Eigen decomposition, or spectral decomposition, factorizes a square symmetric matrix into its eigenvalues and eigenvectors, $X = Q \Lambda Q^T$, where the columns of $Q$ are the eigenvectors and $\Lambda$ is a diagonal matrix of corresponding eigenvalues. This tutorial looks at how to differentiate the eigenvectors $Q$ with respect to elements of the matrix $X$. We will make the technical assumption that all eigenvalues are simple otherwise well-defined derivatives do not exist.
Given a real symmetric matrix $X = X^T \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$, it is well-known that a (unit) eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue of $X$ can be found by solving the following equality constrained optimization problem,
$$ \begin{align*} \begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize (over $u \in \mathbb{R}^{m}$)} & u^T X u \\ \text{subject to} & u^T u = 1. \end{array} \end{align*} $$Since the objective function $f$ is a quadratic form we could equally write it as $f(X, u) = \frac{1}{2} u^T (X + X^T) u$.
The optimality conditions for a solution $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$ to the above optimization problem are:
$$ \begin{align*} X y - \lambda_{\text{max}} y &= 0_{m} \\ y^T y &= 1. \end{align*} $$Indeed, any eigenvalue-eigenvector pair will also satisfy these conditions (replacing $\lambda_{\text{max}}$ with the appropriate eigenvalue). We can easily extend the above optimization problem to find all eigenvectors (and eigenvalues) of symmetric input matrix $X$ as,
$$ \begin{align*} \begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize (over $U \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$)} & \textbf{tr}(U^T X U) \\ \text{subject to} & U^T U = I_{m \times m}. \end{array} \end{align*} $$Note also that the solution is not unique, even if all eigenvalues are simple (i.e., even if $X$ has $m$ distinct eigenvalues). Given a solution $Y$, negating and permuting columns is also a solution. We typically rely on the solver to sort eigenvectors in ascending or descending order corresponding to their eigenvalues. However, the sign ambiguity for each eigenvector is unavoidable.
import torch
print(torch.cuda.get_device_name() if torch.cuda.is_available() else "No CUDA")
import sys
1.13.0 No CUDA
In the forward pass we can use PyTorch's torch.linalg.eigh
function for computing all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix, which is equivalent to solving the optimisation problem above. This function can be directly back-propagated but we will develop a version that is as fast and empirically more stable using ideas from deep declarative networks. The following shows the forward pass code.
class EigenDecompositionFcn(torch.autograd.Function):
"""PyTorch autograd function for eigen decomposition of real symmetric matrices.
The input matrix is made symmetric within the forward evaluation function."""
eps = 1.0e-9 # tolerance to consider two eigenvalues equal
def forward(ctx, X):
B, M, N = X.shape
assert N == M
with torch.no_grad():
lmd, Y = torch.linalg.eigh(0.5 * (X + X.transpose(1, 2)))
ctx.save_for_backward(lmd, Y)
return Y
Magnus (1985) gives the differentials as
$$ \begin{align*} \text{d} \lambda_{k} &= y_k^T (\text{d} X) y_k \\ \text{d} y_k &= (\lambda_{k} I - X)^{\dagger} (\text{d}{X}) y_k \end{align*} $$for any simple eigenvalue $\lambda_k$ and it's corresponding eigenvector $y_k$. Here $(\lambda_{k} I - X)^{\dagger}$ is the pseudo-inverse of $(\lambda_{k} I - X)$, which will be singular since we are zeroing out one of the eigenvalues. So with respect to the $(i,j)$-th component of $X$ we have
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\text{d} y_k}{\text{d} X_{ij}} &= -\frac{1}{2} (X - \lambda_{k} I)^{\dagger} (E_{ij} + E_{ji}) y_k \end{align*} $$where we have used the fact that $X$ is symmetrical.
To compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the $(i,j)$-th component of $X$ we need to sum over the contributions from all eigenvectors. Let $v_k^T = \frac{\text{d} L}{\text{d} y_k} \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times m}$. Then,
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\text{d} L}{\text{d} X_{ij}} &= \sum_{k=1}^{m} v_k^T \frac{\text{d} y_k}{\text{d} X_{ij}} \\ &= -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^{m} v_k^T (X - \lambda_{k} I)^{\dagger} (E_{ij} + E_{ji}) y_k \end{align*} $$Naively implementing this expression by looping over the contribution from each eigenvector is painfully slow. We show an example of such code below.
class EigenDecompositionFcn_v1(torch.autograd.Function):
"""PyTorch autograd function for eigen decomposition of real symmetric matrices.
The input matrix is made symmetric within the forward evaluation function."""
eps = 1.0e-9 # tolerance to consider two eigenvalues equal
def backward(ctx, dJdY):
X, lmd, Y = ctx.saved_tensors
B, M, N = dJdY.shape
assert M == N
dJdX = torch.zeros_like(X)
# loop over eigenvalues
for i in range(K):
L = torch.diag_embed(lmd[:, i].repeat(M, 1).transpose(0, 1))
w = -0.5 * torch.bmm(torch.pinverse(X - L), dJdY[:, :, i].view(B, M, 1)).view(B, M)
dJdX += torch.einsum("bi,bj->bij", w, Y[:, :, i]) + torch.einsum("bj,bi->bij", w, Y[:, :, i])
return dJdX, None
Recognising that $X$ can be decomposed as $Y \Lambda Y^T$ for $Y = \left[y_1 \, y_2 \, \cdots\, y_m\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$, which we obtain from the forward pass, we can write the gradient as
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\text{d} L}{\text{d} X_{ij}} &= \sum_{k=1}^{m} v_k^T \frac{\text{d} y_k}{\text{d} X_{ij}} \\ &= -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^{m} v_k^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{k} I)^{\dagger} Y^T (E_{ij} + E_{ji}) y_k \end{align*} $$and significantly speed up the various pseudo-inverse calculations in the backward pass.
class EigenDecompositionFcn_v2(torch.autograd.Function):
"""PyTorch autograd function for eigen decomposition of real symmetric matrices.
The input matrix is made symmetric within the forward evaluation function."""
eps = 1.0e-9 # tolerance to consider two eigenvalues equal
def backward(ctx, dJdY):
lmd, Y = ctx.saved_tensors
B, M, N = dJdY.shape
assert M == N
dJdX = torch.zeros_like(Y)
zero = torch.zeros(1, dtype=lmd.dtype, device=lmd.device)
# loop over eigenvalues
for i in range(K):
L = lmd - lmd[:, i].view(B, 1)
L = torch.where(torch.abs(L) < EigenDecompositionFcn.eps, zero, 1.0 / L)
w = -0.5 * torch.bmm(torch.bmm(Y, L.view(B, M, 1) * Y.transpose(1, 2)), dJdY[:, :, i].view(B, M, 1)).view(B, M)
dJdX += torch.einsum("bi,bj->bij", w, Y[:, :, i]) + torch.einsum("bj,bi->bij", w, Y[:, :, i])
return dJdX, None
A even faster implementation is possible with some rearranging of terms to reuse and vectorize calculations. Considering only the term involving $E_{ij}$ and observing that $E_{ij} y_k = e_i e_j^T y_k = Y_{jk} e_i$, we have
$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{k=1}^{m} v_k^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{k} I)^{\dagger} Y^T E_{ij} y_k &= \sum_{k=1}^{m} Y_{jk} v_k^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{k} I)^{\dagger} Y^T e_i \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} Y_{j1} & Y_{j2} & \cdots & Y_{jm} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} v_1^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{1} I)^{\dagger} \\ v_2^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{2} I)^{\dagger} \\ \vdots \\ v_m^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{m} I)^{\dagger} \end{bmatrix} Y^T e_i \\ &= e_j^T Y \begin{bmatrix} v_1^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{1} I)^{\dagger} \\ v_2^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{2} I)^{\dagger} \\ \vdots \\ v_m^T Y (\Lambda - \lambda_{m} I)^{\dagger} \end{bmatrix} Y^T e_i \\ &= e_j^T Y \left( \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \frac{1}{\lambda_2 - \lambda_1} & \cdots & \frac{1}{\lambda_m - \lambda_1} \\ \frac{1}{\lambda_1 - \lambda_2} & 0 & \cdots & \frac{1}{\lambda_m - \lambda_2} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{1}{\lambda_1 - \lambda_m} & \frac{1}{\lambda_2 - \lambda_m} & \ldots & 0 \end{bmatrix} \odot \begin{bmatrix} v_1^T Y \\ v_2^T Y \\ \vdots \\ v_m^T Y \end{bmatrix} \right) Y^T e_i \\ &= e_j^T Y (\tilde{\Lambda} \odot V^T Y) Y^T e_i \end{align*} $$where $V = \left[v_1 \, v_2 \, \cdots \, v_m \right]$ and $\tilde{\Lambda}_{ij} = \frac{1}{\lambda_i - \lambda_j}$ for $i \neq j$ and zero otherwise. The second last line is because post-multiplying a row vector by a diagonal matrix results in scaling each element of the vector by the corresponding diagonal entry. Thus we can eliminate the explicit for-loop in our backward pass code.
class EigenDecompositionFcn_v3(torch.autograd.Function):
"""PyTorch autograd function for eigen decomposition of real symmetric matrices.
The input matrix is made symmetric within the forward evaluation function."""
eps = 1.0e-9 # tolerance to consider two eigenvalues equal
def backward(ctx, dJdY):
lmd, Y = ctx.saved_tensors
B, M, N = dJdY.shape
assert M == N
zero = torch.zeros(1, dtype=lmd.dtype, device=lmd.device)
# do all eigenvalues in one go
L = lmd.view(B, 1, M) - lmd.view(B, N, 1)
L = torch.where(torch.abs(L) < EigenDecompositionFcn.eps, zero, 1.0 / L)
w = torch.bmm(L * torch.bmm(dJdY.transpose(1, 2), Y), Y.transpose(1, 2))
dJdX = torch.einsum("bik,bkj->bji", Y, w)
dJdX = -0.5 * (dJdX + dJdX.transpose(1, 2))
return dJdX, None
Continuing with some further algebraic manipulation we get
$$ \begin{align*} e_j^T Y (\tilde{\Lambda} \odot V^T Y) Y^T e_i &= e_i^T Y (\tilde{\Lambda}^T \odot Y^T V) Y^T e_j \\ &= \left(Y (\tilde{\Lambda}^T \odot Y^T V) Y^T \right)_{ij} \\ &= -\left(Y (\tilde{\Lambda} \odot Y^T V) Y^T \right)_{ij} \end{align*} $$Evident from this result is that we can efficiently compute derivatives with respect to all components of $X$ using a single expression, i.e.,
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\text{d} L}{\text{d} X} &= \frac{1}{2} \left(Y (\tilde{\Lambda} \odot Y^T V) Y^T \right) + \frac{1}{2} \left(Y (\tilde{\Lambda} \odot Y^T V) Y^T \right)^T \end{align*} $$The following code implements the full differentiable eigen decomposition PyTorch function with hand-coded backward pass. It is also available as EigenDecompositionFcn
in the ddn.pytorch.eigen_decomposition
module, which also allows for computing just the top-$k$ eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors.
class EigenDecompositionFcn(torch.autograd.Function):
"""PyTorch autograd function for eigen decomposition of real symmetric matrices.
The input matrix is made symmetric within the forward evaluation function."""
eps = 1.0e-9 # tolerance to consider two eigenvalues equal
def forward(ctx, X):
B, M, N = X.shape
assert N == M
with torch.no_grad():
lmd, Y = torch.linalg.eigh(0.5 * (X + X.transpose(1, 2)))
ctx.save_for_backward(lmd, Y)
return Y
def backward(ctx, dJdY):
lmd, Y = ctx.saved_tensors
B, M, N = dJdY.shape
assert N == M
zero = torch.zeros(1, dtype=lmd.dtype, device=lmd.device)
L = lmd.view(B, 1, N) - lmd.view(B, M, 1)
L = torch.where(torch.abs(L) < EigenDecompositionFcn.eps, zero, 1.0 / L)
dJdX = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(Y, L * torch.bmm(Y.transpose(1, 2), dJdY)), Y.transpose(1, 2))
dJdX = 0.5 * (dJdX + dJdX.transpose(1, 2))
return dJdX, None
We profile the running time and memory required by the various implementations. All implementations use the same forward pass method, namely torch.linalg.eigh
. We plot the speed of the backward pass code relative to the forward pass.
import time, os, sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})
import torch
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
import torch.autograd.profiler as profiler
from ddn.pytorch.eigen_decomposition import EigenDecompositionFcn
from testEigenDecomposition import EigenDecompositionFcn_eigh, EigenDecompositionFcn_v1, EigenDecompositionFcn_v2, EigenDecompositionFcn_v3, speed_memory_test
def plot_profiling(device=torch.device("cpu")):
"""Speed and memory profiling."""
data = {}
for f in [EigenDecompositionFcn,
time_fwd, time_bck, mem = speed_memory_test(lambda X: f.apply(X, None),
(5 if device == torch.device('cpu') else 1000, 32),
num_iter_speed=1000, num_iter_memory=5, device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
print(f.__name__, time_fwd, time_bck, mem)
data[f.__name__] = {'time_fwd': time_fwd, 'time_bck': time_bck, 'total_mem': mem}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
b = plt.bar(tuple(range(6)), [data['EigenDecompositionFcn']['time_fwd'],
log=True, color=['r', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'g'])
ax.set_xticklabels(['fwd', 'bck (v1)', 'bck (v2)', 'bck (v3)', 'bck (final)', 'bck (eigh)'])
# add counts above the two bar graphs
for rect in b:
height = rect.get_height()
value = height / data['EigenDecompositionFcn']['time_fwd']
plt.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2.0, height, f'{value:0.1f}x', ha='center', va='bottom')
plt.ylabel('log time (ms)')
plt.grid(True); plt.grid(True, which='minor', axis='y', ls='--')
plt.title("Differentiable eigen decomposition implementation comparison on {}".format(device))
# profile on cpu
EigenDecompositionFcn 0.7057057046149675 0.30930931059954997 1.9325370788574219 EigenDecompositionFcn_v1 0.6596596594116799 34.87687687658974 77.40751647949219 EigenDecompositionFcn_v2 0.5005004998013094 10.463463463676018 24.186046600341797 EigenDecompositionFcn_v3 0.5355355349855052 0.4224224226759957 2.2236547470092773 EigenDecompositionFcn_eigh 0.595595595567628 0.32732732690967714 1.592463493347168
# profile on gpu
if torch.cuda.is_available():