Solution: To be solved later in this lesson.
Let's first generate a data set (see next slide).
using Distributions, PyPlot
N = 250; p_apple = 0.7; Σ = [0.2 0.1; 0.1 0.3]
p_given_apple = MvNormal([1.0, 1.0], Σ) # p(X|y=apple)
p_given_peach = MvNormal([1.7, 2.5], Σ) # p(X|y=peach)
X = Matrix{Float64}(undef,2,N); y = Vector{Bool}(undef,N) # true corresponds to apple
for n=1:N
y[n] = (rand() < p_apple) # Apple or peach?
X[:,n] = y[n] ? rand(p_given_apple) : rand(p_given_peach) # Sample features
X_apples = X[:,findall(y)]'; X_peaches = X[:,findall(.!y)]' # Sort features on class
x_test = [2.3; 1.5] # Features of 'new' data point
function plot_fruit_dataset()
# Plot the data set and x_test
plot(X_apples[:,1], X_apples[:,2], "r+") # apples
plot(X_peaches[:,1], X_peaches[:,2], "bx") # peaches
plot(x_test[1], x_test[2], "ko") # 'new' unlabelled data point
legend(["Apples"; "Peaches"; "Apple or peach?"], loc=2)
xlabel(L"x_1"); ylabel(L"x_2"); xlim([-1,3]); ylim([-1,4])
where we used $m_k \triangleq \sum_n y_{nk}$.
where $\hat \pi_k$, $\hat{\mu}_k$ and $\hat{\Sigma}_k$ are the sample proportion, sample mean and sample variance for the $k$th class, respectively.
where $\sigma(a_k) \triangleq \frac{\exp(a_k)}{\sum_{k^\prime}\exp(a_{k^\prime})}$ is called a softmax (a.k.a. normalized exponential) function, and $$\begin{align*} \beta_k &= \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{\mu}_k \\ \gamma_k &= - \frac{1}{2} \hat{\mu}_k^T \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{\mu}_k + \log \hat{\pi}_k \\ Z &= \sum_{k^\prime}\exp\{\beta_{k^\prime}^T x_\bullet + \gamma_{k^\prime}\}\,. \quad \text{(normalization constant)} \end{align*}$$
where we defined $\beta_{kj} \triangleq \beta_k - \beta_j$ and similarly for $\gamma_{kj}$.
is an appealing decision.
We'll apply the above results to solve the "apple or peach" example problem.
# Make sure you run the data-generating code cell first
# Multinomial (in this case binomial) density estimation
p_apple_est = sum(y.==true) / length(y)
π_hat = [p_apple_est; 1-p_apple_est]
# Estimate class-conditional multivariate Gaussian densities
d1 = fit_mle(FullNormal, X_apples') # MLE density estimation d1 = N(μ₁, Σ₁)
d2 = fit_mle(FullNormal, X_peaches') # MLE density estimation d2 = N(μ₂, Σ₂)
Σ = π_hat[1]*cov(d1) + π_hat[2]*cov(d2) # Combine Σ₁ and Σ₂ into Σ
conditionals = [MvNormal(mean(d1), Σ); MvNormal(mean(d2), Σ)] # p(x|C)
# Calculate posterior class probability of x∙ (prediction)
function predict_class(k, X) # calculate p(Ck|X)
norm = π_hat[1]*pdf(conditionals[1],X) + π_hat[2]*pdf(conditionals[2],X)
return π_hat[k]*pdf(conditionals[k], X) ./ norm
println("p(apple|x=x∙) = $(predict_class(1,x_test))")
# Discrimination boundary of the posterior (p(apple|x;D) = p(peach|x;D) = 0.5)
β(k) = inv(Σ)*mean(conditionals[k])
γ(k) = -0.5 * mean(conditionals[k])' * inv(Σ) * mean(conditionals[k]) + log(π_hat[k])
function discriminant_x2(x1)
# Solve discriminant equation for x2
β12 = β(1) .- β(2)
γ12 = (γ(1) .- γ(2))[1,1]
return -1*(β12[1]*x1 .+ γ12) ./ β12[2]
plot_fruit_dataset() # Plot dataset
x1 = range(-1,length=10,stop=3)
plot(x1, discriminant_x2(x1), "k-") # Plot discrimination boundary
fill_between(x1, -1, discriminant_x2(x1), color="r", alpha=0.2)
fill_between(x1, discriminant_x2(x1), 4, color="b", alpha=0.2);
p(apple|x=x∙) = 0.7996875392706204
where $\beta _k= \Sigma^{-1} \mu_k$ and $\gamma_k=- \frac{1}{2} \mu_k^T \Sigma^{-1} \mu_k + \log \pi_k$.
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