSX file containing prompt-completion examples to be analyzed." "This should be the local file path.", ) sub.add_argument( "-q", ----------------------------------------------------------------------