The floating escalator: Combining 1559 and the escalator
The floating escalator: Combining 1559 and the escalator// References + footnotes let referenceData = { adjustment: { content: "This means basefee updates are not commutative! Raising basefee by 12.5% then decreasing it by 12.5% does not return it to its original level..." }, escincrement: { content: "This gives the inequality $v - tc - (b + (t+1)c) > 0 \\Leftrightarrow v - b - c > 2ct \\Leftrightarrow t < (v-b-c)/2c$ so $t^* = \\lfloor (v-b-c)/2c \\rfloor$." }, burnt: { content: "Although perhaps not a cost to the more general population of ETH holders, but we narrow our focus to the (users, miners) system alone here." }, inclusion: { content: "We could model their opportunity cost of locking up funds for the duration of their transaction, but we don't do it here." }, valid: { content: ["There are two reasons why a transaction pool might not want to drop transactions where the basefee is higher than their posted gas price:", e("br"), e("ol", {}, e("li", {}, "The basefee could always come back down! Keeping transactions around is memory-intensive, but a miner could realise a better profit from a transaction which could not be included as long as its gas price was smaller than the prevailing basefee. We explore ", e( "a", { href: "" }, "this situation in the notes here" ), "." ), e("li", {}, "We could also decide that transactions with a gas price lower than the prevailing basefee could still be included, but the miner must pay for the difference. The miner receives a tip from each transaction, equal to the difference between the transaction's gas price and the basefee for the block. When gas price is greater than basefee, the tip is positive, this is the regular case. When the opposite is true, the tip becomes negative, and the miner subsidises the transaction. One might want to have this option to give miners the possibility of subsidising transactions they really want to include. To make sure everything is balanced, we still need to require that the sum of all tips be positive.") ), "The second policy was indeed suggested in the original EIP, but has since fallen in disfavour, since this opened the door to exploitation.", e("br"), e("br"), "The first reason why miners might want to keep transactions \"submerged\" by the current basefee still holds, but a good transaction ordering and memory policy for clients (that would make this possible) is yet to be found."] }, optimum: { content: "To be precise, we should execute several runs of the simulation to obtain different user samples." } }; // Authors let authorData = ["barnabe"];Many thanks to Sacha for his edits and comments; Fred for contributions to the abm1559 codebase and comments.