We consider a one-dimensional cart position tracking problem, see Faragher 2012.
The hidden states are the position $z_t$ and velocity $\dot z_t$. We can apply an external acceleration/breaking force $u_t$. (Noisy) observations are represented by $x_t$.
The equations of motions are given by
In this lesson, we consider models where the sequence order of observations matters.
Consider the ordered observation sequence $x^T \triangleq \left(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_T\right)$.
that 'explains' the time series $x^T$.
limits the dependencies to the past $K$ samples.
which is usually accompanied by an initial state distribution $p(z_{1k}=1) = \pi_k$.
As we have seen, inference tasks in linear Gaussian state space models can be analytically solved.
However, these derivations quickly become cumbersome and prone to errors.
Alternatively, we could specify the generative model in a (Forney-style) factor graph and use automated message passing to infer the posterior over the hidden variables. Here follows some examples.
Filtering, a.k.a. state estimation: estimation of a state (at time step $t$), based on past and current (at $t$) observations.
with $$\begin{align*} \rho_t^2 &= a^2 \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \sigma_z^2 \quad \text{(predicted variance)}\\ K_t &= \frac{c \rho_t^2}{c^2 \rho_t^2 + \sigma_x^2} \quad \text{(Kalman gain)} \\ \mu_t &= \underbrace{a \mu_{t-1}}_{\text{prior prediction}} + K_t \cdot \underbrace{\left( x_t - c a \mu_{t-1}\right)}_{\text{prediction error}} \quad \text{(posterior mean)}\\ \sigma_t^2 &= \left( 1 - c\cdot K_t \right) \rho_t^2 \quad \text{(posterior variance)} \end{align*}$$
Kalman filtering consists of computing/updating these last four equations for each new observation ($x_t$). This is a very efficient recursive algorithm to estimate the state $z_t$ from all observations (until $t$).
It turns out that it's also possible to get an analytical result for $p(x_t|x^{t-1})$, which is the model evidence in a filtering context. See optional slides for details.
the Kalman filter update equations for the posterior $p(z_t |x^t) = \mathcal{N}\left(z_t \bigm| \mu_t, V_t \right)$ are given by (see Bishop, pg.639) $$\begin{align*} P_t &= A V_{t-1} A^T + \Gamma \qquad &&\text{(predicted variance)}\\ K_t &= P_t C^T \cdot \left(C P_t C^T + \Sigma \right)^{-1} \qquad &&\text{(Kalman gain)} \\ \mu_t &= A \mu_{t-1} + K_t\cdot\left(x_t - C A \mu_{t-1} \right) \qquad &&\text{(posterior state mean)}\\ V_t &= \left(I-K_t C \right) P_{t} \qquad &&\text{(posterior state variance)} \end{align*}$$
using Rocket, ReactiveMP, RxInfer, LinearAlgebra, PyPlot
# Specify the model parameters
Δt = 1.0 # assume the time steps to be equal in size
A = [1.0 Δt;
0.0 1.0]
b = [0.5*Δt^2; Δt]
Σz = convert(Matrix,Diagonal([0.2*Δt; 0.1*Δt])) # process noise covariance
Σx = convert(Matrix,Diagonal([1.0; 2.0])) # observation noise covariance;
# Generate noisy observations
n = 10 # perform 10 timesteps
z_start = [10.0; 2.0] # initial state
u = 0.2 * ones(n) # constant input u
noisy_x = generateNoisyMeasurements(z_start, u, A, b, Σz, Σx);
m_z = noisy_x[1] # initial predictive mean
V_z = A * (1e8*Diagonal(I,2) * A') + Σz # initial predictive covariance
for t = 2:n
global m_z, V_z, m_pred_z, V_pred_z
m_pred_z = A * m_z + b * u[t] # predictive mean
V_pred_z = A * V_z * A' + Σz # predictive covariance
gain = V_pred_z * inv(V_pred_z + Σx) # Kalman gain
m_z = m_pred_z + gain * (noisy_x[t] - m_pred_z) # posterior mean update
V_z = (Diagonal(I,2)-gain)*V_pred_z # posterior covariance update
println("Prediction: ",MvNormalMeanCovariance(m_pred_z,V_pred_z))
println("Measurement: ", MvNormalMeanCovariance(noisy_x[n],Σx))
println("Posterior: ", MvNormalMeanCovariance(m_z,V_z))
plotCartPrediction(m_pred_z[1], V_pred_z[1], m_z[1], V_z[1], noisy_x[n][1], Σx[1][1]);
Prediction: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [40.81475989078067, 3.8792027585569526] Σ: [1.2958787328575079 0.3921572953097835; 0.3921572953130242 0.3415636711134632] ) Measurement: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [41.26691427784205, 2.6610823772108425] Σ: [1.0 0.0; 0.0 2.0] ) Posterior: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [40.97269820495181, 3.8000643123843214] Σ: [0.5516100293973586 0.15018972175285758; 0.15018972175409862 0.24143326063188655] )
@model function cart_tracking(n, A, b, Σz, Σx, z_prev_m_0, z_prev_v_0, u)
# We create constvar references for better efficiency
cA = constvar(A)
cB = constvar(b)
cΣz = constvar(Σz)
cΣx = constvar(Σx)
znodes = Vector{Any}(undef, n)
# `z` is a sequence of hidden states
z = randomvar(n)
# `x` is a sequence of "clamped" observations
x = datavar(Vector{Float64}, n)
z_prior ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(z_prev_m_0, z_prev_v_0)
z_prev = z_prior
for i in 1:n
znodes[i],z[i] ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(cA * z_prev + cB*u[i], cΣz)
x[i] ~ MvNormalMeanCovariance(z[i], cΣx)
z_prev = z[i]
return z, x, znodes
Now that we've built the model, we can perform Kalman filtering by inserting measurement data into the model and performing message passing.
z_prev_m_0 = noisy_x[1]
z_prev_v_0 = A * (1e8*Diagonal(I,2) * A') + Σz ;
result = inference(model=cart_tracking(n, A,b, Σz, Σx, z_prev_m_0, z_prev_v_0,u), data=(x=noisy_x,), free_energy=true);
μz_posterior, Σz_posterior = mean.(result.posteriors[:z])[end], cov.(result.posteriors[:z])[end];
prediction_z_1 = ReactiveMP.messageout(ReactiveMP.getinterface(result.returnval[end][end], :out))
prediction = ReactiveMP.materialize!(Rocket.getrecent(prediction_z_1));
println("Prediction: ",MvNormalMeanCovariance(mean(prediction), cov(prediction)))
println("Measurement: ", MvNormalMeanCovariance(noisy_x[n], Σx))
println("Posterior: ", MvNormalMeanCovariance(μz_posterior, Σz_posterior))
plotCartPrediction(mean(prediction)[1], cov(prediction)[1], μz_posterior[1], Σz_posterior[1], noisy_x[n][1], Σx[1][1]);
Prediction: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [40.802612803139645, 3.8754423083271528] Σ: [1.2934227334046857 0.3916229823498387; 0.3916229823498387 0.3414332606222485] ) Measurement: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [41.26691427784205, 2.6610823772108425] Σ: [1.0 0.0; 0.0 2.0] ) Posterior: MvNormalMeanCovariance( μ: [40.96734677603605, 3.7985715143001206] Σ: [0.551150997075792 0.1501469959500068; 0.1501469959500068 0.24141815274489328] )
In particular, the RHS evaluates to $$\begin{align*} \mathcal{N}(x_t|c z_t, &\sigma_x^2) \, \int \underbrace{\mathcal{N}(z_t\,|\,a z_{t-1},\sigma_z^2)}_{\text{use renormalization}} \mathcal{N}(z_{t-1} \,|\, \mu_{t-1}, \sigma_{t-1}^2) \mathrm{d}z_{t-1} \\ &= \mathcal{N}(x_t|c z_t, \sigma_x^2) \, \int \frac{1}{a}\underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(z_{t-1}\bigm| \frac{z_t}{a},\left(\frac{\sigma_z}{a}\right)^2 \right) \mathcal{N}(z_{t-1} \,|\, \mu_{t-1}, \sigma_{t-1}^2)}_{\text{use Gaussian multiplication formula SRG-6}} \mathrm{d}z_{t-1} \\ &= \frac{1}{a} \mathcal{N}(x_t|c z_t, \sigma_x^2) \, \int \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(\mu_{t-1}\bigm| \frac{z_t}{a},\left(\frac{\sigma_z}{a}\right)^2 + \sigma_{t-1}^2 \right)}_{\text{not a function of }z_{t-1}} \underbrace{\mathcal{N}(z_{t-1} \,|\, \cdot, \cdot)}_{\text{integrates to }1} \mathrm{d}z_{t-1} \\ &= \frac{1}{a} \underbrace{\mathcal{N}(x_t|c z_t, \sigma_x^2)}_{\text{use renormalization rule}} \, \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(\mu_{t-1}\bigm| \frac{z_t}{a},\left(\frac{\sigma_z}{a}\right)^2 + \sigma_{t-1}^2 \right)}_{\text{use renormalization rule}} \\ &= \frac{1}{c} \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(z_t \bigm| \frac{x_t}{c}, \left( \frac{\sigma_x}{c}\right)^2 \right) \mathcal{N}\left(z_t\, \bigm|\,a \mu_{t-1},\sigma_z^2 + \left(a \sigma_{t-1}\right)^2 \right)}_{\text{use SRG-6 again}} \\ &= \underbrace{\frac{1}{c} \mathcal{N}\left( \frac{x_t}{c} \bigm| a \mu_{t-1}, \left( \frac{\sigma_x}{c}\right)^2+ \sigma_z^2 + \left(a \sigma_{t-1}\right)^2\right)}_{\text{use renormalization}} \, \mathcal{N}\left( z_t \,|\, \mu_t, \sigma_t^2\right)\\ &= \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left(x_t \,|\, ca \mu_{t-1}, \sigma_x^2 + c^2(\sigma_z^2+a^2\sigma_{t-1}^2) \right)}_{\text{evidence } p(x_t|x^{t-1})} \cdot \underbrace{\mathcal{N}\left( z_t \,|\, \mu_t, \sigma_t^2\right)}_{\text{posterior }p(z_t|x^t) } \end{align*}$$ with $$\begin{align*} \rho_t^2 &= a^2 \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \sigma_z^2 \qquad &&\text{(predicted variance)}\\ K_t &= \frac{c \rho_t^2}{c^2 \rho_t^2 + \sigma_x^2} \qquad &&\text{(Kalman gain)} \\ \mu_t &= \underbrace{a \mu_{t-1}}_{\text{prior prediction}} + K_t \cdot \underbrace{\left( x_t - c a \mu_{t-1}\right)}_{\text{prediction error}} \qquad &&\text{(posterior mean)}\\ \sigma_t^2 &= \left( 1 - c\cdot K_t \right) \rho_t^2 \qquad &&\text{(posterior variance)} \end{align*}$$
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