Our task will be the same as in the preceding class on (generative) classification. But this time, the class-conditional data distributions look very non-Gaussian, yet the linear discriminative boundary looks easy enough:
using Pkg;Pkg.activate("probprog/workspace");Pkg.instantiate()
using Random; Random.seed!(1234);
# Generate dataset {(x1,y1),...,(xN,yN)}
# x is a 2-d feature vector [x_1;x_2]
# y ∈ {false,true} is a binary class label
# p(x|y) is multi-modal (mixture of uniform and Gaussian distributions)
using PyPlot
N = 200
X, y = genDataset(N) # Generate data set, collect in matrix X and vector y
X_c1 = X[:,findall(.!y)]'; X_c2 = X[:,findall(y)]' # Split X based on class label
X_test = [3.75; 1.0] # Features of 'new' data point
function plotDataSet()
plot(X_c1[:,1], X_c1[:,2], "bx", markersize=8)
plot(X_c2[:,1], X_c2[:,2], "r+", markersize=8, fillstyle="none")
plot(X_test[1], X_test[2], "ko")
xlabel(L"x_1"); ylabel(L"x_2");
legend([L"y=0", L"y=1",L"y=?"], loc=2)
xlim([-2;10]); ylim([-4, 8])
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead │ caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67 └ @ PyCall /Users/pol/.julia/packages/PyCall/3fwVL/src/numpy.jl:67
clearly do not match the data distribution.
where $$\sigma(a) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-a}}$$ is the logistic function.
Note that for generative classification, we create a prior and likelihood for the class labels $C_k$, whereas in the case of discriminative classification, we create a a prior and likelihood function for the parameters $w$. Both are proper Bayesian approaches.
In the optional paper by T. Minka (2005), you can read how the model assumptions for discriminative classification can be re-interpreted as a special generative model (this paper not for exam).
As an exercise, please check that for logistic regression with $p(y_n =1 \,|\, x_n, w) = \sigma(w^T x_n)$, the discrimination boundary, which can be computed by
$$\frac{p(y_n\in\mathcal{C}_1|x_n)}{p(y_n\in\mathcal{C}_0|x_n)} \overset{!}{=} 1$$ is a straight line, see Exercises.
After model specification, the rest follows by application of probability theory.
The posterior for the weights follows by Bayes rule
In principle, Bayesian inference is done now!
Unfortunately, the posterior $p(w \,|\, D)$ is not Gaussian and the evidence $p(D)$ is also not analytically computable. (We will deal with this later).
where the Hessian matrix $A$ is defined by $$ A = - \nabla \nabla \left. \log f(z) \right|_{z=z_0} \tag{B-4.132} $$
with $z_0$ and $A$ defined by eqs. B-4.126 and B-4.132.
where we used shorthand $\sigma_n$ for $\sigma\left( (2y_n-1) w^T x_n\right)$.
with $$ S_N^{-1} = S_0^{-1} + \sum_n \sigma_n (1-\sigma_n) x_n x_n^T \tag{B-4.143} $$
with the Gaussian CDF $\Phi(x)= \frac{1}{\sqrt(2\pi)}\int_{-\infty}^{x}e^{-t^2/2}\mathrm{d}t$, $ \lambda^2= \pi / 8 $ and $\sigma(a) = 1/(1+e^{-a})$. Thus, substituting $\Phi(\lambda a)$ with $ \lambda^2= \pi / 8 $ for $\sigma(a)$ leads to
$$\begin{align*} p(y_\bullet = 1 \mid x_\bullet, D) &= \int \sigma(w^T x_\bullet) \cdot p(w|D) \,\mathrm{d}w \\ &\approx \int \underbrace{\Phi(\lambda a)}_{\text{probit function}} \cdot \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(a\,|\, \mu_a, \sigma_a^2\right)}_{\text{Gaussian}} \,\mathrm{d}a \\ &= \Phi\left( \frac{\mu_a}{\sqrt(\lambda^{-2} +\sigma_a^2)}\right) \tag{B-4.152} \end{align*}$$With the usual 1-of-K encoding scheme for classes ($y_{nk}=1$ if $x_n \in \mathcal{C}_k$, otherwise $y_{nk}=0$), the log-likelihood for a $K$-dimensional discriminative classifier is
$$\begin{align*} \mathrm{L}(\theta) &= \log \prod_n \prod_k {p(\mathcal{C}_k|x_n,\theta)}^{y_{nk}} \\ &= \log \prod_n \prod_k \Bigg(\underbrace{\frac{e^{\theta_k^T x_n}}{ \sum_j e^{\theta_j^T x_n}}}_{\text{softmax function}}\Bigg)^{y_{nk}} \\ &= \sum_n \sum_k y_{kn} \log \big( \frac{e^{\theta_k^T x_n}}{ \sum_j e^{\theta_j^T x_n}} \big) \end{align*}$$
Let us perform ML estimation of $w$ on the data set from the introduction. To allow an offset in the discrimination boundary, we add a constant 1 to the feature vector $x$. We only have to specify the (negative) log-likelihood and the gradient w.r.t. $w$. Then, we use an off-the-shelf optimisation library to minimize the negative log-likelihood.
We plot the resulting maximum likelihood discrimination boundary. For comparison we also plot the ML discrimination boundary obtained from the code example in the generative Gaussian classifier lesson.
using Optim # Optimization library
y_1 = zeros(length(y))# class 1 indicator vector
y_1[findall(y)] .= 1
X_ext = vcat(X, ones(1, length(y))) # Extend X with a row of ones to allow an offset in the discrimination boundary
# Implement negative log-likelihood function
function negative_log_likelihood(θ::Vector)
# Return negative log-likelihood: -L(θ)
p_1 = 1.0 ./ (1.0 .+ exp.(-X_ext' * θ)) # P(C1|X,θ)
return -sum(log.( (y_1 .* p_1) + ((1 .- y_1).*(1 .- p_1))) ) # negative log-likelihood
# Use Optim.jl optimiser to minimize the negative log-likelihood function w.r.t. θ
results = optimize(negative_log_likelihood, zeros(3), LBFGS())
θ = results.minimizer
# Plot the data set and ML discrimination boundary
p_1(x) = 1.0 ./ (1.0 .+ exp(-([x;1.]' * θ)))
boundary(x1) = -1 ./ θ[2] * (θ[1]*x1 .+ θ[3])
plot([-2.;10.], boundary([-2.; 10.]), "k-");
# # Also fit the generative Gaussian model from lesson 7 and plot the resulting discrimination boundary for comparison
generative_boundary = buildGenerativeDiscriminationBoundary(X, y)
plot([-2.;10.], generative_boundary([-2;10]), "k:");
legend([L"y=0";L"y=1";L"y=?";"Discr. boundary";"Gen. boundary"], loc=3);
# Given $\hat{\theta}$, we can classify a new input $x_\bullet = [3.75, 1.0]^T$:
x_test = [3.75;1.0]
println("P(C1|x•,θ) = $(p_1(x_test))")
P(C1|x•,θ) = 0.4016963547369798
┌ Info: Precompiling Optim [429524aa-4258-5aef-a3af-852621145aeb] └ @ Base loading.jl:1423
The generative model gives a bad result because the feature distribution of one class is clearly non-Gaussian: the model does not fit the data well.
The discriminative approach does not suffer from this problem because it makes no assumptions about the feature distribition $p(x|y)$, it just estimates the conditional class distribution $p(y|x)$ directly.
Generative | Discriminative (ML) | |
1 | Like density estimation, model joint prob. $$p(\mathcal{C}_k) p(x|\mathcal{C}_k) = \pi_k \mathcal{N}(\mu_k,\Sigma)$$ | Like (linear) regression, model conditional $$p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta)$$ |
2 | Leads to softmax posterior class probability $$ p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta ) = e^{\theta_k^T x}/Z$$ with structured $\theta$ | Choose also softmax posterior class probability $$ p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta ) = e^{\theta_k^T x}/Z$$ but now with 'free' $\theta$ |
3 | For Gaussian $p(x|\mathcal{C}_k)$ and multinomial priors, $$\hat \theta_k = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} { - \frac{1}{2} \mu_k^T \sigma^{-1} \mu_k + \log \pi_k} \\ {\sigma^{-1} \mu_k } \\ \end{array}} \right]$$ in one shot. | Find $\hat\theta_k$ through gradient-based adaptation $$\nabla_{\theta_k}\mathrm{L}(\theta) = \sum_n \Big( y_{nk} - \frac{e^{\theta_k^T x_n}}{\sum_{k^\prime} e^{\theta_{k^\prime}^T x_n}} \Big)\, x_n$$ |
from which it follows that $$\begin{align*} \log p(w | D) \propto -\frac{1}{2}\log |S_0| -\frac{1}{2} (w-m_0)^T S_0^{-1} (w-m_0) +\sum_n \log \sigma\left( a_n\right) \end{align*}$$ and the gradient $$\begin{align*} \nabla_{w}\log p(w | D) &\propto \underbrace{S_0^{-1} (m_0-w)}_{\text{SRM-5b}} +\sum_n \underbrace{\frac{1}{\sigma(a_n)}}_{\frac{\partial \log \sigma(a_n)}{\partial \sigma(a_n)}} \cdot \underbrace{\sigma(a_n) \cdot (1-\sigma(a_n))}_{\frac{\partial \sigma(a_n)}{\partial a_n}} \cdot \underbrace{(2y_n-1)x_n}_{\frac{\partial a_n}{\partial w} \text{ (see SRM-5a)}} \\ &= S_0^{-1} (m_0-w) + \sum_n (2y_n-1) (1-\sigma(a_n)) x_n \quad \text{(gradient)} \end{align*}$$ where we used $\sigma^\prime(a) = \sigma(a)\cdot (1-\sigma(a))$.
since $(2y_n-1)^2=1$ for $y_n \in \{0,1\}$.
The Log-likelihood is $ \mathrm{L}(\theta) = \log \prod_n \prod_k {\underbrace{p(\mathcal{C}_k|x_n,\theta)}_{p_{nk}}}^{y_{nk}} = \sum_{n,k} y_{nk} \log p_{nk}$
Use the fact that the softmax $\phi_k \equiv e^{a_k} / {\sum_j e^{a_j}}$ has analytical derivative:
open("../../styles/aipstyle.html") do f
display("text/html", read(f,String))