[1] Creating white matter masks [2] Remove the ventricles from a white matter mask [3] Aggregating file pieces from parallel computing
bi_exp_rs - two decaying exponentials fit to the relative diffusion signal (bi-exponential) single_exp_rs - one decaying exponentials fit to the relative diffusion signal (single exponential)
sfm - sparse fascicle model mfODF_se - multi fODF diffusion model with a single exponential isotropic model mfODF_be - multi fODF diffusion model with a bi-exponential isotropic model sfODF_se - single fODF diffusion model with a single exponential isotropic model sfODF_be - single fODF diffusion model with a bi-exponential isotropic model dtm - diffusion tensor model
wm - white matter mp - model parameters cod - coefficient of determination ad - axial diffusivity rd - radial diffusivity